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. 2024 Dec 9;19(12):e0313329. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0313329

Recognition of Conus species using a combined approach of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extraction

Noshaba Qasmi 1, Rimsha Bibi 1, Sajid Rashid 1,*
Editor: Ramada Rateb Khasawneh2
PMCID: PMC11627371  PMID: 39652613


Cone snails are venomous marine gastropods comprising more than 950 species widely distributed across different habitats. Their conical shells are remarkably similar to those of other invertebrates in terms of color, pattern, and size. For these reasons, assigning taxonomic signatures to cone snail shells is a challenging task. In this report, we propose an ensemble learning strategy based on the combination of Random Forest (RF) and XGBoost (XGB) methods. We used 47,600 cone shell images of uniform size (224 x 224 pixels), which were split into an 80:20 train-test ratio. Prior to performing subsequent operations, these images were subjected to pre-processing and transformation. After applying a deep learning approach (Visual Geometry Group with a 16-layer deep model architecture) for feature extraction, model specificity was further assessed by including multiple related and unrelated seashell images. Both classifiers demonstrated comparable recognition ability on random test samples. The evaluation results suggested that RF outperformed XGB due to its high accuracy in recognizing Conus species, with an average precision of 95.78%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.99, indicating the model’s optimal performance. The learning and validation curves also demonstrated a robust fit, with the training score reaching 1 and the validation score gradually increasing to 95 as more data was provided. These values indicate a well-trained model that generalizes effectively to validation data without significant overfitting. The gradual improvement in the validation score curve is crucial for ensuring model reliability and minimizing the risk of overfitting. Our findings revealed an interactive visualization. The performance of our proposed model suggests its potential for use with datasets of other mollusks, and optimal results may be achieved for their categorization and taxonomical characterization.


Conus Linnaeus is a large genus of gastropods that has been well-preserved in fossil records since its first appearance about 55 million years ago in the Lower Eocene. Cone snails are major predators in tropical reef communities [1, 2]. Their venom contains a diverse array of small peptides (conotoxins) that target neuromuscular receptors and are extensively utilized in drug development [35]. Taxonomic classification of the highly similar cone shell patterns is challenging due to variations in size, color, and geographical distribution. In particular, some Conus species exhibit nearly identical morphological characteristics, making identification difficult and requiring researchers to spend more time on differential analysis. To address these challenges, there is a pressing need to develop more sophisticated computational algorithms or models to automate Conus species recognition and streamline taxonomic classification.

In recent years, due to technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models have emerged as ideal solutions for image recognition [6]. ML algorithms are routinely used to perform various tasks, including pulmonary embolism segmentation via computed tomographic (CT) angiography [7], polyp detection through virtual colonoscopy or CT during colon cancer diagnosis [8], breast cancer detection through mammography [9], brain tumor segmentation using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging [10], and the detection of brain cognitive states through functional MR imaging for diagnosing neurological disorders [11, 12]. ML techniques, such as feature selection and classification, have become crucial for the accurate and automatic diagnosis and prognosis of various brain diseases [13, 14]. For instance, Ronneberger et al. utilized a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and data augmentation techniques, achieving promising results by training on an image dataset [15]. Ke et al. proposed a method to enhance the spatial distribution of hue, saturation, and brightness in X-ray images (as image descriptors) to identify unhealthy lung tissues using Artificial Neural Network-based heuristic algorithms [16]. Jaiswal et al. employed Mask-Region-based CNN, a deep neural network approach, which utilizes both global and local features for pulmonary image segmentation, combined with image augmentation, dropout, and L2 regularization for pneumonia identification [17]. Wozniak and Połap simulated the X-ray image inspection process to identify infected tissue locations [18].

Hu et al. used gene eigenvalues and MRI imaging, together with a genetic-weighted random forest (RF) model, to identify key genetic and imaging biomarkers for diagnosis and personalized treatment [19]. Jing et al. applied RF to optical sensors for foreign object debris detection, crucial for aerospace safety [20]. Chen et al. optimized chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI by analyzing frequency contributions using a permuted RF model [21]. Wang and Zhou improved soil organic matter estimates by combining multitemporal Sentinel-2A imaging with RF to benefit agricultural practices [22]. Matese et al. highlighted the role of unmanned aerial vehicle-based hyperspectral imaging in advancing crop health monitoring and management [23]. Barrett et al. emphasized the importance of predictive models in early Huntington’s disease intervention [24]. Waldo-Benitez et al. demonstrated ML’s impact on enhancing glioblastoma diagnosis and treatment planning through MRI analysis [25]. Huang et al. showed how stacked models improve wheat quality control using hyperspectral imaging [26]. Feng et al. emphasized the need for accurate plume injection height measurements to improve smoke exposure estimates during Australian wildfires [27]. Grandremy et al. provided insights into zooplankton monitoring through advanced imaging in a 16-year Bay of Biscay study [28]. Nobrega et al. applied deep transfer learning to classify lung nodule malignancy [29]. Philips and Abdulla proposed a method for detecting honey adulteration using hyperspectral imaging and ML, enhancing classification models with a feature-smoothing technique [30]. Tao et al. demonstrated the benefits of combining hyperspectral imaging and ML for municipal solid waste characterization, significantly improving material identification and sorting efficiency by capturing detailed spectral information [31].

