The human brain operates at multiple levels, from molecules to circuits, and understanding these complex processes requires integrated research efforts. Simulating biophysically-detailed neuron models is a computationally expensive but effective method for studying local neural circuits. Recent innovations have shown that artificial neural networks (ANNs) can accurately predict the behavior of these detailed models in terms of spikes, electrical potentials, and optical readouts. While these methods have the potential to accelerate large network simulations by several orders of magnitude compared to conventional differential equation based modelling, they currently only predict voltage outputs for the soma or a select few neuron compartments. Our novel approach, based on enhanced state-of-the-art architectures for multitask learning (MTL), allows for the simultaneous prediction of membrane potentials in each compartment of a neuron model, at a speed of up to two orders of magnitude faster than classical simulation methods. By predicting all membrane potentials together, our approach not only allows for comparison of model output with a wider range of experimental recordings (patch-electrode, voltage-sensitive dye imaging), it also provides the first stepping stone towards predicting local field potentials (LFPs), electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, and magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals from ANN-based simulations. While LFP and EEG are an important downstream application, the main focus of this paper lies in predicting dendritic voltages within each compartment to capture the entire electrophysiology of a biophysically-detailed neuron model. It further presents a challenging benchmark for MTL architectures due to the large amount of data involved, the presence of correlations between neighbouring compartments, and the non-Gaussian distribution of membrane potentials.
Author summary
Our research focuses on cutting-edge techniques in computational neuroscience. We specifically make use of simulations of biophysically detailed neuron models. Traditionally these methods are computationally intensive, but recent advancements using artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown promise in predicting neural behavior with remarkable accuracy. However, existing ANNs fall short in providing comprehensive predictions across all compartments of a neuron model and only provide information on the activity of a limited number of locations along the extent of a neuron. In our study, we introduce a novel approach leveraging state-of-the-art multitask learning architectures. This approach allows us to simultaneously predict membrane potentials in every compartment of a neuron model. By distilling the underlying electrophysiology into an ANN, we significantly outpace conventional simulation methods. By accurately capturing voltage outputs across the neuron’s structure, our method invites comparisons with experimental data and paves the way for predicting complex aggregate signals such as local field potentials and EEG signals. Our findings not only advance our understanding of neural dynamics but also present a significant benchmark for future research in computational neuroscience.
1 Introduction
In the seven decades since Hodgkin and Huxley first described the action potential in terms of ion channel gating [1–7], while the scientific community is gaining a comprehensive understanding of how individual neurons process information, the behavior of large networks of neurons remains comparatively poorly understood. Experimental studies provide qualitative insights through statistical correlations between recorded neural activity and sensory stimulation or animal behavior [8–11], but statistical modelling offers little information on how networks perform neural computation or give rise to neural representations. Mechanistic modelling, in which detailed neuron models or networks of detailed neuron models are simulated on a computer, offers an alternative approach to studying the network dynamics of neural circuits [12, 13].
Thanks to recent pioneering efforts facilitated by large supercomputers, we are now able to construct simulations containing tens of thousands of model neurons that mimic specific cortical columns in mammalian sensory cortices [14–18]. Even more recent advances have reduced the need for supercomputers by distilling the output of biophysically-detailed neuron models into easier-to-evaluate artificial neural networks (ANN) [19, 20]. Note that in this context distillation means deep learning the dynamics of a complex physics-based model based on observations of the data generated by that model, without direct access to the underlying equations.
In the present paper we explore accelerated techniques for biophysically-detailed neuron models with full electrophysiological detail, a task that was previously deemed impractical due to the high computational cost involved. Our approach builds on previous work that focused on predicting outgoing action potentials or other experimental variables in a limited number of compartments. However, our approach is unique in that it allows for the simultaneous prediction of the membrane potentials (and membrane currents) for all compartments, see Fig 1. A sufficiently accurate deep learning model in which errors do not accumulate allows for future comparison of model output with a wider range of experimental recordings of membrane potentials (dendritic patch electrodes, voltage-sensitive dye imaging), and also the calculation of extracellular signals such as local field potentials (LFPs), electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, and magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals [21]. This approach is an important step forward in our ability to simulate and eventually better understand the functioning of the brain in health and disease. Note that the model does not include the intricacies which arise from complex synapse dynamics like plasticity.
