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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 30.
Published in final edited form as: Pharmacoecon Open. 2017 Jan 30;1(1):1–12. doi: 10.1007/s41669-016-0009-9

The Potential Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Vaccines: A Systematic Review

Blythe Adamson a, Dobromir Dimitrov b, Beth Devine a, Ruanne Barnabas b,c
PMCID: PMC5373805  NIHMSID: NIHMS844858  PMID: 28367539



The aim of this paper was to review and compare HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness analyses and describe the effects of uncertainty in model, methodology, and parameterization.


We systematically searched MEDLINE (1985 through May 2016), EMBASE, the Tufts CEA Registry, and reference lists of articles following Cochrane guidelines and PRISMA reporting. Eligibility criteria included peer-reviewed manuscripts with economic models estimating cost-effectiveness of preventative HIV vaccines. Two reviewers independently assessed study quality and extracted data on model assumptions, characteristics, input parameters, and outcomes.


The search yielded 71 studies, of which 11 met criteria for inclusion. Populations included low-income (n=7), middle-income (n=4), and high-income countries (n=2). Model structure varied including decision tree (n=1), Markov (n=5), compartmental (n=4), and microsimulation (n=1). Most measured outcomes in quality adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained (n=6) while others used unadjusted (n=3) or disability adjusted life-years (n=2). HIV vaccine cost ranged from $1.54 -$75 USD in low-income countries, $55-$100 in middle-income countries, and $500-$1,000 in the United States. Base case ICERs ranged from dominant (cost-offsetting) to $91,000 per QALY gained.


Most models predicted HIV vaccines would be cost-effective. Model assumptions about vaccine price, HIV treatment costs, epidemic context, and willingness to pay influenced results more consistently than assumptions on HIV transmission dynamics.

1 Introduction

The search for an HIV vaccine began over three decades ago with a breakthrough in 2009 [1]. A Phase III HIV vaccine trial in Thailand (RV144) found HIV vaccine efficacy of 31.2% over three years [2,3]. Though the durability of protection was low, vaccine boosting 4-5 years later restored the immune response to HIV [4]. An efficacy trial in South Africa (HVTN 702) is ongoing to confirm the canarypox-based vaccine ALVAC-HIV and a bivalent gp120 protein subunit boost with funding from NIAID and other members of the P5 Pox-Protein Public Private Partnership. The vaccine product was modified to match the predominant HIV strain in Africa and includes the potentially more immunogenic adjuvant MF59. With an added vaccine dose at 12 months totaling 5 injections, the regimen is expected to increase the magnitude and duration of vaccine-elicited immune responses [5]. Previously, Walensky et al. defined several characteristics of a “good enough” therapeutic vaccine for HIV infected individuals to replace ART in the United States [6], but the characteristics of a clinically and economically viable HIV vaccine have not been defined. When licensed, HIV vaccines may complement or compete with other HIV prevention interventions such as voluntary male circumcision, treatment as prevention, and now pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Decision makers now balance investment in the continued development of HIV vaccines and confirmatory trials in Southern Africa with other opportunities to incrementally improve combination HIV prevention effectiveness [7]. Over the long-term, many view the development of a safe and effective HIV vaccine as the only hope to completely eradicate AIDS [8,9]. This review aims to review existing studies of HIV vaccine cost-effectivenss to identify characteristics of HIV vaccines that may be essential the value and viability of vaccination.

1.1 Rationale

Cost-effectiveness research guides efficient spending of limited healthcare resources and also contributes to R&D decision-making and prioritization of early phase products through a clinical trial pipeline. Multifaceted decision making and value assessment of vaccines in development often draw upon economic modeling predictions [10]. Many complex mathematical models have simulated the potential impact of HIV vaccines on transmission of the virus, but few have included costs or measured health outcomes comparable for comparison to other health care investments. Unlike models of chronic diseases, sexually transmitted infections often require the addition of transmission dynamics to capture the indirect effect, or positive externality, of herd immunity. Brisson and Edmunds previously showed the impacts of modeling, methodological, and parameter uncertainty on economic analyses of varicella vaccination, and emphasized how choices in model development can lead to disparate results [11]. Because few cost-effectiveness studies exist in this area, we aimed to assess methodological differences between studies that may influence implications of value from a vaccine. Comparing detailed characteristics of the small number of existing studies allows us to identify key methods or population characteristics that strongly influence results. As vaccine development progresses, it will be of key importance to assess both clinical and economic feasibility of widespread vaccination campaigns. In this review we aimed to identify key methodological drivers of, and variability in, potential cost-effectiveness of an HIV vaccine. Our aim for this work is to help facilitate an informed and successful roll out of a future vaccine. While the cost-effectiveness of PrEP for HIV prevention has been systematically reviewed previously, this is the first review of HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness [12,13].