ML strategies, together with advancements in AI, have been employed in the early detection of diseases through the accurate interpretation of chest X-rays [32]. Similarly, the use of these innovations is accelerating in other areas. A valuable addition of deep learning in image recognition facilitates aircraft target recognition, enabling air defense systems to quickly determine the target category of an acquired aircraft image and automatically estimate countermeasures, potentially saving significant reaction time and reducing combat risks [33]. In this study, we propose an automated method for identifying Conus species using a cohesive ML algorithm framework through feature-assisted training on imaging datasets. Additionally, by designing a local database, this study may serve as a basis for cataloging cone snail species, including their sequence information and family-wise distribution.

Materials and methods

Data collection

The image dataset of 119 Conus species was obtained from the ConoServer database [34]. Our proposed methodology is illustrated in the flowchart (Fig 1).

Fig 1. Flowchart scheme of the ML-based model.

Fig 1

A) Image preprocessing. B) Image transformation. C) Image quality analysis of preprocessed images. D) Background removal by obtaining the largest contour followed by masking. E) Conversion of species labels into numerical values using a label encoder. F) Feature extraction using three different steps: Fi) Color moments in different orders based on color distribution. Fii) Texture information using local binary patterns. Fiii) Additional texture information using Haralick texture features. G) Deep feature extraction using VGG16. H) Training data comprising 80% of the dataset. I) Testing data consisting of 20% of the entire dataset. J) Optimization of hyperparameter tuning. K) Algorithm selection from all models. L) Random forest selection. M) Model testing. N) Model validation using different methods.

Image preprocessing

Initially, each image file format (JPG, JPEG, or PNG) and size was checked for uniformity. The Pillow library was used to resize the images to a standard size of 224 x 224 pixels. Next, cvtColor was applied to find contours, and the images were converted to grayscale to remove background noise. A Canny filter was used to compute edge strength, utilizing linear filtering with a Gaussian kernel to smooth out noise [35]. The edges were then overlayed on the original RGB images. All images were processed through these steps and stored in a local folder.

We also applied some pre-processing to each highlighted image. First, using cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, we converted the image to grayscale. Gaussian blur was applied to remove noise from each image, and the images were normalized for enhancement. We used the Canny and Sobel functions [36] with a kernel size of 5 to detect edges in each image. The original images of Conus ammiralis, Conus ebraeus, and Conus anabathrum, along with the binary and Canny edge-detected images, are shown in Fig 2. These species exhibit specific patterns and shapes (pointed or round). In Conus ammiralis, few patterns are separated by filled brown areas with varying distances, while in the case of Conus ebraeus, the patterns are more pronounced, making it easily distinguishable from other species. In contrast, Conus anabathrum contains a line pattern at the pointed end.

Fig 2. Image preprocessing.

Fig 2

A) Original image of the Conus ammiralis shell, B) Highlighted enhanced image, C) Binary image, D) Canny edge-highlighted image, E) Enhanced edge-highlighted image. F-J) Conus ebraeus with enhanced, highlighted, binary, edge detected and respective enhanced images, respectively. K-O) Conus anabathrum with all respective images.

Image transformation

Image transformation was performed on each pre-processed image, with the total number set to 400. We initialized the ImageDataGenerator [37] using various parameters, such as width shift range, height shift range, zoom range, and shear range, all set to 0.2. Subsequently, we modified the rotation range to 30 degrees, set the horizontal flip to ’True,’ and used ’nearest’ for the fill mode. Each transformed image was stored in a unique folder. For each transformation, we applied a random transformation with a size of 224 x 224 pixels. Image transformation was cross-validated before further processing. In total, we obtained 47,600 transformed images. The original Conus andremenezi and its transformed images are shown in Fig 3, along with a detailed description of each image, highlighting distinct height, width, and pixel count.

Fig 3. Image transformation.

Fig 3

A) The original image of the Conus andremenezi shell and its dimension details are indicated in pink color. B-E) Its four transformed images, with pixel sizes ranging from 3,859 to 4,462, have different shell sizes (width × height). Each transformed image and its details are mentioned in their respective colors.

Proposed methodology

The next step was to check the image quality, and all images below the standard were removed. Noisy backgrounds were eliminated, and the cvtColor module was used to convert the images to grayscale, followed by the application of a threshold to segment the background and obtain the largest contour. A mask was applied to remove the background. Later, we combined all these images into a list and used a label encoder to encode each cone snail species label as a numerical value.

Color moments and local binary patterning

Subsequently, color moments of different orders were calculated for each channel, revealing color distribution and variation. The local binary pattern (LBP) texture feature was computed for each grayscale image to extract texture information. LBP works by measuring the intensity levels of neighboring and central pixels, forming a binary number [38]. The threshold is obtained by comparing the neighborhood pixel gp with the center pixel gc. This operator yields a binary value of 1 if gp is larger than gc and 0 otherwise. The final form of the LBP is represented in decimal value. The features extracted by the LBP operator are displayed in a histogram. This operation can be expressed as:

LBPPR=p=0p1s(gpgc)2p,s(x)={(1,x00,x<0)} (1)

After the thresholding stage, a histogram was developed on the LBP values. With a neighborhood of P = 24P = 24P = 24 and R = 3R = 3R = 3, a 256-bin histogram represents the image features. The mathematical representation of the LBP histogram is denoted by [39]:

H(k)=i=1Ij=1Jf(LBPPR(i,j)k),k[0,K],wheref(x)={1,x=y0,otherwise} (2)

Haralick texture feature extraction

Next, we computed feature extraction through a method proposed by Haralick, named as spatial gray-level dependence method (SGLDM). These features are routinely used for diagnosis purposes and Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis by MR images [40]. For quantifying the texture through SGLDM, 13 features were calculated in each phase. These features were extracted from the co-occurrence matrix, which represents an estimate of the second-order probability function C (i; j| x; y). This matrix represented the occurrence rate of a pixel pair with gray levels i and j, given the distances between the pixels were x and y in the x and y directions, respectively [41]. The elements of the matrix were calculated by:

C(i,j|ΔxΔy)=No.of(x,y)forwhichI(x,y)=i,I(x+Δx,y+Δx)=jandboth(x,y)and(x+Δx,y+Δy)arewithintheROINo.of(x,y)forwhichboth(x,y)and(x+Δx,y+Δy)arewithintheROI (3)

The Haralick texture features were computed using the Haralick function, which included texture information such as contrast, correlation, and entropy in the image. In the next step, we concatenated these three features as trained features.

