Summarization models often generate text that is poorly calibrated to quality metrics because they are trained to maximize the likelihood of a single reference (MLE). To address this, recent work has added a calibration step, which exposes a model to its own ranked outputs to improve relevance or, in a separate line of work, contrasts positive and negative sets to improve faithfulness. While effective, much of this work has focused on how to generate and optimize these sets. Less is known about why one setup is more effective than another. In this work, we uncover the underlying characteristics of effective sets. For each training instance, we form a large, diverse pool of candidates and systematically vary the subsets used for calibration fine-tuning. Each selection strategy targets distinct aspects of the sets, such as lexical diversity or the size of the gap between positive and negatives. On three diverse scientific long-form summarization datasets (spanning biomedical, clinical, and chemical domains), we find, among others, that faithfulness calibration is optimal when the negative sets are extractive and more likely to be generated, whereas for relevance calibration, the metric margin between candidates should be maximized and surprise–the disagreement between model and metric defined candidate rankings–minimized. Code to create, select, and optimize calibration sets is available at https://github.com/griff4692/calibrating-summaries.
1. Introduction
Traditionally, summarization models have been trained to maximize the likelihood of gold-standard references. This training paradigm introduces an exposure bias because, during training, the model is not exposed to the metrics on which it is evaluated. Without being able to calibrate its own predictions with metrics, models are prone to produce summaries with irrelevant or repetitive content (Zhao et al., 2022), or misrepresent the claims in the source text (Cao et al., 2018; Maynez et al., 2020).
Calibration offers a flexible and effective set of methods to remedy this exposure bias by explicitly instructing a model to distinguish between high and low quality summaries. By varying how candidate sets are constructed and optimized, an extra calibration step can unlock large gains in relevance (via ROUGE (Liu and Liu, 2021a; Liu et al., 2022)) or improve the faithfulness of summaries to the source (Nan et al., 2021b; Cao and Wang, 2021a).
Yet, much of this work has addressed how—how to generate candidates (Cao and Wang, 2021a) and how to define effective calibration objectives (Nan et al., 2021b; Zhao et al., 2022). Work has largely been separated into relevance and faithfulness calibration, with less study of the interaction between the two. Relevance, often measured with ROUGE, captures the content overlap with a human-written reference, whereas faithfulness is typically reference-free, and captures the fidelity of a summary to the source text(s). In this paper, we examine both faithfulness and relevance as the target metrics for calibration and seek to uncover the underlying characteristics of effective calibration sets for each separately, as well as analyze the interactions between them. To accomplish this, we implement a diverse set of existing methods for constructing candidate and corrupted summaries and combine them to form a large candidate pool. From this pool, we implement different filtering strategies for set selection, which target specific characteristics, such as the metric margin between negatives and positives, diversity, and the model likelihood of generating each candidate in the set.
We run experiments that vary only in the training data selected for candidate sets. For each experiment, we extract a wide range of relevant statistics (e.g., diversity, length) on the candidate sets and show the relationship between these set statistics and downstream performance. To guide future research, we analyze the plots to provide insights into, and rationale for, optimal set construction.
Additionally, a large portion of research has focused on summarization of single-document news articles (Gehrmann et al., 2022; McKeown, 2020). We seek to broaden and pressure test recent advances in contrastive fine-tuning by experimenting on three long-form, scientific, highly specialized corpora in which metrics, e.g. faithfulness, are non-trivial to define, capture, and categorize. Also, long-form summarization is appealing for our calibration experiments given that memory is constrained. Even with training tricks, such as gradient accumulation and half precision, only a small handful of candidates per example (4 in our experiments1) fit in memory. This makes the selection step more important compared to shorter tasks.
The primary contributions of this work are to: (1) benchmark calibration models on three scientific long-form datasets, including a new, chemistry-focused corpus, for which we collect fine-grained faithfulness annotations and relevance rankings from experts; (2) conduct extensive experiments to better understand the underlying characteristics and dynamics of effective calibration tuning sets. We release easily extensible code for forming and optimizing calibration sets in the scientific domain.
2. Related Work
Typically, when summarization models are calibrated to quality metrics, this refers to contrastive learning to improve faithfulness. Contrastive learning for faithfulness has been applied to fine-tuning (Nan et al., 2021b; Tang et al., 2022; Cao and Wang, 2021a), post-hoc editing (Cao et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2021), re-ranking (Chen et al., 2021), and evaluation (Kryscinski et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2020; Deng et al., 2021a). This line of research has largely focused on the methods used to generate synthetic errors for negative contrast sets: i.e., by directly mimicking errors observed during human evaluation (Tang et al., 2022), entity swapping (Cao and Wang, 2021a), language model infilling (Cao and Wang, 2021a), or using unfaithful system outputs (Nan et al., 2021b). Orthogonal to our work, Cao and Wang (2021a) assess the relative efficacy of a diverse set of corruption methods when used for contrastive fine-tuning for faithfulness.
For relevance calibration, models are typically calibrated to the ROUGE scores of their own outputs after an initial fine-tuning step (Liu and Liu, 2021b; Liu et al., 2022). Zhao et al. (2022) extend the work of Liu et al. (2022) and run a broad sweep of loss functions and candidate generation methods for two-step relevance calibration while establishing state of the art performance (ROUGE) across single document corpora. As opposed to contrasting positives and negatives in a latent space, these models are instructed to calibrate decoder likelihoods to ROUGE or BERTScore-defined rankings.
Our work is distinct along three key dimensions: (1) we consider long-document scientific summarization, rather than single-document; (2) we consider both faithfulness and relevance calibration and analyze the interactions between the two, often competing, quality objectives; (3) we uncover relationships between key set statistics and downstream performance by systematically varying how calibration sets are formed from candidate pools.
3. Datasets
Dataset statistics are shown in Table 1.
Table 1:
Statistic | Clinical | Chemical | Bio. |
Train Size | 41,705 | 115,956 | 119,924 |
Validation Size | 940 | 1,000 | 6,633 |
Test Size | 1,861 | 2,000 | 6,658 |
Source Tokens | 8,175 | 5,364 | 3,092 |
Reference Tokens | 416 | 216 | 205 |
Extractive Coverage | 0.66 | 0.90 | 0.88 |
Extractive Density | 1.97 | 3.53 | 5.87 |
We use the long-form hospital course summarization dataset from Adams et al. (2022). Refer to Appendix A for details on this dataset.
