Up-regulation of the inward rectifier K
current (
) in the mouse heart accelerates and stabilizes rotors
J Physiol Noujaim et al. 578: 315
Supplemental Data
x1 data PDF, x1 supplemental figures PDF, 7 movie files
Files in this Data Supplement:
121475newOnline Supplement.pdf
- Supplemental PDF file
- Supplemental PDF figure file
TG 2by2 simulation.mpg
- Supplemental movie file 1 of 7
TG rotor.mpg
- Supplemental movie file 2 of 7
TG VF.avi
- Supplemental movie file 3 of 7
WT 1by1 simulation.mpg
- Supplemental movie file 4 of 7
WT 2by2 simulation.mpg
- Supplemental movie file 5 of 7
WT rotor.avi
- Supplemental movie file 6 of 7
WT VF.mpg
- Supplemental movie file 7 of 7