Visual Geometry Group with 16-layer deep model architecture

The Visual Geometry Group with 16-layer deep model architecture (VGG16) [42] was used for extracting deep features that were utilized in a pre-trained deep learning model. It included 16 layers, comprising 13 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers. VGG16 employed a small 3x3 kernel (filter) on all convolutional layers with a single stride. Max pooling layers always followed the convolutional layers. The input for VGG16 was fixed at 224 x 224 three-channel images. In VGG16, the three fully connected layers exhibited different depths. The first two layers contained a similar channel size of 4096, while the last fully connected layer had a channel size of 1000, representing the number of class labels in the ImageNet dataset. The output layer was the softmax layer, which is responsible for providing the probability of the input image [43]. We added deep features to the feature vector by horizontally stacking the deep and trained features.

Random Forest

The RF classifier was used due to its ideal prediction capabilities, stability, and high accuracy rate compared to a single decision tree. RF is a powerful ensemble and supervised learning method, characterized by balanced bias, minimal hyperparameter input, reduced variance, and minimized risk of overfitting in both classification and regression tasks. These features make RF an invaluable tool for prediction, modeling, and data analysis across various domains. The RF algorithm performs better with larger datasets and accelerates the decision-making process through a higher number of trees [44]. RF is an extension of the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) method, employing bagging (bootstrap aggregation) and voting to determine classification results. It consists of k classification trees, and its basic idea is to convert multiple weak classifiers into one strong classifier. The number of generated bootstrap samples determines the number of trees in the model. After the bootstrap method, each tree (bootstrap sample) is formed using the following rules: If there are M input variables, the number of m predictor variables at each node satisfies m≤Mm. The variable m is chosen randomly from M. The selection of the best predictor variable from m is determined by calculating the measure of purity (Gini or entropy). The Gini index Ggini (D) is used to decide the optimal binary cut point for each feature. Ggini represents the uncertainty of the set D. In the classification problem, suppose there are N classes; for a given set of samples D, the Ggini index is:

Ggini(D)=1n=1N(|Cn|D)2 (4)

where Cn is the subset of samples in D that belong to the nth class [45]. If a sample set D is divided into two parts, D1 and D2, according to the value of feature A,

D1={(x,y)D|A(x)=a},D2=DD1 (5)

The best split on m is used to separate the nodes. The amount of m is kept constant during the growth of forests. Each tree is formed to the maximum extent without pruning. The final result of RF is the optimal result chosen by voting on all classification trees [45]. The best predictor variable provides more decision-making information. More tree formation and their usage in the decision-making process yield more robust result [46].

Next, data was divided into training (80%) and testing or validation data (20%), about 38,080 and 9,520 images out of 47,600, respectively. As a result, we extracted XTrain, XValid, YTrain, and YValid for further optimization of hyperparameters [47]. Enhancing the RF algorithm’s ability is crucial for extracting high-quality features and optimizing parameter selection. This can significantly help reduce the model’s generalization error and improve the RF algorithm’s classification accuracy. We used 100 trees or estimators and a minimum sample split of 2 for splitting the internal nodes.

The model was then trained and evaluated by fitting XTrain and YTrain and by predicting the model by XValid.


Tree-based gradient boosting integrated model XGBoost (XGB) [48], is composed of multiple classification regression trees (CART) that acquire the residual value through the sum of target and predicted values based on the prior decision trees. Upon training of all decision trees, they reach a consensus and finally compute the prediction result through the accumulation of samples from the previous findings. Every new tree in the XGB model training phase is trained using the previously trained tree as a model, and once a decision tree has been generated, it is stripped to avoid overfitting. The XGB model trains the obtained error to minimize the overall error. The input from each tree is utilized to train the subsequent tree again to progressively minimize the prediction error and gradually drive the model’s predicted value closer to reality. The prediction model for XGB can be represented as:

yi=k=1Kfk(xi),fkF (6)

Where xi and yi are training samples. x represents the eigenvector, y represents the sample label, and fk(xi) represents the kth decision tree. The corresponding objective function is defined as follows [49]:

Obj(O)=i=1nL(yi,yi)+k=1KΩ(fk) (7)

The objective function Obj(O) is divided into two parts: the regularization term, which reduces the chances of a model demonstrating overfitting, and the loss function, which indicates a specific objective to evaluate the accuracy of the model’s prediction. The function is as follows:

Ω(f)=γT+12λ||ω||2 (8)

Where γ is the leaf node coefficient, its goal is to optimize and modify the objective function using XGBoost, similar to a pre-pruning operation (i.e., γT regulates the tree’s complexity; the higher the value, the higher the objective function value, which subsequently suppresses the model’s complexity). The leaf node weight percentage is regulated by the full L2 regularization term, and λ, the coefficient of the squared mode of L2, prevents overfitting. The objective function is gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT) if the regularization term has a value of 0 [50].