1.2 Objectives

The main objective of this review was to identify and summarize HIV vaccine cost-utility analyses to understand conditions where vaccination has potential to be cost-effective or cost-saving. Based on the economic models identified through a systematic review, the secondary objective was to evaluate and compare modeling, methodological, and parameter uncertainty based on guidelines and best practices for dynamic transmission modeling. The range in approaches to address uncertainty provided a case study for methodological comparison of economic modeling in infectious diseases. This paper was targeted at clinical trial scientists and funders to guide identification of characteristics of an HIV vaccine that would be most critical to the economic viability of the vaccine.

2 Methods

We conducted a systematic review following methods from the Cochrane Collaboration and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) guides for systematic reviews [14,15]. Content aligns with the PRISMA Statement for transparent reporting of systematic reviews [16].

2.1 Eligibility Criteria

Eligible articles were published in peer-reviewed journal articles from 1985 to May 2016 in the English language and included an analysis that predicted the economic impact of an HIV vaccine. Eligibility was limited to studies estimating incremental costs and health outcomes measured in units comparable across diseases, including: quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained, disability adjusted life years (DALYs) averted, or life years (LYs). For ease of comparability, the review was limited to preventative vaccines of uninfected individuals and excluded therapeutic vaccines for existing HIV patients. Budget impact analyses, HIV vaccine acceptability, and willingness to participate studies were excluded, as were editorial commentaries, conference abstracts, and book chapters.

2.2 Search Methods and Sources

Two reviewers independently searched databases using a pre-specified protocol. The PubMed and MEDLINE search included: ((“cost benefit analysis” [MeSH Terms] OR “cost effectiveness” [All Fields]) AND (“aids vaccines” [MeSH Terms] OR “hiv vaccine” [All Fields])). EMBASE was searched for key words ‘cost effectiveness analysis’ AND (‘aids vaccine’ OR ‘hiv vaccine’). The Tufts CVER CEA Registry was searched for “HIV vaccine” and “AIDS vaccine.” Authors screened reference lists of relevant articles for additional studies not identified in the database searches.

2.3 Study Selection

Records identified through database and registry searches were merged into the reference manager Mendeley and duplicates were removed. Two reviewers (author BA and acknowledged contributor NV) independently searched and screened the titles and abstracts of all identified records, excluded those not meeting the defined criteria, and then assessed the full text of all remaining articles for eligibility. Disagreements or uncertainty in eligibility were discussed and resoled with input from a third reviewer (BD).

2.4 Data Extraction

Two reviewers (authors BA and DD) extracted model characteristics, methods, parameter values, and results from identified manuscripts by populating a standardized table. The following data elements were sought from each manuscript and its supplemental materials: population studied (region, demographics, local HIV prevalence and incidence), HIV vaccine characteristics (regimen, efficacy, durability, and price), model features (name, structure, outcome measure, perspective, discount rates, time-horizon, years modeled, transmission dynamics, and assumptions), and results (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), willingness-to-pay (WTP) or cost-effectiveness threshold, interpretation of cost-effectiveness results, sensitivity analysis methods, and findings of sensitivity analyses). Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was defined as the marginal cost per marginal health gained with the equation:


To compare the magnitude of cost-effectiveness in relation to the corresponding country GDP and compare results across studies, we present raw study-reported ICERs and “standardized” cost-effectiveness. Standardized cost-effectiveness was defined as the ratio of ICER to the study-defined WTP threshold, where standardized ICER/WTP values less than one are consistent with the reviewed study author's interpretation as “cost-effective,” values greater than one are “unlikely cost-effective,” and negative values are likely cost-saving for the case of vaccines.