We introduce a dataset with a pure chemistry focus by compiling a list of chemistry academic journals with Open-Access articles. For each journal, we downloaded full-text article PDFs from the Open-Access portion of the journal using available APIs, or scraping this content using Selenium Chrome WebDriver. Each PDF was processed with Grobid (Lopez, 2009) via a client to extract free-text paragraphs with sections. The inputs for the summarization models are section headers and associated paragraphs for all sections from Introduction through Conclusion, excluding references, tables, and image captions. The abstract is treated as the reference. While other scientific summarization datasets exist (Lu et al., 2020; Gupta et al., 2021; DeYoung et al., 2021), ours is the first to exclusively contain chemistry-related papers.
Table 2 shows the journals from which Open Access articles were sourced, as well as the number of papers processed. For all journals, we filtered for papers with the provided topic of Chemistry when papers from other disciplines were also available (e.g. PubMed). We randomly split the aggregated dataset into train-validation-test splits.
Table 2:
Source | # Articles |
Beilstein | 1,829 |
Chem Cell | 546 |
ChemRxiv | 12,231 |
Chemistry Open | 398 |
Nature Communications Chemistry | 572 |
PubMed Author Manuscript | 57,680 |
PubMed Open Access | 29,540 |
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 9,334 |
Scientific Reports - Nature | 6,826 |
The dataset is available for download on the HuggingFace Datasets Hub under griffin/ChemSum.
We use the PubMed abstract generation dataset (Cohan et al., 2018), which pairs automatically extracted abstracts with full-text articles from the PubMed Open-Access Subset.
4. Calibration Pipeline
At a high-level, we fine-tune (FT) language models with standard maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) on each summarization corpus, and then calibration-tune (CT) on a combined objective, which adds a calibration loss (CA) to the MLE loss:
(1) |
are scalars controlling the relative weight of objective. For acts as a regularizer, as in Liu et al. (2022); Zhao et al. (2022).
We describe the setup (objective, metrics, and candidate generation methods) for Relevance Calibration (§4.1) and Faithful Calibration (§4.2, before jointly discussing statistics on each setup (§4.3).
4.1. Relevance Calibration
As in (Liu et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2022), we calibrate for relevance by learning to rank model-generated summaries (post-FT, pre-CT weights).
Specifically, a set of model-generated summaries is ranked: , where is the reference and represents (defined below). A score function is applied to each candidate and calibrated to the metric ranking via a pairwise margin:
(2) |
represents for the length normalized log likelihood of generating a summary (Liu et al., 2022).
Rank Metric.
To define a gold-standard ordering, we aggregate 3 relevance metrics which are normalized to be zero after fine-tuning FT. , a combination of ROUGE 1/2 F-1 (Lin, 2004) and BERTScore-Ref (Zhang et al., 2020b), represents the standard deviation change in the aggregated metric from FT. Full details are in Appendix D.
We fine-tune (FT) two state of the art long-document language models: LongT5 (Guo et al., 2022) and PRIMERA (Xiao et al., 2022), on each corpus before decoding 10 candidates with diverse beam search (Vijayakumar et al., 2016) with diversity penalty of 1.0, as in Liu et al. (2022).
4.2. Faithfulness Calibration
As in Gunel et al. (2021); Khosla et al. (2020); Cao and Wang (2021a), we use contrastive learning to minimize the latent distance between pairs of positive summaries vis-a-vis negative ones:
(3) |
where is a temperature parameter. It pushes positive summaries closer to each in latent space ( and ) and further away from negatives . We follow Cao and Wang (2021a) and use cosine similarity as and treat as the mean-pooled decoder states, followed by a linear projection.
Faithfulness Metric.
Similar to , we compute as an aggregation of normalized metrics. We combine BARTScore (Yuan et al., 2021), BERTScore-Src (vis-a-vis source), and a new metric FactScore, which is based on a scientific fact detection model (MultiVERS (Wadden et al., 2022)). Full details are in Appendix D.
Negative Methods.
We use an in-domain LM (SciFive) to Mask-And-Fill hallucinations, as well as perform Entity Swaps of scientific concepts and numbers which separately target intrinsic and extrinsic hallucinations (Maynez et al., 2020). Please refer to Appendix B for more details.
Positive Methods.
We pool together the Reference with Paraphrased versions of it. General domain neural paraphrases performed poorly on scientific text. As such, we collect 10 paraphrases from relevant domain experts (each an author of this paper), and incorporate them as few-shot demonstrations for paraphrase generation by GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020). In Appendix C, we provide more details and show an example.
4.3. Candidate Set Details
Table 3 displays the differences between candidate methods at a very basic level, as well as the particular models used for our experiments on long-form scientific summarization. In Table 4, we show the number of distinct candidates we produce for each example in the training set by each method / hyper-parameter combination. When calibrating for faithfulness, we select 4 out of 66 possible candidates (2 positive and 2 negative), and for relevance, we select 4 out of 20 possible candidates2.
Table 3:
Method | − | + | Source | Ref. | External Components | Models Used |
Diverse Beam | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Summarization Model | PRIMERA | |
Diverse Beam | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Summarization Model | LongT5 | |
Mask-And-Fill | ✓ | ✓ | Constituency Parser, PLM | Stanza, SciFive | ||
Entity Swap | ✓ | ✓ | Entity, Number Extractors | BERN2, Quantulum | ||
Paraphrase | ✓ | ✓ | Paraphrase Generator | GPT-3 + Curated Prompt | ||
Reference | ✓ | ✓ | N/A | N/A |
Table 4:
Method | Hyper-Param | Number |
Mask-And-Fill (Low) | m = 0.25 | 10 |
Mask-And-Fill (High) | m = 0.75 | 10 |
Swap Intrinsic (Low) | s = 0.5 | 10 |
Swap Intrinsic (High) | s = 1.0 | 10 |
Swap Extrinsic (Low) | s = 0.5 | 10 |
Swap Extrinsic (High) | s = 1.0 | 10 |
Paraphrase | t = 0.7 | 5 |
Reference | N/A | 1 |
Total For Faithfulness | 66 | |
Diverse Beam (PRIMERA) | p = 1 | 10 |
Diverse Beam (LongT5) | p = 1 | 10 |
Total For Relevance | 20 |
5. Selection Strategies.
Problem Statement.
From a large candidate pool, select a target number to be used for CT (2 positives and 2 negatives for faithfulness, and 4 for rank-based relevance). Figure 1 graphically reveals the different strategies implemented which are designed to target specific set characteristics. They do not represent optimal or recommended strategies, e.g., a minimum metric gap for faithfulness. In Appendix G, we hypothesize as to the specific nature and direction of the impact of the above characteristics on post-calibration summaries.