This model lessens the chance of overfitting by including regularization elements in the objective function. It utilizes both the first and second derivatives to enhance the accuracy of the loss function and customize the loss. We used the ‘Extreme Gradient Boosting’ classifier of the XGB library by specifying the evaluation metric to measure cross-entropy loss (which is a multi-class logarithmic loss) and avoid any deprecation issues in the disabled labels.

Confusion matrix

The performance of the chosen strategy was determined by a confusion matrix, which showed the number of correct and incorrect predictions made by the model as compared to the actual data [51, 52]. The confusion matrix comprises four components: True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), and False Negative (FN). The following metrics evaluate the performance of a classification model on a dataset:

Precision = TP / (TP + FP)

Recall (Sensitivity) = TP / (TP + FN)

F1-score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)

Other analyses, including bar plots and histogram generation, were performed to check the proportion and prediction results through the classification report of the desired RF model. The Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC-ROC) [53] is a performance metric for binary classification problems. The AUC-ROC value ranges from 0 to 1, where a higher value indicates better performance. A curve closer to the top-left corner represents a better model. It was plotted to estimate the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false positive rate (specificity) at various threshold settings.


Cone snail shell image processing

Conus species exhibit diverse characteristics in terms of shell shape, size, color, and localization. The differentiation characteristics, including mean intensity, intensity standard deviation, edge pixel number, mean key point, vary significantly among Conus species (Table 1). In particular, images obtained from different sources need to be processed for color variation, background noise removal, pixel adjustment, and color intensity correction. To accurately process shell images, we scaled the RGB (red, green, and blue) intensity in the image. The average predicted RGB values were 70.23, 88.12, and 107.98 for R, G and B, respectively (S1 Fig). These values were distinct for each image, which largely facilitated enhancing model efficiency.

Table 1. Statistical analysis of raw images of Conus species before preprocessing.

Size (S), mean intensity (MI), intensity standard deviation (ISD), number of edge pixels (NEP), and mean key point size (MKS) are presented in different columns.

