The role of smooth muscle endothelinB receptors in regulating vascular function, blood pressure and neointimal remodelling has not been established. Selective knockout mice were generated to address the hypothesis that loss of smooth muscle endothelinB receptors would reduce blood pressure, alter vascular contractility, and inhibit neointimal remodelling.
EndothelinB receptors were selectively deleted from smooth muscle by crossing floxed endothelinB mice with those expressing cre-recombinase controlled by the transgelin promoter. Functional consequences of endothelinB deletion were assessed using myography. Blood pressure was measured by telemetry, and neointimal lesion formation induced by femoral artery injury. Lesion size and composition (day 28) were analysed using optical projection tomography, histology and immunohistochemistry.
Selective deletion of endothelinB was confirmed by genotyping, autoradiography, PCR and immunohistochemistry. EndothelinB-mediated contraction was reduced in trachea, but abolished from mesenteric veins, of knockout mice. Induction of endothelinB-mediated contraction in mesenteric arteries was also abolished in these mice. Femoral artery function was unaltered and baseline blood pressure modestly elevated in smooth muscle endothelinB knockout compared to controls (+4.2±0.2mmHg; P<0.0001) but salt-induced and endothelinB blockade-mediated hypertension were unaltered. Circulating endothelin-1 was not altered in knockout mice. EndothelinB-mediated contraction was not induced in femoral arteries by incubation in culture medium or lesion formation, and lesion size was not altered in smooth muscle endothelinB knockout mice.
In the absence of other pathology, endothelinB receptors in vascular smooth muscle make a small but significant contribution to endothelinB-dependent regulation of blood pressure. These endothelinB receptors have no effect on vascular contraction or neointimal remodelling.
Keywords: Endothelin-1, endothelin B receptors, vascular smooth muscle, hypertension, vasoconstriction, neointima formation
Endothelin-1 (ET-1), released by vascular endothelial (EC) and inner medullary collecting duct cells (and other cells under pathological conditions), stimulates endothelinA (ETA) and endothelinB (ETB) receptor subtypes1,2. ETA are present on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), predominantly mediating contraction3 and regulating blood pressure (BP)4. They also influence mitogenesis5, generation of reactive oxygen species and adhesion molecule expression6,7. ETA receptors on leucocytes mediate cytokine release and cellular chemotaxis8. Many of these processes contribute to vascular remodelling, and ET-1 clearly drives arterial lesion formation (including neointimal proliferation after injury)7. This can be inhibited by selective ETA antagonism9,10.
Regulation of arterial function, BP and arterial lesion formation by ETB receptors is likely to be more complex since they are expressed in EC, VSMC and the kidney where they mediate physiologically antagonistic responses. ECETB receptors mediate production of vasodilator, anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory molecules (e.g. nitric oxide; NO)11,12, clearance of ET-1 from the circulation13,14 and regrowth of damaged EC15. VSMC ETB can mediate vascular contraction, similar to the ETA subtype16, and may compensate for ETA receptor dysfunction17. ETB upregulation in VSMC may mediate vasoconstriction and proliferation in cardiovascular disease18,19.
ETB-dependent regulation of BP is demonstrated by the sustained hypertension caused by ETB receptor antagonism in mice20. The importance of receptor distribution in this response is indicated by increased BP following deletion of ETB receptors in the renal collecting duct21 but not after deletion of EC ETB22. The influence of VSMC ETB on BP has not been established but, given their potential to mediate vasoconstriction, deletion or antagonism of VSMC ETB would be predicted to reduce BP.
Despite the influence of ET-1 in vascular remodelling23, the role of ETB is less clear. ETB activation in EC (NO release) and kidney (reduced BP) would be predicted to inhibit arterial remodelling, thus favouring selective ETA antagonism for reducing neointimal proliferation9. Certainly, global deletion of ETB receptors increases vascular lesion size.10,24. However, selective ECETB deletion did not influence lesion formation, suggesting the protective role was mediated by ETB receptors in other tissues9. If ETB receptors in VSMC contribute to lesion formation, mixed ETA/B antagonists might have advantages over ETA selective compounds, although recent investigations9,10,24 favour the latter.
We generated novel smooth muscle ETB receptor knockout (SMETB KO) mice to address the hypothesis that loss of these receptors would impair arterial contraction, lower BP and reduce neointimal lesion formation in response to vascular injury.