2.5 Critical Appraisal

Quality of model reporting was evaluated using the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) Checklist [17]. Recommendations from the US Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, the WHO Guide to Cost-Effectiveness, and Briggs et al. guided comparisons of model uncertainty and results [1820]. Reviewers assessed the frequency of utilizing best practices recommended by the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force on dynamic transmission modeling [21]. The terms “cost-effectiveness” and “cost-utility” are used interchangeably through this review aligning with language from the selected articles while recognizing that cost-utility is a sub-type of cost-effectiveness where the outcome is in units such as QALYs or DALYs.

Though types of model structures are not mutually exclusive, for simplicity the studies were categorized into general types. Decision trees include a series of chance nodes with the probability each outcome will occur using a series of branches. Markov and semi-Markov describe transitions through health states of a cohort of patients over time. Compartmental models use a system of differential equations to describe a fluctuating population in health states over time. Finally, the microsimulation model structure describes individual agents with defined characteristics as part of a whole fluctuating population over time. Technical strengths and limitations of dynamic transmission assumptions were interpreted with infectious disease mathematical modeling texts by Keeling and Rohani, and Vynnycky and White [22,23].

3 Results

3.1 Selection of Studies

Of the 71 unique records identified from searches, the reviewers assessed 24 full-text articles for eligibility, and excluded 13 articles during full-text assessment (Figure 1). Table 1 summarizes the 11 economic modeling studies meeting the eligibility criteria for inclusion in this review [2434].

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow of information through the different phases of HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness model systematic review process.

Table 1.

Summary of 11 economic models reviewed.

Article Year 2001 2006 2006 2009 2011 2011 2011 2014 2016 2016a 2016b
First Author Bos Amirfar Ono Long 1 Long 2 Hontelez Leelahavarong Stover Harmon Moodley 1 Moodley 2
Journal, Ref Pharmacoecon. JAIDS Jpn J Infectious Dis Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine BMC Public Health PLOS one PLOS one Medicine BMC Public Health
Study Population Region Sub-Saharan Africa South Africa Thailand United States United States Hlabisa sub-district in South Africa Thailand 24 low and middle income countries 24 low and middle income countries South Africa South Africa
Targeted group Infants 15-year old females 10-year old children ages 15-49 years, gen. pop., MSM and IDU ages 15-64 years, gen. pop., MSM and IDU ages 15-49 years ages 18-30 years, gen. pop., FSW, MSM, IDU and military ages 15-49 years, gen. pop., FSW, MSM and IDU 15-49 years 9-year old children 10-year old children
HIV Epidemiology 35% lifetime chance of infection 8% HIV prevalence, 2.5-15% HIV incidence 1.5% HIV prevalence, Gender-specific Thai HIV incidence, not presented HIV prevalence 0.14%-0.29% gen. pop,11-19% MSM, 14-17% IDU HIV prevalence 0.1%-0.22% gen. pop,12.6-18.8% MSM, 12.9-17.3% IDU HIV prevalence 30% HIV incidence 0.1% gen. pop, 2.2% FSW, 5.55 MSM, 3.4% IDU Prevalence 0.1 - 18.8, country specific Prevalence 0.1 - 18.8, country specific HIV prevalence 9.9% men, 14.4% women-HIV incidence 1.21% men, 2.28% women- Age specific HIV prevalence

Vaccine Vaccine Efficacy 60% 10-50% 30% 75% 31% over 3 years 31% over 3 years 50% 60-80% 70% 50% 50%
Durability of Protection Lifetime Waning Lifetime Lifetime Waning, booster every 3-5 years Waning, booster every 3-5 years Lifetime or booster every 5-10 years Booster every 3-10 years Booster every 5 years 10 years, annual boosters 10 years, annual boosters
Price per series $5 $20 $1.54 $1,000 $500 $75 $100 $20, $55 $20, $55 $60 $60

