The population worldwide is getting older as a result of advances in public health, medicine, and technology. Older individuals are living longer with a higher prevalence of subclinical and clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD). In 2010, the American Heart Association introduced a list of key prevention targets, known as “Life’s Simple 7” to increase CVD-free survival, longevity, and quality of life. In 2022, sleep health was added to expand the recommendations to “Life’s Essential 8” (eat better, be more active, stop smoking, get adequate sleep, manage weight, manage cholesterol, manage blood pressure, and manage diabetes). These prevention targets are intended to apply regardless of chronologic age. During this same time, the understanding of aging biology and goals of care for older adults further enhanced the relevance of prevention across the range of functions. From a biological perspective, aging is a complex cellular process characterized by genomic instability, telomere attrition, loss of proteostasis, inflammation, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and altered intercellular communication. These aging hallmarks are triggered by and enhanced by traditional CVD risk factors leading to geriatric syndromes (eg, frailty, sarcopenia, functional limitation, and cognitive impairment) which complicate efforts toward prevention. Therefore, we review Life’s Essential 8 through the lens of aging biology, geroscience, and geriatric precepts to guide clinicians taking care of older adults.
Keywords: cardiovascular disease prevention, cardiovascular health, geriatric cardiology, geroscience, Life’s Essential 8
Chronological age is the single most important risk factor for the development of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD).1 In the last few decades, population worldwide has seen unprecedented growth, with resultant increase in the prevalence of clinical and subclinical CVD.1–4 In 2010, the American Heart Association (AHA) introduced the concept of “Life’s Simple 7” to provide key prevention targets for improved cardiovascular (CV) health: physical activity, dietary quality, smoking, weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure (BP).5 In 2022, it was expanded to “Life’s Essential 8” with the addition of sleep health.6 Implementation of Life’s Essential 8 in older adults has unique challenges due to heterogeneity of biological aging, multimorbidity, and coexisting geriatric syndromes such as frailty, sarcopenia, functional limitation, and cognitive impairment. In addition, despite optimization of these essentials, there is also interest in identification of strategies informed by geroscience.
Aging is a multifactorial, complex, biologically malleable processes that entails key molecular signals, identified as “aging hallmarks”: genomic instability, telomere attrition, loss of proteostasis, inflammation, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, systemic inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and altered intercellular communication.7 These aging hallmarks collectively contribute to each individual’s ‘aging phenotype’ with associated decline in the ability of physiological systems to respond to stressors.8 As a consequence, these pathways contribute to geriatric syndromes and chronic conditions including CVD (Central Illustration).9,10 Therefore, prevention of CVD can be considered foundational for healthy aging. Recently, geroscience insights suggest ways to slow decline and delay development of chronic diseases from its physiologic foundations.8
Highlighting the Interconnection of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (Life’s Essential 8) With the Pathophysiology of Aging (Hallmarks of Aging) and Clinical Focus of Older Adult’s Care, Geriatric 5Ms (Mind, Multicomplexity, Medications, Mobility, and What Matters Most)
Often improving OneNote will lead to improvements in another and vice versa.