By predicting all membrane potentials across a biophysically-detailed neuron model simultaneously, rather than in the soma only as recently done by [19], we have made the transition from single-task learning to multi-task learning (MTL). In contrast to single-task learning that requires a separate model to be trained for each target, MTL optimises a single artificial neural architecture to predict multiple (heterogeneous) targets simultaneously. MTL approaches aim to improve generalisation and efficiency across tasks by leveraging statistical relationships between multiple targets [22–26].
In our work, statistical relationships between tasks, i.e. membrane potential predictions, arise from the correlations between compartments due to the biophysical mechanisms of the ion currents running through a neuron. We note that obtaining good results in each compartment individually does not strictly guarantee that downstream errors will not accumulate due to correlations. To capture shared patterns that could be missed in single-task learning, multi-task learning generally relies on either one of two categories of neural architectures, respectively known as hard parameter [27] or soft parameter sharing models [28].
Hard parameter sharing models have a shared bottom layer in the neural network, while the output branches are task-specific. This means that the lower layers of the neural network are identical for all tasks, and only the final layers are tailored to each individual task. In contrast, soft parameter sharing models use dedicated sets of learning parameters and feature mixing mechanisms, allowing each task to have its own set of features and learning parameters while still efficiently sharing information. The choice between soft and hard parameter sharing models often depends on the nature of the tasks being learned. For example, if there is a substantial amount of overlap between the features necessary for each task, a hard parameter sharing model may be more appropriate, while if each (or any) task requires its own unique set of features for effective learning, a soft parameter sharing model may be more effective.
In this paper, we explore the capacity of various MTL architectures for distilling the full electrophysiology of a multi-compartment, biophysically-detailed layer 5 pyramidal neuron model [29]. Specifically, we compare a single type of hard parameter sharing model with two novel versions of state-of-the-art soft parameter sharing models, known as Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts (MMoE) [30] and Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts with Exclusivity (MMoEEx) [31]. Notably, in our computational experiments, we observed that the soft parameter sharing models substantially outperformed the hard parameter sharing model in the knowledge distillation of the electrophysiology of a biophysically-detailed neuron model. These findings highlight the potential benefits of soft-parameter sharing models for distilling complex electrophysiological data from biophysically-detailed neuron models, which we expect to have broad implications for computational neuroscience research.
For a comprehensive understanding of the MTL architectures utilised in this study, along with corresponding network diagrams, please refer to the detailed information provided in the Methods and Materials section. To make the following sections more accessible however, we briefly highlight that MMoE and MMoEEx, rely on a learnable feature mixing mechanism that controls the contribution of each learned data representation to the prediction of each task. The amount of learnable parameters in the feature mixing mechanisms grows linearly with the flattened input data size (batch size excluded). For the neural input data considered in this paper, the memory requirements regarding the amount of learnable parameters becomes prohibitively large. As a solution, we extend the MMoE and MMoEEx architectures to contain a compressor module that fixes the amount of learnable parameters in the feature mixing mechanisms to a predetermined number.
2 Results
To test the capability of different MTL architectures in accurately representing the full dynamic membrane potential of each of the 639 compartments of the large biophysically-detailed neuron model, we trained the models on a balanced dataset of simulated neural activity. For each target—a collection of membrane potentials (and the presence or absence of an outgoing action potential)—in the dataset, we provide a 100 ms history of neural activity and synaptic inputs from all compartments of the biophysically-detailed neuron model to the MTL models. Further details regarding the dataset and pre-processing steps can be found in the Methods and Materials section. To facilitate a fair comparison between MTL methods, we constructed a hard parameter sharing model (14 million trainable parameters) that is close in size to the soft parameter sharing models (12 million trainable parameters). Similarly, we used the same training procedures for each of the models—Adam [32] with or without task-balancing [33]—and evaluated the inference speed in a single session on publicly available hardware.
