The Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN) aims to establish sustainable genomics research programs in Botswana and Uganda through long-term training of Ph.D. students from these countries at Baylor College of Medicine. Here we present an overview of the CAfGEN Ph.D. training program alongside trainees’ perspectives on their involvement.
Historically, collaborations between High Income Countries (HICs) and Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), or North-South collaborations, have been criticized for the lack of a mutually beneficial distribution of resources and research findings, often undermining LMICs. CAfGEN purposes to address this imbalance in the genomics field through a program of technology and expertise transfer to the participating LMICs.
An overview of the training program is presented. Trainees from the CAfGEN project summarized their experiences, looking specifically at the training model, benefits of the program, challenges encountered relating to the cultural transition, and program outcomes after the first two years.
Collaborative training programs like CAfGEN will not only help establish sustainable long-term research initiatives in LMICs, but foster stronger North-South and South-South networks. The CAfGEN model offers a framework for the development of training programs aimed at genomics education for those for whom genomics is not their “first language.”
Keywords: genomics research, African scientists, training model, bioinformatics, North-South gap
Increasingly, the global pattern of disease burden is shifting from infectious to chronic 1,2. In 2013, six of the 10 diseases listed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as leading causes of death in the U.S. were chronic diseases 3. Current research 4 focuses on identifying the genetic determinants of disease with the understanding that identification of these causative factors may help improve diagnostic indicators and also provide potential therapeutic targets for future pharmaceutical intervention 5.
The African continent, which bears a disproportionate burden of disease, has an evident deficit in the advanced genetics and genomics technologies that can lead to the development of novel approaches to disease control. The paucity of well-trained, knowledgeable African genomics scientists is one factor hindering the development of African research in this field 6. A 2011 report7 linking research output to local researchers in-country found that, with the exception of South Africa, Senegal and Nigeria, the numbers were disappointingly low, averaging less than 2000 researchers per country for the majority of sub-Saharan countries.
Africa has the fastest growing population in the world 8. Coupled with a high incidence of communicable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV, and an increase in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke and heart disease, it has become even more critical that the appropriate technical, technological and infrastructural expertise is developed to address these challenges.
The global North-South divide is based on socio-economic development, with the North comprised of High Income Countries (HICs) from North America and Europe whilst the South is comprised of Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) from Africa, Asia and South America. Historically, North-South collaborations have been criticized for the inequitable distribution of resources and research findings 9–11. Scarce research funding and inadequate training opportunities have been cited as some of the challenges affecting this imbalance 7,12. Nevertheless, collaborative training programs between HICs and LMICs have been successfully implemented; one such example is a partnership between Makerere University and the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden which produced 44 Ph.D. graduates and offshoot collaborations 13.
In light of this inequity, the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) initiative 14 was established as a partnership between the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the UK-based Wellcome Trust and the African Society of Human Genetics (AfSHG)12. This five-year, $74 million initiative aims to narrow the gap in genomics expertise and research on the African continent by developing capacity for health-related genomics research, as previous African participation has been minimal 15. Biomedical research in Africa has traditionally been limited to specimen collection, with subsequent specimen shipment to developed countries where virtually all of the major investigations were conducted; the “postal research”16 or “helicopter science”11 models 17,18. Developing the necessary genomics research proficiencies will allow African scientists to set up appropriate frameworks to conduct comprehensive genomics studies addressing health issues relevant to African populations and to compete effectively on the global platform 15. The relevance of genomics to research in both chronic and infectious disease makes it an essential inclusion in the path to establishing African health 19.
Under the aegis of the H3Africa initiative, the Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN) was set up with the specific aim of understanding the underlying host genomic factors influencing progression of HIV and HIV-TB infection in pediatric populations in Botswana and Uganda, while contributing to the infrastructure, expertise and sustainability of genomics capacity within the H3Africa consortium 20,21. CAfGEN is comprised of five sites (Figure 1); two African pediatric clinics, two African universities and a college in the United States. The clinics, Botswana-Baylor Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence and the Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation-Uganda, provide clinical expertise for patient recruitment and sample collection. The universities, Makerere University and the University of Botswana, furnish the program with Ph.D. trainees, process patient samples, and provide the infrastructure and opportunities to sustain genomics research endeavors through the establishment of graduate programs in genetics and genomics, in addition to sequencing and bioinformatics facilities in the home institutions. Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in Houston, Texas, affords trainees access to genomics expertise, including hands-on experiences in the laboratory, didactic coursework, data analysis and a variety of other educational activities.
