The goal of this paper is to explore what online education and decision support tools are freely available to patients about prenatal screening.
Materials and Methods.
We 1) conducted an environmental scan using Google Trends to identify and evaluate prenatal screening search terms, 2) created a list of websites and YouTube videos that would be easily accessed by a searcher and 3) characterized the information within those websites and videos, including an examination of their qualities as a decision support tool and a readability analysis.
Fifty websites, containing 62 unique educational resources, and 39 YouTube videos were analyzed. The websites were primarily educational, though the education was provided by a range of sources including non-profit and for-profit organizations, universities, and governments (i.e., public health departments). Readability scores (PEMAT-P) for the sites ranged from 50% to 92%, with a median score of 74%. Two of the websites we evaluated met all of the limited decision support standards we applied; four of the websites included patient stories or experiences and eight included some element of values clarification. Videos were more likely to include values clarification.
The information available to patients online is variable. While most is balanced and informative, much is difficult to read and missing key decision-making factors. Healthcare providers should work with patients to ensure they have basic comprehension of the prenatal genetic screening materials, possible result outcomes, and expected steps following a positive screening result.
Keywords: Prenatal screening, Search engine, Patient education, Decision aids, Health literacy
Advancements in genetic testing have changed the landscape for pregnant people looking to learn about the chance that their fetus may have a chromosomal or genetic condition. While these opportunities have historically been offered to families with a history of genetic or chromosomal conditions, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that all pregnant individuals be offered prenatal genetic testing as part of their prenatal care1 regardless of maternal age, disease, history or risk status.
With the increased use of these genetic tests during pregnancy (i.e., genetic testing is more accessible and less expensive), it is critical that people are informed and understand the purpose of the tests and their potential implications. Additionally, decision making based on risks to one’s health can increase anxiety, regret, or unnecessary healthcare utilization2. These mental health risks are amplified during pregnancy and have a direct impact on the health and longevity of the fetus3.
Traditional invasive prenatal diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) yield the most accurate diagnosis but carry a risk of miscarriage4. Providers typically offer a less invasive first line screening test. While prenatal cell-free DNA screening (cfDNA) is the most accurate among screening tests, it still has a small false positive rate. As a result, patients may require confirmatory testing, either prenatally or after birth5. However, if a person does not understand the potential results and implications from the screening test, they may experience unnecessary stress or potentially choose to terminate before diagnostic confirmation6; 7. Therefore, it is important for pregnant couples to make informed decisions about genetic testing. The risks and ethics involved in the decision emphasize the need for educating pregnant people in advance of actual testing8; 9.
Ineffective education could prove harmful to patients, especially when faced with unfamiliar concepts (e.g., false positive results and probability) and the implications of follow-up diagnostic testing10. However, an increasing number of physicians and patients view cfDNA as routine, due to the flexibility for use both early and late in the pregnancy and the ease of testing with a blood test11; 12. Even commercial companies offer cfDNA outside of the clinic to “find out your baby’s gender”, e.g., Peek-a-boo Early Detection Gender DNA Test (for the purposes of this paper we use the word “gender”, as it is the word used by the Peek-a-boo company; in actuality these tests provide information about the biological sex of the fetus). There is concern that routinization may lead to reduced education and potentially increased anxiety for the pregnant person between the time they receive “high-risk” results for an aneuploidy and the follow-up explanation with their physician13. Genetic counseling may alleviate anxiety when done prior to screening but there are a limited number of genetic counselors available. Thus, there is a significant need for accessible mechanisms to better inform pregnant couples about prenatal screening options and the growing complexities of emerging medical advancements during pregnancy.
Any educational mechanism should recognize that the choice to complete prenatal genetic screening is a personal decision that should be guided by individual values. Prenatal screening may be presented to patients as simple and routine8, ignoring the values inherent to the decision, particularly if termination is an option. A systematic review of qualitative research involving adult women who had undergone cfDNA revealed that many of them were dissatisfied with their experience because they felt that their clinician was not informed enough to help them decide11.