2.1 Multitask prediction of membrane potential dynamics in biophysically-detailed neuron models
After conducting comprehensive training on all three Multi-Task Learning (MTL) models, namely Hard Parameter Sharing (MH), Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts (MMoE), and Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts with Exclusivity (MMoEEx), we observed that the soft parameter sharing models exhibited a superior performance compared to the hard parameter sharing model, not only in terms of training but also in terms of generalization loss, see Fig 2 which showcases the training progress and the respective losses for each model. During the training process, we closely monitored the performance of each model through Tensorboard [34]. The hard parameter sharing model achieved a minimal training loss of 0.439 and a minimal validation loss of 0.680. The MMoE model, on the other hand, demonstrated better progress, reaching a minimal training loss of 0.241 and a minimal validation loss of 0.533. Similarly, the MMoEEx model exhibited better training results than the hard parameter sharing model, with a minimal recorded training loss of 0.262 and a minimal validation loss of 0.551.
For further evaluation, we focused on the MMoE model, as it showcased the best performance based on the validation results. By utilising the model weights saved at its optimal validation performance, we were able to predict the membrane potential of a compartment within the biophysically-detailed neuron model with a root mean squared error of 3.78 mV compared to a standard deviation of 13.20 mV across the compartments and batches of the validation data. As explained in more detail in the Discussion section, the electrophysiological data upon which the biophysically-detailed neuron model is built, has an experimental standard deviation of around 5 mV, depending on the type of neural activity. It is worth noting that the network models we explored primarily prioritised learning the membrane potentials of the neuron model’s compartments rather than accurately predicting spike generation at the axon initial segment. As a consequence, the presented results omit the performance analysis related to spike generation at the axon initial segment. However, given that our model does not distinguish in its predictions between sub and supra-threshold membrane potentials, one can obtain the spikes within each compartment directly from the predictions.
To further illustrate the complex dynamics of the Hay neuron and how they are captured by our multi-task deep learning model, we present a back-propagating action potential-activated Ca2+ spike event, a key active dendritic property of layer 5 pyramidal cells. These types of events have been observed in vitro and are the consequence of the convergence of back-propagating action potentials from the soma and the local excitatory post-synaptic potential at the distal dendrites. This convergence triggers a Ca2+ spike at the main bifurcation point of the apical dendrite, which in turn triggers several somatic Na+ spikes. As shown in Fig 3, the MMoE multi-task deep learning model has the ability to faithfully reproduce these complex dynamical behaviors, including the characteristic long-lasting depolarization that coincides with several somatic action potentials. Note that this also shows that the somatic Na-spikes are clearly visible from the predicted membrane potential, even if the binary spike prediction task itself was unsuccessful. It therefore seems likely that somatic Na-spikes can be extracted from the predicted membrane potential through simple thresholding procedures although this was outside the scope of the current work.
2.2 The importance of expert diversity in MMoE and MMoEEx trained on neural data
Previous studies have suggested that higher diversity among experts in terms of the data representation they generate, see the Methods and materials section, could potentially improve training and generalisation outcomes in MTL [30, 31], particularly for soft parameter sharing models. Motivated by these findings, we conducted a thorough investigation into the effect of expert diversity within the training process of the MMoE and MMoEEx models. To quantify and analyse expert diversity, we employed various diversity metrics. In addition to the diversity score, previously introduced by [31], which is based on the standardised distance matrix between experts, we extended our analysis to also include its determinant and permanent, see Methods. By considering these metrics, we were hoping to gain deeper insight into the level of diversity present among the experts throughout the training procedure. However, all three metrics exhibited the same temporal pattern. For a visual representation of these correlations and their implications on expert diversity, refer to S1 Fig.
Interestingly, despite MMoEEx originally having been proposed in the literature as a means to enhance expert diversity, we made the intriguing observation that expert diversity exhibited significant variation across different training runs of the same model (MMoE or MMoEEx) with identical training data. This observation suggests that a soft parameter sharing model’s architecture alone does not guarantee any consistent trend in expert diversity, see the appendices for more details, and that multiple training runs are necessary for complex deep learning models to learn about their properties. Furthermore, we studied the strength of the expert weights used to predict each compartment in both MMoE and MMoEEx, see Fig 4. While larger average weight does not necessarily imply a better prediction, it corresponds to a larger contribution to the prediction coming from a particular expert. As one can see in both models, different experts focus on different parts of the neuron, with relatively higher mean weights in higher apical and basal regions. One noticeable difference is that in MMoEEx, the oblique parts of the neuron are more strongly represented, whereas somatic compartments are visibly different from zero in one of the experts.
