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Inoue et al. 10.1073/pnas.0405507101.

Supporting Information

Files in this Data Supplement:

Supporting Figure 5
Supporting Figure 6
Supporting Movie 1
Supporting Figure 7
Supporting Figure 8
Supporting Figure 9
Supporting Figure 10
Supporting Figure 11

Supporting Figure 5

Fig. 5. Similarities of partial amino acid sequences to lipases in bacteria. Residues identical in at least four of the seven sequences are shaded in gray, and amino acids that are identical in all sequences are highlighted in black. Bacte. lip, lipase from bacterium (GenBank accession no. AF223645); S. sp lip, 28-k lipase from Streptomyces species (GenBank accession no. M86351); S. albus lip, lipase from Streptomyces albus (GenBank accession no. U03314); M. sp lip, triacylglycerol lipase from Moraxella species (GenBank accession no. X53053). Amino acid residue numbers are shown at both sides.

Supporting Figure 6

Fig. 6. Genomic structures of paf-1 and paf-2. The paf-1 and paf-2 genes are located on chromosomes I and X, respectively. Gray boxes correspond to predicted coding exons and white boxes to 5' and 3' UTRs. The positions of the ATG initiation codons, stop codons (TGA and TAA, respectively), and the codons that code for the catalytic-triad (S, Ser; D, Asp; H, His) are shown. The extent of the 1,874- and 2,540-bp deletions in paf-1(tj11) and paf-2(tj12) mutants are indicated by the lines underneath the genomic structures, respectively. The arrows indicate the position of the primers that were used for the PCR deletion screening.

Supporting Movie 1

Movie 1. paf-2(tj12) mutant embryo. This movie depicts elongation defects of a paf-2(tj12) mutant embryo.

Supporting Figure 7

Fig. 7. (A) MH27 staining of a wild-type embryo (dorsolateral external focal plane of the same embryo shown in Fig. 3C). (B and C) MH27 staining of paf-2(tj12) embryos at the terminal stage (B, lateral external focal plane of the same embryo shown in Fig. 3D; C, dorsal external focal plane of the same embryo shown in Fig. 3E). In terminal paf-2(tj12) embryos, the MH27 staining is punctate and is irregular or absent in many parts of the epidermis (B and C). Arrowheads indicate the lateral epidermal cells that were stained with MH27 circumferentially (B). (Bar, 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 8

Fig. 8. AJM-1::GFP, SCM::GFP, and LET-413::GFP expression. (A–D) Comparison of lateral epidermal (seam) cells in wild-type (A and B) and paf-2(tj12) embryos (C and D). Nomarski micrographs (A and C) and corresponding AJM-1::GFP, SCM::GFP expression (B and D) are shown. In a wild-type embryo, SCM::GFP is expressed in the nuclei of the lateral seam cells during elongation (B, arrowheads) and the subsequent development. The seam cells elongate along the anterior-posterior axis and appear rectangular in shape (B). In a terminal-stage paf-2(tj12) embryo, some of the seam cells are still expressing AJM-1::GFP circumferentially and do not elongate the anterior-posterior axis (D, arrows). AJM-1::GFP is irregular or absent in many parts of the epidermis (D) as shown in Figs. 3 D and E and 7 B and C. (E and F) LET-413::GFP expression in a paf-2(tj12) mutant embryo at the terminal stage. Nomarski micrographs (E) and corresponding LET-413::GFP expression (F) are shown. LET-413::GFP localization is also irregular or absent in the epidermis like AJM-1, and the lateral epidermal cell still seems to be expressing LET-413::GFP (F, arrows). The let-413::GFP worm, ML623, was kindly provided by R. Legouis. Anterior is to the left in CF. (Bar, 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 9

Fig. 9. AJM-1::GFP expression in dorsal epidermal cells. Comparison of AJM-1::GFP patterns in wild-type (A and B) and paf-2(tj12) embryos (C and D). Nomarski micrographs (A and C) and corresponding AJM-1::GFP expression (B and D) are shown. To suppress cell fusion, both strains were made homozygous for eff-1(oj55) allele. In a wild-type embryo, most of the dorsal epidermal cells have intercalated completely (A and B). Arrowheads indicate a dorsal cell that is completing intercalation (A and B). The lateral epidermal cells are indicated by asterisks (B). In a paf-2(tj12) embryo, the dorsal epidermal cells become wedge shaped and start dorsal intercalation (C and D, arrows), but fail to complete intercalation. The junctinal AJM-1::GFP localization is discontinuous and is punctate in a paf-2(tj12) embryo (D). Anterior is to the left in all images. (Bar, 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 10

Fig. 10. lbp-1p::GFP expression in dorsal epidermal cells. Dorsal intercalation is visualized using a lbp-1p::gfp transcriptional reporter in wild-type (A and B) and paf-2(tj12) embryos (C and D). Nomarski micrographs (A and C) and corresponding lbp-1p::GFP expression (B and D) are shown. To suppress cell fusion, both strains were analyzed in an eff-1(oj55) background. In a wild-type embryo, dorsal epidermal cells extend protrusions toward the dorsal midline and undergo intercalation (A and B). Arrows indicate the right dorsal cells that are completing intercalation (A and B). In a paf-2(tj12) embryo, an alignment of dorsal epidermal cells is aberrant, but the dorsal cells are wedge-shaped (C and D, arrowheads) and have partially intercalated (C and D, asterisks). Anterior is to the left in all images. (Bar, 10 m m.)

Supporting Figure 11

Fig. 11. HMP-1::GFP expression. Comparison of HMP-1(a -catenin)::GFP patterns in wild-type (A and B) and paf-2(tj12) embryos (C and D). Lateral (A and C) and dorsal view (B and D) of HMP-1::GFP expression are shown. In a wild-type embryo, HMP-1::GFP is expressed in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane in epidermal cells (A and B). In a paf-2(tj12) embryo, however, the shape, positions, and alignment of epidermal cells are abnormal, and HMP-1::GFP is not detected in the plasma membrane in many parts of the epidermis (C and D). The epidermal cells that are expressing continuous HMP-1::GFP at cell junctions appear to be the seam cells (C and D, arrows). Anterior is to the left in all images. (Bar, 10 m m.)