Use of educational decision support tools
One approach for informing pregnant couples about their options around prenatal screening is the use of decision support tools (DSTs). Leiva Portocarrero and colleagues found that most pregnant people want to be involved in decision making regarding prenatal testing14, yet they are mostly influenced by the information they get from their providers2 and societal or cultural influences12. Given wide differences in provider knowledge, time available for discussion, or interest in the conversation, a DST can help patients make informed decisions based on their personal values and expectations2.
A good DST will provide accurate information about available options while also presenting potential outcomes and the benefits and risks associated with a given decision3. Additionally, it will help a patient to clarify their values associated with the decision, support patients’ preferences, and enable patients to actively engage in shared decision making with their providers. DSTs have been shown to 1) increase knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment options, 2) improve accuracy of risk perception, 3) improve congruency between values and care choices, 4) decrease decisional conflict, 5) increase patient participation in shared decision making and 6) improve patient-provider communication15. The goal of DST use in and around pregnancy is not to eliminate physicians’ consultation but to provide patients with information that helps them share in the decision-making process2.
The gold standard DST meets the International Patient Decision Support (IPDAS) collaboration standards, which consists of 16 requirements16. IPDAS requires DSTs to support people’s decision-making regarding healthcare options, provide information about options, and help patients articulate and communicate their personal values. Few tools meet all 16 IPDAS requirements14, yet several studies have shown a positive impact of DSTs that do not meet the full requirements. For instance, prenatal screening decision making is improved by DSTs by improving knowledge scores and decreasing decision-making conflicts2. Additionally, informal information sources, such as those found through a Google search, also influence decision-making processes in pregnancy17. Given the potential impact of any information source, but particularly one that meets certain standards, this study evaluated how well educational resources available online met select IPDAS qualifications. Meeting the full IPDAS industry standards was not the goal of our evaluation in this study. Instead, we looked at some broad categories that are generally accepted as important components of a decision support tool.
The goal of this paper is to explore what online education and DSTs are freely available to patients about prenatal screening. Researchers have created and assessed numerous DSTs18–24, but these aids are typically not available for use once the research project has ended. Given the importance of these informal information sources, our research team aimed to present an overview of the available information found using the search engines Google and YouTube to identify gaps in knowledge and resources, with the long-term goal of stimulating more research in this area.
To meet our objective, we 1) conducted an environmental scan using Google Trends to identify and evaluate prenatal screening search terms, 2) created a list of websites and YouTube videos that would be easily accessed by a searcher and 3) characterized the information within those websites and videos using a qualitative descriptive framework25.
Environmental Scan
An environmental scan was conducted to find relevant websites that may provide patient-facing information about prenatal screening. To begin the scan, websites known to the research team as strong sources of information were listed and reviewed. Google Trends was then used to systematically identify alternative search queries (Related Queries) or synonyms, which were subsequently entered into Google search engine to identify other possible websites patients may find in their own search. Finally, we widened the environmental scan to include YouTube, using the same search terms to explore relevant videos.
Google Trends
Google Trends (https://trends.google.com/trends/?geo=US) is a website that allows users to identify the popularity of search queries done in the Google search engine. Google Trends results include Interest by subregion, Measure of interest, Related topics, Related queries, and Measures of relatedness for the related topics and related queries.
For this analysis, the term Prenatal Screening was entered into Google trends on October 17, 2022, using Google Trends parameters: limited to the United States, the past 12 months, all categories, and Web searches. Synonyms of related queries were then searched, and related query synonyms of those terms were searched, and so on until no new synonyms were found. Specific prenatal screening brand names were excluded from this analysis.
Website and YouTube Analysis
The research team analyzed the websites pulled from the Google Trends process. One team member summarized each prenatal genetic screening website, and a second team member independently reviewed their assessments. Any discrepancies were evaluated and agreed upon together.
