KSHV causes primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). Here we review what is known about human gene essentiality in PEL-derived cell lines. We provide an updated list of PEL-specific human gene dependencies, based on the improved definition of core essential genes across human cancer types. Requirements of PEL cell lines for IRF4, BATF, CCND2, CFLAR, MCL1 and MDM2 have been confirmed experimentally. KSHV co-opts IRF4 and BATF to drive super-enhancer (SE)-mediated expression of IRF4 itself, MYC, and CCND2. IRF4-dependency of SE-mediated gene expression are shared with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) and human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-transformed adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) cell lines, as well as several B cell lymphomas of non-viral etiology. LCLs and ATLL cell lines similarly share dependencies on CCND2 and CFLAR with PEL, but also have distinct gene dependencies. Genetic dependencies could be exploited for therapeutic intervention in PEL and other cancers.
Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is a rare complication of infection by Kaposi’s Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV or human herpesvirus 8), accounting for 3–4% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients and <1% of NHLs in HIV-negative patients [1,2]. Since we can only cite the most pertinent references here, we also refer the reader to recent reviews of PEL and KSHV oncogene expression [3,4]. PEL tumor cells are infected by KSHV and lack expression of typical B cell markers or immunoglobulins (Igs), but their expression of plasma cell markers (IRF4, CD138), mRNA expression profiles, rearranged Ig loci and marks of somatic hypermutation indicate a relatively mature post-germinal center B cell origin. The rarity of PEL suggests that KSHV infection and immunodeficiency alone are insufficient for lymphomagenesis. Accordingly, de novo infection of primary human B cells by KSHV does not readily lead to immortalization. Likely cofactors for the development of PEL are co-infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cellular driver mutations. Indeed, EBV co-infection is observed in most PEL tumors and evidence for cooperative B cell transformation by EBV and KSHV has been reported in vitro and in vivo [5–8]. A comprehensive understanding of cellular mutations in PEL based on genome or exome sequencing, similarly to other lymphomas, has not yet been achieved, due to the rarity of PEL. However, genomic studies support a role for cellular mutations in PEL lymphomagenesis [9,10]. Moreover, mutations in the tumor suppressors p53, PTEN, and RB, among other genes, have been observed in PEL-derived cell lines and/or individual PEL tumors [11–13]. PEL is currently treated by chemotherapy, similarly to other non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The reported median overall survival of PEL patients remains below 2 years [14].
KSHV gene expression is essential in PEL-derived cell lines
KSHV encodes more than 100 proteins and non-coding RNAs as part of latent (constitutive) or lytic (inducible) gene expression programs. Latency is a viral maintenance state, where gene expression is restricted to several latent genes. The KSHV lytic gene expression cascade is initiated by a single viral transcription factor and culminates in virus production. The majority of PEL tumor cells are latently infected. The latent nuclear antigen (LANA) is expressed in all tumor cells, where it maintains the episomal KSHV genome during cell division and has additional oncogenic roles, including inhibition of p53 [11,15]. Aside from LANA, the major latency locus encodes a dicistronic mRNA for viral homologs of cyclin D2 (vCYC) and FLICE inhibitory protein (vFLIP), pri-miRNA precursors for >20 KSHV miRNAs, and mRNAs for Kaposin proteins. PEL tumors and cell lines also express a viral homolog of interferon regulatory factors (vIRF3) from a separate genetic locus [16]. EBV gene expression in EBV+ PEL follows the latency I program, with expression of the EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1), the EBER1/2 non-coding RNAs, and multiple miRNAs. EBNA1 functions to maintain the EBV genome, similarly to KSHV LANA. Roles of the KSHV latency genes have been inferred from loss-of-function (LOF) gene dependency studies in PEL cell lines and gain-of-function ectopic expression studies in in vitro and in in vivo models. Specifically, knockdown of LANA, the vCYC/vFLIP dicistron, or vIRF3 impairs survival of PEL cell lines [17,18]. The role of the KSHV miRNAs in PEL is poorly understood, but there is evidence that some miRNAs promote PEL cell viability and/or proliferation [19,20], including miR-K11, a viral mimic of the B cell oncogene miR-155 [21,22]. Ectopic expression of LANA, vFLIP, miR-K11, or the full latency locus induces lymphoproliferative phenotypes in mice [23–25], further supporting their critical role in PEL. Evidence for a dependency on EBV gene expression in EBV+ PEL cell lines comes from a recent study that showed that targeting EBNA1 by CRISPR/Cas9 impaired PEL cell survival [26].