Figure 1.
Levels of interaction among the five member institutions of CAfGEN. Adapted from http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/afoutl.htm and http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/usstates/outline/tx.htm. Copyright 2015 by Valnet Inc. Adapted with permission.
Beyond the scientific objectives, CAfGEN seeks to develop and nurture young African scientists in the field of genomics, thereby increasing research capacity and sustainability in Africa through a program of technology and expertise transfer. This will empower them to investigate diseases relevant to their communities. As part of that mandate, CAfGEN has established a long term training program in which African Ph.D. trainees undertake two years of didactic training and experiential learning at BCM in genomics and bioinformatics methodologies. Upon completion of training at BCM, trainees will return to their respective home institutions to fulfill the requirements for award of a Ph.D. As trainees progress through the program, they participate in experiences that include H3Africa consortium meetings, annual BCM departmental genetics/genomics retreats and a variety of seminars relevant to genomics and bioinformatics. Trainees are introduced to a dynamic community of scholars with whom they establish mentoring and peer relationships during their time at BCM, which will continue throughout their careers. Continuous program assessment by trainees and faculty is employed to improve and refine the CAfGEN program and to ensure that it realizes its objectives. The expectation is that CAfGEN trainees will be instrumental in raising awareness of the importance of genomics and bioinformatics as research tools within their home institutions and communities, and will help develop and expand educational tracks in these disciplines as part of the groundwork towards creating a self-sustaining genomics research culture in Africa.
The longer term CAfGEN training goals include: firstly, establishing and enhancing undergraduate, graduate, and faculty education in genetics/genomics and providing opportunities for long- and short-term training of scientists and technicians from African universities. Secondly, establishing genetics/genomics technologies and supporting laboratory and physical infrastructure for large-scale analyses of common diseases in Africa. This training program ensures retention of African genomics scientists on the continent, with the aim of building a sustainable, critical number of researchers who will influence African universities and governments to invest in, support and improve biomedical research infrastructure as a means of finding diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to Africa-relevant health and disease 22.
In this article, six trainees share their collective training experiences from their time at BCM. Trainees consider the current outcomes of the program, as well as outline the challenges anticipated in conducting genomics research in their respective African countries. The CAfGEN training program is presented as a potential translatable model for future training programs in human genetics and/or genomics, in and beyond Africa. Trainees appraise the method of training and the applicability of the acquired skills in their respective home environments, the benefits of the program to trainees and their communities, and make recommendations to improve this model for future training programs.
Trainee Selection and Demographics
The current six trainees, three each from Botswana and Uganda, have been recruited through the two universities via both internal and external advertising. Selection criteria included a postgraduate degree with preference given to those in the fields of Genetics, Cell Biology, Biostatistics and Computer Science. Candidates were shortlisted based on their academic backgrounds (Table 1) and motivations, as well as testimonials provided by three academic referees, and subsequently invited to oral interviews conducted by a panel of university staff. Potential scholarship recipients identified at this stage were required to successfully register with the university as Ph.D. students and submit a research proposal based on the CAfGEN research objectives. Scholarships recipients were also required to pass BCM admission standards before the application process was considered complete. The selection process was carried out over several months in Makerere University and the University of Botswana, hence the arrival of trainees at BCM at three different time points. All six trainees continue through the program; the first five have almost reached the point of returning to their respective home institutions while the sixth still has a year remaining at BCM.
Table 1.