Mice with VSMC-selective ETB receptor deletion were generated by crossing homozygous floxed ETB mice with SM22-Cre transgenic mice, which express cre-recombinase in the heart and smooth muscle, (then backcrossed to a C57Bl/6J background for 4-6 generations), as described for ECETB KO22. Controls were Cre-negative littermates (ETBf/f). Genotyping was performed using ear clips22,25. Wild Type C57Bl/6J mice were from Charles River (U.K.). Mice were housed according to United Kingdom Home Office recommendations (22°C; 12-hour light/dark cycles) with free access to water and chow. Procedures were performed under the provisions of the Animals Scientific Procedures Act (1986) and approved by the local ethics committee.
Selective SMETB deletion was demonstrated in organs and in isolated aortic smooth muscle cells using PCR, autoradiography14,26, immunohistochemistry27, and functional (myographic) investigation of isolated trachea, arteries and veins28,29.
The impact of SMETB KO on BP was assessed using radiotelemetry22 in conscious, unrestrained male SMETB KO mice and age-matched controls (n=8/ group), fed on chow (7 days), high (7.6%) salt diet (7 days), then high salt plus ETB antagonist (SB192621; 30/mg/kg/day in drinking water, 7 days). ET-1 concentrations in plasma from wild type C57Bl/6J, controls and SMETB KO were measured after exposure to chow or to high salt diet plus ETB antagonist, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Endothelin-1 Quantikine ELISA kit; R&D Systems, Oxford, UK).
Intraluminal (left) or non-denuding (right) femoral artery injury were achieved by insertion of an angioplasty guidewire or ligation, respectively, as described9. After 28 days, arteries were retrieved (following perfusion fixation) and analysed using optical projection tomography (OPT), histology and immunohistochemistry9,30.
Results are mean±SEM, for n mice. Group sizes were chosen to detect 5%, 20% and 20% differences in BP (n=7), lesion size (n=7), and maximum responses to vasoactive agents (n=6) with >90% power. Investigations were performed by operators blinded to treatment. Components of lesions were expressed as a percentage of the neointimal area. Analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism using Student’s t-test, one-way or two-way analysis of variance with a Tukey post hoc test, as indicated. Significance was assumed for P<0.05.
Detailed methods are in the online supplement.
Identification of SMETB KO
Genotyping for SM22cre, wild type (WT) and delta band alleles (Figure 1A) identified SMETB KO (positive for SM22cre, floxed and delta band, negative for WT allele) and controls (SM ETBf/f cre-negative littermates; negative for WT allele, positive for floxed allele and negative for SM22 cre and delta band). SMC isolated from the aorta of SMETB KO mice expressed the cre-, delta and flox bands, whereas controls did not express the cre and the delta bands (Figure 1B).
Autoradiography (Figure 1C) identified ETB receptors in the gut lining, lung and kidney. This signal was not diminished after SMETB deletion. ETB expression (real time PCR) was not altered in the colon, heart or gastrocnemius muscle of SMETB KO mice (Supplementary Figure S1). Confocal imaging of immunofluorescence (Figure 1D) clearly showed ETB receptors localising to the endothelium (von Willebrand factor (vWF) positive) in SMETB KO coronary artery. ETB staining in medial SM remained at background levels. This confirms maintained ETB receptor expression in the endothelium of SMETB KO mice.
Functional confirmation of SMETB KO
SMETB KO mice were healthy with normal body and organ weights (Supplementary Table S1).
Sarafotoxin S6c (S6c)-mediated contraction in tracheas (which express ETB receptors on SM)22 from controls was abolished by incubation with the selective ETB antagonist A192621 (Figure 2A)22. In SMETB KO mice S6c-mediated contraction was reduced (~30%), but not abolished. The residual contraction was blocked by ETB antagonism. S6c-mediated contraction of mesenteric veins was abolished by selective deletion of SMETB (Figure 2B).
Control and SMETB KO mice demonstrated a clear diurnal rhythm in BP (Figure 3A). Mean 24 hour BP was higher in SMETB KO mice than in controls (107.1±0.3 vs. 102.8±0.5mmHg; n=7, P<0.0001; Figure 3B). Systolic BP was not different between groups (123.5±0.6 vs. 124.8±0.5mmHg; P=0.09; Figure 3C) but SMETB KO mice had an increased diastolic BP (98.2±0.3 vs 92.2±0.4mmHg; P<0.0001; Figure 3D). BP elevation occurred despite reduced heart rate (515±3 vs. 538±5 bpm; P=0.004; Figure 3E). High salt increased blood pressure in controls with a further increase induced by ETB antagonism (Figure 4A). These responses were similar in SMETB KO.