Model Structure Structure Decision tree Markov Markov Compartmental Compartmental Micro-simulation Semi-Markov Compartmental Compartmental Semi-Markov Semi-Markov
Perspective Societal Payer* Medical service decision makers Societal* Societal Societal* Government Perspective Health System* Health System* Health care service provider Health care service provider
Discounting, 3% Costs & Outcomes Costs only Costs & Outcomes Costs & Outcomes Costs & Outcomes Costs & Outcomes Costs & Outcomes Costs only Costs only Costs & Outcomes Costs & Outcomes
Time Horizon 55 years 10 years Lifetime 20 years 10 years 10 years 99 years 25 years 43 years Lifetime Lifetime
Transmission Static Static Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Static Dynamic Dynamic Static Static

Results ICER $3.4/DALY Dominant, cost-offsets $99/DALY $15,000/QALY $91,000 per QALY Dominant, cost-saving $9,5000 per QALY $1,160 - $11,000 per QALY $1,000 - $10,000/QALY $43 per QALY $5/LYG
Threshold for Cost-Effectiveness $100/DALY not defined $21,000/DALY $50,000/QALY $50,000/QALY $30,420/DALY $6,000/QALY not defined $4,671, $28,400/QALY $7,508/QALY $7,508/QALY
Interpretation of Cost-Effectiveness Cost-Effective Cost-Saving Cost-Effective Cost-Effective, Cost-saving if target high-risk Not cost-effective, Cost-saving if target high-risk Cost-effective if price <$100 Not cost-effective, Cost-Effective if 70% efficacy No interpretation Highly cost-effective Highly cost-effective Highly cost-effective

Notes: The parameters and ICERs represent the base case or average values in each analysis and do not reflect ranges evaluated in sensitivity analyses.


These studies did not explicitly state their economic perspective, and the perspective listed here was deduced by review authors based on context. Two values are listed for several Harmon parameters to reflect the separate low-income country (LIC) and middle-income country (MIC) analyses. Blue shading: 2011 study is an update to the 2009 model by same author. Pale grey shading: Stover and Harmon studies both used the Goals model with Spectrum software, so parameters are similar. Dark grey shading: two models in one calendar year by same first author with similar parameters.

3.2 Characteristics of Studies

Methods, population studied, vaccine assumptions, and results are presented in Table 2 and Supplementary Figure S1. The regions of interest included low-income (n =7), middle-income (n = 4), and high-income countries (n = 2). Two studies using the Goals model (SPECTRUM software package, Avenir Health) included 26 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe [31,35]. All models reported parameterization using local epidemiological data on HIV. Economic perspectives included the payer (n = 1), government (n = 1), health system (n = 5), and societal or limited societal (n = 4). All studies included a reference group scenario following regional HIV prevention practices and the standard of care in HIV treatment. Stover et al. additionally compared vaccines to scale-up of treatment as prevention (TasP) and explored combining vaccines with TasP and PrEP [36]. The number of studies following each ISPOR-SMDM dynamic transmission task-force best practice recommendation is provided in Supplementary Table S1. Though a best practice suggests varying the time horizon in dynamic transmission models, none of the studies varied the time horizon in sensitivity analyses.

Table 2.

Target population, modeling methods, vaccine characteristics, and cost-effectiveness results of 11 studies reviewed.

Attribute N %
 South Africa 7 64%
 Thailand 4 36%
 United States 2 18%
 Other 2 18%
Population Scope
 District 1 9%
 Single Country 7 64%
 Several Countries 3 27%
 Payer 1 9%
 Government 1 9%
 Health System 5 45%
 Limited Societal 4 36%
Defined Willingness To Pay 9 82%
Discounted Costs, 3% 11 100%
Discounted Outcomes, 3% 8 73%
Model Type
 Decision Tree 1 9%
 Markov or Semi-Markov 5 45%
 Compartmental, ODE 4 36%
 Agent-Based 1 9%
Dynamic HIV Transmission 5 45%
Outcome Measurement
 LYs 4 36%
 DALYs 2 18%
 QALYs 6 55%
Time Horizon
 10 year horizon 3 27%
 20-43 year horizon 3 27%
 Lifetime horizon 5 45%
Age at Vaccination
 Infant 1 9%
 9-15 years 4 36%
 >15 years 6 55%
HIV Vaccine Efficacy, average
 <50% 7 64%
 >50% 4 36%
Vaccine Durability
 Lifetime Protection 3 27%
 Waning Protection 8 73%
Vaccine Boosting 7 64%
Price per series*
<=5 2 18%
 $20 3 27%
 $50-100 6 55%
 >$500 2 18%
Risk Compensation 5 45%
ICERs (per QALY, DALY, or LY)
 Dominant, Cost-Saving 2 18%
 $3 - $100 4 36%
 >$1,000 5 45%
Cost-Effectiveness Interpretation
 Cost-Effective 8 73%
 Unlikely Cost-Effective 2 18%
 No interpretation 1 9%

The Goals model includes 24 countries and assumed a price of $20 for low-income countries and $55 for middle-income countries.

