Using in Vivo Biotinylated Ubiquitin to Describe a Mitotic Exit Ubiquitome from Human Cells

Supplemental Data

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental material - Supplemental material: includes supplemental note to Figure 1, Supplemental figures S1-S6, legends to supplemental figures and movies, and Supplemental Tables 3 and 4
  • Supplemental Data - Annotated spectra from single peptide identifications in Expt 1
  • Supplemental Data - Annotated spectra from single peptide identifications in Expt 2
  • Supplemental Table 1 - List of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS across all samples
  • Supplemental Table 2 - Lists of protein hits, by category
  • Supplemental Movie 1 - Timelapse series of U2OS cells filmed 24h after electroporation with Venus-RacGAP1, with cells selected for low-level expression.
  • Supplemental Movie 2 - Timelapse series of U2OS cells filmed 24h after electroporation with Venus-RacGAP1, with cells selected for high-level expression.
  • Supplemental Movie 3 - Timelapse series of RPE-α-actinin-Venus cells filmed 24h after electroporation with wild-type mCherry-RacGAP1.
  • Supplemental Movie 4 - Timelapse series of RPE-α-actinin-Venus cells filmed 24h after electroporation with mCherry-RacGAP1-K292R.