Supplemental Data
Supplementary figures and legends
- Supplementary figures and legends
Supplemental Table 1 List of the quantified proteins in TMT eperiments from biological replicate 1
- List of the quantified proteins in TMT eperiments from biological replicate 1
Supplemental Table 2 List of the quantified proteins in TMT eperiments from biological replicate 2
- List of the quantified proteins in TMT eperiments from biological replicate 2
Supplemental Table 3-All identified proteins with annotation from every biological repeat
- All identified proteins with annotation from every biological repeat
Supplemental Table 4-Differently expressed proteins with annotation
- Differently expressed proteins with annotation
Supplemental Table 5-Protein-protein interaction information of all identified proteins
- Protein-protein interaction information of all identified proteins
Supplemental Table 6-Gene Ontology(GO) Analysis of differentially expressed proteins
- Gene Ontology(GO) Analysis of differentially expressed proteins
Supplemental Table 7-KEGG Pathway Analysis of differentially expressed proteins
- KEGG Pathway Analysis of differentially expressed proteins
Supplemental Table 9-Summary of sequence read alignments to the reference genome
- Summary of sequence read alignments to the reference genome
Supplemental Table 8-The primer sequences used for the qRT-PCR analysis
- The primer sequences used for the qRT-PCR analysis
Supplemental Table 10-The fpkm of all genes in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
- The fpkm of all genes in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
Supplemental Table 11- All differential expressed genes identified in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
- All differential expressed genes identified in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
Supplemental Table 12- All unique differently expressed genes identified in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
- All unique differently expressed genes identified in buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
Supplemental Table 13- Pearson correlation coefficients from buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis
- Pearson correlation coefficients from buffalo oocytes and embryos of parthenogenesis