Tables S1 (Concentration of elements in AWF), S2 (Primers), and S3 (Strains and plasmids) and Fig. S1 (Arrangement of operon with cvsS and cvsR), S2 and S12 (Luminescence assay to assess transcription), S3 (EMSA), S4 (Binding of CvsSR), S5 (DNA probes), S6 (Predicted binding motif for CvsR), S7 (Concentration of alginate produced), S8 (Swarming on NB), S9 (Swimming assays), S10 (Diameters of swarming colonies), S11 (Growth on NB supplemented with CW), S13 (HR in N. tabacum and N. benthamiana), S14 (Least-squares mean of growth curves), and S15 (Syringe-infiltrated leaf of tomato)
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Data Sets S1 (Genomic location of ChIP-seq peaks), S2 (Genes showing differential expression between WT and ∆cvsR strain), and S3 (qRT-PCR data)