Reduced Insulin/Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Signaling and Dietary Restriction Inhibit Translation but Preserve Muscle Mass in
Caenorhabditis elegans
Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
Supplemental File 4
- Comparison with Dong et al. 2007 dataset
Supplemental File 5
- Selected lifespan assays
Supplemental File 6
- Discussion of daf-2 and DR-specifically altered proteins.
Supplemental Table 1
- Gene ontology annotation clustering analysis for daf-2 and DR specifically altered proteins
Supplemental Table 2
- qRT-PCR of ribosomal subunit proteins
Supplemental Table 3
- qRT-PCR of muscle proteins
Supplemental File 1
- PeptideAtlas sample labels
Supplemental File 2
- Identified proteins
Supplemental File 3
- Significantly altered proteins
Supplemental Figure 1
- 35-S protein synthesis assays