We review AHA’s “Life’s Essential 8” through the lens of aging physiology, geroscience, and unique challenges older adults face. Moreover, we consider prevention as it applies across the geriatric framework referred to as ‘Geriatric 5Ms.’ Geriatric 5Ms include: 1) mind; 2) mobility; 3) medications; 4) multicomplexity; and 5) what matters most.10
Staying active has health benefits irrespective of age, exercise capacity, or functional status, yet, older adults, especially women, are most likely to be sedentary.11 The prevalence of inactivity increases from 26.9% in those aged 65 to 74 years to 35.3% in those ≥75 years.12 On average, older adults spend 9 hours or more being sedentary, accounting for 65 to 80% of waking hours per day.13 Physical inactivity has detrimental consequences in older adults beyond the CV system. It exacerbates sarcopenia, frailty, metabolic syndrome leading to loss of independence, and poor quality of life (QOL).14–16 Furthermore, sedentary behavior accelerates the hallmarks of aging in muscle cells.17 Although exercise is important for health, restoration of age-appropriate physiology may not occur even after resuming a physically active routine.16
Multiple factors contribute to physical inactivity in older adults. Aging reduces exercise capacity and capability due to age-related changes in multiple organ systems.18 In addition, multimorbidity, cognitive impairment, and polypharmacy worsen physical function and vice versa.19,20
Exercise reduces CVD and related mortality through improvement of risk factors by reducing systemic inflammation, improve cardiorespiratory fitness, and mitochondrial function.21,22 More fundamentally, aerobic and resistance exercise attenuates biological aging and pathological reduction in physical fitness.17,23,24 As a result, exercise improves functional status, independence, and QOL while decreasing multimorbidity, and polypharmacy.21,25,26 Moreover, use of senolytics, drugs with the ability to clear senescent cells, mimic some of the properties of exercise and may therefore also reduce musculoskeletal decline associated with aging.27,28
“Life’s Essential 8” recommends 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week regardless of age, sex, or race.5 However, achieving these goals may not always be feasible or safe. Careful consideration of individual characteristics such as preferences, functional status, cognitive limitation, exercise capacity, and fall risk can determine best type and duration of exercise (Table 1).
Highlights of Each Life’s Essential 8 Component Pertaining to the Care of Older Adults
Eat better |
Be more active |
Get more sleep |
Quit tobacco |
Manage weight |
Control cholesterol |
Manage blood sugar |
Manage blood pressure |
CVD = cardiovascular disease; DASH = Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; SGLT-2 = sodium-glucose cotransporter-2.
The benefits of physical activity are driven by exercise intensity.22,29 However, the most important goal for older adults is to avoid inactivity. The greatest benefit is seen in those who go from a sedentary lifestyle to any activity, that is, walking for 5 minutes several times a day.29,30 In order to perform aerobic activity safely, other modes of exercises focusing on strength, balance, and mobility are often required.31,32 Physical therapists, exercise physiologists, and nurses play an important role in implementation of progressive exercise. For those with mobility limitations, seated range of motion exercise, controlled breathing, stretching, and yoga can be safe and helpful.33,34 Strength (eg, stretch bands), balance (eg, chair stands, standing on one foot,), and flexibility training improves gait, speed/power of movement, and reduce risk of falls by improving muscle mass and strength, balance, and bone strength.35–37 These are usually initiated at low intensity for short durations (ie, 5–10 minutes) and then advanced in length and then intensity as tolerated.
Healthy sleep is important for maintaining health at all ages. Sleep has distinct dimensions: timing, continuity or efficiency, duration, and satisfaction/quality.38 Sleep architecture undergoes several changes with aging. Sleep in later years is characterized by increased latency, reduced efficiency, fragmentation, awakening, phase advancement, and periodic limb movements.39–41
Sleep duration between 7 and 9 hours is associated with reduced risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, CVD, and all-cause mortality.42,43 Poor sleep quality is associated with CV risk factors such as metabolic syndrome, frailty, functional impairment, falls, cognitive decline, depression and poor QOL, diet quality and physical inactivity.44–49 The effects of poor sleep may be mediated through impaired autonomic tone, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, altered systemic/cardiac hemodynamics, and procoagulation milieu.50,51
Normal age-related changes in sleep patterns predispose to sleeping disturbances that impact more than 50% of older adults.39,52 Social identities and statuses, sociocultural factors, and physical/built environment factors that intersect with age also affect sleep health.53 Sleep health can additionally be compromised by precipitating factors such as primary sleep disorders (eg, sleep apnea syndromes, insomnia), medical illnesses, medications, alcohol use, psychosocial (eg, bereavement, caregiving roles, social isolation, lifestyle transitions), and physical stressors.45,54
