Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • Table S1. Network characteristics of the largest connected component for the 15
    largest metropolitan systems in the world.
  • Table S2. Network characteristics of the Bus-Metro multilayer networks.
  • Table S3. Structure of the simplest paths in three metropolitan systems.
  • Table S4. Percentages of paths with S < 8.1 bits with C = 1 and C = 2
  • Fig. S1. Examples of paths with growing S (s, t).
  • Fig. S2. Entropy distribution for MRT layer, bus layer, and complete multilayer
    transportation network in Paris.
  • Fig. S3. Effects of multiplexity.
  • Fig. S4. Growth of the Paris metropolitan network.
  • Fig. S5. Information entropy of multilayer transportation networks.
  • Fig. S6. Dual-space degree of low-information starting points for paths with C = 2
    in the Tokyo multilayer network.
  • Fig. S7. Empirical validation of Eq. 7.

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