Simultaneous Expression of Multiple Proteins Under a Single Promoter in Caenorhabditis elegans via a Versatile 2A-Based Toolkit

Files in this data supplement:

  • Supporting Information: Figures S1-S7 and Tables S1-S3 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Figure S1: (A) Schematic representation of the constructs generated to test the canonical 2A (F2A, T2A, E2A and P2A) peptides in C. elegans. (B) Quantification of the number of cells exhibiting a given sub-cellular localization pattern for the GFP and HISTONE::mCherry proteins in transgenic lines expressing each of the 4 canonical 2A sequences ("correct localization", GFP in the whole cell, HISTONE::mCherry in the nucleus). (PDF, 136 KB)
  • Figure S2: Differential co-localization of both fluorescent proteins, GFP and HISTONE::mCherry, expressed from the P2A vector described in Fig. S1 (with col-34p), is confirmed by confocal SP2 microscopy in B, F and K rectal cells. (PDF, 619 KB)
  • Figure S3: Quantification of the expected localization pattern (GFP in the whole cell, HISTONE::mCherry in the nucleus) observed for lines expressing myo-3p::GFP::E2A::Histone::mCherry, myo-3p::GFP::P2A*::Histone::mCherry or myo-3p::GFP::SL2::Histone::mCherry at different developmental stages (see also Fig. 2A); n=total number of cells scored. (PDF, 64 KB)
  • Figure S4: The expected localization of GFP and mCherry is observed in all cells analyzed in transgenic animals ubiquitously expressing a his-72p::GFP::F2A::Histone::mCherry construct. (PDF, 343 KB)
  • Figure S5: (A) Additional line IS2008 expressing 5 different functional products in the Y, B and F rectal cells. (B) Quantification of the expected localization for each of the fluorescent protein, in the two transgenic lines IS2008 and IS2070; n=total number of cells scored. (PDF, 175 KB)
  • Figure S6: 2A TOOLKIT for C. elegans. (PDF, 119 KB)
  • Figure S7: Schematic representation of the 2A-modified fosmid WRM0622aC02 encompassing the ceh-6 genomic locus and the expression it drives in rectal cells (shown are the B,, U, F and K rectal cells) and that mimics the expression pattern observed after antibody staining for CEH-6 (Burglin and Ruvkun 2001). (PDF, 119 KB)
  • Table S1: List of the molecular constructs generated for this study. (PDF, 68 KB)
  • Table S2: List of primers used for this study. (PDF, 71 KB)
  • Table S3: List of strains/array generated for this study. (PDF, 77 KB)