Senescent cell accumulation seen with aging, obesity, and comorbidities contribute to changes in circadian rhythm, resulting in impaired cellular homeostasis.55,56 Declines in sleep quantity and quality accelerate biological aging.55,57 Therefore, efforts to restore and maintain sleep quality and age-appropriate duration can have important effects on the health, function, and QOL.43,45
Life’s Essential 8 recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep.5,6 Similar to younger adults, recommendations for sleep health-promoting behaviors include: avoid substances (eg, limiting caffeine after lunch time, avoid nicotine and alcohol within 3–4 hours of bedtime), avoid evening fluids or diuretics, engage in regular physical activity, manage stress, make environmental changes (eg, dark bedroom at cool temperature), regularize sleep-wake timing, and avoid naps or be intentional about their timing and duration.58 In older adults, review of medications can identify those that can affect sleep quality and/or architecture (eg, central nervous system stimulants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lipophilic beta-adrenergic blockers, centrally acting alpha adrenergic agonists, and glucocorticoids).59
Healthy sleep habits are often not enough treatment.60 Cognitive behavioral therapy is the first-line of treatment for insomnia at all ages.60,61 Other modalities such as bright light therapy, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques may be helpful.62–64 Behavioral interventions carry fewer risks of adverse effects than pharmacological interventions. In older adults, pharmacological interventions should be avoided. Specifically, benzodiazepines and “Z-drugs” such as zolpidem should be avoided due to the high risk of falls, fracture, and dementia.65 There has been increasing use of melatonin to address sleep difficulties in older adults, however evidence is limited.66 (Table 1) There is early interest in the role of senolytics targeting cellular senescence to improve circadian rhythm and prevent age-related decline in sleep duration and quality.56
The healthy eating index of older adults ranges from 47.7 to 65.8 (out of 100), reflecting suboptimal diet.67,68 Adherence to a healthy eating pattern is associated with reduced CVD and mortality, as well as improving frailty, sarcopenia, polypharmacy, mobility limitations, cognitive, and mental health.69–73
In older adults, poor dietary quality and malnutrition are key issues. Malnutrition, defined as a deficiency of energy and nutrients, affects 6% of older adults in the community and 50% in rehabilitation facilities.74,75 Aging increases the risk for malnutrition through complex factors including loss of appetite, impaired smell and taste, impaired dentition, difficulty swallowing, loss of mobility necessary to acquire and prepare healthy food, cognitive decline, social isolation, depression, financial food insecurity, and diminished nutrition absorption.76,77 Therefore, dietary interventions in older adults range from emphasis on dietary quality to prioritizing adequate protein-energy intake.
A healthy balanced diet consists of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and cooking in nontropical oils such as olive oil.5 Various diets have beneficial impacts on life span. Some have focused on the content, such as Mediterranean diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, plant-based diet, Ketogenic diet, Baltic Sea diet, Nordic diet, and others on the timing of food intake, such as intermittent fasting.78 Diets rich in fibers and antioxidants have been associated with more favorable biological aging in the form of telomere shortening, DNA responses to oxidative damage, DNA methylation patterns, mitochondrial function, stem cell survival, and inflammation.78,79 While more intervention studies are needed, greater adherence to any healthy eating pattern over long term is required to lower the risk of total and cause-specific mortality.80,81
Improved dietary quality may be achieved by counseling on beneficial dietary patterns. The Mediterranean and DASH diets have the most robust evidence for prevention of CVD, cancer, and diabetes mellitus (DM).82–84 Both of these diets are very similar, with the exception of emphasis on reduction of sodium, sugar, and saturated fats in DASH diet.85 Certain vegetarian eating patterns such as lacto-ovo vegetarian and pescatarian diets, which both exclude meat and poultry, also positively impact CV health.86
Older adults are at risk for micronutrient deficiencies, however, routine multivitamin supplementation for CVD prevention is not recommended.87,88 Similarly, over the counter, N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-3 fatty acid) supplementation, is not effective in CVD prevention.89,90 However, a prescription-only omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester) reduces CV events in individuals with established CVD and elevated triglyceride levels.91 Finally, despite the popularity of vitamin D supplementation, it has not been shown to reduce risk of bone fractures, falls, frailty, or CV events.92–94
Nicotine use is lowest among people aged 65 years and older (11.8%) as compared to the individuals aged 25 to 44 years (22.9%) and 45 to 64 years (20.4%), nevertheless, remains a cause of excess mortality and morbidity at advancing age.95,96 The effects of smoking on the CV system are mediated via promotion of atherogenesis through a complex interplay of inflammation, oxidation of lipids, pro-thrombosis, insulin resistance, and increased release of catecholamines.96