Academic qualifications and work experience of trainees
Trainee | Academic qualifications | Work experience | Prior bioinformatics experience (None, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)* |
01 | BSc (Biological Sciences) MSc (Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis) |
Laboratory Manager (4 years) Laboratory Coordinator (1 year) Laboratory Research Assistant (3 years) |
Basic |
02 | MBChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) MMed (Medical Microbiology) |
Junior House Officer (1 year) Head of Infection Control (1 year) Medical Officer (2 years) |
Basic |
03 | BSc (Biomedical Science) MSc (Medical Microbiology, Immunology with Molecular Biology) |
Clinical Laboratory Coordinator (1 year)M Research Scholar (1 year) Laboratory research assistant (3 years) |
Basic |
04 | BSc (Biomedical Laboratory Technology) MSc (Immunology and Clinical Microbiology) |
Assistant Lecturer (3 years) Laboratory Supervisor (7 years) |
Basic |
05 | BSc (Biological Sciences) MSc (Molecular and Cellular Biology) |
Lecturer (1 year) Laboratory Demonstrator (2 years) Teaching assistant (3 years) |
Basic |
06 | BSc (Biochemistry) MSc (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) |
Assistant Lecturer (4 years) Research associate (5 years) |
Basic |
Basic: Familiarity with bioinformatics tools such as BLAST, public bioinformatics web-based resources e.g. NCBI, ENSEMBL etc.
Intermediate: Familiarity with basic coding or scripting in in any programming language
Advanced: Large-scale analysis of biological data, proficiency in any programming language
Curricular Components
Genomics is characterized by “big data,” and its analysis, and the coursework that CAfGEN trainees undertake is geared towards equipping trainees with the skills that will enable them to conduct genomic studies.
The first year of training consists primarily of didactic coursework (Table 2) and laboratory rotations (Table 3). Trainees also attend seminars and workshops focused on a variety of genetics and/or genomics topics (Table 2). The aim of many of these lectures is to expose trainees to available informatics tools used in genomics research and their application to human subjects research. Many of the tools that trainees are exposed to are freely available, open access software, which they can continue to use as they start their careers at their home institutions. Newly acquired programming and computational skills provide a strong foundation that the trainees will continue to build upon in order to enhance their skills to a level whereby they can independently develop their own analysis tools, as needed (Table 2). The program design is such that the laboratory rotations intentionally overlap in scope in order to reinforce learning. At the end of the rotations, each trainee will have received instruction in designing genetics studies, and the theoretical and practical aspects of next-generation sequencing (NGS) from sample intake to production of analysis-ready variants. They will also have received basic training in the bioinformatics requirements for running NGS, variant discovery, quality control and annotation. The second year concentrates on analysis of data from the CAfGEN cohorts; during this period, trainees are placed in laboratories that complement their research interests. A timeline of the sequence of events for each trainee intake from arrival at BCM (Figure 2) serves to emphasize that the rotations and coursework at the core of the program can be tailored to each intake or trainee, depending on their research interests; non-core program laboratories are included in the program at trainees’ requests.
Table 2.
CAfGEN Trainee Program Coursework and Seminars
Coursework | ||
Course Title | Terma | Major Concepts/Tools |
Genetics A Genetics B |
1 & 2 | Mendelian Genetics, Statistical Methods, Population Genetics, Model Systems, Genome Analysis |
Application to Biology of Computation | 2 | Epigenomics, Network Biology, Sequence Analysis |
Practical Introduction to Programming for Scientists | 3 | BioPython, NumPy, Matplotlib, GUI Programming, Networking |
Gene Regulation | 3 | Transcription in Bacteria, Chromatin, Pre-mRNA Splicing, Translational Regulation Mechanisms |
Introduction to Biostatistics | 4 | Association, Power, Nonparametric Methods, Survival Analysis |
Human Genetics | 4 | Pedigrees, Genomic Disorders, Mitochondria, Complex Inheritance, Population Genetics |
Computer Aided Discovery Methods | 4 | Cancer Biology, ChIP-Seq data analysis using MACS2, IGV browser |
Bioinformatics and Genome Analysis | 4 | ChIP-Seq data analysis using seqMINER and MEME-ChIP, DAVID, UCSC Genome Browser |
Ethics for Professionalsb | ALL | Human Subjects Research, Scientific Misconduct, Care and Use of Animals, Plagiarism |
Seminars | ||
Seminar Series | Terma | Content |
Exome Sign-out | ALL | DNA diagnostics, Interpretation of whole exome sequencing data in evaluation of Mendelian disorders |
Molecular and Human Genetics Seminars | ALL | Weekly seminar series featuring external speakers presenting current genetics/genomics related research |
Duration of a term is 6 weeks
NIH prerequisite for federal grant funding
Table 3.