Specie name Size MI ISD NEP MKS
Conus abbreviatus 126 x 196 114.900551 85.24146037 2070 3.855107131
Conus achatinus 234 x 469 90.1004501 72.62897095 17287 3.738486035
Conus adamsonii 166 x 309 81.5929543 64.52867715 10219 3.394759074
Conus amadis 137 x 283 89.7953625 81.18837988 7880 3.242136133
Conus ammiralis 147 x 266 101.342642 90.00906917 7293 3.558139329
Conus anabathrum 113 x 236 102.825859 91.64173238 2811 5.372164498
Conus andremenezi 130 x 306 77.2646053 78.52747464 4856 4.783157641
Conus anemone 140 x 333 102.90532 87.34408651 6528 5.295740278
Conus araneosus 190 x 344 95.4301561 89.64749384 10002 4.042105765
Conus archon 173 x 325 78.0636372 76.09148881 6231 3.903034503
Conus arenatus 150 x 258 127.868966 88.99116882 5384 3.248078797
Conus aristophanes 125 x 209 115.918813 84.83766222 3292 3.536915887
Conus asiaticus 160 x 303 91.0680693 93.87201536 5579 3.533550901
Conus ateralbus 147 x 251 65.5442177 66.74975933 7071 3.789925593
Conus aulicus 127 x 305 95.9198916 75.00209789 6079 3.877136884
Conus aurisiacus 172 x 309 99.8640777 80.66912726 5803 3.930534717
Conus austini 167 x 318 82.4746545 77.49197812 4362 3.392523493
Conus australis 115 x 306 94.9256323 82.35290923 5929 3.427619775
Conus bandanus 646 x 1202 83.4092946 78.0616978 44765 7.77255379
Conus bayani 114 x 227 67.7127676 71.5729914 2925 4.299335957
Conus betulinus 224 x 335 101.927159 81.59713297 7407 3.679199442
Conus brunneus 154 x 191 66.2547766 62.9423698 6141 3.567691536
Conus bullatus 114 x 219 107.642193 67.27182937 5300 3.453630916
Conus californicus 462 x 846 80.9327341 69.53473463 15680 5.947179261
Conus capitaneus 169 x 252 80.4169954 65.4770939 7079 3.501728312
Conus caracteristicus 163 x 225 102.626667 82.49999629 5106 3.704006016
Conus catus 135 x 240 90.7333025 71.40495938 6002 3.917673782
Conus cervus 136 x 274 100.219381 76.16191665 6241 3.530832996
Conus chiangi 153 x 264 85.9632601 76.05567255 5952 3.216992084
Conus circumcisus 116 x 279 109.326319 72.72633786 5200 4.345783836
Conus consors 141 x 299 86.4395266 67.08034587 2973 6.904867876
Conus coronatus 83 x 133 97.6019567 81.97972403 2303 3.625967436
Conus dalli 157 x 267 93.0402681 77.21764877 8964 3.322457316
Conus delessertii 161 x 307 83.4159063 81.82363518 5977 5.091297852
Conus diadema 194 x 307 89.0702173 73.76674884 7057 4.010664793
Conus distans 89 x 160 105.306812 85.94422289 2571 4.76245108
Conus ebraeus 209 x 311 73.9946615 79.35979636 5273 5.99292686
Conus eburneus 222 x 349 92.4428612 88.25812038 8119 5.578738826
Conus emaciatus 251 x 405 81.1571197 60.17887854 4533 5.640602514
Conus episcopatus 150 x 320 91.8544583 80.46877076 9376 3.610899895
Conus ermineus 185 x 329 88.6190421 76.6154946 6962 4.545134057
Conus ferrugineus 210 x 416 83.9429831 70.89388376 7075 5.904191236
Conus figulinus 282 x 407 80.4968547 71.85676559 16639 3.399929217
Conus flavidus 170 x 295 97.7092921 74.24410961 4067 3.978458209
Conus floridulus 667 x 1131 87.5026585 80.04923969 14478 7.446896809
Conus frigidus 156 x 265 103.462821 72.74093208 4527 3.876202816
Conus fulmen 196 x 357 83.4306723 72.73174627 2611 6.047156509
Conus gauguini 89 x 163 103.28214 76.99108538 2067 4.176049745
Conus generalis 135 x 287 98.3426249 85.07910231 2625 4.553597675
Conus geographus 76 x 178 69.1569338 59.76345165 3261 4.091072835
Conus gladiator 168 x 249 82.6303548 72.62570646 5498 4.632142848
Conus gloriamaris 119 x 343 80.1448661 70.72475205 10025 3.040092381
Conus imperialis 82 x 156 73.2795497 77.08575888 3229 3.322255486
Conus inscriptus 161 x 330 102.096951 88.50804845 6676 4.308585652
Conus judaeus 186 x 311 80.9460291 91.12290436 5677 5.282902826
Conus kinoshitai 133 x 306 109.052312 87.59792953 4673 4.002651231
Conus kintoki 171 x 362 110.7324 82.19116586 3015 3.805836274
Conus leopardus 120 x 211 100.795616 79.70195154 5007 3.217252134
Conus limpusi 166 x 335 80.9515015 66.41763157 2640 5.178752613
Conus litteratus 91 x 156 128.705128 101.7086228 2609 2.857512904
Conus lividus 137 x 249 88.3807639 77.07639339 2551 4.272186609
Conus longurionis 116 x 351 79.9143089 72.36931846 5730 4.66598781
Conus loroisii 172 x 273 54.6943948 46.1643957 9412 3.114201716
Conus lynceus 174 x 386 106.663123 82.14609781 8848 5.149299075
Conus magnificus 116 x 261 111.673438 84.23736161 7044 3.127516587
Conus magus 279 x 582 102.056319 77.61301005 21916 5.131758487
Conus marmoreus 464 x 987 71.0377253 75.10760805 35820 8.258521537
Conus memiae 210 x 350 78.1916871 85.53722763 9499 5.492338902
Conus miles 136 x 207 74.5656081 76.81322467 5401 3.088816641
Conus miliaris 180 x 296 90.4191254 74.03838125 8054 3.592617067
Conus milneedwardsi 69 x 223 87.232274 80.6165129 2860 3.355763269
Conus monachus 226 x 424 118.874885 87.78246128 11436 4.074395915
Conus moncuri 195 x 342 83.8184885 75.0833367 7482 4.94113918
Conus monile 161 x 337 87.6115709 82.27396067 5175 4.915662615
Conus mus 84 x 150 95.6694444 76.5681594 3144 3.750667921
Conus mustelinus 149 x 272 92.0070322 77.31240476 5208 4.039098181
Conus natalis 157 x 318 74.0708449 67.42437807 10205 4.775390739
Conus nigropunctatus 127 x 216 92.907699 73.07321996 4902 4.230405607
Conus nux 194 x 332 77.2799186 71.9322076 4320 7.542459114
Conus obscurus 70 x 160 74.8146429 52.24022396 2667 3.338338166
Conus omaria 86 x 194 107.138576 65.92997092 4084 3.085670003
Conus parius 182 x 303 100.761923 82.87203435 1756 4.551220399
Conus pennaceus 104 x 174 78.9077697 86.20071699 2587 4.316248887
Conus pergrandis 136 x 344 76.2034456 77.06110854 5116 3.972704224
Conus pictus 182 x 340 77.9745637 73.67581946 7533 4.965593014
Conus planorbis 113 x 207 75.9901672 69.28186747 4616 3.446087527
Conus princeps 155 x 273 110.268746 91.49685066 5370 4.075615161
Conus profundineocaledonicus 155 x 333 87.7985857 74.28470619 1865 6.221098957
Conus purpurascens 554 x 932 64.4792845 59.42204983 57556 4.533820502
Conus quercinus 160 x 272 106.95347 78.62236341 1603 10.07662979
Conus radiatus 114 x 244 81.7528401 61.54902861 2578 3.766189418
Conus rattus 185 x 298 85.1469617 71.41448917 7632 4.262023336
Conus regius 146 x 261 89.9245263 76.46770287 7479 3.76844333
Conus regularis 134 x 285 86.8535219 78.17037418 5597 4.388107317
Conus rolani 151 x 300 106.889382 82.66212069 4221 4.337546096
Conus sanguinolentus 153 x 262 91.726987 73.29265179 2704 5.807804724
Conus sponsalis 304 x 381 85.6163835 83.54710968 7368 5.747592142
Conus spulicarius 216 x 346 86.9485389 74.4378499 9807 5.313243719
Conus spurius 166 x 270 106.758188 82.90364202 3524 5.422410713
Conus stercusmuscarum 113 x 236 111.163154 77.06938388 4015 3.110592977
Conus striatus 135 x 306 109.730864 80.91233496 6460 4.263692126
Conus striolatus 149 x 268 90.6919764 74.36637035 7842 4.19279689
Conus sulcatus 150 x 266 87.610802 73.93412992 7816 3.80518956
Conus sulturatus 109 x 175 123.898768 81.81499109 735 10.90305368
Conus terebra 102 x 237 104.010176 80.97356016 1960 4.921096532
Conus tessulatus 163 x 252 86.5140715 76.07680221 4052 5.229228191
Conus textile 114 x 228 88.8001693 75.83345613 6716 2.816846265
Conus tinianus 99 x 192 104.217119 77.25270464 2544 4.685287444
Conus tulipa 115 x 228 105.702021 65.36394178 6445 3.410149088
Conus varius 136 x 266 104.889761 82.3494734 3056 6.092001697
Conus ventricosus 158 x 277 93.4467395 81.42046926 9519 3.198309433
Conus vexillum 152 x 249 96.2798563 81.22803912 6762 4.179350178
Conus victoriae 86 x 183 66.5662727 67.5775656 3900 3.02614837
Conus villepinii 76 x 183 94.9417601 87.01109306 2081 4.106920018
Conus virgo 164 x 316 109.196955 84.3636481 1928 4.158706044
Conus vitulinus 146 x 282 93.9529049 78.04338245 4788 4.153326996
Conus ximenes 80 x 140 93.75125 81.05532005 2199 2.958279716
Conus zeylanicus 146 x 251 125.553376 92.91948417 6446 3.69964845
Conus zonatus 66 x 129 94.6779422 74.00836486 2014 3.002186416