Smoking affects older adults disproportionately because of the longer duration of cumulative injury, leading to higher associated rates of CVD, pulmonary disease, and cancers.97,98 Smoking accelerates the aging process through free radical damage, shortening of telomere length, development of concurrent pathologies, and therefore, contributes to age-related syndromes such as frailty, functional impairment, cognitive decline, and poor QOL.98,99
At all ages, quitting tobacco dramatically reduces CVD risk, cognitive decline, pulmonary disease, and cancer.100,101 The magnitude of reduction of smokingrelated morbidity and mortality directly relates to duration and amount of tobacco use.97,102 The CV benefits of smoking cessation begin within 20 minutes.103 The risk of myocardial infarction decreases within 24 hours, and excess risk of CAD is half that of a smoker at 1 year. At 5 years, stroke risk decreases to same as nonsmokers and risk of CAD becomes same as nonsmokers at 15 years.103
Quitting tobacco can be challenging for older adults because it has been a part of their lifestyle for decades. Recognition of the immediate benefits of smoking cessation, dangers of smoking, including fire risk, should be emphasized. For those with cognitive impairment, involvement of caregivers is key to successful smoking cessation. Other barriers include previous failed attempts, lack of awareness, lack of resources, and support.104 Short-term declines in motor abilities and cognition following cessation may impair QOL and contribute to continued tobacco dependence.105 As a result, older adults are half as likely to quit compared to younger adults, however, remain abstinent at similar rates following cessation.106
Effective interventions include counseling by a physician, nurse, pharmacists or cessation specialist, (multiple sessions better than a single session), group behavioral interventions, and telephone counseling.107 Cognitive behavioral therapy is successful in cessation and maintenance of abstinence in older adults and can be used in conjunction with pharmacotherapy108 (Table 1).
Nicotine replacement therapy has the best data in older adults, with cessation rates ranging from 10% to 25%.109 Nicotine is available in multiple modalities (ie, transdermal patches, gums, lozenges, sublingual tablets, inhalers, and nasal sprays). Caution should be taken for patients with dysphagia and aspiration risk as gums and lozenges may not be tolerated.
Bupropion is equally efficacious and can be used alone or in combination with nicotine replacement therapy. However, there are insufficient data for smoking cessation in older adults and should be used with caution, especially with impaired renal or liver function, due to the risk of side effects and mild anticholinergic properties.65,109 Varenicline is a partial agonist of alpha4-beta2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. It is safe, well-tolerated, and most effective smoking cessation pharmacotherapy in older adults.98,107 The most common adverse effects include nausea, sleep disturbances, and abnormal dreams.110
Nearly 40% of men and women aged >60 years are obese and the prevalence, especially in women, continues to rise.111 Older adults are particularly susceptible to sarcopenic obesity wherein fat mass increases with concomitant reduction in muscle mass and strength.112 Sarcopenic obesity affects 12 to 48% of older adults.113 Although epidemiologic studies suggest obesity may be protective in older adults, this “obesity paradox” may be misleading. Worse outcomes with lower body weight may reflect confounding from smoking, diseases causing weight loss (reverse causation, eg, cancer), and varying periods of follow-up.114 Obesity is known to accelerate biological aging including telomere shortening and an altered epigenetic landscape typical of age-related dysfunction.115,116
Aging is associated with changes in body composition. Fat mass increases with the accumulation of visceral and intermuscular adipose tissue, while fatfree mass decreases.117,118 This ectopic fat is associated with elevated inflammatory molecules such as IL-6 and TNF-a and contributes to inflammation of aging and insulin resistance.119,120 The most important contributor to the accumulation of body fat is decrease in major components of total energy expenditure (resting metabolic rate, thermal effect of food, physical activity). Approximately 50% of the reduction is due to physical inactivity.118 Age-related hormonal changes such as decreased growth hormone and testosterone secretion, reduced responsiveness to thyroid hormone, and resistance to leptin with decreased ability to down-regulate appetite also account for shifts in proportion of fat and fatfree mass.118,121
Life’s Essential 8 recommends maintenance of a healthy body weight with a body mass index <25 kg/m2.5 Weight loss in individuals with obesity, regardless of age, sex, or race improves physical function and QOL.118 Lifestyle interventions are effective at all ages.122 A realistic weight loss goal for older adults is a 5 to 10% reduction in body weight. The combination of an energy-deficit diet (energy deficit w500–750 kcal/day), rich in highquality protein (1 g/kg/day) with increased physical activity results in moderate weight loss.118,123 Interventions aimed at weight loss should consider worsening body composition from baseline and focus on loss of adiposity with maintenance or increase of bone and muscle.124 (Table 1) Tailored programs that account for biologic sex (eg, greater protein needs for men) should be considered. A specific behavioral strategy includes self-monitoring, goal setting, social support, and stimulus control.125 The program should be nutritionally adequate and applicable to ethnic and cultural background, and physical and cognitive capabilities of the individual.