For random, for each training instance, we take a random sample without replacement.
For quality-based, we rank all candidates by or . Then, we select candidates at different extremes of these scales.
For relevance ranking, we enumerate all possible subsets of size 4 and compute the average metric margin . We implement both extremes: one which selects the set with the Max Margin, and its inverse, Min Margin. For faithfulness contrast sets, we either take the most faithful positives and least faithful negatives (Max Margin) or the inverse (Min Margin).
For relevance ranking, we also enumerate all possible subsets of 4 and rank them by their average pairwise inverse self-BLEU score (1 - self-BLEU). We either take the set which has the most Max or Min lexical diversity. We do the same for Faithfulness, except that candidates are selected separately among positive and negative subsets.
For relevance ranking, we perform selections based on the model’s own beam order. We either take the Top Beams (4), Bottom Beams (4), or top 2 and bottom 2 – Extreme Beams. For faithfulness, we compute the average token-level log likelihood of generating each candidate in the positive and negative sets after FT. Then we either take the most likely positives (2) and least likely negatives (2) or the least likely positives and the most likely negatives. For the former, the model is already well-calibrated, which we call Easy. For the latter, confidence and faithfulness are in conflict, which, in comparison, is Hard.
Spurious Correlates.
For relevance, we take the Shortest and Longest summaries. For faithfulness, we filter for the Max Extractive Gap–the most extractive positives and most abstractive negatives (as measured by the extractive density).
6. Results
Please refer to Appendix F for implementation details on FT and CT training and hyper-parameters.
6.1. Fine-Tuning
Table 5 shows that PRIMERA outperforms LongT5 across faithfulness and relevance and across datasets3. Relevance and faithfulness are much higher for abstract generation (Chemical and Biomedical) than for clinical summarization, which has highly noisy references. Interestingly, the BARTScore results are lowest for the chemical dataset (−6.29/−6.36 versus −2.92/−2.88 and −3.77/−3.89). This underscores the difference in biomedical versus chemistry-specific papers because the BARTScore model used was trained on the PubMed dataset (google/pegasus–pubmed).
Table 5:
Model | Clinical | Chemical | Biomedical | |||||||
Relevance Metrics | R1 | R2 | BS-Ref | R1 | R2 | BS-Ref | R1 | R2 | BS-Ref | |
PRIMERA | 25.15 | 9.39 | 83.81 | 45.47 | 16.31 | 86.24 | 48.01 | 20.83 | 86.25 | |
LongT5 | 24.22 | 8.57 | 83.15 | 42.51 | 14.46 | 85.74 | 44.32 | 17.91 | 85.02 | |
Faithful Metrics | Fact. | Bart. | BS-Src | Fact. | Bart. | BS-Src | Fact. | Bart. | BS-Src | |
PRIMERA | 53.29 | −2.92 | 83.33 | 85.96 | −6.29 | 88.89 | 86.91 | −3.77 | 88.54 | |
LongT5 | 53.71 | −2.88 | 82.84 | 83.25 | −6.36 | 88.70 | 83.62 | −3.89 | 88.31 |
6.2. Calibration Tuning
In Tables 6 and 7, we report results for relevance, rank-based calibration (§4.1) and faithfulness contrastive learning (§4.2), respectively. and are normalized such that positive values represent standard deviation improvements over fine-tuning, while negative results show a decrease in performance from calibration (marked in red).
Table 6:
Selection Type | Selection Strategy | Clinical | Chemical | Biomedical | Dataset Avg. | ||||
Random | – | .220 | .180 | .081 | −.038 | .028 | .061 | .110 | .068 |
Quality Based | Extreme | .263 | .152 | .049 | −.168 | .039 | .002 | .117 | −.005 |
Average | .028 | −.080 | .015 | .056 | .030 | .025 | .024 | .000 | |
Min | .193 | −.022 | .069 | −.049 | .039 | −.012 | .100 | −.027 | |
High | .218 | .095 | .056 | −.029 | .019 | .004 | .098 | .023 | |
Margin Based | Max | .235 | .210 | .062 | .031 | .032 | −.011 | .110 | .077 |
Min | .158 | −.115 | .028 | .080 | .014 | .015 | .067 | −.007 | |
Diversity Based | Max | .274 | .151 | .054 | −.166 | .015 | −.011 | .114 | −.009 |
Min | .275 | .091 | −.049 | −.114 | .020 | −.037 | .082 | −.020 | |
Likelihood Based | Extreme Beam | .260 | .140 | .029 | −.158 | .030 | −.008 | .106 | −.009 |
Top Beam | .287 | .142 | .066 | −.042 | .030 | −.008 | .128 | .031 | |
Bottom Beam | .101 | .125 | .059 | .085 | .025 | −.002 | .062 | .069 | |
Spurious Correlates | Max Length | .255 | .150 | .051 | −.095 | .017 | −.027 | .108 | .009 |
Min Length | .181 | .243 | .042 | .052 | .033 | .022 | .085 | .106 | |
Avg. Across Strategies | .211 | .104 | .044 | −.040 | .027 | .001 | .094 | .022 |
Table 7:
Selection Type | Selection Strategy | ||||||||
Random | – | −.264 | .133 | −.054 | .085 | .005 | .165 | −.104 | .128 |
Quality | Average | −.293 | .160 | −.065 | .037 | .010 | .169 | −.116 | .122 |
Margin Based | |||||||||
Min | −.083 | .297 | −.109 | .112 | −.030 | .039 | −.074 | .149 | |
Diversity Based | |||||||||
Min | −.039 | .315 | −.040 | .101 | −.043 | .093 | −.041 | .170 | |
Likelihood Based | |||||||||
Hard | .071 | .174 | −.233 | .215 | .013 | .147 | −.050 | .179 | |
Spurious | Max Extract. Gap | .044 | .278 | .058 | .046 | −.051 | .067 | .017 | .131 |
Avg. Across Strategies | −.094 | .237 | −.085 | .072 | −.023 | .089 | −.067 | .133 |
In the following sections, we break down analysis into a tl;dr, evidence, explanation, and potential implications, or takeaways, for future research.
Appendix H details the impact of spurious correlates (i.e., length and extractiveness of candidates).
6.3. The Impact of Reference Quality
Relevance and faithfulness calibration offer the most upside when references are noisy.