SMETB KO and circulating ET-1
Plasma ET-1 concentrations were similar in SMETB KO and control mice (Figure 4B), and consistent with levels in wild type C57Bl/6J (1.14±0.08, n=6). The combination of high salt diet and ETB antagonism increased plasma ET-1 to a similar extent in control type and SMETB KO mice (Figure 4C).
SMETB KO and neointimal remodelling
Wire injury of the left femoral artery generated neointimal lesions (Figure 5A)9. OPT demonstrated that SMETB KO altered neither the lesion volume (Figure 5B) nor cross-sectional narrowing (Figure 5C). Histological analysis showed a trend towards reduced cross-sectional narrowing in SMETB KO (Figure 5D). Ligation of the right femoral artery generated lesions9 with similar volume (Figure 5E) and maximal cross sectional area (Figure 5F) in SMETB KO mice and control mice.
Immunohistochemistry (Supplementary Figure S2) showed that SMETB KO did not differ from controls in the amount of macrophage (Mac-2) (SMETB KO 2.7±0.9% vs. Control 2.6±0.7 % lesion area), α-smooth muscle actin (SM ETB KO 14.8±4.1% vs. Control 19.9±3.8% lesion area), or collagen (SM ETB KO 9.7±3.1% vs. Control 14.9±3.2% lesion area) staining in the neointimal lesions.
SMETB KO and vascular reactivity
In wild type C57Bl/6J mice, EC removal from aortic rings abolished acetylcholine (ACh)-mediated relaxation and enhanced the contractile response to phenylephrine (PE) but not to ET-1. EC removal from femoral arteries also abolished ACh-mediated relaxation, but had no effect on PE or ET-1 (Supplementary Figure S3; Supplementary Table S2). SMETB KO had no effect on contractile responses to PE or ET-1, or ACh-mediated relaxation in femoral arteries (Supplementary Figure S4; Supplementary Table S3).
Induction of ETB-mediated contraction in isolated mesenteric arteries
ET-1-mediated contraction in mesenteric arteries from wild type C57Bl/6J mice was shifted to the right by mixed ETA/B, or selective ETA, antagonism, but not by ETB selective antagonism (Supplementary Figure S5; Supplementary Table S4). Unlike mesenteric veins (Figure 6A), mesenteric arteries freshly isolated from wild type C57Bl/6J mice did not contract in response to S6c (Figure 6B).
Incubation in culture medium (≤5 days) can induce ETB-mediated contraction in rat arteries29. Incubation of C57Bl/6J mesenteric veins in culture medium had no effect on S6c-mediated contraction (Figure 6A). In mesenteric arteries, incubation in culture medium selectively increased the contractile response to ET-1 (Supplementary Table S5). Strikingly, S6c-mediated contraction was induced in isolated mesenteric arteries after incubation in culture medium (Figure 6B; Supplementary Table S5), a response abolished by selective ETB, or mixed ETA/B, antagonism, but not by selective ETA antagonism (Figure 6C; Supplementary Table S6). Incubation of mesenteric arteries from SMETB KO mice in culture medium did not induce S6c-mediated contraction (Figure 6D).
No induction of ETB-mediated contraction in femoral arteries
S6c-mediated contraction was variable in femoral arteries from wild type C57Bl/6J mice: some contracted but others did not (Figure 6E). Neither incubation of femoral arteries in culture medium (24 hours; Figure 6F) nor lesion formation induced S6c-mediated contraction; femoral arteries isolated 28 days following ligation contracted in response to ET-1 (Figure 6G) but not to S6c (Figure 6H). Responses to ACh, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and PE were unaltered by lesion formation (Supplementary Figure S6).
Tissue-specific knockout mice were generated to address the hypothesis that selective deletion of ETB receptors from VSMC would impair arterial contraction, lower BP and reduce neointimal lesion size. SMETB KO attenuated S6c-mediated vascular and tracheal contraction, without altering other functional responses, but produced a modest (~4mmHg) increase in BP. ETB-mediated contraction was not induced in femoral arteries following ligation, while injury-induced intimal lesion formation was unaffected by SMETB KO. Key findings are summarised (Supplementary Figure S7) and compared with the ECETB KO (Supplementary Table S7).
