Supporting Information for Sliva et al., 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - The wild-type strain transformed with the reporter construct (yAS38 control strain) forms shmoos and has higher GFP fluorescence under α-factor treatment. (.pdf, 432 KB)
- File S1 - Evaluation of individual mutants: A source of false positives. (.pdf, 343 KB)
- File S2 - Supplemental methods. (.pdf, 337 KB)
- Table S1 - Top genes enriched in "Un Gfp-" population. (.pdf, 360 KB)
- Table S2 - Top genes enriched in the "In Gfp-" population. (.pdf, 357 KB)
- Table S3 - Top genes enriched in "In Gfpbasal" population. (.pdf, 352 KB)
- Table S4 - Top genes enriched in "Un Gfp+" population. (.pdf, 350 KB)
- Table S5 - Top genes enriched in "In Gfp++" population. (.pdf, 350 KB)
- Table S6 - GFP fluorescence values of mating mutants in Figure 3. (.pdf, 717 KB)
- Table S7 - Strains used in this study. (.pdf, 442 KB)
- Figure S2 - FACS analysis of populations after sorting. (.pdf, 549 KB)
- Figure S3 - Screenshot of Sub1-3HA ChIP-Seq under high osmolarity conditions. (.pdf, 388 KB)
- Figure S4 - Gating of YKO library sorting experiments. (.pdf, 338 KB)
- Figure S5 - SUB1-3HA tagged strain retains some Sub1 function. (.pdf, 285 KB)
- Figure S6 - whi3 Δ and kch1 Δ mutants from the MATa YKO library are diploid. (.pdf, 424 KB)
- Figure S7 - Fluorescence peak of YKO library shifts with a higher concentration of α-factor. (.pdf, 382 KB)
- Figure S8 - Plasmid rescue of sub1 Δ mutant. (.pdf, 425 KB)
- Figure S9 - FUS1 expression is higher in a sub1 Δ mutant relative to wild-type. (.pdf, 358 KB)