Defining the Functional Potential and Active Community Members of a Sediment Microbial Community in a High-Arctic Hypersaline Subzero Spring

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients of the LH metagenome taxonomic and functional reads under different cutoff E values (Table S1), percentages of genera related to the genes encoding enzymes facilitating nitrogen cycles (Table S2) and sulfate reduction (Table S3) in LH metagenome, representatives of genes/proteins related to oxidative stress (Table S4), osmotic stress (Table S5), and cold adaptation (Table S6) in LH metagenome, dereplication hits of active bacterial (Table S7) and archaeal (Table S8) 16S ribosomal cDNA based on 98% similarity, proportions of taxonomic and functional classifications of the total metagenomic reads (Fig. S1), neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of bacterial (Fig. S2) and archaeal (Fig. S3) representative sequences, active bacterial (Fig. S4) and archaeal (Fig. S5) compositions of LH spring sediments based on 16S ribosomal cDNA pyrosequencing analyses, neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of the verrucomicrobial representative sequences from the LH 16S ribosomal cDNA pyrosequencing dataset based on 437 bp (Fig. S6).

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