Abbreviations: ODE, ordinary differential equations; LYs, Life Years; DALYs, disability adjusted life years; QALYs, quality adjusted life years.

The most frequent measure of intervention impact was incremental QALYs gained (n = 6). Two studies estimated DALYs averted, and the remaining three compared differences in total life-years. The study by Bos et al. incorporated the cost of counseling for an infant's mother with the vaccination series that may parallel the future of VISP counseling. No studies included a transient or long-term disutility associated with vaccination.

3.3 Model Structure

The earliest study in 2001 evaluated HIV vaccination with a simple decision tree. Five years later two Markov models were published and then followed by the first dynamic transmission cost-effectiveness model in 2009. Since 2009, half of the HIV vaccine economic models used differential equations to simulate HIV transmission (4 of 8) (Table 2). The Markov, compartmental, and micro-simulation based models stratified the risk of HIV infection by age, gender, and/or risk group.

In contrast to the closed cohort populations in the decision tree and Markov models, the compartmental and microsimulation models allowed for fluctuating populations with susceptible individuals entering the population at their sexual debut. Models by Leelahavarong [30] and Moodley [33,34] tried to overcome the memoryless nature inherented in Markov models by using tunnel states. Alternatively, a microsimulation [37] explicitly modeled sexual partnerships while accounting for heterogeneity between people. This structure makes it easier to model preferential/targeted vaccination and revaccination and was designed to reflect individual preferences for participation in health care and prevention programs.

Studies modeled HIV transmission as static (n = 6) or dynamic (n = 5). In the static models, including the decision-tree and Markov models, the probability of HIV transmission each time step remained constant over time. In the dynamic models, including ordinary differential equation and agent-based microsimulation models, infections depend on the number of infected and uninfected individuals at each time point as well as on the sexually mixing between different groups. As a result, dynamic models captured not only the direct effects of the intervention on the susceptibility of the vaccinated individuals but also the indirect effects on the HIV transmission by accounting for the decreasing exposure to HIV over time (herd immunity). The static models did not address sexual mixing. The hypothesis of risk compensation, assuming that individuals exhibit riskier sexual behavior when perceiving that they are protected from HIV, was explored in four of the models [28,29,31,36]. Hontelez [38] concluded this potential change in risk following vaccination could nullify the epidemic impact in South Africa.

3.4 Vaccine Effectiveness

The average of 3-year HIV vaccine efficacy values across all studies was 51.3% (Figure 2). Sensitivity analyses included a range of efficacy from 10-90%. Though uncertainty in HIV vaccine efficacy decreased following the Thai trial results in 2009, the average of estimates from models before 2009 (VE = 49%, n = .4) did not greatly differ from the average of the estimates after 2009 (VE = 52%, n = 7). A majority of the studies (8 of 11) assumed that vaccine efficacy protection remained constant over time, while three studies modeled efficacy declining over time since immunization. All studies published after 2009 included boosts from re-vaccination to ensure continuity of protection, following the results from the Thai trial [2]. Two studies from a 2011 theme issue of Vaccine (Hontelez and Long 2) modeled vaccine efficacy decaying over time with a functional form of VE=0.78×exp−0.06t, where t = time since vaccination in months [37,39].

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Assumed HIV vaccine efficacy and price per series (log scale) across the 11 studies reviewed.