Laboratory Rotations in Year 1 of the CAfGEN Program
Rotation | Objectives | Tools/Methods |
DNA and RNA Extraction (Hanchard Laboratory – USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center) | Designing genetics studies. How to conduct quality DNA and RNA extraction. Understanding SNP array genotyping, Sanger sequencing and NGS techniques. QC of data. | QIACube RNA extraction. DNA quantification with qPCR and spectrophotometry. Gel-electrophoresis. Sequencher, PLINK, GenomeStudio. |
WES and RNA-Sequencing (Chen Laboratory) | Understanding next generation sequencing. Molecular diagnosis of disease through targeted whole exome sequencing. Setting up an NGS variant analysis pipeline. Using public databases as a source of controls in genetic studies. | OMIM, RetNet, ExAC, 1000 Genomes, dbSNP, CHARGE. Mutation Taster, SIFT, POLYPHEN. Bash scripting. |
Sanger Sequencing and WES (Human Genome Sequencing Center - HGSC) | Understanding next generation sequencing. Understanding sample quality control procedures. Extraction of nucleic acid from blood plasma. Whole exome sequencing. Setting up bioinformatics pipelines for NGS QC and analysis. NGS variant discovery best practice. Compute resource utilization. | qPCR nucleic acid quality control. Gel electrophoresis. WES with the Illumina platform (MiSeq and HiSeq). Bash scripting. BWA-MEM. SAMTools. GATK. |
GWAS and SNP Genotyping (Leal Laboratory) | Designing genetic studies. How to call variants and evaluate their functionality in GWAS and NGS studies. Performing analysis of population based data for complex traits as well as rare variant data. | GWAS QC, Association and Complex trait analysis using PLINK, CASSI, BEAM3, GenAbel, SEQPower. |
Population Genetics and WES (Fuli Laboratory- Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research Center) | Understanding bioinformatics workflows for NGS. Understanding GATK best practices. Understand various variant callers used in NGS. Running QC metrics on NGS data in comparison with public data (1000 Genomes). Understanding how to annotate variants. | Bash and python scripting to extract information from VCF files. Compute resource management with PBS scripting. NGS sequence analysis and QC with BWA-MEM, GATK, SAMTools, VCFTools. |
eQTL, SNPs, RNA Sequencing (Hanchard Laboratory - USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center) | Understanding differences between RNA-seq and DNA-seq alignment. Running differential expression analysis on RNA-seq data. | Sequence alignment with TopHat, Differential expression analysis with Cummerbund. Bowtie2, Cufflinks, R (EdgeR and DESeq) |
Figure 2.
CAfGEN activities over the two-year training period
Trainees deliver presentations on relevant topics in monthly genomics journal clubs and during their laboratory rotations; this promotes critical reading of the literature and practice in interpreting scientific results, both of which are essential skills for developing scientists. Trainees also have the opportunity to interact with prominent visiting researchers, 23,24 who graciously share their own training experiences. Visiting researchers have included prominent members of the Independent Expert Committee of H3Africa who have research interests focusing on next-generation genomics approaches and population genomics. These researchers are always well-published and serve as inspiration to the trainees for the potential impacts they can make in their own areas of research. Monthly conferences, in which clinical genetics cases that have been solved by whole exome sequencing are presented, provide trainees with a window into the victories and shortcomings of genomics as applied to clinical medicine.
In their second year of training, trainees have already begun to apply the various proficiencies acquired in their first year in a holistic manner by analyzing sequencing datasets generated from CAfGEN cohorts in Africa. The trainees have attended H3Africa consortium meetings, competing successfully within the pool of H3Africa trainees for travel scholarships to present their work at these esteemed events. Trainees also participate monthly via teleconference in the H3Africa Fellows’ Club Webinar Series: a platform for trainees that enhances genomics networking, training, and research in Africa.
Mentorship at BCM is available at two levels; from the CAfGEN principal investigators (PIs) and through the laboratory rotations. CAfGEN PIs have weekly meetings with the trainees to discuss their research projects, laboratory rotations and coursework, and ensure that the trainees are on track to meet the degree requirements of their home institutions. Trainees also receive mentoring from the postdoctoral fellows and laboratory PIs they interact with throughout their various laboratory rotations. Dependent on the particulars of each trainee’s research project, this mentoring is intended to extend beyond the time spent in that actual laboratory, to the period when trainees return home. Trainees also have the opportunity to source mentors with similar research interests or career paths from the greater H3Africa/NIH pool during the bi-annual H3Africa consortium meetings. This offers trainees a comprehensive mentorship network that covers technology, career-development, work-life integration and work processes 25.