As detailed in Adams et al. (2022), clinical references are often unsupported by the source text. The average across strategies for both Tables 6 and 7 reveal the largest relative improvement in and for clinical, respectively (.211 / .237 versus .044 / .072 and .027 / .089 for chemical and biomedical abstracts).
For relevance calibration, it is likely that training on model outputs, especially highly extractive ones, dampens some of the noise from variable references. For faithfulness, the rationale is less clear because the reference (and paraphrases of it) form the positive set. Yet, there is an extensive body of work to suggest that training on unfaithful references leads to unfaithful outputs (Kang and Hashimoto, 2020), which might make calibrating for faithfulness more impactful.
Calibration could be complementary to other methods which address noisy references, such as loss truncation (Kang and Hashimoto, 2020), data filtering (Narayan et al., 2021; Nan et al., 2021a), and reference revision (Wan and Bansal, 2022; Adams et al., 2022).
6.4. Relevance and Faithfulness at Odds
Relevance and faithfulness share an inverse relationship when calibrating for faithfulness. Research should focus on designing contrast sets that maximize their correlation for joint optimization.
In Figure 2, we plot versus across experiments to measure the tradeoff between relevance and faithfulness. On average, improving faithfulness comes at the cost of relevance, yet the trend is not conclusive. This is validated by previous work which shows a decrease in relevance when models are trained to be more faithful (Filippova, 2020; Narayan et al., 2021). Faithfulness and relevance appear to be positively related when calibrating for relevance. This might be a spurious correlation, however. Model summaries are more extractive than references for each dataset. Including highly extractive summaries as candidates for calibration, in turn, leads to to even more extractive models, as the extractive density of PRIMERA summaries rises from 3.1 / 9.2 / 13.0 after FT to an average of 3.5 / 11.4 / 14.0 for clinical / chemical / biomedical after a round of calibration.
To see if this relationship is meaningful, we conduct a human evaluation with trained chemists on a random sample of 25 papers from the chemistry test set. For each generated abstract, we ask annotators to separately highlight intrinsic and extrinsic errors, and then to rank each by relevance. We consider abstracts from 3 systems (75 abstracts): the Most Relevant system (according to ), from relevance calibration (Random), Most Faithful (according to ) from faithfulness calibration (Likelihood – Hard), and the FT model.
On a small sample, Table 8 confirms what the metrics reveal: an inverse relationship between faithfulness (Int., Ext., Total error counts) and relevance (Rel. Rank). Most Faithful (according to ) summaries contain the fewest annotated total errors (1.90 versus 3.24 and 3.10) yet are ranked least relevant (average rank of 2.12 versus 2.04 and 1.85). Most Relevant (according to metrics) achieves the highest relevance ranking from experts (1.85 versus 2.04 / 2.12) while slightly reducing the number of errors from : 3.10 versus 3.10. On average, there are more intrinsic errors versus extrinsic, which makes sense given how extractive the generated abstracts are. Most Relevant abstracts contain the highest average number of Extrinsic errors (1.43 versus 1.24 and 0.81), which could stem from the fact that abstracts, as naturally occurring summaries, may introduce external knowledge into the abstracts, for which the Most Relevant may be mimicking.
Table 8:
System | Int. | Ext. | Total | Rel. Rank |
FT | 2.00 | 1.24 | 3.24 | 2.04 |
Most Relevant | 1.67 | 1.43 | 3.10 | 1.85 |
Most Faithful | 1.10 | 0.81 | 1.90 | 2.12 |
Please refer to Appendix I for more details on the annotation protocol and instructions.
From Table 10, while references, from a metric perspective, are perfectly relevant, the GPT-3 paraphrases are seen as slightly less relevant (0.9 / 0.94 / 0.92), on average, than the negative methods (0.94 / 0.97 / 0.97) in aggregate). This is likely a by-product of the fact that the negative generation methods selected for this paper involve local corruptions to the reference. The meaning is changed but the word overlap is similar. The GPT-3 paraphrases are prompted with human paraphrases, which involve more substantial re-writing.
Most calibration research is focused on either relevance or faithfulness. We advocate that more papers address them together, since both informativeness and faithfulness are important for real-world systems. Future research could explore joint calibration by intentionally introducing more errors into less relevant summaries.
As a quick proof of concept, we define a hybrid selection strategy which maximizes the rank correlation between and . Table 9 demonstrates that calibrating on these sets leads to positive (pareto) improvements for both metrics. The average improvement in combined metrics across datasets is .1, which is greater than an average of the strategies shown in Table 6 (.059).
Table 9:
Average Strategy | Max Correlation | |||||
Rel | Faith | Comb | Rel | Faith | Comb | |
Clin. | .211 | .104 | .158 | .090 | .325 | .208 |
Chem. | .044 | −.040 | .007 | .040 | .104 | .158 |
Bio. | .027 | .001 | .014 | .018 | .025 | .022 |
Avg. | .094 | .022 | .059 | .049 | .151 | .100 |
6.5. On the Dual Role of Surprise
Summaries in sets should be likely under the fine-tuned model. Yet, for relevance, this confidence should mostly already agree with the oracle ranking, while contrastive learning for faithfulness is most effective when the model is surprised.
For relevance, we look at the Likelihood section of Table 6 and note that, of all strategies, taking the top 4 beams is the most effective (an average of .128 across datasets). Taking the bottom beams is one of the worst (.062) and taking some from each lies in the middle (.106). For faithfulness, we examine the Likelihood section of Table 7 and note that Hard is the best strategy, on average, across datasets (.179 for ) and Easy is the worst (−.083). Hard selects negatives which are most likely under the model, which suggests that contrastive learning for faithfulness is most effective when the model is “surprised”, i.e., the negative summaries are as likely, if not more, to be generated as the positives.
Across all selection strategies and datasets, we can compute the pre-calibration, average likelihood gap between positives and negatives and regress it against the post-calibration (Figure 3). An inverse relationship emerges, especially for chemical dataset (a pearson correlation of −.91).
We can run a similar analysis for relevance calibration by computing an average pre-calibration score for each selected set, which we define as the negative spearman correlation coefficient between the model beam and the ranking. It measures the extent to which the model is precalibrated from MLE FT. We plot this set statistic against the post-calibration score, as shown in Figure 4. The pearson correlation coefficient for the pre-calibration statistic to post-calibration relevance is .52, which is stronger than the correlation of average beam of candidates to relevance (.45).