2.3 Fast simulation of full membrane potential dynamics of multiple neurons
Traditional simulation environments such as NEURON [35] rely on numerical integration of compartment-specific differential equations that represent the active and passive biophysical mechanisms of the modeled neuron. This approach requires a significant amount of computational resources. One of the main attractive features of distilling biophysically-detailed neuron models into ANNs is the significant speed-up deep learning architectures can provide. Previous work from the literature, where only the output of the soma compartment was predicted, has shown that NEURON simulations of biophysically-detailed neuron model networks, consisting of up to 5000 model neuron instances, are up to five orders of magnitude slower than their ANN counterparts [20]. Note that, in network simulations, accelerators like GPUs can be used to compute independent timesteps—for different instances of the same model neuron—of the ANN model in parallel. In practice, the batch-size of the MTL models during inference can directly be interpreted as the number of model neurons being evaluated at the same time. Given the size of the training dataset (61 GB) and the typical time needed to train one of these models (approximately a week on four RTX2080Ti GPUs), training is highly non-trivial during model development. However, for verified biophysically detailed neuron models training only has to be performed once, after which the distilled model can be used readily.
We recorded the mean and standard deviation runtimes of seven independent predictions for each of the three MTL models for different amounts of neurons and simulation times. In Table 1, we present the results of 100 neurons simulated for 1 ms, 10 ms and 100 ms, and for a 100ms simulation of 1000 neurons. To provide context, we also recorded the mean and standard deviation runtimes of seven independent 100 ms simulations of a single neuron in NEURON. Note that in the NEURON simulation, each timestep is passed to the next internally, while for the runtime tests of the deep learning models we are limited to running each timestep from Python causing an overhead for the MTL models. Clearly, predictions by MTL models are significantly faster than single-core simulations in NEURON. Note that support for the use of NEURON on GPUs is actively being developed [36] but is not considered in this paper. For the set-up with 1000 neurons, the hard parameter sharing model reaches an acceleration of 2 orders of magnitude over the NEURON simulation. Being able to predict voltages in parallel has a profound effect on efficiency, as a 1ms simulation of 100 neurons can be predicted in 0.45 seconds which is nearly half the time necessary for NEURON to simulate a single neuron for 100 ms, while requiring the same amount of update steps.
Table 1. Inference speed of all three MTL architectures—Hard parameter sharing (MH), Multi-gate Mixture-of-experts (MMoE), and Multi-gate Mixture-of-experts with Exclusivity (MMoEEx)—After training on neural data generated by a biophysically-detailed model of a cortical layer 5 pyramidal neuron model compared to the classical NEURON simulation.
Runtime (s) | Std. Dev. (ms) | Model | Hardware | Simulation (ms) | Batch Size |
1.01 | 29.7 | Neuron | CPU | 100 | 1 |
0.07 | 0.85 | MH | GPU | 1 | 100 |
0.45 | 1.03 | MMoE | GPU | 1 | 100 |
0.44 | 1.43 | MMoEEx | GPU | 1 | 100 |
0.70 | 25.4 | MH | GPU | 10 | 100 |
4.36 | 35.7 | MMoE | GPU | 10 | 100 |
4.35 | 15.0 | MMoEEx | GPU | 10 | 100 |
7.19 | 145 | MH | GPU | 100 | 100 |
43.6 | 58.6 | MMoE | GPU | 100 | 100 |
43.5 | 82.4 | MMoEEx | GPU | 100 | 100 |
10.9 | 153 | MH | GPU | 100 | 1000 |
365.0 | 34.2 | MMoE | GPU | 100 | 1000 |
365.0 | 33.5 | MMoEEx | GPU | 100 | 1000 |
Also note that while prediction times for the MTL models scale roughly linearly with simulation times, they do not scale linearly with batch size. Within the maximum batch size that can be accommodated by the GPU memory, the number of simulated neurons should only affect the evaluation time of a neural network through the previously discussed Python overhead, as is seen in the recorded prediction times for the hard parameter sharing model. However, for the soft parameter sharing models which contain matrix multiplications in the gates we observe a steep increase in runtime for large batch sizes. In general, it is worth remarking that MMoE and MMoEEx demonstrate inference runtimes which are significantly slower compared to the hard parameter sharing model. This discrepancy can be attributed to the hard parameter sharing model having a lower number of convolution filters and the soft parameter sharing models containing large and computationally expensive matrix multiplications.
