The organization and coordination of fish schools provide a valuable model to investigate the genetic architecture of affiliative behaviours and dissect the mechanisms underlying social behaviours and personalities. Here we used replicate guppy selection lines that vary in schooling propensity and combine quantitative genetics with genomic and transcriptomic analyses to investigate the genetic basis of sociability phenotypes. We show that consistent with findings in collective motion patterns, experimental evolution of schooling propensity increased the sociability of female, but not male, guppies when swimming with unfamiliar conspecifics. This finding highlights a relevant link between coordinated motion and sociability for species forming fission–fusion societies in which both group size and the type of social interactions are dynamic across space and time. We further show that alignment and attraction, the two major traits forming the sociability personality axis in this species, showed heritability estimates at the upper end of the range previously described for social behaviours, with important variation across sexes. The results from both Pool-seq and RNA-seq data indicated that genes involved in neuron migration and synaptic function were instrumental in the evolution of sociability, highlighting a crucial role of glutamatergic synaptic function and calcium-dependent signalling processes in the evolution of schooling.
Subject terms: Evolutionary genetics, Evolutionary biology, Social evolution
The authors used multiple lines of evidence including behavioural assays, quantitative genetics and transcriptomics to explore schooling behaviour in guppies. Both genomic and transcriptomic analyses indicated that genes involved in neuron migration and synaptic function played key roles in the evolution of schooling behaviour.
Living in groups, a widespread phenomenon across the animal kingdom, can lead to strikingly complex social behaviours, such as cooperative interactions, subdivision of labour or collective decision-making1. Sociability, the propensity to affiliate with other animals, can also vary across individuals. Sociability represents a fundamental aspect of personality which can influence social interactions and is often subject to strong selective processes2,3. Indeed, intraspecific differences in sociability are widespread (for example, refs. 4,5) and individual genetic variation often underlies variability in personality and social behaviour phenotypes6. However, heritability estimates of social behaviour traits are consistent with a complex, polygenic architecture7. Human twin and family studies reveal that heritability estimates of personality traits generally ≈0.40 (reviewed in ref. 8). In non-human animals, a meta-analysis estimated that mean heritability is 0.23 across social behaviours, including personality traits9, with heritability of affiliative associations ranging substantially from 0.11 to 0.51 (refs 10–13).
Despite this complexity, multiple neural and genetic mechanisms underlying social behaviour have been identified14. Many of the neural structures and neuromodulators (serotonin, dopamine, vasopressin and oxytocin) are highly conserved within the social decision-making network across vertebrates15. Moreover, human personality traits associated with social decision-making have been linked to dopaminergic and serotonergic genes (reviewed in ref. 16), and the regulation of these neuromodulators has been connected to neurodevelopmental disorders that affect affiliative behaviours, such as autism spectrum disorder6,17,18. Studies in non-human organisms likewise point towards a major role of genes involved in the regulation of these neurochemical systems. For instance, mouse knockout mutants for genes involved in dopaminergic signalling exhibit altered sociability phenotypes19, and changes in sociability in three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, are predicted by natural variation in the expression of genes within the dopaminergic and stress pathways20. However, while specific groups of genes have been identified for a range of affiliative behaviours, we lack a deeper understanding of their role in inter-individual variation and evolutionary processes underlying sociability.
In fish, group living often leads to spectacular forms of collective behaviour, with members of a school coordinating their movements to increase efficiency in foraging, travelling or predator avoidance1. The extent to which members of a school coordinate their movements is an integral part of the sociability axis of personality, that is, how individuals react to the presence or absence of conspecifics excluding aggressive behaviours21. We previously showed that schooling behaviour has a repeatability of 0.43 at the individual level22 and this can increase substantially over just three generations of artificial selection in female guppies, Poecilia reticulata, generating a 15% increase in intrinsic schooling propensity compared with controls22,23. Selection was based on a group phenotype, polarization, or the level of alignment between individuals moving together in a group.
Understanding the genetic basis of this schooling phenotype requires linking individual phenotypic differences to genetic variation. In this study, we phenotyped alignment and attraction of 1,496 guppies across 195 families (father, mother, three female and three male offspring from our replicate experimental selection lines) to estimate the heritability of these two motion characteristics that previous factor analyses identified to be integral components for the sociability axis of personality in this species21. Because many social interaction patterns in guppies have sex differences24–26, and because our selection was performed solely on females, we are able to examine cross-sex genetic correlations in this ecologically relevant behavioural trait. Genomic and transcriptomic data from these lines reveal convergence in the genetic architecture of sociability, highlighting a series of genes with well-defined roles in neurodevelopmental processes. Our results provide a robust agreement across experiments about the genetic regulation of neural processes in decision making and motor control regions of the brain, and its importance for variation of personality within individuals of this species.
Heritability of sociability in guppies
We first determined whether experimental evolution for higher schooling propensity affected social interactions with unfamiliar conspecifics. For this, we assessed sociability in 740 females and 746 males from multiple families of three replicate lines artificially selected for a 15% average higher polarization (polarization-selected lines hereafter) and three replicate control lines exposed to a group of non-kin unfamiliar conspecifics in an open field test. Specifically, we quantified their alignment and nearest neighbour distance (attraction), two measures of collective motion characteristics that are demonstrated to capture the most biologically relevant aspects of the sociability axis of personality in this species21.
Female guppies from polarization-selected lines presented higher alignment and higher attraction to an unfamiliar group compared with control lines (linear mixed model for alignment, LMMalignment: line: t = 2.27, d.f. = 9.68, P = 0.047; LMMattraction: line: t = −2.34, d.f. = 9.41, P = 0.043; Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 1). No differences were observed in these traits between polarization-selected and control males (LMMalignment: line: t = −1.38, d.f. = 9.56, P = 0.20; LMMattraction: line: t = 0.88,; d.f. = 9.26, P = 0.40; Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 2). Our analyses showed an effect of sex in alignment, with females exhibiting ~8% higher alignment than males (LMMalignment: sex: t = −3.02, d.f. = 690.08, P = 0.003), but no difference between sexes in attraction to a group of unfamiliar conspecifics (LMMattraction: sex: t = 0.51,d.f. = 447.05, P = 0.61; Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 1). There were some differences in sociability between the parental and offspring generation tested in our experiment, with higher alignment to group average direction and lower distances to nearest neighbour observed in offspring (LMMalignment: generation: t = −10.13, d.f. = 1141.24, P < 0.001; LMMattraction: generation: t = 11.29, d.f. = 992.16, P < 0.001; Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 1). Differences in body size between age classes in guppies may explain these results (see Supplementary Table 3), as the time restrictions involved in testing large numbers of fish required that we assessed individuals from the parental and offspring generations at different ages. However, these differences are unlikely to create large biases in our heritability estimates given that we tested all fish after sexual maturation and that polarization-selected and control fish were of similar age within parents tested (9 months old) and within offspring tested (5 months old). In addition, the difference in means between generations is accounted for in our statistical models (see Methods).
