NMDSs representing the five trap types (Fig. S1), the three spore recovery methods (Fig. S2), and the DNA extraction kits (Fig. S3) used in this study; heat map based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity distance representing all the replicates of exposed traps (Fig. S4); stacked bar plots of the most abundant OTUs in exposed traps (Fig. S5); spore trap based on the Whatman grade 3 paper filter (Fig. S6); spore trap based on 10-mm petri dishes coated with a mixture of Vaseline and paraffin wax (Fig. S7); inoculation of a Whatman paper filter-based trap with the mock community (Fig. S8); photo showing traps, exposed for two weeks in northeastern France, used in the 20 different protocols combining trap type, spore recovery method, and DNA extraction kit (Fig. S9).
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OTU tables of unexposed spore traps (Data Sets S1 and S2); total number of sequences and diversity indexes per protocol (Data Set S3); real-time PCR results for H. fraxineus and Melampsora larici populina (Data Set S4).
XLSX, 375K