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Table 3. Results of the toxicity assays for all the cysteine mutants of PA


First assay



Second assay


Not expressed


Domain 1

I210, K225, T240, K245

D177, D179, D181, G182, I183, D185, E188, G191, Y192, R200, F202, W206, Y219, S221, P223, W226, S227, T228, A229, D231, Y233, S234, D235, F236, K238, G241, D244, H253

T169, S170, G172, P184, L187, V189, E190, D195, K197, T201, L203, I207, H211, K214, G215, S222, S230, P232, R242, V247, A251, R252

S168, A171, P173, T174, V175, P176, R178, N180, S186, T193, V194, V196, N198, K199, S204, P205, S208, N209, E212, K213, L216, T217, K218, K220, E224, E237, V239, I243, N246, S248, P249, E250

Domain 2

S337, G342, W346, T357, I364, P379, T380, S382, T390, T393, K397, N399, Y411, I419, A420, N422, F427, S428, D451, D453, V455, N458

P254, Y259, P260, V264, I270, K273, H304, I316, G318, I334, L338, R344, E348, N353, R359, N361, N363, R365, Y366, V367, N368, G370, P373, Y375, V384, L391, I394, K395, A396, Q400, S402, Q403, L405, P407, P412, P418, Q424, D425, D426, I432, T433, N435, Q447, Q454, G457, A460, W477, E479, I484

L255, A257, A258, I269, S272, N274, T279, N281, T282, S284, T286, I289, S290, H310, A311, S312, F313, F314, G317, S319, A347, A355, L383, Q389, A406, A417, L421, A423, S429, P431, M434, R468, V469, R470, V471, G474, S475, N476, S478, Q483

V256, I261, V262, H263, D265, M266, E267, N268, L271, E275, D276, Q277, S278, Q280, D283, E285, R287, T288, K291, N292, T293, S294, T295, S296, R297, T298, H299, T300, S301, E302, V303, G305, N306, A307, E308, V309, D315, V320, S321, A322, G323, F324, S325, N326, S327, N328, S329, S330, T331, V332, A333, D335, H336, S339, L340, A341, E343, T345, T349, M350, G351, L352, T354, D356, A358, L360, A362, T369, T371, A372, I374, N376, V377, L378, T381, L385, G386, K387, N388, A392, E398, L401, I404, N408, N409, Y410, S413, K414, N415, L416, T430, Y436, N437, Q438, F439, L440, E441, L442, E443, K444, T445, K446, L448, R449, L450, T452, Y456, I459, T461, Y462, N463, F464, E465, N466, G467, D472, T473, V480, L481, P482, Q485, E486, T487

Domain 3


T488, R503, T522, L523, D546, I547, Q560, N573, Y575, V577, L590, R592

A489, E502, A506, P510, D512, P513, L514, T517, K518, P519, Q541, K563, A585, K586, D593

R490, I491, I492, F493, N494, G495, K496, D497, L498, N499, L500, V501, R504, I505, A507, V508, N509, S511, T516, D520, M521, K524, E525, A526, L527, K528, I529, A530, F531, G532, F533, N534, E535, P536, N537, G538, N539, L540, Y542, Q543, G544, K545, T548, E549, F550, D551, F552, N553, F554, D555, Q556, Q557, T558, S559, N561, I562, N564, Q565, L566, A567, E568, L569, N570, A571, T572, I574, T576, L578, D579, K580, I581, K582, L583, N584, M587, N588, I589, I591, K594, R595

Domain 4

I656, N657, I665, N682, D683, L687

F596, Y598, G606, Y642, G651, L668, I676, K680, Y694, Y699, E704, I724

A607, E609, V612, K613, V619, I620, D632, E645, L652, V655, R659, Y660, Q670, K673, K679, Y681, P686, A700, V701, K703, N705, I708, P710, I726, F727, G735

H597, D599, R600, N601, N602, I603, A604, V605, D608, S610, V611, E614, A615, H616, R617, E618, N621, S622, S623, T624, E625, G626, L627, L628, L629, N630, I631, K633, D634, I635, R636, K637, I638, L639, S640, G641, I643, V644, I646, E647, D648, T649, E650, K653, E654, D658, D661, M662, L663, N664, S666, S667, R669, D671, G672, T674, F675, D677, F678, K684, L685, Y688, I689, S690, N691, P692, N693, K695, V696, N697, V698, T702, T706, I707, N709, S711, E712, N713, G714, D715, T716, S717, T718, N719, G720, I721, K722, K723, L725, S728, K729, K730, G731, Y732, E733, I734

Cysteine mutants at the indicated residues are sorted according to their behavior in two successive toxicity assays fully described in Material and Methods. Mutants inactive in a first assay were subjected to a second one, and the expression level of mutants inactive in this second assay was assayed by Western blot. Some mutants (underlined residues) were directly tested in the second assay, either because they were only obtained as we were performing the second assay (A417, R468, Q541, A700, I708, and P710) or because the bacteria expressing them, for unknown reasons, reproducibly did not lyse in the presence of T7 phage (I289, S319, V655, K703, N705, and G735).