Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Extended q-space map
- dI/dV maps: Raw data and symmetrization
- Fermi arc scattering signature
- Agreement between vacancy- and step edge–induced QPI
- Fermi arc dispersion
- Correlation between scatterer-free dI/dV modulations and replications of QPI patterns
- Correspondence between QPI patterns and Bloch wave function
- Band structure calculations
- Extracting the intensity of QPI features
- Splitting the line-cut dI/dV into submaps
- fig. S1. Extended q-space map.
- fig. S2. dI/dV maps: Raw data and symmetrization.
- fig. S3. QPI pattern involving Fermi arc scattering from a different vacancy distribution.
- fig. S4. Agreement between vacancy- and step edge–induced QPI.
- fig. S5. Calculated Fermi arc dispersion.
- fig. S6. Structure of the Bloch wave function and its correspondence to QPI.
- fig. S7. Wave function distribution.
- fig. S8. Extraction of QPI feature intensities.
- Reference (36)
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