Gene Essentiality Studies Identify Cellular Oncogene Dependencies
Since viral gene dependencies likely reflect oncogenic cellular deregulation, studying host gene dependencies in PEL cells represents an opportunity to identify deregulated genes and pathways. Pooled genetic screening approaches using targeted gene inactivation by CRISPR/Cas9 have dramatically improved the ease, specificity, and sensitivity of genome-wide loss-of-function screening to query gene essentiality [27–31]. In particular, the Cancer Dependency Map (DepMap) Project includes a growing collection of genome-wide loss of function screens and represents the most comprehensive effort to define gene essentiality across cancer types (https://depmap.org/portal/) [32]. Based on data from 1070 CRISPR screens representing 34 different tissue lineages, DepMap currently reports 1982 common essential (“pan-essential”) genes. This designation is made based on their inclusion in the top X depleted genes in 90% or more of the screened cell lines, using an empirical approach to determine the value of X [33]. Other genes are essential in only some cancer cell lines, and thus more likely to reflect the specific biology of the originating cell type or its unique oncogenic drivers. While CRISPR/Cas9 is by far the most established approach to LOF screening, LOF by RNA interference, epigenetic CRISPR interference (CRISPRi), and other CRISPR systems represent alternatives.
Cellular Gene Dependencies in Primary Effusion Lymphoma
To achieve a better understanding of the cellular gene dependencies in PEL, our lab has conducted CRISPR/Cas9 gene essentiality screens in 8 PEL cell lines, including 4 that are co-infected with EBV [34]. This work identified 210 PEL-specific oncogenic dependencies (PSODs), i.e. genes that were preferentially essential in PEL cell lines over non-PEL cell lines. At the time, this designation was made based on 52 screens from 15 non-PEL cancer cell lines. We experimentally validated dependencies on the hematopoietic lineage transcription factors (TFs) interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) and basic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor (BATF), the G1/S cyclin D2 (CCND2), the p53 ubiquitin ligase murine double minute 2 (MDM2), as well as anti-apoptotic cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (cFLIP, encoded by CFLAR) and MCL1 (Fig. 1) [34,35]. Several of the top dependencies are candidates for therapeutic targeting. Specifically, cyclin D-dependent kinase 4/6 (CDK4/6) inhibition by palbociclib is toxic in PEL cells [34,36]. PEL cell lines are also sensitive to specific inhibitors of MCL1, an anti-apoptotic protein of the BCL2 family [34,37]. The implications of IRF4 dependency are discussed below. Consistent with previous reports [38–41], PEL cell lines require MYC and genes involved in mTOR signaling, however, these genes are pan-essential. Importantly, pan-essentiality does not necessarily preclude clinical targeting, since it is difficult to distinguish addiction to overexpression or activation above basic levels from essential housekeeping functions based on CRISPR screens alone.
Fig. 1.
Schematic of the roles of key cellular gene dependencies in PEL cell lines. (A) PEL cell lines depend on the PSODs IRF4 and BATF to drive super-enhancer-mediated expression of common essential MYC, and PSODs IRF4 and CCND2. vIRF3 is involved at least in the regulation of the IRF4-SE. SE-mediated gene expression can be disrupted using BET inhibitors (BETi), while IRF4 can potentially be targeted using CMs (see also Fig 2C). (B) CCND2 dependency most likely involves CDK6 and can be targeted using cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. (C) PEL cell lines depend on the PSOD CFLAR, potentially downstream of death receptor signaling, and the skewed pan-essential gene MCL1, which prevents apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. MCL1 can be targeted using specific inhibitors. (D) PEL cell lines depend on the p53 inhibitor MDM2. LANA is known to participate in a complex with MDM2 and p53 and contribute to p53 inhibition. The interaction between p53 and MDM2 can be disrupted using Nutlins. Proteins encoded by selectively essential genes are in blue, those encoded by pan-essential genes are in green and essential viral proteins are in orange. Ub: ubiquitin.