The dataset of 47,600 images were split into 80% training and 20% testing data, resulting in 38,080 and 9,520 images. XTrain, XValid, YTrain, and YValid were extracted for hyperparameter optimization [54]. Enhancing the RF algorithm is crucial for extracting high-quality features and optimizing parameter selection. This may significantly help reduce the model’s generalization error and improve the RF algorithm’s classification accuracy. The model was trained and evaluated by fitting XTrain and YTrain and by predicting with XValid.

Model validation

Next, we added more data to check the predictions for each search image as validation data. Among the 119 species, five species were wrongly predicted: Conus monile was predicted as Conus kintoki, Conus monachus was predicted instead of Conus virgo, Conus tinianus as Conus catus, Conus vitulinaus was predicted as Conus regularis and Conus flavidus was predicted as Conus betulinus. All other species were accurately predicted by the trained RF model, achieving a high accuracy rate (S1 Table). For these species, structural similarity index ranged from 0.33 to 0.99, which measures similarity between test and reference images by calculating variations in contrast, brightness, and edge information [55].

We included images of some species other than cone snails, such as Miter shells, Olive shells, Cypraea argus, Aulica imperialis, and Eloise Beach, along with Conus species Conus literatus, Conus asiaticus, and Conus ebraeus for further validation of our model (Fig 4). Training results revealed no irrelevant species due to feature differentiation. These shell images were ranked in the range of 27,674, 27,413, 27,584, 26,522, and 26,549, while Conus shells exhibited 27,143 features. Overall, the proposed model in this report is 95% efficient in cone snail species recognition through shell images.

Fig 4. Prediction results of species other than Conus species.

Fig 4

A-C) Conus species that are accurately recognized by our model as Conus litteratus, Conus asiaticus, and Conus ebraeus, respectively. D-H) Feature differentiation led to no species recognition in cases of Aulica imperalis, Cypraea argus, Eloise beach, Miter shells, and Olive shells.

Model performance assessment

Precision and recall analysis

The RF classification report indicated a significant proportion of TP predictions as compared to XGB. Multiple species exhibiting precision score values close to 1 demonstrated accurate predictions through the RF model. These species were categorized into three groups for better representation in bar plots (Fig 5). Among the 119 Cone snail species, group 1 contained 40 species, group 2 exhibited 39 species, and group 3 included 40 members.

Fig 5. Bar plot for precision and recall values for 119 Cone snail species are categorized into three groups.

Fig 5

Bar plot illustrating precision and recall values for 119 Cone snail species categorized into three groups. A) Group 1 contains 40 species. B) Group 2 exhibits 39 species, while C) Group 3 comprises 40 members. In all plots, species names are presented on the X-axis, while the corresponding precision and recall rates obtained through RF and XGB models are indicated on the Y-axis. The dark blue and orange bars represent the respective values of precision and recall for each species by XGB, while the green and blue bars represent precision and recall values obtained by the RF model.

In group 1, nine members (Conus andremenezi, archon, aurisiacus, austini, bandanus, californicus, delessertii, diadema and episcopatus) exhibited RF precision scores of 0.98, 0.92, 0.87, 0.95, 0.98, 0.96, 0.89, 0.96, and 0.90, respectively. Group 2 comprised 15 members (ermineus, figulinus, floridulus, frigidus, fulmen, geographus, inscriptus, judaeus, lividus, magus, memiae, miles, miliaris, mustelinus and nux) demonstrating precision scores of 0.95, 0.99, 0.95, 0.93, 0.94, 0.93, 0.95, 0.96, 0.96, 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 0.99 scores. In contrast, 10 species in group 3, including obscurus, pergrandis, pictus, planorbis, purpurascens, sponsalis, striolatus, sulcatus, varius, and ventricosus contained precision scores of 0.97, 0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.99, 0.94, 0.99, 0.96, 0.90, 0.95, respectively through the RF model. The minimum precision value (0.64) was observed for Conus consors.

