Knockout of mouse Cyp3a gene enhances synthesis of cholesterol and bile acid in the liver

Supplemental Data

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure 1 - α-Hydroxylation (A) and 4-hydroxylation (B) activities of triazolam in liver microsomes of wild-type (WT) and Cyp3a-/- (KO) mice
  • Supplemental Figure 2 - Expression levels of HMGCS1 (A), HMGCR (B) SQLE (C) and SREBF2 (D) mRNAs in the intestines of WT and KO mice
  • Supplemental Figure 3 - Expression levels of OATP2 (A), SULT2A1 (B), CYP2C55 (C), CYP2B10 (D) and Mdr1a (E) mRNAs in the livers of WT and KO mice
  • Supplemental Table 1 - Sequences of primers used in real-time PCR
  • Supplemental Table 2 - Nutrient composition of CE-2 diets