The team visited and analyzed select sites known to contain relevant educational sources and the top nine websites from each Google term search, using Incognito mode so as not to influence the search by past search history, excluding advertisements labeled as such at the top of the search page. For each website the following information was gathered: Organization, Description of Site, URL, Organization Location, Profit Status (non-profit vs for-profit), Affiliated Organizations, Sponsor/Funder, and Educational Resource Offered. A single site may offer multiple educational resources, such as infographic downloads and videos. For each Educational Resource we assessed the following: Resource Title, Type (written text, video, graphic: infographic, graphic: comic, graphic: other, print materials, live workshops or presentations, other), Brief Description, Specific URL, and whether or not select elements of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) had been met. The 16 standards developed by IPDAS were not appropriate to apply to the websites because the websites were not intended to be DSTs. Instead, we chose key “qualifying criteria” elements that any patient DST should meet16. These included the following: the resource presented relevant information (i.e., anything factual about the screening); the resource presented personal experiences (e.g., one woman telling her story about the aftermath of her decision); the resource helped patients clarify values by providing questions (e.g., ”How important is it to you to know that your pregnancy has a condition such as Down syndrome?”); the resource helped the user plan for next steps (e.g., an explanation of what happens after receiving the prenatal screening results); the resource was neutral and balanced about the decision to be made (defined as organized, as much as possible, in a manner that is objective, nondirective, and does not favor one option over another).
The research team next explored YouTube as a separate and independent source of relevant information. Team members systematically documented videos on YouTube associated with the same Google search terms, gathering the same pieces of information about the videos when possible.
After the initial analysis was completed, the research team assessed the readability of the websites found when entering the Google Trends terms into the Google search engine, utilizing the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P) “understandability” score18. The “understandability” score is based on 19 questions about the material’s content, word choice and style, use of numbers, organization, layout and design, and use of visual aids. The high score available for a given site is variable because some categories may not be applicable. For example, if the website did not offer any visual aids, this would be marked as a ‘No’ in the first visual aid question and then follow up questions would be marked as ‘Not Applicable’, reducing the total possible score for that site. The PEMAT-P score, which is a percentage of the total PEMAT-P criteria the educational material contains, provides a metric to compare sites to each other and does not include threshold values to rate quality. Two research team members applied the PEMAT-P to the first five websites of each search term discovered through the Google Trends results, because more than two-thirds of users limit their interaction to the first five results, with the remaining five results receiving just 3.73% of the clicks26; 27. Utilizing double coding, each site was independently rated by two different coders. The resulting percentage scores (number of questions endorsed divided by the total possible points for that site) for each site were compared across raters and differences of 10% or more were discussed and resolved.
Google Trends Analysis
The term Prenatal Screening returned 59 unique Related Queries in Google Trends. Table 1 summarizes the major categories of the unique queries resulting from Google Trends into prenatal genetic screening related terms, terms phrased as a question, and terms including the word “gender” since this was a common category. We excluded query results for different types of screening tests (e.g., carrier screening), diagnostic tests (e.g., amniocentesis), names of specific genetic condition (e.g., cystic fibrosis), questions related to cost or location, or prenatal screening name brands (e.g., Panorama). For a full list of Related Queries results, see Supplemental Table 1.
Table 1.
Google Trends Related Queries to “Prenatal Screening” by Search Term Category
Prenatal screening | Related queries from Google Trends |
Cell free DNA test | |
First trimester genetic screening | |
First trimester screening | |
genetic blood testing pregnancy | |
Genetic screening pregnancy | |
Genetic testing during pregnancy | |
Genetic testing during pregnancy first trimester | |
Genetic testing for pregnancy | |
genetic testing in pregnancy | |
Genetic testing pregnancy | |
Maternal serum screening | |
NIPT | |
NIPT blood test | |
NIPT genetic testing | |
NIPT pregnancy | |
NIPT screening | |
NIPT test | |
NIPT test pregnancy | |