Since our study in 2018, the DepMap Project has greatly improved the definition of pan-essential genes. Based on these data, 146 of the 210 previously defined PSODs are now designated pan-essential, while 58 still meet our criteria for PSODs (median FDR-adj. p ≤ 0,05 cutoff in the 8 PEL screens, not pan-essential), and 6 genes have unknown status (see Supplementary Table 1). In addition, 18 genes that were not previously included now meet our criteria for PSODs. The 76 “updated PSODs” still include IRF4, BATF, CCND2, and CFLAR. MDM2 and MCL1 are now considered be pan-essential, however, they also belong to a subset of 86 pan-essential genes with highly skewed gene effect distributions in DepMap, i.e. a subset of cell lines display a greater dependency compared to the majority of cancer cell lines. Based on their validated highly significant essentiality in PEL, a more striking dependency of PEL cells on MCL1 and MDM2 compared to most other settings is therefore likely. The known association of LANA with p53 and MDM2 furthermore underscores the critical importance of MDM2 in PEL cell biology. Importantly, MDM2 can in principle be targeted by small molecule inhibitors [11,15,42]. The former PSOD adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) is third example of a gene that is now designated pan-essential but has a skewed essentiality profile. AK2 would be interesting to investigate in PEL, because high levels of adenylate kinase expression in plasma cell malignancies can be exploited for therapeutic intervention [43]. Future studies should investigate the updated PSODs for their roles in PEL, since these genes are particularly likely to include highly specific targets for therapy and to capture the unique biology of PEL. Interestingly, both the previous and updated PSODs include the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM43, which has recently been shown to restrict KSHV reactivation [44]. TRIM43 essentiality is detected in only few (9/1070) DepMap screens and could be due to a KSHV reactivation phenotype.
A comparison of non-pan-essential gene dependencies of PEL to those of other transformed cell types could point to commonalities or differences in how oncogenic transformation is achieved that inform future research. It could also help predict whether therapeutic strategies that are in use for other cancers could be effective in PEL. In the following sections, we will provide a limited comparison of gene essentiality in PEL with other cell types that all exhibit dependency on IRF4 as a master transcription factor.
Unique and shared dependencies in virally transformed hematologic cell lines
Besides KSHV, the human tumor viruses EBV and HTLV-1 cause hematologic cancers. EBV causes the EBV-associated subset of Burkitt’s lymphomas and lymphomas in the context of immunodeficiency and/or HIV-infection [45]. In contrast to KSHV, EBV transforms primary human B cells in vitro into lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). LCLs express the full set of EBV latency genes (latency III), similarly to EBV-associated lymphomas in immunodeficient patients. LCLs exhibit dependencies on the expression of several EBV oncoproteins. LCLs share dependencies on IRF4, BATF, CCND2, and CFLAR with PEL, but also have distinct dependencies, for example for genes involved in the activation of PI3K signaling by LMP2A (SYK, BTK, CD19, CD81) [46]. CFLAR dependency of LCLs is overcome by antibody-based inhibition of TNF-α or genetic inactivation of the TNFα receptor (TNFRSF1A) [46]. HTLV-1 causes adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL, or ATLL) [47,48]. ATLL cell lines depend on the expression of HTLV-1 HBZ protein, which is the only viral protein that is expressed in all ATLL tumors [49]. Gene essentiality screens in three ATLL cell lines have identified dependencies on IRF4, CCND2, and CFLAR that are shared with PEL and LCLs [49,50]. It is likely that LCLs, PEL, and ATLL also share a dependency on CDK6, although CDK6 narrowly missed our stringent statistical cut-off in PEL (median FDR-adj. p~0.052), and it was shown that LCLs and ATLL cell lines are sensitive to CDK4/6 inhibition [46,50]. ATLL cell lines additionally have single gene dependencies that are not shared with PEL and LCL, for example on BATF3 and JUNB (see below), as well as components of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway (STAT3 and IL10RB).
