Files in this Data Supplement:
Anion-exchange chromatograms on Resource Q of TcTS-catalyzed incubations of β3´-GL (yielding α3Siaβ3´-GL), β4´-GL (yielding α3Siaβ4´-GL), and β6´-GL (yielding α3Siaβ6´-GL and α3Sia2β6´-GL), using GMP as sialic acid donor (Fig. S1); supplemental text: NMR analysis of sialylated β3´-GL, β4′-GL, and β6′-GL; one-dimensional 600-MHz 1H NMR spectra of β′3-GL and α3Siaβ3′-GL (Fig. S2); one-dimensional 600-MHz 1H NMR spectra of β′4-GL and α3Siaβ4′-GL (Fig. S3); one-dimensional 600-MHz 1H NMR spectra of β′6-GL, α3Siaβ6′-GLa, α3Siaβ6′-GLb, and α3Sia2β6′-GL (Fig. S4); 1H and 13C chemical shifts of β6′-GL, α3Siaβ6′-GLa, α3Siaβ6′-GLb, and α3Sia2β6′-GL (Table S1).
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