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Miki et al. 10.1073/pnas.0407708101.

Supporting Information

Files in this Data Supplement:

Supporting Figure 5
Supporting Figure 6
Supporting Figure 7
Supporting Movie 1
Supporting Movie 2
Supporting Table 2
Supporting Movie 3

Fig. 5. Diagram of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-S (Gapds) locus and targeting strategy. Exons 1-11 are shown as vertical bars, and DraI restriction sites (D) are indicated. After recombination, the neomycin resistance gene (Neo) replaced exon 5 and part of exon 6 of the Gapds gene. Two thymidine kinase (TK) cassettes were inserted for negative selection. The bar (Bottom Left) indicates the position of the probe used for Southern analysis.

Fig. 6. Genotype mapping of WT (+/+), heterozygous (+/-), and homozygous

mutant (-/-) mice by Southern analysis. Digestion of genomic DNA with DraI produced a 20-kb fragment from the WT allele and an 8-kb fragment from the mutant allele of the Gapds gene. DNA standards (kb) are indicated in the right margin.

Fig. 7. Testis histology. Sections from the testes of WT (A) and Gapds-/- (B) adult males could not be distinguished, indicating that spermatogenesis is not impaired in Gapds-/- mice.

Supporting Movie 1

Movie 1. Real-time video of sperm from a Gapds-/- mouse recorded at ´ 500.

Supporting Movie 2

Movie 2. Real-time video of WT sperm recorded at ´ 500.

Supporting Movie 3

Movie 3. Real-time video of a sperm from a Gapds-/- mouse (´ 1,000) that has adhered to the slide via the head region of the cell (center of the field). Distinct bending is apparent in the middle piece (closest to the head), but not the principal piece of the sperm flagellum.