NIPT testing | |
Non invasive prenatal testing | |
Noninvasive prenatal screening | |
Prenatal DNA testing | |
Prenatal genetic screening | |
prenatal genetic testing | |
prenatal screening | |
Prenatal screening test | |
Prenatal screening tests | |
Prenatal testing | |
| |
Phrased as a question | |
| |
What does NIPT test for | |
What does the NIPT test for | |
What is a NIPT test | |
What is an NIPT test | |
What is genetic testing during pregnancy | |
What is genetic testing pregnancy | |
What is NIPT | |
What is NIPT test | |
What is NIPT test in pregnancy | |
What is NIPT testing in pregnancy | |
What is prenatal testing | |
| |
Search terms with “gender” | |
| |
Baby gender blood test | |
Blood test for baby gender | |
Blood test for gender | |
Blood test for gender of baby | |
Blood test for gender reveal | |
Blood test to determine gender | |
Blood test to determine gender of baby | |
Blood test to find out gender | |
Does NIPT test for gender | |
Early gender blood test | |
Early gender test | |
Gender blood test | |
Gender blood test at doctors office | |
Gender reveal blood test | |
Genetic blood testing pregnancy gender | |
Genetic testing pregnancy gender | |
NIPT blood test gender | |
NIPT gender test | |
NIPT test gender | |
Pregnancy gender blood test |
Website and YouTube Video Analysis
Fifty unique sites resulted from the Prenatal Screening Google Trends terms entered into the Google search engine and the websites identified a priori by the research team as known educational resources. Of those 50, four were sales sites (e.g., Amazon) selling a “gender reveal” noninvasive prenatal test that could be purchased and completed from home, only one of which provided some educational information. The follow-up exploration of YouTube videos revealed 39 unique YouTube videos discussing prenatal screening. See Table 2 for a breakdown of sites based on type, profit status, and funding organization and how those groups rated on the different IPDAS criteria. The for-profit organizations were typically labs, private health clinics, or direct sales sites for the “gender reveal” test that included more education than that offered by places like Amazon.
Table 2.
Select IPDAS criteria applied to websites and YouTube videos
Present relevant information? | Present experiences? | Values clarification? | Help user plan for next steps? | Neutral and balanced about the decision to be made? | |
Websites | |||||
Non-profit sites (n=25)b | 24 (96%) | 2 (8%) | 5 (20%) | 20 (80%) | 24 (96%) |
For profit sites (n=17) | 14 (82%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (6%) | 13 (76%) | 15 (88%) |
Government (n=10) | 9 (90%) | 1 (10%) | 1 (10%) | 5 (50%) | 10 (100%) |
University (n=3) | 3 (100%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (33%) | 3 (100%) | 3 (100%) |
Other (n=3)c | 3 (100%) | 1 (33%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (33%) | 3 (100%) |
Direct Sales (n=4) | 1 (25%) | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (25%) | 0 (0%) |
YouTube Videos | |||||
Non-profit sites (n=22) | 22 (100%) | 0 (0%) | 10 (46%) | 17 (77%) | 21 (96%) |
For profit sites (n=8) | 8 (100%) | 1 (13%) | 4 (50%) | 8 (100%) | 8 (100%) |
Government (n=4) | 4 (100%) | 1 (25%) | 2 (50%) | 4 (100%) | 3 (75%) |
University (n=4) | 4 (100%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (25%) | 3 (75%) | 4 (100%) |
Unknown (n=1)d | 1 (100%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (100%) | 1 (100%) | 1 (100%) |
provided n’s for websites refers to the total number of resources available. Actual number of sites accessed includes 18 non-profits, 13 for-profits, 9 government, 3 university, 3 other and 4 direct sales
Other: Peer-reviewed journal articles and newspaper articles
The authors were unable to determine to which category the unknown video producer belonged
Of the 50 sites, 62 unique educational resources were identified; some of the websites had multiple resources available, such as both written text and an embedded video. Among the 62 resources, 49 offered written text, three offered video, two offered infographics, and five offered print materials for download (e.g., brochure). Three were only selling a cfDNA-based test for biological sex and offered no educational value. None offered additional educational graphics.
Each educational resource was analyzed for IPDAS elements. Only four resources met all five IPDAS qualifying criteria we chose for this study. The majority of the resources presented relevant information (n=54, 87%) and were neutral and balanced about the decision to be made (n=55, 88.7%), but only 6.5% (n=4) presented individual experiences and 11.3% (n=7) included some level of values clarification exercises. The type of site did not appear to impact results on the IPDAS criteria (Table 2), but statistical analyses were not completed due to low numbers. Of the groups with at least ten resources (non-profit, for-profit, and government), non-profit sites were more likely to present values clarification questions (20% vs 6% and 10%) and government sites were least likely to help the user prepare for next steps (50% vs 76% and 80%).