Trainee perspectives were compiled during monthly focus groups in which laboratory rotations, coursework and general well-being were discussed with project mentors. The following descriptions represent consensus of the trainees’ views.
Benefits of the program
Formal collaborations can result from personal relationships between individuals 22. As such, the long term training program implemented by CAfGEN is more beneficial than short term training programs and/or workshops. Trainees are more likely to form stronger bonds, both amongst themselves and with their mentors at BCM, because of the longer training period. This is an added advantage for continued mentoring after the trainees return home. Interactions with postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from the training institution permit trainees to become part of a network comprised of not only mentors, but early and mid-career scientists in genomics, enabling present and future collaborations between different institutions. Another benefit of the program is the bringing together of trainees from different countries, as the two-year training period fosters strong working relationships which can potentially lead to lifelong research partnerships between African institutions. The duration of the program also enables trainees to take advantage of available graduate courses, seminars, and workshops which are not available at their home institutions, as shown in Table 2.
Sociocultural considerations
Trainees find their attention divided between family commitments back home, obligations to the program, and meeting home institution requirements. Finding the appropriate balance between the three, especially with the distance entailed, has been a true test and an exercise in compartmentalization. Social isolation in academic life has been a challenge; coursework for CAfGEN reflects a reduced selection of the mandatory classes in the Molecular and Human Genetics program at BCM, and formation of quality relationships between trainees and their US counterparts has been hindered by limited opportunities for interaction between the two groups. The wide array of options and complexities involved in settling on appropriate service providers for necessities such as electricity and rental insurance, among others, have also required some adjustment. Negotiating the differences between their home countries and the US in health care insurance has been a taxing undertaking. Homesickness has been an issue for all trainees, especially those from Botswana for whom a mid-program visit home has not been built into their stay. Assimilating into life in Houston has led to some interesting experiences - not least among them an American Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Trainees have found Houston to be a multicultural city with a student body comprised of nationalities from all over the world. The ethos of the city is an interesting hodge-podge of practicality and fancy, with high-rises under construction everywhere, a booming international restaurant culture and offerings of events in the visual arts and music, both paid and free, on an almost-daily basis.
Challenges faced
One of the greatest challenges of the program is the time constraints of the various rotations versus the competencies trainees are expected to acquire during these periods. There are also differences in teaching styles between African institutions and graduate level BCM coursework, resulting in a training experience with a steep learning curve. The utility of big data sets to identify genetic causes of disease has resulted in a plethora of tools for their analysis, with additional software becoming available as technology strives to keep up with advances in understanding in the medical field. Accordingly, it is possible that some of the skills instilled by the program will require adaptation in the not too distant future.
Trainee home institutions lack computational/bioinformatics infrastructure, which is largely due to limited funding and lack of expertise; CAfGEN and H3Africa are changing the latter and the H3Africa Bioinformatics Network (H3ABioNet) 26 is addressing the former by developing core bioinformatics infrastructure, so-called ‘nodes’, in 15 African countries and providing bioinformatics training in Africa at the graduate level and in the form of various internships and courses related to computing education. The gap remains for the returning trainees to lobby domestic funding and investment. Few institutions in Africa have departments of Genetics and Bioinformatics, largely due to the previously discussed shortcomings. Trainees will have to introduce these courses and programs aimed at stimulating enthusiasm amongst undergraduate students in their institutions, further ensuring sustainability.
Upon returning to home institutions, trainees will take on the twin challenges of establishing genomics research, especially in the comparatively young University of Botswana, and enhancing comprehension of the prerequisites and benefits of genomics in their respective communities, although considerable efforts from CAfGEN involve community outreach and education. Library services as extensive as those of the Texas Medical Center are not common in Africa and access to current issues of high impact journals may be important topics to address with home institutions. Further challenges include the relatively few opportunities for postdoctoral training in the genomics field in Africa to support advanced career development, and establishing functional research groups that are locally funded in trainees’ respective countries.