We can also link the model’s ranking ability after calibration to the post-calibration relevance. In other words, does it matter how well the model can rank candidates given that, when used for inference, it generates a single candidate? Figure 5 shows that a well calibrated model is a better generator due to an inverse relationship between the predicted rank of the top ranked candidate (x-axis) and the average post-calibration score (y-axis).
Taken together, the results suggest that an optimal rank set for relevance is one that is fairly calibrated before CT and well-calibrated after CT.
A possible explanation for this conflicting evidence is a difference in objectives. As in Liu et al. (2022), the relevance ordering is directly calibrated to log likelihood of outputs, whereas for faithfulness, we contrast binary positives and negatives in latent space. For the former, large parameter updates from the ranking loss directly affect the generation behavior of the model, which may push outputs further away from the MLE optimum.
The results suggest it might be preferable to surprise for faithfulness calibration yet confirm for relevance calibration. Yet, further work is necessary to assess whether this behavior is attributable to the objective or the metric.
6.6. Margin over Absolute
For relevance training, the presence of a large metric margin between candidate summaries appears to be more impactful to downstream performance than the overall relevance of the set.
Based on Table 6 for Quality Based Avg. Across Strategies, no clear-cut trend exists between and absolute relevance values: .117/.024/.100/.098 for Extreme, Average, Min, and High, respectively. For Margin Based, which targets the relative values, Max outperforms .110 over .067. To better uncover any trends, we separately plot the average set relevance (absolute value), and the Margin Gap (relative values), against downstream for each run (row in Table 6) in Figures 6 and 7. Figure 7 shows a positive correlation between margin gap and downstream across datasets (pearson correlation of .48, .29, and .38 for clinical, chemical, and biomedical, respectively). The relationship in Figure 6 is less consistent, as it is positive for clinical (.12 correlation), yet negative for chemical (−.10) and biomedical (−.51). We connect margins to diversity in Appendix J.
Diversity may help calibration with increased exploration and smooth out some noise from ROUGE / BERTScore defined rankings. Although Zhao et al. (2022) find consistently better performance using regular beam search over diverse beam search, the opposite may hold true for longer tasks with larger output search spaces.
7. Conclusion
In this paper, we explore what makes an effective calibration set for both relevance and faithfulness tuning. To do so, we create large candidate pools for calibration and design strategies which systematically target set characterstics. We then analyze trends between these characteristics and downstream performance. Our analysis is intended to serve as a guide for subsequent research when designing methods to form synthetic candidates, as well as motivation to jointly consider relevance and faithfulness for calibration, given their covariance and the importance of both to real-world systems.
8. Limitations
As we cannot control for all confounding variables when examining the correlates of the most effective contrast sets, we only claim to identify trends, not causality, between calibration set characteristics and downstream performance. For instance, the top beams, on average, have higher relevance. As such, for each strategy, we record all key set characteristics and focus our analysis on observing trends between set characteristic values and downstream performance across all experiments, not simply within each Selection Type.
A. Clinical Dataset
As in Adams et al. (2021), references are extracted from the Brief Hospital Course section of discharge summaries from the publicly-available MIMIC-III dataset (Johnson et al., 2016), and the source text consists of all available notes written between admission and discharge regarding a single patient. It is a highly noisy, naturally occurring dataset, which we expect to present challenges for faithfulness.
B. Negative Methods
Negative Methods.
Mask-And-Fill involves masking portions of a reference summary, and using a pre-trained language model to fill in the blanks. It has been used for contrastive fine-tuning (Cao and Wang, 2021a), evaluation (Deng et al., 2021b), and fine-grained optimization of noisy references (Zhou et al., 2021). First, following Goyal and Durrett (2021); Lee et al. (2022), we identify all noun phrases4 as candidates for masking using Stanza’s constituency parser (Qi et al., 2020). Then, we sample a subset of non overlapping phrases to mask and generate replacements with SciFive (Phan et al., 2021). SciFive is a language model pre-trained on diverse biomedical tasks with T5-inspired (Raffel et al., 2020) prefixes. We perform a beam search of size 4 to generate in-filled text for each spans and set the minimum generated tokens to be equal to the number of masked tokens to preserve length.
Hyper-Parameters of Significance:
the target token mask rate: , which defines the percentage of noun phrases from the unmasked reference to mask. We vary to measure the impact of corruption ‘intensity’ on the efficacy of contrastive fine-tuning.
For Entity swapping (Kryscinski et al., 2020), we replace reference entities and numbers with entities and numbers from the source text (intrinsic hallucinations) or the corpus (extrinsic). Please refer to Appendix B for more details.
Hyper-Parameters of Significance:
the swap rate: , which defines the percentage of named entities and numbers in the reference, separately, to replace.
Entity and number swapping was initially proposed for faithfulness evaluation (FactCC (Kryscinski et al., 2020)) and has subsequently been used for contrastive fine-tuning (Tang et al., 2022) and post-hoc editing (Cao et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2021), etc. For each corpora, we extract numbers with numbers with quantulum3. Separately for each corpora, we extract named entities relevant to each domain. For chemistry, we extract chemicals and other types5 with BERN2 (Kim et al., 2019). BERN2 is trained on PubMed articles to identify chemicals and diseases and link them to a unique identifier (CUI) in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) (Bodenreider, 2004). For the clinical corpus, we use the Stanza transformer model (Qi et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2021) trained on the i2b2 corpus (Uzuner et al., 2011), which learns to identify patient problems, tests, and treatments. Finally, for biomedical, we use the Stanza model trained on the BioNLP13CG corpus (Pyysalo et al., 2015), which includes a diverse set of 13 categories.
To simulate intrinsic errors, we perform swaps at random with entities of the same semantic category from the source document. For extrinsic, we also restrict the swap to be from the same semantic category, yet sample from the entire corpus.
C. GPT-3 as a Paraphraser
Paraphrasing is typically done with synonym substitution (Zhou and Bhat, 2021), neural models (Goyal and Durrett, 2020) trained on paraphrase corpora (Wieting and Gimpel, 2018; Zhang et al., 2019), or back-translation (Kryscinski et al., 2020; Fabbri et al., 2021a). Yet, these methods performed very poorly on our long scientific texts, likely due to highly specialized lexicons and lack of large-scale, domain-specific paraphrase corpora. In Figure 8, we show an example prompt and sampled paraphrase from one-shot paraphrasing with GPT-3. A random sample of one annotation pair, as well as the abstract to be paraphrased, are then provided as prompts, which are both preceeded by a fixed instruction: Paraphrase this abstract. for abstract generation, and Paraphrase this Summary. for clinical summarization). We sample 1 due to token limits yet prompt sampling also increases diversity, as shown in Chintagunta et al. (2021).
