Yap/Taz mediates mTORC2-stimulated fibroblast activation and kidney fibrosis
Supporting Information
- Supplemental Figure 1 - Primary cultured fibroblasts were generated from kidneys of Rictorfl/fl mice. The fibroblasts were infected with Adeno-Cre to induce Rictor gene deletion. Fibroblasts infected with Adeno-GFP were used as control. After 48 hours, cell lysates were collected. Western blotting assay showing the protein abundance for Rictor in fibroblasts.
- Supplemental Figure 2 - (A) Breeding strategy. (B) PCR analysis for genotyping the mice. Lane 1: Gli1-Cre-/-, Rictorfl/fl; lane 2: Gli1-Cre-/-, Rictorfl/wt; lane 3: Gli1-Cre+/-, Rictorfl/fl; lane 4: Gli1-Cre+/-, Rictorfl/wt. (C) Diagram showing the strategy for inducing fibroblast Rictor gene deletion in Gli1-Cre+/-, Rictorfl/fl mice.