Notably, Conus anabathrum, araneosus, kintoki, and sanguinolentus exhibited better precision scores using XGB. Nevertheless, the high proportions of TP predictions among actual positive instances underscored the effectiveness of the RF model. The presence of a high recall value (a measure of model quantity) further bolstered the model’s accuracy, with 24 species considered FN. Conus lividus exhibited a score of 0.8227. These 24 species were ammiralis, anabathrum, australis, bandanus, californicus, coronatus, dalli, episcopatus, fulmen, gloriamaris, imperialis, litteratus, loroisii, lynceus, marmoreus, miliaris, milneedwardsi, natalis, obscurus, parius, rattus, striolatus, sulcatus, zeylanicus. Out of these, 7 species were members of group 1, 11 were in group2, and 6 species were part of group 3. The recall scores for the XGB model ranged from 0.80–0.98 (Fig 5). The harmonic mean of precision and recall, known as the F1 score, ranged from 0.76 to 1 for the RF model. It balances precision and recall, serving as a single metric for evaluating model performance. The number of actual occurrences of each class in the dataset was captured by the support value. We focused on the RF model for further validation and evaluation results.

F1 score and support analysis

The F1 score (harmonic mean) ranged from 0.76 to 1 for the RF model, revealing a balanced performance between recall and precision. The class distribution was analyzed by examining the support, reflecting actual class occurrences. The F1 score and support plots demonstrated model performance across several classes. The model accurately predicted multiple classes with high F1 scores. Conus sanguinolentus was observed in the range of 0.82 to 0.83, while other species fell within the ranges of 0.85–0.88, 0.88–0.91, 0.91–0.94, 0.94–0.97, and 0.97–0.99, with counts of 6, 9, 17, 34, and 43 species, respectively. Eight species exhibited maximum scores, including Conus bandanus, californicus, episcopatus, and fulmen from group 1 (Fig 6A), while miliaris, obscurus, striolatus, and sulcatus belonged to group 2 (Fig 6B). Some classes with low F1 scores were also observed, such as Conus consors with a score of 0.76, indicating slightly poor prediction. Overall, these findings provided evidence that the model operated effectively with significant F1 score values.

Fig 6. F1 score analysis.

Fig 6

The line graphs indicate the performance scores for each class in the dataset. A) Group 1 contains 59 species (X-axis) against performance scores (Y-axis). B) Group 2 comprises 60 species (X-axis) with their respective F1 scores (Y-axis). The blue color indicates the F1-score values, showcasing the model’s accurate predictions for multiple classes with high F1 scores.

To comprehend class distribution, a support analysis was performed. The histogram indicated varying class numbers in terms of their distribution. Conus sulcatus exhibited a score in the range of 37 to 43. One, four, and seventeen species were noticed in the ranges of 55.3–61.4, 61.4–67.5, and 67.5–73.6, respectively. The number of species significantly increased to 72 for the range of 73.6–85.8. Finally, 13 and 11 species were observed with the highest range values of 85.8–91.9 and 91.9–98, respectively (Fig 7). Classes with high support values were well represented in the dataset, whereas those with low values were less common.

Fig 7. Support value histogram plot.

Fig 7

It indicates the variation in species distribution patterns against score ranges obtained through the model classification report.

Confusion matrix

A confusion matrix revealed the instances where the RF model accurately predicted a positive class. The FPR is represented by a negative value. Confusion matrix analysis revealed 24 species with TPR values of 1, indicating accurate predictions. These species included Conus ammiralis, anabathrum, australis, bandanus, californicus, coronatus, dalli, episcopatus, fulmen, gloriamaris, imperialis, litteratus, loroisii, lynceus, marmoreus, miliaris, milneedwardsi, natalis, obscurus, parius, rattus, striolatus, sulcatus, and zeylanicus. The lowest TPR values were 0.8227 and 0.8292 for Conus tessulatus and Conus lividus, respectively. For FNR, values should be close to zero, indicating instances where the model incorrectly predicts a negative class as positive, while TNR denotes the correct prediction of the negative class. FNR values for all 24 species were zero. In contrast, Conus lividus and Conus tessulatus exhibited the highest FNR values of 0.177 and 0.171, respectively.

A deeper insight into the model’s performance was obtained using a heatmap. Fig 8 represents the macro average, average, and weighted average of recall, precision, and F1 scores based on the values obtained from the model. Due to the narrow range (0.955–0.958), color differences were minimal. Darker hues (purple) indicated somewhat lower values (0.955) for accuracy in F1 score, recall, precision, and weighted average of recall. In contrast, lighter hues indicated slightly higher values. These findings suggest that all metrics and classes contributed to consistent model performance. The highest weighted precision average was 0.958, indicating improved performance.

Fig 8. Heatmap of different categories against the precision, recall, and F1-score.

Fig 8

Categories include accuracy, macro-average, and weighted average. The color variations from darker to lighter indicate differences in their values.

Model performance evaluation

To evaluate model performance, both training and validation scores were plotted (Fig 9A and 9B). The validation curve showed a high training score across the range of hyperparameters, suggesting that the model fit the training data very well. The validation score curve indicated that the model generalized well to unseen data for these hyperparameter values. Both training and validation scores were high and closely aligned, reflecting a good balance between bias and variance. This indicates that the model is well-performing and appropriately tuned, with strong generalization capabilities (Fig 9A).

Fig 9. Model performance analysis.

