Large scale genomics projects have identified driver alterations for most childhood cancers that provide reliable biomarkers for clinical diagnosis and disease monitoring using targeted sequencing. However, there is lack of a comprehensive panel that matches the list of known driver genes. Here we fill this gap by developing SJPedPanel for childhood cancers.
SJPedPanel covers 5,275 coding exons of 357 driver genes, 297 introns frequently involved in rearrangements that generate fusion oncoproteins, commonly amplified/deleted regions (e.g., MYCN for neuroblastoma, CDKN2A and PAX5 for B-/T-ALL, and SMARCB1 for AT/RT), and 7,590 polymorphism sites for interrogating tumors with aneuploidy, such as hyperdiploid and hypodiploid B-ALL or 17q gain neuroblastoma. We used driver alterations reported from an established real-time clinical genomics cohort (n=253) to validate this gene panel. Among the 485 pathogenic variants reported, our panel covered 417 variants (86%). For 90 rearrangements responsible for oncogenic fusions, our panel covered 74 events (82%). We re-sequenced 113 previously characterized clinical specimens at an average depth of 2,500X using SJPedPanel and recovered 354 (91%) of the 389 reported pathogenic variants. We then investigated the power of this panel in detecting mutations from specimens with low tumor purity (as low as 0.1%) using cell line-based dilution experiments and discovered that this gene panel enabled us to detect ∼80% variants with allele fraction of 0.2%, while the detection rate decreases to ∼50% when the allele fraction is 0.1%. We finally demonstrate its utility in disease monitoring on clinical specimens collected from AML patients in morphologic remission.
SJPedPanel enables the detection of clinically relevant genetic alterations including rearrangements responsible for subtype-defining fusions for childhood cancers by targeted sequencing of ∼0.15% of human genome. It will enhance the analysis of specimens with low tumor burdens for cancer monitoring and early detection.
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