Analysis of the YouTube videos was approached in the same manner as the websites. Of the 39 videos, the majority (56%) were made by non-profit organizations and 20% were made by for-profit organizations (laboratories) (Table 2). The IPDAS criteria met by the videos can be seen in Table 2. Similar to the websites, all the videos present information in a neutral and balanced manner and only two present unique patient experiences. However, the percentage of videos encouraging some level of values clarification (n=18, 46%) was higher than the percentage of websites encouraging values clarification (n=7, 11.3%).
A high number of websites only offered written text, so the research team conducted a readability analysis using the Understandability component of the PEMAT-P. After de-duplicating the 5 top results of the Google search using each of the Google Trends terms, 30 websites remained and were scored by two independent raters. The resulting PEMAT-P Understandability score of the websites analyzed ranged from 50% to 92%, with a median score of 74%. PEMAT-P average score for the different site types explored above (Table 3) revealed much lower scores for the “Other” (53.9%) and the “Direct Sales” (66.3%) categories, compared to non-profit (76.8%) and for-profit (72.3%). However, the number of sites assessed for both of these groups was small. Twenty five or more of the 30 sites met seven of the PEMAT-P Understandability criteria (Table 4). Three of the PEMAT-P Understandability criteria were met less than half of the time. Additionally, only three of the 30 websites contained visual aids to make the content more easily understood. Two sites included tables, both of which were clinician-focused. Finally, many of the websites, from both commercial and non-profit sources, contained distracting advertisements and videos unrelated to the subject, impacting readability in a way that may not be well captured by the PEMAT-P.
Table 3.
PEMAT average scores for sites reviewed in PEMAT sub-analysis
Non-profit sites (n=7) | For profit sites (n=11) | Government (n=7) | Other (n=2)b | Direct Sales (n=3) | |
Average PEMAT Score | 76.79 | 72.27 | 75.84 | 53.85 | 66.3 |
Other: peer-reviewed journal articles
Table 4.
PEMAT-P Understandability scoring
PEMAT-P category | PEMAT-P criteria | # of sites out of 30 (mean of 2 reviewer scores) |
Content | 1. The material makes its purpose completely evident [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 28 |
2. The material does not include information or content that distracts from its purpose [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 25.5 | |
Word Choice & Style | 3. The material uses common, everyday language. [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 20.5 |
4. Medical terms are used only to familiarize audience with the terms. When used, medical terms are defined, but not through use of another link. [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 22 | |
5. The material uses the active voice. [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 25.5 | |
Use of Numbers | 6. Numbers appearing in the material are clear and easy to understand (ie, whole numbers, not fractions or percentages). [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 12.5 |
7. The material does not expect the user to perform calculations. [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 30 | |
Organization | 8. The material breaks or “chunks” information into short sections. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, Very short material=N/A] | 28 |
9. The material’s sections have informative headers. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, Very short material =N/A] | 24.5 | |
10. The material presents information in a logical sequence. [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 28.5 | |
11. The material provides a summary. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, Very short material =N/A] | 9.5 | |
Layout & Design | 12. The material uses visual cues (e.g., arrows, boxes, bullets, bold, larger font, highlighting) to draw attention to key points. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, Video=N/A] | 23.5 |
Use of Visual Aids | 15. The material uses visual aids whenever they could make content more easily understood (e.g., illustration of healthy portion size). [Disagree=0, Agree=1] | 3 |
16. The material’s visual aids reinforce rather than distract from the content. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, No visual aids=N/A] | 3.5 | |
17. The material’s visual aids have clear titles or captions. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, No visual aids=N/A] | 3.5 | |
18. The material uses illustrations and photographs that are clear and uncluttered. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, No visual aids=N/A] | 5 | |
19. The material uses simple tables with short and clear row and column headings. [Disagree=0, Agree=1, No tables=N/A] | 0.5 |
Screening for congenital anomalies is recommended for all pregnant people regardless of age and family history14. Given the high amount of information covered in prenatal clinical visits and the limited time available during the visits, the need to educate people on prenatal screening outside of the clinic has been clear for many years. Various educational approaches for prenatal genetic screening, both electronic and paper-based, have been created and assessed by researchers in the past decade18–24; 28–30. These studies clearly indicate that users gain knowledge about prenatal genetic screening after using the educational tool. However, these educational tools are not available to patients who are actively looking for information on prenatal genetic screening on their own, and current attempts to track down the original DSTs18–24 indicate that the tools are also no longer in use clinically31. It is likely that most patients are not aware of these tools, so they turn to informal sources of information, such as friends or the internet11. Thus, the goal of this project was to explore what informal educational resources are available to patients who turn to the internet for understanding.