Fig. 1. Heritability of sociability in guppies.
a, Female, but not male, guppies from polarization-selected lines (n = 763, orange) presented higher alignment to the group direction (left) and shorter distances to their nearest neighbour (higher alignment; right) than guppies from control lines (n = 724, grey) when swimming with unfamiliar same-sex conspecifics (see Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). For all boxplots, horizontal lines indicate medians, boxes indicate the interquartile range and whiskers indicate all points within 1.5 times the interquartile range. Boxes in top left position of each facet indicate Tukey adjusted P values for multiple contrasts (P < 0.05 in bold) for statistical contrasts by sex in an LMM comparing alignment and attraction between selection line treatments (see Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). b, Animal models using same-sex pedigrees and full pedigrees with alignment and attraction (nearest neighbour distance) phenotypes in 195 families of polarization-selected and control guppy lines indicated a moderate heritability in female guppies for both biologically relevant aspects of sociability measured, alignment (left) and attraction (right). In males, we found moderate heritability in attraction, but CIs in alignment estimates overlapped with 0, suggesting low heritability of this sociability aspect. Our full-pedigree animal models provided large CIs for male–female correlations in sociability, with estimates overlapping 0 in alignment, but a positive correlation between sexes in attraction (see Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Red diamonds indicate mean heritability values with 95% CIs.
To assess the heritability of sociability in this species, we fitted animal models with alignment and attraction phenotypes quantified from these 1,486 individuals comprising parents, three male and three female offspring for 195 families (99 polarization-selected and 96 control families). Given known differences between the sexes in social interaction patterns in guppies24–26, we estimated heritability with animal models that only included relationships with same-sex individuals (same-sex pedigree) or that included relationships with individuals from both sexes (full pedigree).
Using same-sex pedigree animal models, attraction heritability was similar in females (h2attraction, estimate (95% credible interval (CI))) = 0.18 (0.05, 0.34); Fig. 1b) and males (h2attraction = 0.19 (0.06, 0.34); Fig. 1b); however, alignment heritability was much higher in females (h2alignment = 0.34 (0.18, 0.49); Fig. 1b) than in males (h2alignment = 0.06 (0.00, 0.18); Fig. 1b). Full-pedigree models indicated lower heritability estimates than same-sex pedigree models (Supplementary Table 5 and Fig. 1b), except for the heritability estimate of attraction in males (h2attraction = 0.26 (0.16, 0.37); Fig. 1b). Finally, animal models indicated a positive female–male genetic correlation in attraction (rf–m, attraction: 0.68 (0.23, 0.98); Fig. 1b), although the magnitude of this correlation contained large CIs. For alignment, CIs for rf–m are also wide and span zero (rf–m, alignment: 0.44 (−0.17, 0.95)), and we can only conclude that the cross-sex genetic correlation is not strongly negative (Supplementary Table 5 and Fig. 1b).
Genetic basis of sociability in guppies
Our quantitative genetic analyses of alignment and attraction suggest an important genetic influence on sociability phenotypes of guppies. As such, we sequenced DNA pools (Pool-seq) to identify genome-wide differences in allele frequencies between polarization-selected female guppies that presented high sociability and polarization-selected females that presented low sociability. Specifically, we focused on measurements obtained from females in analyses of alignment to an unfamiliar group. For this, we pooled the DNA from mothers whose families (normalized mother and daughters alignment score; see Methods) were in the top 25% and the bottom 25% quartiles from each of the three replicated polarization-selected lines (six total pooled samples with 7 individuals each; Supplementary Fig. 1).
DNA reads were aligned to the guppy reference genome (Guppy_female_1.0 + MT, RefSeq accession: GCA_000633615.2) to compare genome-wide allele frequency differences between high- and low-sociability guppies. We ran two independent analyses with these aligned sequences. For our first analysis, we merged sequences from the three replicates with high-sociability pooled samples and sequences from the three replicates with low-sociability pooled samples. We filtered merged sequences to 3,004,974 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; see Methods) and performed a Fisher’s exact test in Popoolation2 (ref. 27) to identify SNPs that significantly differed in their allele frequencies between guppies with high and low sociability. Using this methodology, we identified 819 SNPs associated with our sociability phenotype (Fisher’s exact test, P < 10−8; Fig. 2a). SNPs over this standard genome-wide significance threshold28 were mostly found in single physically unlinked positions across the genome, consistent with a polygenic architecture of the trait.
Fig. 2. Genetic basis of sociability in the guppy.
a, Manhattan plot of −log10(P) values across linkage groups (LG) in the guppy genome resulting from a two-sided Fisher’s exact test comparing allele frequency differences between high- and low-sociability female guppies. We merged pooled DNA sequences of three independent replicates and found 819 SNPs to be significantly different (above genome-wide threshold highlighted in red), while a highly stringent analyses of consistent allele frequency differences across our three independent replicates (CMH test; see Methods) identified 13 SNPs (5 of them within genes) associated with sociability in the species (gene names and SNP location in the genome highlighted in orange). SNPs with −log10(P) < 2 are omitted. b, Clustering of statistically significant overrepresented GO annotations for biological processes associated with differences between high and low sociability in guppies. Point size and colour provide information on fold enrichment value from the statistical overrepresentation test performed in PANTHER84 (see Methods). Terms with fold enrichment lower than 8 are represented but not described in text. Axes have no intrinsic meaning and are based on multidimensional scaling which clustered terms based on semantic similarities74.