IRF4 is a transcriptional master regulator in PEL and other IRF4-dependent cancers
The invariant requirement for IRF4 places PEL into a group of IRF4-dependent hematologic cancers that includes multiple myeloma (MM) [51], ATLL [49], the activated B cell-like subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL) [52,53], and anaplastic large cell lymphoma [54]. While IRF4 overexpression can result from genetic mutations or translocations, recent studies suggest that IRF4 overexpression in KSHV or HTLV-1-associated hematological cancers and LCLs results from viral oncogene expression [35,46,49]. IRF4 is important at several stages of B and T cell differentiation, including plasma cell differentiation following IRF4-induced upregulation of PRDM1 [55,56]. In IRF4 dependent cancer cell lines, IRF4 is involved in super-enhancer (SE)-mediated gene expression. SEs are extended regions of enhancer elements that drive high expression of genes that specify cell identity in normal cells and oncogenic programs in cancer [57]. In PEL cell lines IRF4 occupies most SEs and IRF4-dependency has been validated for the SEs that promote the expression of IRF4 itself, CCND2, and MYC [35,58,59]. In PEL cells, IRF4 cooperates with BATF and the viral vIRF3 on several sites, including the IRF4-SE in the DUSP22 locus (Fig. 1A) [35]. Viral oncoproteins also deregulate IRF4 expression and function in LCLs and ATLL. In LCLs, IRF4 and BATF co-occupy SEs together with the EBV EBNA2/3A/3C/LP transcription factors, to drive overexpression of IRF4, MYC and other genes [46,60–63]. A subset of the EBV-SEs overlaps IRF4-occupied SEs in PEL. In LCLs, IRF4 and BATF additionally repress the BCL2L11 locus [46], which encodes pro-apoptotic Bim. The transcriptional program in LCLs differs from that in PEL in that LCL require NF-κB transcription factors, RBPJ and IRF2, which have only weak and variable (NF-κB) or undetectable (RBPJ, IRF2) requirements in PELs. In LCLs, one essential role of IRF2 is to repress the IRF4 effector PRDM1, since inactivation of PRDM1 partially rescued LCLs from IRF2 dependency [46]. Inhibition of PRDM1 may at least in part be required to prevent EBV reactivation during plasma cell differentiation. Interestingly, In ATLL, HBZ cooperates with BATF3/JUNB complexes to promote IRF4 expression and BATF3 and IRF4 promote the SE-dependent expression of MYC and other genes [49,50]. In MM, IRF4 expression depends on the cellular transcription factors IKZF1/3 and IRF4 cooperates with FLI1 on SEs [64–66]. Interestingly, MM cell lines exhibit a dependency on PRDM1, likely reflecting their advanced B cell differentiation stage. In sum, studies of IRF4-dependent lymphoid cancer cells have identified key similarities in the role of IRF4 in SE-mediated gene expression, but also important differences in how IRF4 overexpression is achieved and how downstream effects are modulated.
Targeting IRF4 dependency for therapeutic intervention
SE-dependent gene expression can be disrupted by inhibitors of BET family proteins [67], which recognize acetylated histones present in SEs. SEs drive important essential genes (e.g. IRF4, CCND2, MYC) in PEL cells and accordingly BET-inhibitors kill PEL cells in vitro and in vivo [35,41,59]. Similar findings have been reported for LCLs, ATLL, and other IRF4-dependent cancers [49,63]. In MM and DLBCL, IRF4 dependency can furthermore be targeted using cereblon modulators (CMs), including lenalidomide and pomalidomide. CMs bind the substrate recognition pocket of cereblon (CRBN), a substrate adaptor of cullin 4 ring E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes (CRL4), and redirect CRCL4CRBN to neosubstrates, resulting in their polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation (Fig. 2A). CM toxicity in MM and DLBCL can be explained due to degradation of the neosubstrates IKZF1/3, which are in turn required for expression of IRF4 (Fig. 2B) [64,65,68]. In 5q-myelodysplatic syndrome, where the haploid expression of the pomalidomide-CRCL4CRBN neosubstrate casein kinase 1α (CK1α) creates a therapeutic window [69], the mechanism of CM action is independent of IRF4. It has been shown that CMs are toxic in PEL cell lines [40]. While an IKZF1-IRF4 axis was initially proposed to operate in PEL [40], our subsequent study failed to confirm dependencies of PEL cell lines on IKZF1 or IKZF3 (Fig. 2C) [70]. Although IRF4 expression is reduced after CM treatment of PEL cell lines, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. CK1α is pan-essential and was validated as an essential gene in PEL cell lines [70]. However, although CM toxicity depends on CRL4CRBN [71], even the combined re-expression of CK1α and IRF4 provided only partial rescue from toxicity [70]. Thus, the complete set of relevant neosubstrates and the mechanism of reduced IRF4 expression in CM treated PEL cells remain unknown. In addition to its toxicity, pomalidomide also has immunomodulatory properties in PEL [72]. Future studies and an ongoing clinical trial that includes lenalidomide in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02911142) should establish if CMs represent a viable treatment strategy in PEL.