Lessons learned
While the program is designed for two years, all trainees agreed that additional time at BCM would be beneficial to allow trainees sufficient time to become proficient with the various bioinformatics tools, resolve their interests, and further develop research proposals. Moreover, as bioinformatics analyses require basic knowledge of the UNIX command line interface, trainees felt that familiarity with the command line prior to undertaking laboratory rotations and coursework should be considered an essential prerequisite.
Sharing progress reports with various course directors initially posed a few challenges; all trainees endorsed the use of cloud server storage as helpful in sharing trainee progress reports and the course directors’ reviews. Keeping itemized trainee journals to document progress helps to update the home universities on training progress and will serve as important reference material in the future. The cloud server is also useful for sharing trainee resources, such as links to online courses, relevant papers, and so forth. Although Skype calls are used to make presentations to home institutions, there are some connectivity issues and the differences in time zones make coordination between institutions challenging.
Certain difficulties should not be overlooked when designing an intricate training program such as CAfGEN; primarily, financial logistics with the transition to the U.S. and advance establishment of permanent living arrangements. Protocols for transferring trainee stipends abroad should be established before trainees depart from home institutions as bureaucratic procedures sometimes complicate and delay transfer of funds. Costs such as travel emergency funds should also be considered in the event that trainees need to travel home during unforeseen circumstances. Establishing relationships with organizations that offer temporary accommodation to incoming international students, such as Houston Homestay (www.homestayhouston.com), could prove a solution to facilitating this transition for future trainees. Host families could help new students find accommodation, open bank accounts, and familiarize themselves with the public transport system and culture. Providing trainees with extra funds for “settling in” (e.g., deposits for apartments, connecting electricity, acquiring basic furniture, and so forth) could also go a long way in helping them establish themselves.
Trainee reintegration at their home universities
Upon completion of the first round of the CAfGEN training program, six African scientists will have been trained in genomics. To promote retention of trainees upon completion of the program, trainees will be assimilated into faculty positions in their institutions. During this period they will transition through positions (such as research fellows) and later into tenured faculty positions (such as lecturers) according to the research pathways stipulated by their home institutions. Both Makerere University and the University of Botswana have progressed positively towards establishing these positions and genomics undergraduate and graduate programs are currently being designed in consultation with the BCM faculty. To ensure proper reintegration, trainees will be provided with protected time for research following their return. Several other avenues, such as reentry grants, are being investigated to encourage the trainees’ focus in the field and on the new knowledge gained. CAfGEN is currently working with H3ABioNet 26 to ensure the creation of bioinformatics resources in both Botswana and Uganda, to ensure that trainees can continue their research upon their return to Africa. Similarly, laboratory infrastructure is being improved in both countries, with equipment enabling Sanger and next-generation sequencing acquired and in use at the University of Botswana and Makerere University, respectively.
Future implications
CAfGEN is not a dual institution, degree-granting program; trainees will be awarded degrees by their home institutions in Africa. However, taking into consideration the long-term goals of the program and the global health initiatives at BCM, this is a direction CAfGEN should consider, especially as the program gains momentum with subsequent groups of trainees. The model employed by CAfGEN emphasizes a highly condensed, two-year training period exclusively undertaken at BCM, utilizing state-of-the art facilities and expert faculty. The networks envisaged by CAfGEN will ensure collaborative research and continued training opportunities, sharing information and experiences that will improve understanding of the genetic architecture of the African population with the goal of promoting human health. A United Nations report in 2014 predicted that, “The future of humanity is increasingly African,” noting that by the end of this century about 40 per cent of all humans (and nearly half of all children) will be African 27–29. Health and environment remain an important aspect of this rapidly increasing population and genomics promises to improve our understanding of the health and diseases relevant to the African population.
Ultimately, the growth of genomics capacity in Africa is dependent on training African scientists that will commit to returning to Africa to develop sustainable genomics research. CAfGEN’s model of genomics training will enable African scientists to apply bioinformatics and genomics in the pursuit of solutions to health challenges faced by their diverse and rapidly growing population.
CAfGEN is funded by NIH Grant Number 1U54AI110398. We further appreciate the contribution of CAfGEN institutions; Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Baylor Children’s Clinical Centers of Excellence in Uganda and Botswana, Makerere University, Kampala and University of Botswana, Gaborone and lastly, the H3Africa Consortium.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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