Out of these 819 significantly different SNPs, 421 were located within genes or gene promoter regions of the guppy genome and were used for further functional characterization in association with Gene Ontology (GO) annotations (273 unique genes). We clustered GO terms on the basis of semantic similarities and found significant overrepresentation of biological process terms related to learning and memory, synaptic functioning, response to stimulus, locomotion and growth (Fig. 2b). We likewise found significant overrepresentation of cadherin and calcium-dependent protein binding annotations (molecular components terms; Supplementary Fig. 2) and glutamatergic synapse annotations (cellular components terms; Supplementary Fig. 3).
Second, we looked for consistent differences in allele frequencies between high- and low-sociability pooled samples in our three replicates by performing the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test (CMH test) in Popoolation2 (ref. 27). Convergent changes in allele frequency probably represent selected sites and are less likely the result of genetic drift in any one line. This stringent analysis identified 13 SNPs from 10 different chromosomes with consistent significant differences in allele frequencies across the three replicates (CMH test P < 0.01 with false discovery rate (FDR) correction). Five of these SNPs are located within known coding sequence of the guppy genome, of which three are within well-characterized genes in zebrafish and human homologues with important roles for cognitive function: ubiquitin-specific peptidase 11 (usp11), supt6 histone chaperone and transcription elongation factor homologue (supt6h) and cadherin 13 (cdh13; Fig. 2a and Table 1). The other two are classified as novel genes, one of them being matched to an RNA-binding protein Nova-1-like gene, similarly associated with motor function and changes in synaptic function (Fig. 2a and Table 1).
Table 1.
Characterization of genes associated with sociability in guppies
SNP location | Gene ID Ensemble | Gene name | Described cognitive function of homologues | References |
Chr 7: 30748139 | 00000004543 | usp11 |
Control of cortical neurogenesis and neuronal migration Mutations of the gene have been associated with neurological disorders. |
ref. 44 ref. 91 |
Chr 13: 31383940 | 00000018946 | Novel gene (RNA-binding protein Nova-1-like) | Neuronal RNA-binding protein associated with motor function | ref. 46 |
Chr 14: 4286109 | 00000009725 | supt6h | Substrate of mTOR, a signalling pathway associated with brain function and neurodegenerative disorders |
ref. 42 ref. 43 |
Chr 18: 4286109 | 00000014318 | Novel gene | – | – |
Chr 19: 3032099 | 00000019822 | cdh13 |
Modulation of brain activity through GABAergic function Organization of neuronal circuits |
ref. 47 ref. 92 |
Neurogenomic response of schooling in guppies
We used transcriptome sequencing to determine differences in gene expression in multiple brain regions of polarization-selected and control females in response to two different social contexts, swimming alone (the ‘Alone’ condition) or schooling in a group (groups of eight unfamiliar females; the ‘Group’ condition). We focused on three separate brain tissues that control distinct functions. The ‘optic tectum’ is involved in sensory processing of visual signals. The ‘telencephalon’ is implicated in decision making. The ‘midbrain’ is associated with motor function in response to auditory and visual stimuli29,30. Together, these three brain tissues contain the main components of the social brain network in fish31,32.
Differential expression analyses
We identified genes differentially expressed between lines under each treatment condition and in each brain region separately to determine the neurogenomic response triggered by schooling in both lines. Gene expression analyses indicated very little overlap in differentially expressed (DE) genes between polarization-selected and control lines (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Data). Specifically, we found that only adipocyte enhancer-binding protein 2 gene (AEBP2; involved in adipocyte differentiation) in the midbrain and an unknown gene in the optic tectum were differentially expressed in both polarization-selected and control lines. Such little overlap suggests that females from different selection lines are activating different transcriptional cascades and biological pathways in response to social context. In polarization-selected lines we found an order of magnitude fewer DE genes in the optic tectum than in the other brain components (n = 21 for optic tectum, n = 158 for telencephalon, n = 109 for midbrain, each Padj < 0.05). Moreover, in the telencephalon and midbrain, DE genes between Alone and Group treatment in the polarization-selected lines were enriched for GO annotations associated with cognition, memory, learning and social behaviour (Supplementary Data). We found enrichment for these annotation terms for DE genes expressed in the optic tectum but not in the midbrain or telencephalon of control lines.
Fig. 3. Neurogenomic response of schooling in guppies.
a–c, Hierarchical clustering and relative expression levels for all differentially expressed genes between Alone and Group treatments in the optic tectum (a), the telencephalon (b) and the midbrain (c). Differentially expressed genes were identified separately in polarization and control line samples. Clustering, based on Euclidian distance, represents transcriptional similarity across all samples. Venn diagrams summarize the total number of DE genes and DC gene pairs in each tissue for polarization-selected and control lines.
Hierarchical clustering analyses of DE genes showed that females from polarization-selected lines in the Group condition clustered uniquely from polarization-selected females in the Alone condition (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 6). Similarly, females from polarization-selected lines in the Group condition clustered uniquely from females from control lines under the Group and Alone conditions in both the telencephalon and the midbrain, suggesting a unique response in the regions of the brain associated with behaviour to social exposure. This was not observed in samples from the optic tectum, suggesting that visual processing of social treatments did not differ between polarization-selected and control females. Hierarchical clustering analyses using all expressed genes clustered samples by selection line rather than by social context condition (Supplementary Fig. 4), suggesting that social context affects only a targeted subset of the overall transcriptome rather than the majority of genes.
Differential co-expression analyses
We used systems biology methods designed to compare the co-expression networks between conditions to identify genes that change in the way they are connected to other genes within the co-expression network across conditions, independent of whether they are differentially expressed29–31. Specifically, we used Bayes approach for differential co-expression analysis (BFDCA)30 to identify differentially co-expressed (DC) gene pairs under the Group and Alone conditions (that is, pairs of genes that significantly change in correlation between the two social contexts for each line30,32). Similar to the findings in the DE analyses, we found little overlap in the genes forming DC gene pairs between comparisons implemented for control and polarization-selected lines (see Supplementary Tables 7 and 8, and Fig. 3). Together, our results suggest that polarization-selected lines were activating different biological pathways compared with control lines to modulate coordinated movement.
We additionally found a group of genes that are both DE and DC in the same tissue and line, suggesting that they might play an important role in mediating coordinated movement (Supplementary Tables 8 and 9). Specifically, in the telencephalon, we identified 4 genes that are both DE and DC in polarization-selected lines: LRRC24, PTPRS, KHDR2 and PP2BA (Supplementary Table 9). These genes are part of the calcineurin and the Wnt/oxytocin signalling pathways known to be involved in modulating social behaviour, learning and memory33–35. Enrichment tests confirm the functional relevance of the DC gene pairs identified, revealing an overrepresentation of genes associated with the glutamatergic synapse, as well as with visual transduction among DC gene pairs in multiple comparisons (Supplementary Tables 10 and 11).