This environmental scan analyzed 50 websites containing a total of 62 unique educational sources. The websites appearing from these Google searches were primarily educational sites (as opposed to blogs and commercial advertising), though the education was being provided by a range of sources including non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, Universities, and governments (i.e., public health departments) (Table 2). People are typically taught that .gov and .edu are more trustworthy sources of information, but these sources were in the minority of what appeared through the Google searches, with only 13 sites having these top-level domains. In contrast, non-profit (.org) sites can be advocacy groups that have a particular bias32. However, we found 96% of the resources provided by these sites included balanced information. As expected, for profit websites encouraged use of their product or clinic, yet we found that they still provided balanced information about the screening itself (88%).
Most of the informal information sources available to the general public are primarily text-based, unless the user directly searches within YouTube. The abundance of text-based resources may be problematic for people with low health literacy. Our readability analysis revealed that the readability of text sources supplied by the Google search was broad, ranging from 50% to 92% scores on the PEMAT-P. Results from the PEMAT-P also show that a majority of websites make their purpose clear, do not expect the user to perform calculations, enhance readability by breaking up the material into short sections with informative headers, and roughly two thirds of the sites used language that could be considered common, everyday language. Yet, very few sites provide a summary or include visual aids, such as an image visually representing the probability of a high-risk result, alongside the text to help readers understand the material. Additionally, nearly 10% also included a high number of distracting advertisements.
It’s important to note that a Google search provides information for a wide target audience, including people seeking education or professional guidance, or looking to purchase a product. This broad response may make it difficult for patients to wade through and determine what is appropriate information. While most of the sites we evaluated appeared to be intended as patient-facing (compared to clinician-facing) and those sites had reasonable readability scores, they did not meet the limited IPDAS standards we applied for this study. Only four of the resources included patient stories or experiences and only eight included some element of values clarification. Notably, three of those eight resources only included implicit values clarification, simply encouraging people to think about what matters to them. A recent meta-analysis concluded that explicit values clarification methods are helpful for making values-congruent decisions, but that decisional conflict does not differ between explicit and implicit methods of presentation33.
The sites that did include personal stories were varied in their approach. For instance, one site put together a downloadable PDF that walks a parent through the facts and emotions around receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis. Another posted a video on their website that presents the screening decision through the eyes of one patient, “Louisa”. In comparison, stories presented by a national newspaper or a blog post present personal stories without as much factual information or values clarification opportunities. It is important to note that recent research indicates that the primary factor impacting behavior change is the degree to which the personal narrative resonates with the viewer, not merely the inclusion of the story itself34. Thus, it appears that individuals searching for education about prenatal screening can find relevant, unbiased, information but may not have what they need to make a values-appropriate decision.
Results from our video-specific exploration were similar. Video-based presentations can display complex information in a culturally and linguistically appropriate format to individuals of diverse educational backgrounds, making them ideal for presenting healthcare-related information31–33. Videos are also helpful for individuals with low literacy. According to a 2004 Institute of Medicine report, at least 90 million adults do not have the literacy skills required to effectively navigate the U.S. health system35. Genetic screening is a complex topic, often accompanied by jargon unfamiliar to those outside of the field, which can make comprehension even more challenging for those with low literacy skills. Of the 39 YouTube videos assessed here, only two included personal stories. This is a missed opportunity for a medium that easily can incorporate personal stories. However, the videos were more likely than the websites to discuss how personal values might be considered in decision-making.