3.5 Costs

All studies discounted total costs by 3% annually and most described ranging this rate in the sensitivity analysis. Health outcomes were discounted 3% in eight (73%) of analyses [26,2830,33,34,40,41]. In the year of this review, HIV vaccines are not licensed and the market price has not been set. Modelers assumed the average cost of a vaccine series was $1.54 -$75 USD in low-income countries, $55 - $100 in middle-income countries, and $500 - $1,000 in the United States (Figure 2). There was no observable trend in pricing assumptions by efficacy across studies (Figure 4C). The cost of HIV care and treatment varied widely between studies according to local health care costs, and contributed greatly to differences in cost-effectiveness results. No studies included future research and development costs for the HIV vaccine leading to licensure.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Vaccine price and efficacy relationship with standardized cost-effectiveness (ICER/WTP) stratified by country income level.

Notes: The ICER uncertainty from Hontelez et al is reported in one direction as a result of the threshold analysis method to set the vaccine price, resulting in an ICER equal to the country-specific willingness-to-pay. Three authors are included twice to reflect different results from multiple publications (Long and Moodley) while another presented results for two populations within one publication (Harmon). Amirfar and Stover did not explicitly state cost-effectiveness thresolds. The threshold from Harmon et al was applied to the Stover study as both model the same 26 countries. Standardized ICER = ICER/WTP. ICER, Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio; WTP, willingness to pay per health unit gained.

3.6 Cost-Effectiveness

Base case ICERs ranged from dominant (cost-offsets) to $91,000 per QALY gained (Table 1 and Figure 3A). Two studies used the Goals model (SPECTRUM software package, Avenir Health) and found similar ICER estimates ranging from approximately $1,000 - $11,000 per QALY across 24 low and middle-income countries [31,35]. Nine of 11 studies pre-specified a local willingness-to-pay or cost-effectiveness threshold to interpret results. Base case vaccination scenarios were not cost-effective in 3 of 11 models, including one low, one middle, and one high income country (Figure 3B). Stover et al. [42] did not explicitly interpret the cost-effectiveness of their results, so we have inferred the cost-effectiveness threshold from the supporting information from Harmon et al. From the rest of the studies, three projected that vaccinations in their base case scenarios were cost-effective, three were highly cost-effective, and two were cost-saving. Several models used sensitivity analyses to identify target populations for cost-saving vaccination. All modelers agreed targeting groups with highest HIV incidence improves cost-effectiveness. As expected, WTP standardized ICERs increased as price increased (Figure 4A). There was no clear trend in association between vaccine efficacy and cost-effectiveness across studies (Figure 4B).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Cost-effectiveness studies of HIV vaccines. A) Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio results from the base case of each study reviewed with error bars representing lower and upper ranges from the sensitivity analysis; B) same as Panel A with ICER standardized to willingness-to-pay threshold specified by study (see Table 1).

Notes: The ICER uncertainty from Hontelez et al. is reported in one direction as a result of the threshold analysis method to set the vaccine price, resulting in an ICER equal to the country-specific willingness-to-pay. Three authors are included twice to reflect different results from multiple publications (Long and Moodley) while another presented results for two populations within one publication (Harmon). Amirfar and Stover did not explicitly state cost-effectiveness thresolds. The threshold from Harmon et al. was applied to the Stover study as both model the same 26 countries. Standardized ICER = ICER/WTP. ICER, Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio. WTP, willingness to pay per health unit gained.

All studies evaluated parameter uncertainty based on one-way sensitivity analyses. Five used scenario analyses to understand uncertainty by changing several parameters at one time to observe the change on cost-effectiveness. Both models by Moodley [33,34] in 2016 performed multivariate sensitivity analysis using 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations based on random draws from each variable distribution to evaluate the combined effect of parameter uncertainty on the study results. Appropriate to the differing structural form, Hontelez [38] correspondingly characterized combined uncertainty with simulation of 1,000 individuals and scenarios. A minority of studies (3 of 11) reported model validation of epidemic predictions using historical HIV surveillance data. Scenario analyses focused on men who have sex with men and injection drug users were found to be more cost-effective than vaccination of the general population. Several studies discussed how a targeted immunization strategy for high-risk sub-populations could result in cost savings for a health system. The microsimulation structure captured patient heterogeneity and sexual mixing more specifically and intentionally than the other economic models and reached very similar conclusions.