Functional characterization of genes of interest across experiments
We combined the information from our genomic and transcriptomic analyses on polarization-selected and control lines to obtain an intersected delimitation of the gene functions that our analyses highlighted as important in the development and expression of social interactions with conspecifics. Specifically, we used functional analyses in the set of genes with differentiated SNPs between merged sequences of the three replicates with high and low sociability (273 unique genes) as reference and compared results to functional analyses of genes differentially expressed in three different brain tissues of females following exposure to multiple social conditions. We found a concordance of 79% in the combination of biological processes (BP), cellular components (CC) and molecular functions (MF) GO terms enriched following analyses of differentially expressed genes in the telencephalon (n = 158). This value represented a 1.7-fold increase in the concordance of terms in relation to mean values obtained from corresponding enrichment analyses of 1,000 random sets of 158 genes (see Methods; mean concordance (CI): 45% (43, 47)). We likewise found concordances of 64% and 4.5% for differentially expressed genes in the midbrain (n = 109) and in the optic tectum (n = 21), respectively. These represented 2.1-fold and 1.1-fold increases in relation to analyses with 1,000 random sets of 109 and 21 genes in midbrain and optic tectum, respectively (mean concordance midbrain: 30% (28, 31); mean concordance telencephalon: 3.8% (3.6, 4.2)). We summarized and visualized GO terms enrichment lists across experiments and tissues sampled using REVIGO36. We found a strong overlap between enrichment of GO biological process terms associated with learning and memory, synaptic processes, neuron projection and cell growth, mostly constrained to the telencephalon and midbrain regions (Fig. 4). We found similar patterns in relation to cellular component GO terms, with strong overlap in neuronal components, in particular, with high enrichment of terms associated with glutamatergic synapse. Visualization of GO terms associated with molecular functions suggests a major role of genes with protein binding function across experiments, including a role for cadherin-binding related genes in the midbrain (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Functional characterization of genes of interest across experiments.
Visualization of functional overlap based on GO annotations between genes of interest highlighted in strongly differentiated experimental setups evaluating social interactions of female guppies following experimental evolution for higher polarization: (1) genomic analyses of DNA comparing Pool-seq of high- and low-sociability female guppies (left column); (2) transcriptomic analyses evaluating differentially expressed genes in key brain regions of polarization-selected lines of female guppies exposed to two different social contexts: swimming alone or with a group of conspecifics (TEL, telencephalon; MBR, midbrain; OT, optic tectum; columns 2–4). Shades of green indicate fold enrichment from our statistical overrepresentation tests performed to gene lists obtained from each experiment (see Supplementary Dataset).
We used behavioural phenotyping across guppy families, in conjunction with Pool-seq and RNA-seq to identify the genetic architecture of coordinated motion. Our broad range of analyses, spanning genomes, transcriptomes and phenotypes, provides an exceptional evaluation of the molecular mechanisms underlying sociability in this fish. Our work suggests that genes and gene networks involved in social decision-making through neuron migration and synaptic function are key in the evolution of schooling, highlighting a crucial role of glutamatergic synaptic function and calcium-dependent signalling processes.
Our pedigree-based phenotyping analyses of 195 guppy families from polarization-selected and control lines indicate moderate levels of heritability (Alignment: 0.06–0.34; Attraction: 0.09–0.26), with pronounced sex differences in full-pedigree models (Alignmentfemale–male: 0.10 ± 0.05; Attractionfemale–male: −0.17 ± 0.05) in estimates for key behavioural traits forming the sociability axis in this species. Our heritability estimates are similar to estimates for affiliative social behaviour traits in primates, ungulates and rodents10–13,37, and to overall estimates of heritability in personality traits across human and non-human animals8,38. Given the importance of social behaviour in a range of survival and fitness components in natural systems1,39,40, our results suggest that complex genetic architectures can respond quickly to strong evolutionary pressures, even when only one sex is subject to selection22, and that our lab population contained substantial amounts of standing genetic variation for these traits before selection.
The complex genetic architecture makes it difficult to precisely characterize cross-sex genetic effects in our study. We nonetheless observed a positive cross-sex genetic correlation in attraction (0.68, CI: 0.25–0.98), suggesting similarities between males and females in the genetic architecture of this trait. This result is concordant with a study focused on the bold–shy continuum aspect of personality establishing that sex differences in risk-taking behaviours are weak and probably lack sex-specific genetic architecture in this species41. Yet, sex differences in heritability estimates of alignment (♀h2alignment = 0.34 (0.18, 0.49); ♂h2alignment = 0.06 (0.00, 0.18)) suggest that it is important to account for sex-specific additive genetic variance when inferring the evolvability of personality traits. In addition, the low cross-sex heritability we observe in these latter traits is particularly interesting and suggests that selection for a complex trait in one sex need not result in a correlated response in the other sex. Overall, this indicates significant sex-specific genetic variation for sex-specific behaviours, and that sexually dimorphic behaviours need not require decoupling of male and female genetic architecture when sufficient sex-specific genetic variation is present.
We next mapped the genomic and transcriptomic basis of phenotypic differences in polarization in female guppies. Our genome-wide association study was designed to compare individuals with high- and low-sociability phenotypes from within polarization-selected lines, rather than between polarization-selected and control lines. This may have resulted in compressed phenotypic spread but carries the important advantage of reducing the incidence of SNP frequencies that vary across alternative selection lines due to drift. As such, our design is conservative. In our most stringent Pool-seq analysis, we identified SNPs in four genes that consistently differed across all three replicate lines, these genes having been previously associated with cognition and functions relevant to social behaviour. The supt6 histone chaperone and transcription elongation factor homologue (supt6h) is important in the positive regulation of transcriptional elongation and a substrate of mTOR, a signalling pathway with a role in cognitive function42,43. The ubiquitin-specific peptidase 11 (usp11) homologue in humans has a critical function in the development of the neural cortex, and knockout studies in mice show that the locus protects females from cognitive impairment44,45. Similarly, the novel RNA-binding protein Nova-1-like gene is associated with a neuron-specific nuclear RNA-binding protein in humans and regulates brain-specific splicing related to synaptic function46.