In preclinical models, energetic restriction has demonstrated reduced risk for all-cause mortality and CVD due to favorable effects on aging-related molecular mechanisms.126,127 Intermittent fasting is a popular approach to lose weight by reduction in calorie intake.128,129 Safety and CV outcomes of intermittent fasting have not been evaluated in older adults, and it may have a negative effect on lean mass retention.129,130
Clinical trials studying pharmacotherapy in obesity treatment have enrolled few older adults (2%–8.8%).131–134 There is insufficient evidence to determine efficacy and safety of weight loss medications in this population. Weight loss medications, in addition, may have detrimental adverse effects and add to the burden of polypharmacy. When selecting a weight management medication, several factors must be considered including each drug’s efficacy, side effects, cautions, warnings, patient’s comorbidities, and should be a shared decision with a comprehensive lifestyle intervention. Bariatric surgery is the most effective intervention especially in patients with severe obesity, however, evidence concerning its efficacy and safety in older adults is limited.135 Preclinical data suggest that senolytics may alleviate the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome by promoting favorable deposition of fat to subcutaneous region rather than visceral deposition, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity and reduction of metabolic syndrome in mice.136
The role of lipids, in particular, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), in the development of atherosclerosis is well-established.137 However, there is conflicting evidence for the association of LDL-C with CVD in older adults.138,139
With aging, lipid metabolism becomes dysregulated via complex multifaceted mechanisms.140 Total cholesterol and LDL-C levels initially increase with age until the early 50s followed by a plateau or even decrease in subsequent years.141–143 Significant sex differences in plasma lipid levels are observed with aging, with decreased estrogen levels in postmenopausal women leading to increased triglyceride levels compared with men.144,145 Changes in body composition associated with aging, insulin resistance, decreased circulating levels of growth hormone contribute to changes in lipid profiles over time.142,146 Lower cholesterol levels in older adults may also reflect survivorship bias: individuals with lower cholesterol levels live longer. Moreover, low LDL-C may also be confounded by a catabolic condition such as cancer, renal disease, or dementia.
Most recently, 2018 American College of Cardiology/AHA guideline recommended statin use for primary prevention in patients with LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL, DM, or a 10-year atherosclerotic CVD risk ≥7.5% with risk enhancers.147 Atherosclerotic CVD risk is validated for age 20 to 79 years.147 On the other hand, cardiovascular risk score-3 risk calculator is valid up to the age of 85 years.148
Coronary artery calcium score is a valuable prognostic tool in older adults. The negative predictive value of zero coronary artery calcium score for predicting CAD events and mortality increases with age and can be used as an impactful prognostic marker for de-risking at older ages.149
Adherence to a healthy lifestyle aids in cholesterol lowering. Statins are important for secondary prevention, and to reduce first CVD event at least to age 75 years.150–152 Observational data suggest lower risk for CV events for primary prevention over age 75 years with statin.152,153 Few trials have included individuals aged 75 and older. The PROSPER (Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk) trial, the first dedicated trial to older individuals (70–82 years), demonstrated an overall improvement in CVD outcomes with pravastatin treatment in a mixed primary and secondary prevention population.154 Subsequent analysis of primary prevention data from Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin and Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation-3 demonstrated a significant 26% relative reduction in CVD events and death among individuals aged ≥70 years.155 Moreover, meta-analysis of 28 major statin trials that included over 186,000 participants (both primary and secondary prevention) and found a 12% reduction in vascular mortality per 1.0 mmol/L reduction in LDL-C, though benefits were attenuated in those over age 75 without pre-existing CVD.151 Two ongoing randomized controlled trials, the STAREE (Statin Therapy for Reducing Events in the Elderly; NCT02099123) trial and the PREVENTABLE (Pragmatic Evaluation of Events and Benefits of Lipid Lowering in Older Adults; NCT04262206) trial will address the role of statins for primary prevention in those aged 75 years and older. In addition to lowering cholesterol, statins may have antiaging properties through modulation of telomerase activity.156 That being said, in older adults with life-limiting illnesses and polypharmacy concerns, the potential net benefits of statin treatment for primary prevention are likely attenuated.
