Supporting Information for Cromie et al., 2013
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supporting Information - Figures S1-S3, Files S1-S2, and Tables S1-S3 (PDF, 630 KB)
- Figure S1 - Population ancestry of strains inferred by InStruct. (PDF, 149 KB)
- Figure S2 - Linkage disequilibrium as a function of physical distance. (PDF, 139 KB)
- Figure S3 - RAD-seq neighbor-joining tree of the 38 S. cerevisiae strains used in both this study and a previous population analysis that used whole genome sequencing (compare to Liti et al. 2009 Figure 1C). (PDF, 83 KB)
- File S1 - Matrix of polymorphic sites (.txt, 3 MB)
- File S2 - Neighbor-joining tree of 262 S. cerevisiae strains based on multiple alignment of 116,880 bases (.zip, 4 KB)
- Table S1 - Strains used in this study, with population assignments inferred by InStruct (.xlsx, 87 KB)
- Table S2 - Populations inferred using InStruct and summary statistics (.xlsx, 44 KB)
- Table S3 - Fit of the population structure model as a function of the number of populations (.xlsx, 182 KB)