Finally, our Pool-seq analysis identified cadherin 13 (cdh13), the human homologue of which has a crucial role in GABAergic function47, with involvement in neural growth and axonal guidance during early development48,49. Moreover, deficit of this gene has a major impact in neurodevelopmental disorders including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder50. Indeed, cdh13 knockout mice display delayed acquisition of learning tasks and a decreased latency in sociability51. Interestingly, repeated selection of genes involved in cadherin-signalling pathways52 has been shown in guppy populations experiencing different predation pressures. Together, natural selection imposed by differences in predation across these populations53–55 and our combined findings in the genomic background of guppies suggest strong selective pressures for cadherin-signalling genes due to their modulation of affiliative behaviours.
Our expression results revealed differences in regulation in genes associated with learning, behaviour and neural function, mainly in the telencephalon and midbrain, in comparisons of polarization-selected and control lines in different social contexts. Overall, this suggests that the regulation of highly demanding cognitive processes via synaptic function underlies variation in sociability. While the integration of visual signals is central in fish schools56, our results suggest that higher-order cognitive processes are the basis of variation in social affinity. Indeed, the differences in alignment and attraction observed when swimming with unfamiliar conspecifics are arguably highly cognitively demanding, as within a collective motion context, the tendency to copy the directional movements of other individuals implies a direct trade-off between personal goal-oriented behaviours and the benefits of social conformity57,58. Together, our study of transcriptomic profiles of schooling fish suggests that the regulation of affiliative behaviours in this species is driven by an intricately linked social decision-making network in the brain59, with strong links to functional groups governing social behaviours and personality across species. More broadly, our results offer insight into important questions about the evolution of behaviour and other traits with complex genetic architecture. First, our results of large-scale expression differences among selection lines are consistent with recent discussions of the role of gene regulatory networks in coordinating large numbers of genes associated with behaviours60. It is highly likely that the genes with convergent expression changes in the selection lines are controlled via a modular regulatory architecture, as evidenced by our co-expression network analysis (Supplementary Tables 7 and 8, and Fig. 3).
We find a striking concordance in the functionality of genes independently identified in genomic and transcriptomic profiling of strongly differentiated experiments assessing social interactions of polarization-selected female guppies (Fig. 4). The overlap in significantly enriched GO terms, including learning, synaptic processes and neuron projection restricted to brain regions associated with decision-making and motor control, strongly reinforces the notion that genetic regulation of these cognitive processes is fundamental for sociability in guppies. In addition, the functional concordance we observe between the regulatory and protein differences among our selection lines is noteworthy in the context of the discussion of whether structural or regulatory variation is more important in adaptive phenotypes61,62. The overlap in functionality in our genomic and transcriptomic approaches suggests that both are important, with artificial selection for behaviour acting on coding and regulatory variation within the same pathway to achieve adaptive phenotypes.
Our results indicate that the regulation of glutamatergic synaptic processes is a particularly promising network for future studies of affiliative behaviours. Interestingly, differential gene expression of glutamate receptor genes has been identified to regulate female mating preferences in guppies63 and is concordantly identified across species of vertebrates in the regulation of long-term affiliative mating behaviours64. Guppies are livebearers, and this has hindered the use of functional genetic tools such as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats on this species. Although not feasible at this time, future functional validation via genetic manipulations of guppies for these pathways would prove extremely interesting.
Our results are also concordant with other comparative transcriptomic studies of behavioural responses towards conspecific territorial intrusions, which identified calcium ion-binding regulation across phylogenetically distant species65. Together, the consistency in our findings of specific genes and functional terms associated with calcium-dependent and cadherin-binding molecular functions across our experiments suggests that these are promising molecular targets for future research exploring the evolution and regulation of sociability and affiliative behaviours.
All experiments were performed in accordance with ethical applications approved by the Stockholm Ethical Board (Dnr:C50/12, N173/13 and 223/15). These applications are consistent with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines.
Study system
To evaluate the genetic architecture of sociability, we performed a series of experiments in guppies following artificial selection on coordinated motion. The laboratory population of guppies used originated from a downstream population of the Quare river in Trinidad, which is subject to high predation levels. The original collection was made in 199866 and the laboratory population has since been kept in several large (>200 l) tanks of >200 individuals each to avoid inbreeding. The artificial selection procedure is outlined in detail in refs. 22,23. In brief, groups of female guppies were subjected to repeated open field tests and were subsequently sorted on the basis of their median polarization, measured by the degree of alignment exhibited by the individuals within the group when swimming together22,23. For three generations, females from groups with higher polarization were mated with males from those cohorts to generate three lines of guppies that had been selected for high polarization. In parallel, random females were exposed to the same experimental conditions and were mated with unselected males to generate three control lines. Analysis of the third generation of polarization selection revealed that, on average, females exhibited a 15% higher level of polarization and a 10% higher level of group cohesiveness compared with control females22.
Throughout the selection experiment and the completion of experiments described below, all fish were removed from their parental tanks after birth, separated by sex at the first onset of sexual maturation and afterwards kept in single-sex groups of eight individuals in 7 l tanks containing 2 cm of gravel with continuously aerated water, a biological filter and plants for environmental enrichment. We allowed for visual contact between the tanks. The laboratory was maintained at 26 °C with a 12 h light:12 h dark schedule. Fish were fed a diet of flake food and freshly hatched brine shrimp daily.
Heritability of sociability
To investigate heritability and cross-sex genetic correlations of sociability in the guppy, we measured alignment and attraction with unfamiliar groups of conspecifics in parents and offspring from polarization-selected and control lines. Specifically, using offspring of the F3 generation of selection, we bred 35 families for each of the three polarization-selected and for each of the three control lines. From our population of F3 generation offspring (kept in single-sex groups before the breeding experiments), we used male and female guppies of the same age (~9 months old) and paired them in 3 l tanks to generate the parental generation. We collected offspring from the first two clutches of these pairs and transferred newborn offspring to 3 l tanks in groups of three siblings. We separated siblings by sex at the first onset of sexual maturation and afterwards kept them in single-sex groups of three individuals until behavioural testing. We phenotyped sociability for a total of 195 guppy families: mother, father and six offspring (three females and three males). Any family for which we did not collect at least three female and three male offspring was disregarded from further behavioural testing. Each of the six selection lines was represented by a minimum of 30 families in our heritability analyses.