A softmax temperature of 0.7 is used to sample 5 unique outputs from GPT-3 (text–davinci–002).
D. Evaluation Metrics
D. 1. Relevance
For BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020b), we use allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased weights and all default settings from HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2020). We normalize by subtracting each metric by its mean and then dividing by the standard deviation to account for metrics with different scales. We use test set fine-tuning (FT) scores to compute mean and standard deviation so that is 0 after FT and > 0 values are standard deviation improvements from calibration.
D. 2. Faithfulness
For BARTScore, we use a PEGASUS (Zhang et al., 2020a) model pretrained on the PubMed summarization corpus6 for the PubMed and Clinical datsets, and we use a Longformer Encoder-Decoder (Beltagy et al., 2020) trained on a more faithful, synthetic version of our clinical corpus from Adams et al. (2022). We report the average log-likelihood of each candidate summary . BARTScore and BERTScore are not explicitly trained to detect domain-specific errors. As such, we implement FactScore, which is based on the state of the art model (MultiVERS (Wadden et al., 2022)) trained on the SciFact scientific claims dataset (Wadden et al., 2020). SciFact is an expert-annotated dataset of 1,409 sentence-level scientific claims. We first align each summary sentence to a handful of sentences (1–5) from the source document, following the greedy algorithm from Lebanoff et al. (2019). Then we score each sentence based on its alignment and average the SUPPORTED label prediction probabilities.
Table 10:
Candidate Method | Clinical | Chemical | Biomedical | |||||||
Rel. | Faith. | Extract. | Rel. | Faith. | Extract. | Rel. | Faith. | Extract. | ||
Faith. Contrast | Mask-And-Fill (Low) | 0.98 | 0.52 | 1.55 | 0.99 | 0.75 | 3.24 | 0.97 | 0.73 | 4.92 |
Mask-And-Fill (High) | 0.97 | 0.52 | 1.44 | 0.97 | 0.73 | 2.90 | 0.95 | 0.71 | 4.05 | |
Swap Intrinsic (Low) | 0.94 | 0.52 | 1.64 | 0.97 | 0.70 | 2.92 | 0.98 | 0.71 | 4.70 | |
Swap Intrinsic (High) | 0.90 | 0.52 | 1.82 | 0.95 | 0.65 | 2.62 | 0.97 | 0.67 | 4.13 | |
Swap Extrinsic (Low) | 0.94 | 0.52 | 1.64 | 0.97 | 0.70 | 2.92 | 0.98 | 0.68 | 4.44 | |
Swap Extrinsic (High) | 0.90 | 0.52 | 1.82 | 0.95 | 0.65 | 2.62 | 0.97 | 0.64 | 3.79 | |
Paraphrase | 0.90 | 0.52 | 1.26 | 0.94 | 0.77 | 3.06 | 0.92 | 0.73 | 4.00 | |
Reference | 1.00 | 0.52 | 1.96 | 1.00 | 0.76 | 3.54 | 1.00 | 0.74 | 5.78 | |
Rel. | Diverse Beam (PRIMERA) | 0.84 | 0.53 | 2.65 | 0.87 | 0.85 | 9.66 | 0.86 | 0.86 | 12.90 |
Rank | Diverse Beam (LongT5) | 0.83 | 0.52 | 2.06 | 0.86 | 0.83 | 7.46 | 0.85 | 0.82 | 8.39 |
E. Candidate Set Analysis (Ctd.)
The idea behind generating candidates with different methods and parameters is twofold: (1) to better understand which candidate generation methods work best on our task of interest: long-form scientific summarization, and (2) to end up with a diverse candidate pool, which allows us to effectively control for certain characteristics when selecting final subsets for calibration experiments.
In Table 10, we show statistics (relevance, faithfulness, and extractive density) for each candidate generation method across the three datasets.
As noted in Adams et al. (2022), the references for the clinical dataset are very abstractive (1.96 density) and unfaithful (0.52 FactScore), as compared to the chemical (3.54 / 0.76) and biomedical (5.78 / 0.74) data. The former is affected by missing clinical notes while the latter references are abstracts, which should be mostly entailed by the claims made in the main paper. Interestingly, the reference is deemed less faithful than the model generations (0.52 vs 0.53/0.52, 0.76 vs 0.85/0.83, and 0.74 vs 0.86/0.82 for diverse beam search clinical, chemical, and biomedical). This likely has to do with the fact that the fine-tuned models (PRIMERA and LongT5) perform substantially more copy-and-pasting from the source input as the references (1.96 vs 2.65/2.06, 3.54 vs 9.66/7.46, and 5.78 vs 12.90/8.39, respectively).
The most unfaithful corruption method is Swap. When looking at (High) across Intrinsic and Extrinsic, its FactScores are 0.52/0.52, 0.65/0.65, and 0.67/0.64 versus 0.52, 0.73, 0.71 for Mask-And-Fill (High), respectively. This likely has to do with an in-domain LM (SciFive) making reasonably well-informed replacements for noun phrases, whereas entity swapping is indiscriminate and random. The (High) parameter settings for Mask-And-Fill and Swap create less faithful candidates vis-a-vis the (Low) settings (0.75/0.70/0.70 versus 0.73/0.65/0.65 for High and Low on Chemical, for example), as expected. Replacing more text from the references introduces more factual errors.
The PRIMERA model produces more extractive summaries with diverse beam search (2.65/9.66/12.90 vs 2.06/7.46/8.39), which are scored as more relevant and faithful than LongT5.
F. Training Details
F. 1. FT Training Details
We fine-tune (FT) two state of the art long-document summarization models for 50,000 steps: PRIMERA (Xiao et al., 2022) (the backbone is a Longformer Encoder-Decoder (LED) (Beltagy et al., 2020) model) and LongT5 (Guo et al., 2022) (which incorporates the sparse attention of ETC (Ainslie et al., 2020) into PEGASUS (Zhang et al., 2020a)) on a single A100 40GB GPU with half precision (FP16)7) and a batch a size of 1 (with 16 gradient accumulation steps). We set the maximum learning rate to with 2,000 warmup steps, followed by a linear decay. We set a maximum input sequence length of 4,096 for both models8, and a maximum target length of 512 for training / inference for abstract generation (Chemical and Biomedical) and 256 for clinical summarization. Each fine-tuning (FT) experiment took ~ 3.5 days.