Fig. 2. Mechanisms of CM toxicity.
(A) CMs bind to the substrate binding pocket of the cereblon (CRBN) substrate adaptor of the CRL4 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex and lead to recruitment of neosubstrates, which undergo CRL4CRBN-mediated polyubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation. Cullin 4A/B, DDB1, and RBX1 are other components of CRL4CRBN, which also requires neddylation (N8) for activity. RBX1 recruits an E2 ubiquitin ligase to the complex. (B) In multiple myeloma (MM) and DLBCL, the CM-induced degradation of IKZF1/3 leads to downregulation of IRF4 and MYC and fully accounts for CM toxicity. (C) In PEL, CM-induced degradation of IKZF1/3 is observed, but inconsequential. CM-induced degradation of CK1α is toxic. IRF4 down-downregulation is observed and depends on CRL4CRBN, but the underlying mechanisms are indirect and unknown. Combined restoration of IRF4 and CK1α expression is insufficient to rescue CM toxicity, pointing to additional mechanisms of CM toxicity. Proteins encoded by selectively essential genes are in blue, those encoded by pan-essential genes are in green. Neosubstrates bear ubiquitin (Ub) chains.
Summary and Key Questions for future studies
Recent studies have provided important insights into human gene essentiality in various cancers, including those driven by viral infection. In PEL, these studies have identified key dependencies on IRF4, BATF, CCND2, CFLAR, MDM2, and MCL1. Future work should seek to further link cellular and viral gene dependencies and to elucidate underlying molecular functions. It will also be interesting to compare mechanisms of KSHV-mediated transformation in PEL with that in other models of KSHV-mediated transformation, such as KSHV-transformed rat mesenchymal cells and endothelial cell models of KS [73,74]. Finally, genetic vulnerabilities should continue to be considered for development of therapeutic strategies.
Supplementary Material
(A) List of the original 210 PSODs including their updated designations as pan-essential genes, updated PSODs, pan-essential genes with skewed gene effect distributions, or unknowns. (B) List of the 76 updated PSODs, including a column to indicate whether these genes were originally designated as PSODs. (C) List of genes that are pan-essential but have highly skewed gene effect distributions in DepMap and score as essential in the 8 PEL screens (median FDR-adj. p ≤ 0.05). These genes are candidates for preferentially essential pan-essential genes in PEL. Based on Manzano et al. (2018) [34] and DepMap release 2022, quarter 1.
We apologize to the authors of many important studies that could not be cited due to space limitations. We would like to thank Dr. Masao Nakagawa for helpful discussions. This work was supported by NCI R01 CA247619 and R01 CA247619-01A1S1.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
(A) List of the original 210 PSODs including their updated designations as pan-essential genes, updated PSODs, pan-essential genes with skewed gene effect distributions, or unknowns. (B) List of the 76 updated PSODs, including a column to indicate whether these genes were originally designated as PSODs. (C) List of genes that are pan-essential but have highly skewed gene effect distributions in DepMap and score as essential in the 8 PEL screens (median FDR-adj. p ≤ 0.05). These genes are candidates for preferentially essential pan-essential genes in PEL. Based on Manzano et al. (2018) [34] and DepMap release 2022, quarter 1.