4 Discussion

This systematic review aimed to identify HIV vaccine characteristics and vaccination conditions that may be critical for an HIV vaccine to be cost-effective and valuable. The comparison of the published modeling studies suggested HIV vaccines with average 50% efficacy waning over three years and supplemented by boosting every few years may be a realistic profile for a “good enough” vaccine to make a large impact on the HIV epidemic. As shown in this collection of economic models, a moderately effective vaccine could be cost-effective in developed and developing countries. The potential cost-effectiveness of vaccination was strongly linked to the HIV burden in each population, but due to the heterogeneity in the studies, a formal meta-analysis was not conducted. In two studies [30,39] where HIV vaccines were predicted to be unlikely cost-effective, they had in common a lower-incidence general population as the target for vaccination. Vaccines targeted to individuals at greater risk of HIV infection will improve cost-effectiveness within the health system and models did not predict that sexual mixing patterns would dilute the effects of targeted vaccination.

The potential cost-effectiveness of HIV vaccines depended on price and average efficacy. As the price of an HIV vaccine series increased in sensitivity analyses, there reached a point where vaccination would no longer be longer cost-effective. This threshold for vaccine price depended on each country's GDP per capita. Several studies explored the components contributing towards average efficacy, such as the rate of decay in immunogenicity, the corresponding durability of protection, the proportion of people who response, and the frequency of boosting. Our qualitative review indicated a moderately effective vaccine profile with poor durability and frequent boosting could have greater impact on the HIV epidemic than a single vaccination series with improved durability. This suggests future studies in non-human primates and humans should carefully evaluate the change in breadth and depth of immunological response following repeated boosting every 2-5 years.

While we did not find any infectious disease modeling method reviewed to be more valid than others, the structure and assumptions should be carefully selected based on the question of interest and data available. As HIV prevention and treatment guidelines change dramatically over time, future economic models in HIV prevention should clearly define the reference standard of care and consider including pre-exposure prophylaxis as a component in the reference for comparison. This need for standardized components, methods, and perspectives to enhance comparability among studies is further supported by a new report from the Second Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine [48,49].

The 11 studies published between 2001 and 2016 exemplified a diverse range of model structure choices, economic methods, and population-specific parameter values. Almost half (n=5) of the studies did not clearly state or define an economic perspective. Impact measured in unadjusted life years gained did not consider quality of life and may have underestimated the total benefit from vaccination [34,43,44]. Fundamental to the epidemiology of infectious diseases, one expects the average age at diagnosis to increase as HIV prevalence decreases and exposure to infection is delayed. For example, two infected lives ending at 60 years from death unrelated to HIV have the same value in LYs if HIV infection occurred at 30 or 55 years of age. Alternatively, studies estimating QALYs or DALYs capture a difference in total health based on the preference for more healthy years lived before HIV infection. A surprising majority of studies measured impact in QALYs when considering a perception that DALYs are used more often than QALYs for developing countries. We assume the interpretation of QALYs gained versus DALYs averted is the same, though the potential for differences has been discussed elsewhere [45,46].

If most of the health gains from a vaccine were accumulated late in the time horizon, then models discounting costs-only [36,43,47] would be more likely to produce results that are cost-effective compared to studies that discount both costs and QALYs. Reports including plots of cumulative health outcomes, changes in HIV incidence over time, and sensitivity analyses with undiscounted costs and outcomes most effectively communicated the timing of initial vaccine investment, accrual of HIV care cost-savings, and the time to capture significant population health gains.

Despite professional society best practice recommendations for dynamic transmission modeling [21], no studies presented results using more than one time horizon. Most studies justified their choice of model structure and conducted some sensitivity analyses of structural assumptions. A minimal modeling movement advocates development of models as simplistic as possible to answer one question of interest [50]. The articles reviewed highlight that a benefit of simple models is the ease of interpretation. Evaluating and balancing the importance of clinical and epidemiological assumptions is vital for readers to assess face validity of economic models. Each modeling choice has trade-offs, and while a behavioral HIV prevention intervention may require model complexity of heterogeneous sexual networks with concordancy and preferential mixing, researchers of different intervention not affecting these dynamics may value the benefits of simplicity more than potential incremental validity gained.