The utility of non-statin drugs, ezetimibe added to simvastatin, or PCSK9 inhibitor, extend to older adults as well.157,158 Novel therapeutics such as inclisiran and bempedoic acid offer additional treatment options, though evidence in older adults is limited.159,160
Statins are safe and well tolerated even at advanced ages.151,161 Less serious muscle symptoms are commonly observed with statin treatment >90% of which can be attributable to the so-called “nocebo effect.”162 Nevertheless, it is important to consider how such ‘aches and pains’ may impact an older adult with mobility limitations and careful follow-up for side effects, considering dose adjustment, or rotating to another statin if these should occur.
Life’s Essential 8 recommends controlling blood sugar for optimum CV health, which is relevant to older adults as well.5,163 About 50% and 30% of older adults >65 years have prediabetes and diabetes, respectively.164 Older adults with diabetes are more likely to be Blacks and Hispanics, and as a result, have increased prevalence of CVD.165–168 In addition, DM increases the risk of geriatric syndromes such as urinary incontinence, falls, sarcopenia, frailty, chronic pain, dementia, and polypharmacy.167 Furthermore, older adults have the highest rates of hospitalization due to hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, visual impairment, and diabetes-related renal disease.163,165,169
Aging is associated with dysregulated glucose metabolism manifesting as elevated fasting and postprandial glycemic levels irrespective of presence or absence of diabetes.170,171 Body composition changes throughout life, and as mentioned above, is characterized by increased ectopic fat deposition. Accumulation of visceral fat, especially intra-abdominal, is the major driver of insulin resistance through increased pro-inflammatory cytokines.119,170 In addition, age-related impaired insulin secretion, reduced insulin sensitivity, and promotion of pancreatic B-cell death contribute to the development of DM.170
Glycemic control in older adults brings unique challenges due to comorbidities, cognitive, and functional heterogeneity. Studies have demonstrated increased risk of CV events, frailty, disability, cognitive impairment, and mortality with intensive glycemic control.166 Moreover, tight glycemic control contributes to falls and fractures. Therefore, the goal for diabetes treatment in older adults is a simplified regimen that avoids hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and involves caregivers (5Ms medications) with a focus on health status and life expectancy.163 Current guidelines from American Diabetes Association recommend an HbA1c of <7.5% in older adults with few chronic illness and intact cognitive and physical function who do not have a life-limiting illness.172 Higher HbA1c goals may be most relevant to nursing home populations and those with very limited life expectancy (Table 1).