SMETB KO was based on our generation of ECETB KO22, crossing mice expressing Cre-recombinase controlled by the SM-specific SM22 promoter25 with those bearing a floxed ETB gene22. This strategy was used to produce mice with SM-selective ETA deletion4, and renal collecting duct-selective ETB deletion21. It has also been used within our group to produce mice with SM-selective deletion of glucocorticoid receptor31 or 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 132 (with LacZ staining in Rosa26 reporter mice showing SM22-cre expression in the blood vessels and heart but not in the brain, kidney or adrenal gland). As with ECETB KO22, SMETB KO mice were healthy. This contrasts with global ETB deletion, which causes coat spotting and death from megacolon33, requiring transgenic ETB “rescue” in the enteric nervous system34. Autoradiographic detection of ETB receptors in lungs of SMETB KO mice indicates maintained expression in EC (which was lost in ECETB KO)14. This was supported by co-localisation of immunoreactivity for ETB with an EC marker (vWF) in coronary arteries; absence of medial ETB staining was consistent with deletion from SMCs. PCR confirmed that ETB had been deleted from aortic smooth muscle but not from heart, colon or skeletal muscle (although direct evidence of ETB deletion from tracheal, mesenteric vein, mesenteric or femoral artery smooth muscle was not obtained using this technique). Functional investigations confirmed that SMETB-dependent responses were lost in the knockout, with the abolition of S6c-mediated contraction in mesenteric veins. Furthermore, induction of S6c-mediated contraction in mesenteric arteries incubated in culture medium (as in rat arteries35), was abolished by SMETB KO (although these functional changes do not necessarily confirm selective SMETB deletion). The failure to abolish S6c-induced contraction in trachea was unexpected and suggests either incomplete penetrance of SM22cre-mediated recombination or a role for ETB receptors in other cells (e.g. epithelium) in mediating tracheal contraction. Detection of the delta band in some ear clip samples may suggest deletion of the floxed gene in germ cells which is a possible limitation with these mice. However, our F+/Cre0 x F+/Cre0 crosses did not produce piebald mice (which inevitably would occur if germ line recombination takes place). Therefore, the delta band during genotyping can only be explained by the presence of SMC in the ear clip preparations.
Selective deletion of ETB from EC increased plasma ET-122 due to impaired clearance14. In contrast, SMETB KO did not alter circulating ET-1, consistent with the proposal that ECETB predominantly mediate ET-1 clearance.
Transgenic and pharmacological approaches suggest ETB receptors regulate BP. Selective ETB receptor antagonism20, global ETB deletion10 and selective ETB deletion from the collecting duct21 all increased (~10-13mmHg) BP. Furthermore, ETB receptors in peripheral ganglia can influence BP36 suggesting that sympathetic activation accounts for ETB-induced hypertension37. In contrast, BP was not elevated by ECETB KO22. The small (~4mmHg) increase in BP, which persisted in SMETB KO mice despite reduced heart rate, suggests that loss of SMETB contributes to the increased BP induced by systemic ETB antagonism20 or global ETB deletion10. However, it requires rejection of our hypothesis that ETB-mediated vascular contraction contributes to BP elevation. Indeed, our data support a role for extra-vascular ETB (e.g.in the kidney or peripheral ganglia) in regulating BP. This is supported by the demonstration that, as in ECETB KO22, salt- and ETB antagonist-induced elevations of BP are unaltered by SMETB KO. The mechanism underlying increased BP following SMETB KO is not apparent but is unlikely to be a consequence of cre over-expression in SM as this did not alter baseline BP in SMETA KO mice4. Several possible explanations can be proposed. First, ETB in VSMC may contribute to the clearance of ET-1 from tissue where it is preferentially secreted by EC, and where it acts. Therefore, SMETB KO may cause ET-1 accumulation in the vascular wall, thus increasing ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction. Second, loss of SMETB may up-regulate ETA-mediated contraction. Third, SMETB in the kidney may influence sodium homeostasis. Since SM22 may be expressed in perivascular fat precursors36, loss of ETB from perivascular fat may have caused developmental changes in vascular function that also contribute to elevated BP, but this has not been established. It is also not clear why basal DBP is selectively increased in the SMETB KO but this would be worthy of future investigation.
Increased BP in SMETB KO mice could not be attributed to vascular dysfunction as, with the exception of responses to S6c, we found no evidence of impaired arterial relaxation or contraction. Weak ETB-mediated contraction in arteries is consistent with studies in rats35. Preliminary investigations (unpublished data) indicated that sarafotoxin S6c-induced contraction of freshly-isolated murine arteries (femoral, mesenteric, carotid) was not increased by nitric oxide synthase inhibition or by removal of the endothelium. These results indicate that we are not missing an ETB-mediated contraction that has been obscured by ETB-mediated relaxation. Induction of ETB-mediated contraction following incubation has been attributed to transcriptional regulation and MEK-ERK1/2 signalling22,38. Abolition of this response in mesenteric arteries from SMETB KO mice indicated that they lack both functional arterial ETB receptors and the means to generate new receptors in this tissue.