Behavioural assays
To phenotype sociability in each member of our guppy families, we measured alignment and attraction of 1,495 guppies from our breeding experiment. For each fish, we performed an open field assay using white arenas with 55 cm diameter and 3 cm water depth in which our focal fish (guppies from the breeding experiment) interacted with a group of seven same-sex conspecifics. Non-focal guppies used in these assays were from a lab wild-type stock population and of similar age to our focal fish. Before the start of the test, focal fish and the seven-fish group were acclimated in the centre of the arena for 1 min in separate opaque white 15 cm PVC cylinders. After this acclimation period, we lifted the cylinders and filmed the arena for 10 min using a Point Grey Grasshopper 3 camera (FLIR Systems; resolution, 2,048 pixels by 2,048 pixels; frame rate, 25 Hz). Three weeks before assays, we tagged wild-type fish with small black elastomere implants (Northwest Marine Technology) to allow recognition of wild-type fish after completion of each assay. After completion, we gently euthanized focal fish from the parental generation with an overdose of benzocaine and kept them in ethanol for future genomic analyses. Focal fish from the offspring generation were transferred to group tanks for future experimental use. Groups of seven wild-type fish were transferred to holding tanks and used in a maximum of seven assays with focal fish.
Data processing
We tracked the movement of fish groups in the collected video recordings using idTracker67 and used fine-grained tracking data to calculate the following variables in Matlab (v.2020): (1) alignment, the median alignment of the focal fish to the group average direction across all frames in the assay. This was quantified by the total length of the sum of two-unit vectors, one representing the heading of the focal fish and the other representing the heading of the group centroid. Calculations of alignment were only obtained if six out of the eight members of the group presented tracks following the optimization of our tracking protocol in the setup in refs. 22,23,68; (2) attraction, the median nearest neighbour distance across all frames in the assay; and (3) activity; we obtained the median speed across all group members and across all frames by calculating the first derivatives of the x and y time series, followed by smoothing using a Savitzky–Golay filter with span of 12 frames (1/2 s) and degree 3. For all measurements, trials with less than 70% complete tracks (n = 8) were disregarded in further analyses. The proportion of frames used did not differ between polarization-selected and control fish for any comparison across different generations and sexes (Supplementary Fig. 5). We calculated these variables for the focal fish and the average for the seven-fish wild-type group. To recover focal fish id in the tracking data, we used idPlayer to visualize trials by projecting the raw tracking data onto experimental videos. We followed focal individuals for the first 2 min of the assay and used the stable identity assigned by idTracker in data collection. In trials with less than 85% complete tracks (n = 8), we followed focal individuals for the total duration of the recording to verify the consistency in identity assigned by idTracker. This approach has previously shown strong reliability in individuals that were observed using this protocol for 20 min recordings in the same experimental setup that quantified sexual behaviour of guppies in mixed-sex shoals69.
Statistical analyses
Analyses were conducted using R statistical software (v.4.1.3)70, RStudio (v.2023.3.1.446)71 and the tidyverse package72. We used LMMs with alignment and attraction as dependent variables to test for potential differences between polarization-selected and control lines in social interactions with unfamiliar individuals. Selection regime, sex, the interaction between these two factors and generation were included as fixed effects. The average activity of the wild-type group was coded as a covariate, with a random intercept for each replicated selection line, the breeding family and the number of tests previously performed with the wild-type group as random factors. All models were run using lme4 and lmerTest packages73,74. Model diagnostics showed that residual distributions were roughly normal with no evidence of heteroscedasticity.
To estimate heritability, the degree of phenotypic variation due to genetic inheritance, and cross-sex genetic correlations of alignment and attraction, we used Bayesian animal models75. Animal models use a matrix of pedigree relationships set as a random effect to separate phenotypic variance for each response variable into additive genetic variance and the remaining variance. Given strong sex differences in social interactions in guppies, we performed three animal models for each trait: one including the data on the 1,495 phenotyped individuals and two including only the phenotyped females or males. Parameter values were estimated using the brms interface76,77 to the probabilistic programming language Stan78. We used normal priors with a mean of 0 and s.d. of 3 for fixed effects, and Student-t priors with 5 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0 and s.d. of 5 for random effects. The full-pedigree model estimated cross-sex correlations with a Lewandowski–Kurowicka–Joe (LKJ) prior with η = 1, which is uniform over the range −1 to 1. Posterior distributions for full/same-sex pedigree models were obtained using Stan’s no-U-turn Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with 24/16 independent Markov chains of 2,500/4,000 iterations, discarding the first 1,500/2,000 iterations per chain as warm-up and resulting in 24,000/32,000 posterior samples overall. Convergence of the chains and sufficient sampling of posterior distributions were confirmed by a potential-scale-reduction metric (R) below 1.01 and an effective sample size of at least 1,000. For each model, posterior samples were summarized on the basis of the Bayesian point estimate (posterior median) and posterior uncertainty intervals by Highest Density Intervals. We calculated estimates of heritability by taking the ratio of the additive genetic variance to the total phenotypic variance in each independent model (see Supplementary Tables 5 and 6).
Genetic basis of sociability in guppies
Pooled DNA sequencing
We extracted DNA of muscle tissue from the caudal peduncle of polarization-selected females from the parental generation using Qiagen’s DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit following standard manufacturer protocol, with an additional on-column RNase A treatment. We quantified DNA concentration using fluorometry (Qubit, ThermoFisher). We next pooled samples from the 7 females that represented the top and bottom 20% polarization-selected guppy lines whose families presented higher and lower sociability in 6 final pools at equimolar amounts (Supplementary Fig. 1). We achieved a minimum of 3 μg genomic DNA per pool. We used a Nextera DNA Flex library preparation kit (Illumina) following manufacturer protocol. The final library containing 6 pooled samples was sequenced at SciLife Lab, Uppsala (Sweden) in one lane of an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 system. We obtained on average 31.8 million 150 bp read pairs per sample (26.9 million read pairs minimum per sample).
Read quality control and trimming
We assessed the quality of reads for each pool using FastQC v.0.11.4 (www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc). After verifying initial read quality, reads were trimmed with Trimmomatic (v.0.35)79. We filtered adaptor sequences and trimmed reads if the sliding window average Phred score over four bases was <15 or if the leading/trailing bases had a Phred score <4, removing reads post filtering if either read pair was <50 bases in length. Quality was verified after trimming with FastQC.