Clinical Considerations
People seeking additional information about prenatal screening outside of their clinical visit are already taking an extra step. If prenatal genetic screening is presented to patients as routine with little discussion in advance, patients may not also be presented with additional information about the potential risks. However, if patients turn to the internet, much of the information that exists through a Google search also presents prenatal genetic screening as a “simple blood test” or as a method to learn about the sex of the baby early. Thus, despite the factual information being presented, patients may walk away from their search unprepared for a positive (or “high-risk”) screening result.
Several prenatal screening laboratories showed up in our Google search. The direct-to-consumer advertising done by labs or other commercial websites may minimize or neglect all mention of the potential risks while highlighting the ease and accuracy of the tests6; 36–39. For example, the three clinic websites we examined presented cfDNA primarily as an early “gender identification test” and only one of them presented information in a neutral manner. The cfDNA tests (often referred to as noninvasive prenatal tests within the websites) are not FDA evaluated and approved because they are laboratory developed tests. Without direct regulation of genetic testing and the lack of a centralized healthcare system, the implementation of cfDNA tests in the US has been influenced by the commercial sector, medical professional associations, and private insurers40; 41. The result is variable insurance coverage and variable options offered to patients, depending on their clinic42. Consequently, patients may be offered lab tests for microdeletions alongside aneuploidies and not recognize the difference due to inadequate or limited education, despite the fact testing for microdeletions is not recommended by the FDA43 or ACOG44.
Additionally, because cfDNA-based screens can be used so early in pregnancy and detect conditions for which there is no cure, it may be used primarily by some people to determine the need for termination38. Without adequate education, patients may terminate based on a screening result before conducting confirmatory testing, because of limited understanding of the concept of risk or probability. Conversely, patients may have increased anxiety related to the test if they receive a high-risk result but live in a state that does not allow termination or choose not to do invasive testing, leaving them unclear about what to do45; 46.
One final consideration is the impact of informal information on a pregnant person’s mental health. Sanders and Crozier (2018) found that as a result of exploring informal information sources, women experienced both anxiety and feelings of empowerment. The perception of control and empowerment, created by forming a strong knowledge base, breaks down as soon as something goes wrong or a result is unexpected, resulting in increased anxiety. Additionally, the authors discussed an “Information Heaven and Hell” dichotomy due to the findings that people are happy to have access to more information, but too much information can result in feeling overwhelmed17. While curating information for a patient could be helpful to sort out this dichotomy, patients may still dig into informal information sources away from the provided resource.
Strengths and Limitations
To our knowledge, this is a unique approach to assess publicly available information for prenatal genetic screening based on a simple search from popular internet sources. However, a limitation of this study is the lack of knowledge about how people are actually searching for information. Given the market saturation of Google we only explored search results within this one search engine, but have not addressed additional search engines such as DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, etc. Additionally, we started our Google trends analysis with an academic term, prenatal screening. The Trends analysis provided dozens of additional search terms, but the resulting pages may not have captured results starting with more informal search terms. Another limitation is that this study did not include social media and online forums where people may be gathering information.
Finally, our analysis of text readability was useful for recognizing literacy concerns, but we did not have a standardized tool to assess content. Often a site would yield a higher readability score but would have questionable content, from the point of view of the authors.
Supplementary Material
Supplemental Table 1 Google Trends: search terms and related queries for “Prenatal Screening”
The information available to patients online is variable. While most is balanced and informative, many websites could improve readability and add key decision-making factors
Providers should work with patients to ensure they have basic comprehension of the prenatal genetic screening material and next steps
This exploration provided an initial snapshot of what is available for patients seeking information about prenatal screening on their own. Future work could explore social media, carrier screening, and a more in-depth readability analysis
Funding Statement
Support for this research was provided in part by the National Institutes for Health (NIH) under Award Number R01HG011921. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official view of the NIH.
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Ethics Declaration Statement
This study did not include human subjects and therefore was not reviewed by an IRB.
Conflict of Interest Statement
All listed authors declare that they have no significant real or potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Rothwell and Dr. Riches have been funded by the National Institutes of Health, including Dr. Rothwell’s current funding that supported this paper.
Supplementary material available online contains a full list of the Related Queries from the Google Trends analysis, briefly summarized above in Table 1.
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not currently publicly available.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Supplemental Table 1 Google Trends: search terms and related queries for “Prenatal Screening”
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not currently publicly available.