ETB upregulation in SMC, mediating vasoconstriction and proliferation in cardiovascular disease,18,19 might explain studies reporting similar benefit from mixed ETA/B and selective ETA antagonism in reducing lesion formation23,39,40 (despite the protective roles of ETB in several tissues; e.g. EC, kidney). However, the effectiveness of mixed ETA/B and selective ETA antagonism is likely to depend on the balance of ETB receptor activity in EC and VSMC of an affected artery. Transient up-regulation of ETA and ETB receptors has been demonstrated in arterial lesions41. If these ETB receptors contribute to lesion formation, then ETB antagonism would be desirable. There was, however, no evidence of induced ETB-mediated contraction in mouse femoral arteries after ligation. Similar investigations could not be performed following wire injury as these vessels fail to contract ex vivo. It remains possible that ETB up-regulation occurs in other (e.g. carotid) arteries.
Neointimal lesion formation is increased in “rescued” global ETB knockout mice10 and in (spotted-lethal) rats with global deletion of ETB 24, consistent an anti-proliferative role for ETB receptors. This is supported by demonstrations that ETB receptor antagonism increases lesion size9,24, with the suggestion that this is due to impaired ETB–mediated release of NO from EC. Indeed, increased lesion formation in mice with global ETB deletion was partly attributed to impaired EC-derived NO release9. In contrast, selective ECETB deletion inhibited ETB-mediated relaxation22 but had no effect on arterial lesion formation9. These results suggest, therefore, that the protective role of ETB receptors is played by non-EC ETB receptors. The demonstration here that deletion of ETB from the SMC does not alter lesion size indicates that, as with the receptors in EC9, ETB in SMC do not influence neointimal remodelling. This implicates non vascular ETB receptors, for example in monocyte-derived macrophages, in the regulation of neointimal proliferation and atherosclerosis42.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that selective ETB receptors in SMC may contribute modestly to regulation of BP but have little influence on vascular contraction or neointimal proliferation. These data suggest that any detrimental role of SMETB is minor (at least during normal physiology) and, therefore, that selective ETA receptor antagonists (which preserve protective EC/renal ETB signalling) should be preferred to mixed ETA/B antagonists for treatment of vascular disease.
Generation of mice with selective deletion of ETB from SMC indicate that these receptors contribute to the increased BP induced by ETB receptor antagonism, but do not regulate arterial function or the fibro-proliferative response to acute arterial injury. It would be interesting to determine whether ETB in SMCs influence other cardiovascular diseases (e.g. diabetic complications). Whether the data generated in these animals are replicated in mice with cardiovascular disease (e.g. atherosclerosis), or in man, remains to be established. However, these results support the proposal that selective ETA receptor antagonists may have advantages over mixed ETA/B antagonists for combatting elevated BP or restenosis following revascularisation.
Supplementary Material
Novelty and Significance.
(1) What is new?
This study describes newly generated mice with selective ETB receptor deletion from smooth muscle. This was used to clarify the influence of smooth muscle ETB receptors on: (i) blood pressure, (ii) arterial and venous contraction, and (iii) arterial remodelling following injury.
(2) What is relevant?
Generation of the knockout was necessary as ETB receptors in vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells cannot be distinguished pharmacologically. This work shows that ETB receptors in smooth muscle have little influence on arterial function or neointimal remodelling, but have a small suppressive effect on diastolic blood pressure. This is consistent with the proposal that selective ETA antagonism would be preferable to mixed ETA/ETB antagonism for inhibiting arterial remodelling.
Selective smooth muscle ETB deletion indicated that these receptors play a minor role in regulation of BP but do not affect vascular function or remodelling. This suggests that, beyond ECETB, ETB-dependent regulation of these processes is mediated by receptors in extravascular cells (e.g. renal collecting ducts).
A192621 was a gift from AbbVie, USA.
Sources of Funding: Funded by the British Heart Foundation (Project Grant PG/08/068/25461, PWFH, DJW; Intermediate Clinical Research Fellowship FS/13/30/29994, ND; Centre of Research Excellence Award) and the Wellcome Trust (107715/Z/15/Z, APD, REK).
- BP
blood pressure
- ET-1
endothelin A receptor
endothelin B receptor
physiological salt solution
physiological salt solution
high (125mM) potassium physiological salt solution
- NO
nitric oxide
- vWF
von Willebrand factor
- WT
wild type
Conflicts of Interest/ Disclosures:
DJW has provided advice to Abbott, AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Encysive, Pfizer, Retrophin and Roche in relation to clinical development of ET receptor antagonists. KMD received a Pfizer Young Investigator Award. ND has received research grants from Pfizer.
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