Advances in pharmacotherapeutics with improved CV outcomes have reinvigorated the management of DM. With these newer agents, lower HbA1C levels can be targeted in healthy older adults without comorbidities.173 Metformin is the first-line agent for treatment but is contraindicated in renal dysfunction (estimated glomerular filtration rate <30 mL/min/1.73 m2). Insulin and insulin secretagogues such as sulfonylureas should be used with caution due to the risk of hypoglycemia. Oral dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors are safe with low risk of hypoglycemia, though are costly and do not impact CVD outcomes. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have demonstrated CV benefits in patients with diabetes and established CVD.174 These drugs are injectable and require adequate visual, motor, and cognitive skills for proper use. Sodium-glucose transporter-2 inhibitors are oral drugs that demonstrated reduction in CVD in patients with and without diabetes.175
Senolytics have shown promise in reducing senescent cell burden, macrophages, and crown-like structures in adipose tissues in diabetics with kidney disease, suggesting that onset or progression of diabetes might be delayed with these drugs, though large-scale studies are needed.176 On the other hand, existing antidiabetic drugs, metformin, and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors have shown antiaging properties by attenuating multiple aspects of biological aging raising promise for their use as gerotherapeutics.177,178
Hypertension is highly prevalent in older adults, affecting nearly 80% of older adults ≥75 years, with highest prevalence in men and non-Hispanic Blacks.2 Isolated systolic hypertension, defined as elevated systolic pressure with normal or reduced diastolic pressure is the predominant form of hypertension seen in older adults.179
Aging is characterized by generalized endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffening which occurs due to a loss of elastin, increase in collagen and calcification.180,181 These changes are accentuated by age-induced chronic low-grade inflammation, irreversible mitochondrial oxidative stress from accumulation of reactive oxygen species, and metabolic syndrome.179,182 Arterial stiffness, especially of large vessels, causes diminished baroreflex sensitivity leading to neurohormonal dysregulation and sympathetic activation.183 Loss of distensibility of major central vessels and increased vascular resistance cause augmented reflected waves and elevated systolic pressure. Additionally, reduced arterial reservoir capacity and altered blood flow dynamics lead to low diastolic pressure and elevated pulse pressure.179,181
Age-related increase in BP also arises from decline in renal function, increased salt sensitivity, and upregulation of ENaC channels, reduced nitric oxide bioavailability, increased endothelin-1, and reduced levels of aldosterone and renin.184–186 Environmental and lifestyle factors including low physical activity, poor diet, high salt intake, and weight gain further contribute to elevated BP. Common comorbidities, such as obstructive sleep apnea, renal dysfunction, and thyroid disorders, may present as secondary causes of hypertension and increase the likelihood of treatment resistant hypertension.187
Hypertension affects brain structure leading to cognitive impairment, neurogenerative, and mood disorders. This in turn sets up a vicious cycle of poor insight, low treatment adherence, increased risk of polypharmacy, worsening cognition, functional status, and mortality.188,189 Hypertension control in older adults reduces CVD risk and associated mortality and has beneficial impact on delaying the onset and progression of cognitive impairment.190,191 Aging hallmarks are not well studied in the context of hypertension, and a few initial studies have demonstrated increased biomarkers of accelerated aging in these patients.192 Senolytics, such as navitoclax, dasatinib, and quercetin have demonstrated some efficacy in reducing myocardial senescent cells, vascular calcification, and interstitial fibrosis that may have a role in prevention of development of hypertension in future in humans.193,194
Lifestyle modification should be encouraged and emphasized to prevent development and aid in BP management at every visit. Several trials (SHEP [The Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program], HYET [The Hypertension in Very Elderly Trial], STEP [Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients], SPRINT [The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial]) have studied hypertension management in older adults with targets as low as systolic BP <120. Overall, these trials demonstrated benefit for CV events, mortality, and dementia.190,195 Yet results remain inconclusive among those with advanced multimorbidity, frailty, cognitive decline, or institutionalization as these individuals were not included in the trials. Nevertheless, the 2017 American College of Cardiology/AHA hypertension guidelines recommend a target systolic BP of <130/80 mm Hg for most adults aged 65 years and older.196 On the other hand, the 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension suggest a higher systolic BP goal of 130 to 139 mm Hg and diastolic BP of 70 to 79 mm Hg in adults between ages 65 and 80 years.197
For patients with preserved functional status, BP targets in older adults should be similar to those in younger adults. For those who have significant cognitive and/or functional decline, frailty and limited life expectancy, a BP target of systolic BP 130 to 150 mm Hg may be reasonable if lower BP causes hypotension or other adverse reactions. The pharmacologic maxim of “start low, go slow, but get there” should be followed. Intensive BP lowering is most appropriate for older adults with high CV risk burden and life expectancy of 3 or more years as those with limited life expectancy may not live long enough to derive benefit102,198 (Table 1).
