‘CosinorTest’ application is an interactive R Shiny tool designed to facilitate circadian and differential circadian analysis with transcriptomic data using Cosinor-model-based methods. This novel application integrates multiple major statistical algorithms to identify circadian rhythmicity in gene expression data and enables the comparison of differential circadian patterns between two experimental conditions. Key features of the ‘CosinorTest’ app include circadian rhythmicity detection, differential patterns assessment, circadian and differential analyses with repeated measurement, and interactive data visualization, all contributing to a comprehensive understanding of underlying biological mechanisms. As the application doing all comprehensive circadian analysis using the Cosinor model, the ‘CosinorTest’ app fills a crucial gap in the field of circadian biology and transcriptomics, providing a powerful and user-friendly platform for researchers, especially those without profound programming skills to explore the circadian gene expression regulation, and further advance circadian research.
Availability and implementation
CosinorTest is freely available at https://circadiananalysis.shinyapps.io/circadianapp/ .
Supplementary information
Supplementary files are available at bioRχiv online.
Full Text Availability
The license terms selected by the author(s) for this preprint version do not permit archiving in PMC. The full text is available from the preprint server.