Genome-wide allele frequency analysis
Reads were mapped to the guppy reference genome assembly using default settings (Guppy_female_1.0 + MT, RefSeq accession: GCA_000633615.2)80 with bwa-mem (v0.7.17)81. We used Samtools (v.1.6.0)82 to convert sam to bam files, sort bam files, remove duplicates and make mpileup files. First, to identify SNPs that significantly differed in their allele frequencies between guppies with high and low sociability, we merged sequences from high-sociability and low-sociability pools and used Popoolation2 (ref. 27) to create a synchronized file with allele frequencies for high and low sociability (mpileup2sync.pl –min-qual 20), compute allele frequency differences (mpileup2sync.pl –min-count 6 –min-coverage 25 –max-coverage 200), calculate Fst for every SNP (fst-sliding.pl) and perform a Fisher’s exact test (fisher-test.pl). Second, we similarly used Popoolation2 to detect consistent changes in allele frequencies of sociability pooled samples for our three replicated artificial selection lines. For this, we created one sync file per replicate (mpileup2sync.pl –min-qual 20) and performed a CMH test (cmh-test.pl –min-count 18 –min-coverage 25 –max-coverage 200). Using package qqman83 in R (v.4.1.3)70, we made Manhattan plots for each chromosome by plotting the negative log10-transformed P values of the exact Fisher and CMH tests as a function of chromosome position.
Significance tests and functional analyses
We determined SNPs that were significantly different between high- and low-sociability merged pools in Fisher’s exact tests using the traditional genome-wide significance threshold (–log10(P) > 8)28. We next used custom scripts to identify the overlap between the positions of these SNPs and genes present in the guppy reference annotated genome80 and to find homologous genes of this set in medaka (Oryzias latipes). We further used this set of unique genes (n = 160) to determine associated GO terms between our merged pools. For this, we performed enrichment tests in PANTHER84, as implemented in the GO Ontology Consortium (http://www.geneontology.org/). To test for enrichments of GO terms, we performed one-tail Fisher’s exact tests with a Bonferroni-corrected P value threshold of P < 0.05 using a full list of medaka genes orthologous to guppy genes as background. We used Revigo (http://revigo.irb.hr)36 to find and visualize representative subsets of terms on the basis of semantic similarity measurements for our enriched GO terms related to biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions.
For CMH test results, we determined SNPs that were significantly different between high- and low-sociability pools based on FDR-corrected P < 0.01. We used a custom script to identify the overlap between the positions of these SNPs and genes present in the guppy reference annotated genome80.
Neurogenomic response of schooling in guppies
Behavioural assays and tissue collection
Using offspring of the F3 generation (6 months old), we placed an individual or groups of eight unfamiliar adult control and polarization-selected females in white 55 cm arenas. After 30 min, females were euthanized by transfer to ice water. After 30 s, with the aid of a Leica S4E microscope, we removed the top of the skull and after cutting transversally posterior of the optic tectum and anterior of the cerebellum, and horizontally through the optic chiasm, removed the brain from the skull and placed it into ice water. We severed the ‘telencephalon’ from the rest of the brain between the ventral telencephalon and thalamus at the ‘commissura anterioris’, including both the pallium and subpallium regions. Then we cut the laminated cup-like structures of the ‘optic tectum’. The remaining part of the brain was the ‘midbrain’. Dissections took under 2 min and tissue samples were immediately preserved in RNAlater (Ambion) at 4 °C for 24 h and then at −20 °C until RNA extraction.
RNA extraction and sequencing
For each treatment, we pooled tissue from 10 individuals into 2 non-overlapping pools of 5 for each replicate line. We used this strategy to reduce noise in transcript expression data during sample normalization procedures, potentially caused by outliers during behavioural experiments while maintaining each replicate as a comparable unit. Our experimental design represents a total of 120 individual females, constituting 6 pools per treatment per selection regime for a total of 24 pools per tissue. Each sample pool was homogenized and RNA was extracted using Qiagen’s RNeasy kits following standard manufacturer protocol. Libraries for each sample were prepared and sequenced by the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. All samples were sequenced across nine lanes on an Illumina HiSeq 4000 system. We obtained on average 33.9 million 75 bp read pairs per sample (28.9 million read pairs minimum, 39.8 million maximum).
Read quality control and trimming
We assessed the quality of reads for each sample using FastQC v.0.11.4 (www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc). After verifying initial read quality, reads were trimmed with Trimmomatic (v.0.35)79. We filtered adaptor sequences and trimmed reads if the sliding window average Phred score over four bases was <15 or if the leading/trailing bases had a Phred score <3, removing reads post filtering if either read pair was <33 bases in length. Quality was verified after trimming with FastQC.
Differential expression analysis
We mapped RNA-seq reads against the latest release of the published guppy genome assembly80 using the HiSat 2.0.5–Stringtie v.1.3.2 suite81. For each individual pool, reads were mapped to the genome and built into transcripts using default parameters. The resulting individual assemblies were then merged into a single, non-redundant assembly using the built-in StringTie-merge function. We filtered the resulting assembly for non-coding RNA using medaka and Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) non-coding RNA sequences as reference in a nucleotide BLAST (Blastn) search. After eliminating all sequences matching non-coding RNAs, we kept only the longest isoform representative for each transcript for further analysis. Finally, we quantified expression by re-mapping reads to this filtered assembly using RSEM (v.1.2.20)85.
Lowly expressed genes were removed by filtering transcripts with <2 reads per kilobase per million mapped reads, preserving only those transcripts that have expression above this threshold in at least half of the samples for each treatment within a line. After this final filter, a total of 26,140 optic tectum transcripts, 25,100 telencephalon transcripts and 26,514 midbrain transcripts were retained for further analysis. Using sample correlations in combination with multidimensional scaling plots based on all expressed transcripts, we determined that none of the 72 pools represented outliers, hence all samples were included in the analysis.
We used DESeq2 (ref. 86) to normalize filtered read counts using standard function to identify DE genes between the Alone and the Group treatment in control and polarization-selected lines separately and then examined the overlap in differentially expressed genes between them. A transcript was considered differentially expressed if it had an FDR-corrected P < 0.05. As behaviour could be modulated by small changes in expression, we did not filter differentially expressed genes on the basis of log fold-change in expression between the treatments.