3 Discussion
3.1 Multitask prediction of membrane potential dynamics in biophysically-detailed neuron models
In our investigation, we evaluated three advanced multi-task learning (MTL) neural network architectures [27, 30, 31], including MMoE and MMoEx which were augmented with a novel compressor module, to tackle the challenging task of capturing intricate membrane potential dynamics in a complex, multi-compartment, biophysically-detailed model of a layer 5 pyramidal neuron [29]. Given the considerable complexity of the model comprising 639 compartments, each generating distinct timeseries data potentially containing spikes, this MTL problem presented an exceptionally difficult distillation task. Nevertheless, our findings are encouraging, with the MMoE model achieving the lowest validation loss and demonstrating a root mean squared error of 3.78 mV in predicting membrane potential across all compartments. In comparison, the root mean squared error for the MMoEEx and MH models was 3.90 mV and 4.81 mV respectively. Notably, these errors are considerably smaller than both the standard deviation of our test set (13.20 mV) and the experimentally measured standard deviations of the peak membrane voltages during perisomatic step current firing (4.97 mV—6.93 mV) or back-propagating action potential Ca2+ firing (5 mV) in layer 5 pyramidal neurons [29, 37]. While our model is capable of reproducing the membrane potential of the trained multicompartment model, it is not a direct replacement of an implementation in NEURON. For example, the modification of new compartments will require retraining of the multitask-learning architecture in PyTorch.
Experimental recordings of the after-hyperpolarization depth of the membrane potential in the soma of layer 5 pyramidal neurons have a slightly lower standard deviation (3.58 mV—5.82 mV) than electrophysiological measurements of action potentials [29, 38, 39], indicating that a more sensitive evaluation of distilled neuron models could be based on their performance in specific neuronal scenario’s. Notably, thus far, all trained models did not manage to learn the binary somatic spike prediction task, a challenge that could potentially be mitigated through a computationally intensive hyperparameter search for γ (explained in the Methods and materials section) to assign higher importance to this specific task during the learning process. Although task balancing methods for soft parameter sharing models were explored in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Methods and Materials section, our findings indicate no improvement in performance, as outlined in S3 Fig. Furthermore, it is essential to highlight that these MTL models are anticipated to find utility in accelerating LFP calculations, where the significance of subthreshold components in membrane potential dynamics is well-established [40–42]. For further insights into calculating extracellular potentials based on the deep learning model’s membrane potential predictions and an example of such a downstream prediction, please refer to S4 Fig.
3.2 Measuring experts diversity in MMoE and MMoEEx trained on neural data
To test the conjecture that in soft parameter-sharing MTL models, high diversity between experts can be beneficial in training and generalisation, we computed several diversity measures. Indeed, initially it looked like the model with highest diversity (MMoE) performed the best, despite the fact that unlike its counterpart (MMoEEx), it has no explicit inductive bias towards expert diversity. However, a subsequent retraining of the models showed that the known diversity metrics are neither robust nor correlated with training or generalisation performance. Further exploration of the exclusivity hyperparameter α might lead to more desirable results for the MMoEEx model. Additionally, increasing the number of experts should only lead to improvements in training and generalisation if a substantial amount of independence between the tasks had not yet been incorporated. Future work can make these statements more precise by studying the contribution of individual experts to the prediction of membrane potentials in morphologically distinct neuronal compartments.
3.3 Fast simulation of full membrane potential dynamics of multiple neurons
Biophysically-detailed neuron models distilled into ANNs can be evaluated at significantly higher speeds than their classical counterparts. Because a single instance of a deep learning model can be used to predict outputs for multiple instances of the same neuron model in parallel, on accelerators such as GPUs, these models are particularly suited to accelerating large networks of model neurons. Previous results from the literature [20] have shown that using deep learning models that only predict the output voltage of the soma, could result in a five order magnitude speed-up for a network model of 5000 neurons. In this paper, we have shown that a speed-up of two orders of magnitude can be obtained for a network of 1000 neurons by making use of MTL deep learning models, when the voltage traces for each compartment of the underlying biophysically-detailed neuron model need to be predicted. The highest speedup was achieved with the MH model, which has a slightly higher root mean squared error (4.81 mV) compared to the other two models, but still performs within experimentally observed variability [29].