We select the better performing model (PRIMERA) as the model to be used for CT (See Table 5). As discussed in §4.1, LongT5 is still used to supply ten diverse summaries to the candidate pool for relevance calibration.
Table 11:
Parameter | Clin | Chem | Bio | |
Relevance Ranking | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |
1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
.001 | .001 | .001 | ||
α (length penalty) | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | |
τ (scale) | .01 | 0.1 | 0.1 | |
Faithful | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | |
Contrast | 1.0 | 10.0 | 1.0 |
F. 2. CT Training Details
We run calibration-tuning (CT) for a maximum of 10,000 steps and select the checkpoint which maximizes either or (depending on the experiment) on the validation set in 1,000 step intervals.
We use the same hyper-parameters as except the batch size is reduced from 16 to 8. Hyper-parameters related to the CT loss function were tuned separately for each dataset and quality metric (the values selected are shown in Table 11). Each CT experiment took ~ 1 day to train.
As in Guo et al. (2022), summaries are generated greedily, which we found to be significantly faster and even slightly outperformed beam search9.
G. Identifying Possible Correlates
We examine five basic aspects of calibration sets that should have some impact on downstream performance. For each aspect, we provide intuition and some related work to guess the nature of the impact, which we investigate empirically in §6.
G. 1. Overall Quality
For the purposes of this analysis, for relevance-rank sets, we define quality as the average score of the candidates.
Relevance Hypothesis.
For relevance, high-quality sets might be preferable to lower-quality sets for two reasons: (1) the model before calibration (pre-CT) has already been fine-tuned (post-FT) on the same training data used for CT, so it likely already assigns a high-probability mass to summaries which are close to the reference. Candidate summaries which deviate too much should already have a low probability of being generated and thus not provide much of a learning signal. In some ways, this hypothesis is supported by Zhao et al. (2022) who find that using a model’s top beams produces consistently better results than diverse beam search or sampling-based methods (e.g., nucleus sampling (Holtzman et al., 2020)). There is an inherent tension between the calibration objective, which involves exploration, and the MLE, which assigns all probability mass to a single point.
G. 2. Margin
Overall quality covers average metric values, while margin covers within-set variation in quality.
For relevance rank-based sets, we define the margin as the average relevance score between all adjacent pairs of ranked candidates: . For faithfulness, we define it as the delta in average scores for summaries in the positive and negative contrast sets, respectively.
Relevance Hypothesis.
As noisy proxies for human judgments (Peyrard and Gurevych, 2018), subtle differences in relevance metrics (e.g, ROUGE and BERTScore) might not be meaningful. As such, we hypothesize that, all else equal, sets with larger metric gaps will provide a clearer training signal during calibration and superior downstream results.
Faithfulness Hypothesis.
Trivially, one would want positive candidates which are fully faithful. For negatives, it is less clear. The emphasis in the literature has been on producing negative summaries which mimic model errors (Goyal and Durrett, 2021). Yet, less is discussed about the intensity of errors. Lee et al. (2022) explore corruption intensity in the context of training a faithfulness evaluator, and the results suggest a concave relationship. Too few edits and the contrast sets are not easily separable, yet too dramatic, and the contrastive loss is ineffectual. We suspect a similar result for calibrating with a contrastive objective.
G. 3. Lexical Diversity
The previous calibration set characteristic (Margin) covered metric-based comparisons. In this section, we perform comparisons solely at the word-level.
We define lexical diversity as the average pairwise self-BLEU score (Zhu et al., 2018; Alihosseini et al., 2019) between all candidates in a relevance ranking set and separately, for positives and negative subsets in a faithfulness contrast set.
Relevance Hypothesis.
All else equal, high lexical diversity should improve the robustness of calibration models as it somewhat dampens some of the noise from single-reference MLE training10.
Faithfulness Hypothesis.
High lexical diversity within positive and negative sets should make the contrastive classifier less reliant on lexical overlap and focus more on the gap in faithfulness between positive and negatives. Lexical diversity likely means more coverage of error types, which has been shown to be beneficial for contrastive fine-tuning (Cao and Wang, 2021b; Adams et al., 2022).
G. 4. Likelihood
This section covers a model-specific aspect of calibration sets: the likelihood of the candidate summaries under the model post-FT and pre-CT.
For each candidate summary, we compute its length-normalized conditional log likelihood: , where denotes the model parameters after fine-tuning.
Relevance Hypothesis.
One would suspect that likely calibration sets are preferable to unlikely since there is little need to calibrate a model to candidate summaries it was never likely to generate.
Faithfulness Hypothesis.
In a similar vein, it makes sense that contrastive learning for faithulness will be most powerful when the model is most surprised. That is, the negatives are more likely to be generated than the positive. This relates to work by Goyal and Durrett (2021), who argue that negative sets should mimic observed errors.
G. 5. Spurious Correlates
Automatic evaluation metrics have a tendency to reward outputs with characteristics which are spuriously correlated to quality (Durmus et al., 2022).
While many possibilities exist (Durmus et al., 2022), for relevance, we focus on summary length, as defined by number of tokens. For faithfulness, we focus on extractiveness, which we measure with density (Grusky et al., 2018): the average squared length of extractive fragments. It approximates the level of copy-and-paste.
Relevance Hypothesis.
Sun et al. (2019) discover that ROUGE rewards longer summaries while humans prefer concise summaries. We hypothesize that exposing models to longer outputs during calibration will lead to longer summaries, which will have higher relevance scores. By controlling for calibration set length, we can better understand whether or not some of the gains from calibration simply come from length tuning11.
Faithfulness Hypothesis.
Ladhak et al. (2022) note that faithfulness metrics tend to prefer summaries with high levels of extraction, all else equal. Yet, Zhang et al. (2022) demonstrate that highly extractive does not always mean more faithful, so it is important to get a sense of how much faithfulness calibration is driven by more copy-and-paste.
H. Analysis of Spurious Correlates
H.1. The Outsized Role of Length
The length of summaries is correlated with performance for both relevance and faithful calibration yet for different reasons. For relevance, it can help reduce discrepancies in token-level length between references and generated summaries after fine-tuning. For faithfulness, generated summaries become less faithful as average length increases.
For relevance calibration, the Table 6 section on Spurious Correlates shows that selecting the longest summaries is preferable to the shortest for Clinical calibration (.255 versus .181) yet the reverse is true for Biomedical (.017 for max length and .033 for min length). We can trace this to a gap, after fine-tuning, in model summary length and reference lengths. On average, PRIMERA summaries after FT are 119 tokens for clinical and 230 for biomedical. Yet, the clinical references are, on average, 416 tokens and only 205 for biomedical. The optimal length strategy seems contingent on the direction of the length gap.