We identified a diverse variety of modeling structures and assumptions applied to this infectious disease. Decision trees and Markov models are often developed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals, though in this case only the compartmental and microsimulation models captured the indirect effects of vaccination. Fundamental features for HIV vaccines included local HIV incidence data, a clearly defined population, assumption of efficacy and its waning, the local willingness to pay for health gains, and importantly the vaccine price. Like the results Brisson and Edmunds, our qualitative review highlights that choices in 1) the model type and structure, 2) economic methods, and 3) parameter values all introduced uncertainty for decision makers [11,51,52].

This qualitative review had several limitations. The uncertainty in future HIV vaccine characteristics and small number of studies available posed a challenge in drawing definitive conclusions based on this review. As the epidemic context and economic conditions varied greatly between study populations, a meta-analysis was not possible. Over years 2001-2016 when the 11 studies were published, the technology, access, and standards for HIV testing and treatment changed over time and by country. However, all the studies published after 2009 modeled similar regimens of multi-dose vaccination with waning efficacy over time that correspond to the vaccine candidates currently tested in clinical studies. Reference groups for comparison are different and limit the ability to compare across studies. We assumed methodological differences measuring health outcomes in units of QALYs, DALYs, and LYs did not change overall findings or ICER interpretation. There was potential for incomplete retrieval of published research manuscripts, and publication bias may have prevented analyses with inconclusive findings from being submitted to or acceptance in journals. Well-crafted economic models of HIV vaccines presented in book chapters, conference presentations, or languages other than English were potentially missed.

5 Conclusion

Eleven published studies found HIV vaccines cost-effective under certain conditions. HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness depended most on efficacy, price, and HIV incidence in the target population. Country-specific cost inputs and willingness to pay thresholds may explain differences in cost-effectiveness. The studies provided evidence that immunization with a modestly effective HIV vaccine is likely an efficient use of resources in the United States, Thailand, and several sub-Saharan African countries, though decision makers must balance the studies findings with acknowledgement of great uncertainty. The review suggests regional HIV epidemiology and assumed willingness to pay thresholds were more influential on study findings than differences from a methodological choice of static or dynamic HIV transmission. The broad disciplinary range among authors affirms the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between health economists, epidemiologists, clinicians, infectious disease mathematical modelers, biostatisticians, and clinical trial scientists to develop valid and meaningful results.

Supplementary Material

Tables S1 & Figure S1

Key Points for Decision Makers.

  • -Most economic models predict HIV vaccines will be cost-effective.

  • -Static and dynamic HIV transmission modeling methods found similar results.

  • -HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness will likely depend on HIV prevalence, the durability of vaccine protection, and the price per series and boost.


Neel Vidaya assisted with the search for relevant articles and reviewed an early draft of the manuscript. Dr. Marita Zimmermann edited a final version of the manuscript. Drs. Lou Garrison, Josh Carlson, and James Kublin contributed to critical appraisal of studies reviewed. University of Washington Health Sciences Librarians assisted defining MESH terms and search criteria.

University of Washington Health Sciences Librarians helped define MESH terms and search criteria. Neel Vidaya searched for relevant articles using the pre-specified search protocol and reviewed an early draft of the manuscript. Dr. Marita Zimmermann edited the final paper. Drs. Lou Garrison, Josh Carlson, and James Kublin contributed to critical appraisal of studies reviewed.


Conflicts of Interest and Sources of Funding: BA received support for this review in part from grant number T32HS013853 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and in part by a 2015 Trainee Support Grant from the University of Washington Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program under award number P30AI027757. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the National Institutes of Health. The authors declare no competing interests.

Data Availability Statement: The studies systematically reviewed are available from National Library of Medicine on PubMed.

Author Contributions: Blythe Adamson designed the review, searched for studies, extracted data, analyzed findings, and drafted the manuscript. Dobromir Dimitrov extracted data from selected studies and wrote sections of the manuscript. Beth Devine helped design the review, interpret results, and edit the manuscript. Ruanne Barnabas interpreted the extracted data and wrote sections of the manuscript.

Compliance with Ethical Standards Blythe Adamson, Dobromir Dimitrov, Beth Devine, and Ruanne Barnabas declare no competing interests. This review was supported in part by a fellowship to BA from grant number T32HS013853 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and in part by a 2015 Trainee Support Grant from the University of Washington Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program under award number P30AI027757. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the National Institutes of Health.


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

Tables S1 & Figure S1