The presented MTL models did not succeed in the binary somatic spike prediction task. As such, the models are not particularly suited for running recurrently connected neural network simulations. They can, however, be used for investigating, for example, LFP, EEG, or MEG signals from different types of predetermined synaptic input to neural populations, which has commonly been used in the literature to study the origin and information content of these brain signals [43–57]. Furthermore, in cases where the synaptic input is predetermined, the individual timesteps can be treated independently and in parallel. For example, if we assume a batch size of 1000, this can either correspond to simultaneously simulating 1000 timesteps of a single neuron, or one timestep for a population of 1000 neurons.
An important application of the biophysically-detailed neuron model is the calculation of LFPs and downstream EEG and MEG signals. Recent work has shown the importance of LFP recordings in validating large computational models of brain tissue [58], such as the mouse V1 cortical area, developed by the Allen Institute [18]. The Allen Institute mouse V1 model contains 114 distinct model neuron types, and could be accelerated (by several orders of magnitude) by 114 separate deep learning models each representing one such neuron type. The current biophysically-detailed Allen V1 model makes use of neuron models with passive dendrites which should be significantly easier to distil into an MTL architecture than the layer 5 pyramidal neuron model represented here. Further acceleration of the MTL models discussed in this paper could be achieved by running model inference on multiple GPUs or more advanced accelerators such as TPUs and IPUs.
4 Methods and materials
4.1 Multicompartmental NEURON simulations and data balancing
As a baseline for training and testing, we used an existing dataset of electrophysiological data generated in NEURON [19] based on a well-known biophysical-detailed and multi-compartment model of cortical layer V pyramidal cells [29]. This model contains a wide range of dendritic (Ca2+-driven) and perisomatic (Na+ and K+-driven) active properties which are represented by ten key active ionic currents that are unevenly distributed over different dendritic compartments. The data was generated in response to presynaptic spike trains sampled from a Poisson process, with a firing rate of 1.4Hz for excitatory and 1.3Hz for inhibitory synapses. For the purposes of this paper, it is important to note that the biophysically-detailed model contains 639 compartments and 1278 synapses and that 128 simulations of the complete model for 6 seconds of biological time each were included before data balancing. In accordance with previous work from the literature [19] the synapses were distributed uniformly across the span of the neuron with one inhibitory and one excitatory synapse per compartment.
The subthreshold dynamics of the membrane potential in a compartment have small variations and as a result one would expect them to be easy to predict. However, suprathreshold deviations generated by action potentials propagating through the dendrites can be more problematic to predict. To address this issue, we implemented a form of data balancing. We first identified the time points at which somatic spikes occurred and afterwards we used them to create a dataset in which one third of the targets included a spiking event. Additionally, we standardised the membrane potential through z-scoring. We used input data consisting of membrane potentials and incoming synaptic events across all compartments during a 100 ms time window, and target data consisting of 1 ms of membrane potentials and a binary value for the presence or absence of a somatic spike.
4.2 Hard and soft parameter sharing architectures for multitask learning
We implemented a temporal convolutional network (TCN) architecture [59] to learn spatiotemporal relationships between inputs (synaptic events and membrane potentials) and outputs (membrane potentials), for both hard and soft parameter-sharing architectures for multi-task learning. While recurrent neural networks [60, 61] such as GRU’s and LSTM’s are commonly used for sequence tasks, research has shown that convolutional architectures can perform just as well or better on tasks like audio synthesis, language modelling, and machine translation [59]. A TCN is a one-dimensional convolutional network with a causal structure, which guarantees causality layer by layer through the use of causal convolutions, padding and dilation. TCNs preserve the temporal ordering of the input data, making it impossible for the network to use information from the future to make predictions about the past. This is important because it ensures that the network can be applied in real-world scenarios where only past information is available.