For faithfulness, we simply compute the correlation between and summary tokens: −.75. For faithfulness, we can confirm the presence of text degeneration (Holtzman et al., 2020) as a function of output length by measuring the average FactScore at each sentence position in the summary. Figure 9 confirms this story, despite an initial slight increase up to the third sentence.
For relevance, as argued by Sun et al. (2019), work should acknowledges changes in the lengths of summaries and address its role in impacting relevance metrics. Long-form summarization research which involves identifying and solving subproblems (Krishna et al., 2021) might mitigate some of the length-based degeneration.
Table 12:
Metric | Clinical | Chemical | Biomedical |
FactScore | .78 | .42 | .42 |
BARTScore | .35 | .16 | .45 |
BERTScore-Src | .52 | .47 | .60 |
H.2. Faithful or More Extractive?
One would expect that training on contrast sets with a large difference in extractiveness (extractive positives, abstractive negatives) would lead to higher downstream faithfulness. Yet, we find the opposite to be true, which we connect to §6.5.
Ladhak et al. (2022) note a spurious correlation between the extractiveness of summaries and faithfulness metrics, which holds true for the metrics which make up (as shown in Table 12). One would expect that reinforcing this correlation via contrastive learning (by targeting extractive positives and abstractive negatives) would lead to improved faithfulness metrics. Yet, this does not appear to be the case. Table 7 (Spurious selection type) shows that on average, controlling for a large extractiveness gap does not improve faithfulness (.131 versus an overall average improvement of .133). If anything, it leads to increased relevance (.017 versus −.067). While not definitive, a possible driver for this relationship relates to the analysis in §6.5, for which we show that a low likelihood gap between positives and negatives is preferable (an adversarial setup). Since extractive summaries are more likely to be generated than abstractive ones (see Extractive density for Diverse Beam search in Table 10), extractive negatives might be preferable to abstractive ones.
Given the extractiveness of long-form scientific summaries, more research should focus on subtle faithfulness errors, i.e., those which are less correlated to extractiveness. Zhang et al. (2022) provide a helpful typology of errors in fully extractive systems, which can provide a blueprint for the design of more extractive synthetic errors.
I. Human Evaluation Details
To better understand whether or not our calibration models are driving meaningful changes in quality, we conduct a human evaluation on the chemistry dataset. Specifically, we randomly select 50 papers from the test set and collect model generated abstracts from the FT checkpoint as well as most relevant (Random strategy) and most faithful (Hard strategy) CT weights. After randomly shuffling the order of abstracts, we ask each annotator (four authors of this paper with PhDs in chemistry-related fields) to first read the main paper and then, separately for each paper, highlight spans of abstracts containing errors (intrinsic or extrinsic), before ranking the summaries by Relevance (Fabbri et al., 2021b). We defined relevance as in SummEval: how well does the summary captures the key points of the paper? Consider whether all and only the important aspects are contained in the summary.. We collect fine-grained faithfulness annotations, rather than summary-level, due to the length of the summaries and prior work on interannotator agreement scores of fine-grained errors (Pagnoni et al., 2021; Goyal and Durrett, 2021).
I. 1. Error Analysis
In this section, we analyze the errors from an example in the human annotation set. The abstracts are shown in Figure 10.
Abstract 1 takes the general form of an abstract, providing a reasonable motivation for the work then listing a number of key findings. It makes a number of errors in stating the key findings, however. First, the model seems to have had difficulty with abbreviations and measured values, misreporting a binding constant and confusing GTP and ATP on several occasions. Finally, the model includes several statements not supported in the text. Abstract 2 contains superior prose to Abstract 1, better enumerating the motivation for the work and providing a cleaner concluding statement. It suffers from similar shortcomings, however, confusing GTP and ATP on several occasions and making a number of unsupported claims. In some cases, the unsupported claims appear lifted whole-cloth from another publication. In total, we judge the errors in Abstract 2 to be more misleading than those made in Abstract 1 and thus find Abstract 1 to be more relevant. Abstract 3 is substantially shorter than either Abstract 1 or Abstract 2, minimizing the absolute number of errors it contains. Like the others, it has difficulty with both abbreviations and measured values, making errors due to both. Overall, Abstract 3 is not terribly written; however, its terseness leaves a highly limited description of the paper’s contributions. For this reason, it is less relevant than either Abstract 1 or Abstract 2.
J. Connecting Metric Margins to Diversity
Larger margin gaps are related to diversity as lexically similar summaries will have similar metric values. In fact, we can examine the Diversity section of Table 6 and note that average score across datasets is higher when lexical diversity is maximized (.114) than when it is minimized (.082). Yet, this trend only holds for the Chemical dataset. To get a more complete sense, we examine the impact of set diversity across runs and note a slightly more reassuring trend: a pearson correlation coefficient of .21, .51, and .1 for clinical, chemical, and biomedical. Interestingly, chemical has the strongest positive relationship between diversity and downstream relevance across runs, yet is negative when directly controlling for diversity.
Each experiment was run on a relatively large card with 40GB of GPU memory (the NVIDIA A100).
4 is the maximum number which fits in GPU memory on an A100 40GB card, even with a device batch size of one (with gradient accumulation steps) and half precision (fp16).
We note that these our results from own runs. They do not represent results from the PRIMERA and LongT5 papers.
’NP’ using the annotation scheme from the Penn Treebank (Marcus et al., 1993).
The list of types includes genes, diseases, species, mutations, cell lines, and cell types.
google/pegasus–pubmed on the HuggingFace Transformers Hub (Wolf et al., 2020).
Only for PRIMERA since LongT5 does not support half precision weights.
Even though LongT5 has a maximum input sequence length of 16,384, we chose 4,096 to match PRIMERA and because of GPU memory constraints.
This also means that a length penalty cannot be applied during decoding, which puts more emphasis on the significant role of length tuning during relevance calibration.
We use the word somewhat because we acknowledge that relevance metrics measure overlap to a single reference, so introducing diverse calibration candidates does not necessarily encourage, or reward, more diverse outputs. Access to multiple references, or calibrating against human judgments, would better mitigate the single reference exposure bias problem.
While length can be influenced during beam search with minimum/maximum length restrictions and length penalties, these measures do not expose a model to long summaries.
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