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Supporting Figure 8

Fig. 8. A series of data sets of A?C or D?F was obtained from the same neuron of BDNF (+/+) or BDNF(-/-) mice, respectively. We measured miniature EPSCs (mEPSC) frequency as well as amplitude at ?70 mV just after conversion of "silent" synapse into active one by pairing stimulation. (A) A typical example of the conversion of NMDAR only synapses in the wild-type mouse (P4). A black arrow indicates the timing of pairing stimulation. An asterisk indicates the start of Tetrodotoxin treatment to measure mEPSC. On the other hand, a typical example of the conversion of NMDAR-only synapses in P8 BDNF (- /-) mouse in the presence of exogenous BDNF was shown in D. (B and E) Examples of continuous recordings 10 min after pairing stimulation, which showed mEPSC frequency. (C and F) Amplitude histogram of mEPSCs. Histogram from active neurons (already active without pairing stimulation) in the P8 mice is displayed (Insets).