In early studies of modern multi-task learning, hard parameter sharing was used to share the initial layers (“the bottom”) and task-specific top layers (“the towers”) of the neural network architecture. This approach has the advantage of being scalable with increasing numbers of tasks, but it can result in a biased shared representation that favours tasks with dominant loss signals. To address this issue, soft parameter sharing architectures have been developed, which utilise dedicated representations for each task. In this study, we employ two soft parameter sharing models, the multi-gate mixture-of-experts (MMoE) [30] and the multi-gate mixture-of-experts with exclusivity (MMoEEx) [31]. These models combine representations learned by multiple shared bottoms (“the experts”) through gating functions that apply linear combinations using learnable and data-dependent weights. MMoEEx is an extension of MMoE that encourages diversity among expert representations by randomly setting a subsection of weights to zero.
In our study, we employed a three-layered TCN with varying channel sizes of 32, 16, and 8 and a kernel size of 10. We also implemented a dropout of 0.2 for both the bottom architecture (hard parameter sharing) and the expert architectures (soft parameter sharing). For each tower, we used a three-layered feed-forward network with ELU activation functions and 10 or 25 hidden nodes, depending on whether it was a soft or hard parameter sharing model, respectively. To ensure increased stability, we replaced the final RELU activation function in the original TCN implementation with a sigmoid activation function. In addition, we included an extra TCN expert as a compressor module in the soft parameter sharing models to reduce the size of the data before feeding it into the gating functions, see Fig 5, which helped to avoid quadratic growth of the trainable parameters with respect to the input data size. To improve efficiency, we implemented mixed precision and multi-GPU training for all three models. Our models were trained on up to six parallel RTX2080Ti GPUs, and we performed inference experiments on publicly available Tesla P100 GPUs via Kaggle.
4.3 Task balancing and expert diversity
Effective multi-task learning sometimes requires some form of task balancing to reduce negative transfer or to prevent one or more tasks from dominating the optimisation procedure. To avoid these issues we make use of loss-balanced task weighting (LBTW) [33] which dynamically updates task weights in the loss function during training. For each batch, LBTW calculates loss weights based on the ratio between the current loss and the initial loss for each task, and a hyperparameter α. As α goes to 0, LBTW approaches standard multitask learning training. All taken together, the loss function can be summarised as
(1) |
where and y are the target and the predicted data respectively, wspike and wi are the task weight, BCElogits is the binary cross entropy loss combined with a sigmoid activation function, and MSE is the mean square error. The summation index i runs over all N compartments of the biophysically-detailed neuron model, and the LBTW task weights are recalculated every epoch E, for each batch B, according to
(2) |
To measure the diversity in expert representations in MMoE and MMoEEx, we made use of diversity measurement proposed in the original MMoEEx paper. In that paper, the diversity between two experts n and m is calculated as a (real-valued) distance d(n, m) between the learned representations fn and fm, as defined by
(3) |
where N is the number of samples xi in the validation set, which is used to probe the diversity of the experts. The diversity matrix D of a trained MMoE or MMoEEx model is defined by calculating all pairwise distances between expert representations as described above and normalising the matrix. In this normalised matrix, a pair of experts with distance close to 0 are considered near-identical, and experts with a distance close to 1 are considered to be highly diverse. To compare two different models in terms of overall diversity, we respectively define the first, second, and third diversity scores of a model as the mean entry () and the determinant (), and the permanent () of its diversity matrix D.
Supporting information
Fig 3 has been made with Biorender.com through an academic license.
Data Availability
The LFDeep: Multitask Learning of Biophysically-Detailed Neuron Models project code is hosted on GitHub. The repository includes the implementation of the paper’s three multitask learning architectures for the distillation of biophysically-detailed neuron models. To access the latest version of the code and contribute to the project, please visit the official GitHub repository at https://github.com/Jonas-Verhellen/LFDeep. All data along with checkpoints with the optimal parameters of the MMoE model are available at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kosiobeshkov/data-for-mmoe-prediction.
Funding Statement
This research was funded by UiO:Life Science through the 4MENT convergence environment to JV, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N° 945371 to KB and the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 945539 Human Brain Project(HBP) SGA3 to JV. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The LFDeep: Multitask Learning of Biophysically-Detailed Neuron Models project code is hosted on GitHub. The repository includes the implementation of the paper’s three multitask learning architectures for the distillation of biophysically-detailed neuron models. To access the latest version of the code and contribute to the project, please visit the official GitHub repository at https://github.com/Jonas-Verhellen/LFDeep. All data along with checkpoints with the optimal parameters of the MMoE model are available at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kosiobeshkov/data-for-mmoe-prediction.