Differential co-expression analysis
We used BFDCA30 to identify pairs of genes that have different correlation patterns in the two conditions32,87,88. Here we compared the Alone and Group treatments within each line for each tissue separately, in the same manner as the previously described DE analysis. BFDCA is based on weighted gene co-expression network analysis and has been shown to be a reliable and accurate method30. This untargeted approach to differential co-expression analysis uses a combined Bayes factor, a ratio of the marginal likelihoods of the data between the two alternative hypotheses, to evaluate which genes are differentially correlated in the two conditions. We controlled for false positives and accounted for multiple testing by integrating a random permutations approach32. In short, we created 1,000 permutated datasets and considered a DC gene pair significant if the Bayes factor for the actual expression data was larger than the 1% tail of the permutated data Bayes factor distribution.
Functional analyses
To investigate the function of DE genes, we performed GO term enrichment tests. To accomplish this, we initially completed the annotation of the reference genome assembly. The transcripts without clear gene names from the reference genome, and the de novo transcripts identified by HiSat were annotated with blastX against the Swissprot non-redundant database. We then determined which GO terms were associated with differentially expressed genes and performed BP, CC and MF enrichment tests in PANTHER84. To assess the level of concordance between genes of interest across experiments, we compared the proportions of BP, CC and MF GO terms that were significantly enriched in genomic analyses of sociability implemented in polarization-selected females and the proportions of BP, CC and MF GO terms enriched in differential expression analyses in brain tissue of polarization-selected females following exposure to Group and Alone experimental conditions. To assess their significance, we compared these values to mean proportions obtained from bootstrap analyses of 1,000 random sets of 158 (for comparison with telencephalon), 109 (midbrain) and 21 (optic tectum) genes from our medaka–guppy orthologous gene list. All analyses were based on one-tail Fisher’s exact tests with a Bonferroni-corrected P value threshold of P < 0.05 using medaka genes orthologous to guppy genes as the background. Bootstrap analyses with random sets of genes were automated using rbioapi package89 in R (v.4.1.3)70. We next summarized and visualized GO terms enrichment lists across experiments and tissues using REVIGO36 (settings: SimRel semantic similarity measure, 0.5 value). To investigate the function of differentially co-expressed genes, we used g:Profiler90 to identify the enriched BP GO terms and pathways that were altered across mating contexts associated with differentially co-expressed gene pairs. We determined overrepresented pathways among DC gene pairs in each tissue using the human (Homo sapiens) database in g:Profiler. We chose the human database for its completeness, acknowledging the distant phylogenetic relationship to guppies.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Supplementary information
Supplementary Figs. 1–5, Tables 1–10 and references.
Source data for Supplementary Figs. 1–5.
Source data
Sheet Fig. 1a. Data of alignment and nearest neighbour distance by sex/generation/selection line. Sheet Fig. 1b. Data of heritability and male–female correlations resulting from animal models. Sheet Fig. 2b. Results from REVIGO analyses on biological process GO terms from genomic data. Sheet Fig. 4. Fold changes in GO term categories found to be enriched across experiments.
Fig. 2a. Extra source data file with results from GWAS and CMH tests of genomic data.
Extra source data file with transcriptomic results of gene expression comparisons performed across multiple treatments and brain tissues + genes differentially expressed for each comparison.
We thank D. Sumpter, K. Pelckmans and J. Herbert-Read for important contributions to the conceptualization of the artificial selection procedure; J. Shu (jacelyndesigns.com) for composing guppy graphics for figures; A. Rennie, E. Trejo and A. Boussard for help with fish husbandry. This work was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (102 2013.0072 to N.K.), the Canada 150 Research Chair Program, the European Research Council (680951 to J.E.M), the Swedish Research Council (2016-03435 to N.K., 2017-04957), the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (BS2019-0046 to A.C-L.), Lars Hiertas Memorial Foundation (FO2019-0477 to A.C-L.), European Research Council (H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 654699 to N.I.B) and Universidad de los Andes (FAPA-4700000443 to N.I.B).
Author contributions
J.E.M., N.K. and A.C.-L. conceptualized and acquired funding for the project. N.K., A.K., A.S. and M.R. designed the selection procedure and behavioural experiments. A.C.-L. conducted research to obtain behavioural data. A.C.-L. and W.v.d.B. performed formal analyses and visualization of behavioural and heritability data. A.C.-L. and M.C.-C. conducted research to obtain genomic data. A.C.-L., M.C.-C. and I.D. performed formal analyses and visualization of genomic data. N.I.B., S.D.B. and A.K. conducted research to obtain transcriptomics data. N.I.B. and. A.C.-L. performed formal analyses and visualization of transcriptomics data. A.C.-L., J.E.M. and N.K. wrote the original draft. All authors contributed to the final version of the manuscript.
Peer review
Peer review information
Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
Open access funding provided by Uppsala University.
Data availability
Data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are deposited in figshare under accession code 10.6084/m9.figshare.23805702. Genomic and transcriptomic data are deposited at NCBI under accession codes PRJNA994132 and PRJNA504011. Video recordings related to this paper may be requested from the authors. Source data are provided with this paper.
Code availability
Codes needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are deposited in figshare under accession code 10.6084/m9.figshare.23805702.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41559-023-02249-9.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Figs. 1–5, Tables 1–10 and references.
Source data for Supplementary Figs. 1–5.
Sheet Fig. 1a. Data of alignment and nearest neighbour distance by sex/generation/selection line. Sheet Fig. 1b. Data of heritability and male–female correlations resulting from animal models. Sheet Fig. 2b. Results from REVIGO analyses on biological process GO terms from genomic data. Sheet Fig. 4. Fold changes in GO term categories found to be enriched across experiments.
Fig. 2a. Extra source data file with results from GWAS and CMH tests of genomic data.
Extra source data file with transcriptomic results of gene expression comparisons performed across multiple treatments and brain tissues + genes differentially expressed for each comparison.
Data Availability Statement
Data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are deposited in figshare under accession code 10.6084/m9.figshare.23805702. Genomic and transcriptomic data are deposited at NCBI under accession codes PRJNA994132 and PRJNA504011. Video recordings related to this paper may be requested from the authors. Source data are provided with this paper.
Codes needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are deposited in figshare under accession code 10.6084/m9.figshare.23805702.