There are multiple first-line agents for BP treatment: thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and calcium channel blocker. Thiazides have the highest risk of adverse events such as falls, acute renal injury, and should be used with caution.199 Calcium channel blocker and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor blockers may be beneficial in frail older patients, with the latter having a role in increasing lower limb muscle mass.200–202 Alpha blockers, such as those commonly used for benign prostatic hyperplasia in men, and diuretics can induce or worsen orthostatic hypotension, increase risk of falls, and hip fracture.65,203 Other drugs to be used with caution are clonidine, methyldopa, nifedipine, and reserpine.65
In addition to Life’s Essential 8 components, potentially modifiable social determinants of health also play an important role in preservation of CV health. Negative psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, social isolation and loneliness, pessimism, and so on adversely impact CV health, whereas positive psychological well-being improves CVH and associated mortality.204 Poor mental health in older adults may cause medication non adherence, substance misuse, inequalities in access to health care, behavioral changes such as lack of motivation for exercise, and increased risk of medication adverse effects that may impact CVH directly or indirectly. Therefore, to improve CVH, a comprehensive and holistic approach addressing social determinants is necessary.205 Further studies exploring the impact of social determinants of health and potential intervention specifically in older adults are needed.
The risk of developing CVD varies considerably between individuals of the same chronological age. There is growing evidence indicating that variability in biological aging and reduced efficiency of homeostatic mechanisms that oppose aging may contribute to this clinical heterogeneity. A comprehensive, holistic, and individualized approach is required to treat the whole person with consideration of Geriatric 5Ms to ensure the extension of not only lifespan but also health span. Future studies of gero-therapeutics may identify interventions that can improve CV health, as well as healthy aging and longevity.
Biological aging is driven by a complex molecular and cellular process characterized by key aging hallmarks that are often accelerated by traditional CVD risk factors leading to development of not only CVD but also various geriatric syndromes that possess unique challenge.
Optimization of Life Essential 8 components impact aging process at multiple molecular and cellular levels and contribute to healthy aging, increased lifespan, and health span.
Future studies of gero-therapeutics may identify interventions that can improve cardiovascular health, as well as healthy aging and longevity.
Dr Orkaby is supported by VA CSR&D CDA-2 award IK2-CX001800 and NIA GEMSSTAR R03-AG060169; and has received consulting fees from Anthos Therapeutics. Dr Goyal is supported by the American Heart Association grant 20CDA35310455 and National Institute on Aging grant K76AG064428; and has received consulting fees from Sensorum Health. Dr Rich has received support from the NIH (R01 AG060499, R01 AG078153, R01 HL147862, R01 HL151431). Dr Tighe is supported by Career Development/Capacity Building Award Number IK2 RX003393 from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation R&D (Rehab RD) Service; resources and the use of facilities at the Veterans Integrated Service Network 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and is PI of Clinical Trial NCT04506112 and has grant funding through the Veterans Health Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. Dr Billingsley is supported by the National Institute of Aging NIH/NIA T32AG062403. Dr Villareal is supported by the National Institutes of Health (RO1-AG031176, RO1-DK109950) and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (CX000906, CX002161). The contents do not represent the views of the U.S. Government or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr Nanna has received research support from the American College of Cardiology Foundation supported by the George F. and Ann Harris Bellows Foundation, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (P30AG021342), and the National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health from R03AG074067 (GEMSSTAR award). Dr Kuchel is supported by NIA P30 AG067988; R33AG061456; R25AG073119; U54AG075941 and the Travelers Chair in Geriatrics and Gerontology. Dr Hummel is supported by support from the American Heart Association 20-SFRN35370008, National Institutes of Health, NIH/NIA R01-AG062582, R01-AG078153, NIH/NHLBI R61-HL155498 and Veterans Affairs RDC-2017-1066. Dr Forman is funded by NIA R01 AG060499, R01 AG05883, 1U19AG065188, P30AG024827 and VA HSR&D Merit 1I01 HX003518, VHA RR&D SPIRE 1I21RX004409. Dr Alexander is funded by NIA 1U19AG065188. Views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position or policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Government. This work is not subject to U.S. copyright as several of the authors of this manuscript are employees of the U.S. Government. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
American Heart Association
- BP
blood pressure
coronary artery disease
- CV
cardiovascular disease
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
- DM
diabetes mellitus
low-density lipoprotein–cholesterol
quality of life
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