Fig 9

A) The validation curve plots hyperparameter values (X-axis) against model performance metrics (accuracy score on the Y-axis). The training score (red) and validation score (green) curves represent performance on the training and validation datasets as a function of the hyperparameter values. B) The learning curve illustrates training examples versus accuracy, with the X-axis showing training examples and the Y-axis representing accuracy. A small gap between training and validation scores indicates that the model’s complexity is appropriate for the data, avoiding overfitting and ensuring good performance on both sets. C) The precision-recall curve plots precision (Y-axis) against recall (X-axis) for various thresholds. Curves that localize closer to the top-right corner indicate better model performance.

In the learning curve, a training score close to 1 (or 100%) revealed that the model learned and fitted the training data effectively. The validation score stabilized at approximately 95%, indicating good generalization performance for new data. The small gap between training and validation scores suggests that the model’s complexity is appropriate for the given data, achieving a favorable balance between variance and bias (Fig 9B). The model is neither significantly overfitted, as it performs well on both training and validation datasets, nor underfitted (as both training and validation scores are low), making it a “Good Fit” model.

Next, we plotted a Precision-Recall (PR) curve, which shows precision against recall for different thresholds. A curve closer to the top-right corner indicates better model performance. The area under the PR curve serves as a single metric to assess overall performance (Fig 9C). Thus, the current model demonstrates favorable precision and recall values, indicating its accurate prediction ability.


Identifying Conus species presents significant challenges due to the similarities in shell patterns among various mollusks. The classification of cone snail taxonomic features requires considerable effort because of variations in size, distinct color patterns, and geographical distributions. Here, we propose an automated strategy to identify cone snail species using a cohesive machine learning (ML) algorithm framework based on feature-assisted training of the Conus shell imaging dataset. Our proposed ML model achieved an accuracy of 95% with an 80:20 train-test data ratio, utilizing 38,080 and 9,520 cone snail shell images, respectively.

To ensure clear feature delineation and consistency, we implemented a preprocessing scheme that included grayscale conversion [56], binary image generation [57], image quality enhancement, and Canny edge detection [35, 58]. Edge detection is a crucial preprocessing step that enhances the visibility of key features for accurate identification [59]. This process refines image comparison and improves feature visibility by employing methods used in image recognition. Here, edge detection supports object segmentation and RF-based recognition, thereby strengthening overall performance [60]. Further preprocessing steps included background removal [61], quality checks, image transformation [62, 63], and feature extraction using Haralick features [41], deep features [42], color moments, and local binary patterns [39], which collectively enhanced the training dataset’s quality.

In this study, we utilized a conventional Local Binary Pattern (LBP) approach combined with additional features, significantly improving the recognition rate compared to LBP variants such as LBP Variance (LBPV) and Center Symmetric LBP (CS-LBP). The integration of these additional features addressed the limitations of conventional LBP and its derivatives. Faudzi and Yahya evaluated four LBP derivatives—conventional LBP, LBP Variance (LBPV), Center Symmetric LBP (CS-LBP), and Completed-LBP (CLBP)—under varying environmental conditions [39]. Their findings suggested that LBPV had a higher recognition rate, while CS-LBP excelled under contrast changes, highlighting that applying conventional LBP with additional features can yield better results.

Next, we employed a genetic algorithm for feature selection. Soltanian-Zadeh et al. utilized a comprehensive methodology to extract features from mammographic images using four distinct methods: shape features, Haralick features, wavelet features, and multi-wavelet features [41]. Our approach mirrored this strategy by leveraging a deep learning model (VGG16) for feature extraction, enabling automated learning of complex shell patterns [64]. Deep learning, particularly through convolutional neural networks like VGG16, facilitates hierarchical feature extraction from image objects [6567]. For cone snail shell images, which exhibit subtle morphological differences [68], deep learning effectively captures fine details such as shell patterns and color gradients. Jaderberg et al. reported that deep learning techniques significantly enhance recognition accuracy for complex image targets [69]. In this study, we integrated Haralick features with additional features derived from the deep learning model, resulting in a robust and informative feature set that improved accuracy.

The model’s efficiency was cross-validated by including data from unrelated species, ensuring that features from other species differed significantly from those of Conus. The species support histogram (to assess the distribution of different species number ranges) demonstrated multiple species with high support values, positively contributing to model efficiency. Additionally, we generated a heatmap to depict the macro average, accuracy, weighted average for recall, precision, and F1 score, revealing the highest weighted precision average of 0.958, indicating improved performance. We observed minimal fluctuations in F1-score values across different species, with a value of 0.76 for Conus consors. The Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM) results ranged from 0.33 to 0.99, indicating varying levels of structural similarity among individual images. As reported by Zhou et al., SSIM can effectively assess structural similarity and serves as a reliable evaluation tool for image quality assessment [70]. These findings suggest that our proposed model recognized multiple species as positive instances, making it more reliable and scalable than manual feature extraction, particularly for handling large datasets (Fig 10).

Fig 10. The overall model metric analysis.

Fig 10

The blue bars represent the average accuracy rates of the model, displaying metrics such as recall, precision, F1 score, and ROC AUC value.

Among various classification models, the RF model demonstrated reliable results [44, 71], validating Conus species recognition. The RF approach incorporates random feature selection and serves as an effective tool for high-dimensional complex datasets, ensuring robust classification results [72, 73]. The effectiveness of the RF approach has been proven in various applications, including pattern recognition and species identification [74]. The novelty of our approach lies in integrating deep learning-based feature extraction with a supervised learning RF model. Deep learning captures nuanced details through the image dataset [75], while supervised learning optimizes classification accuracy [76], creating a robust and automated system capable of efficiently handling species recognition tasks.

A thorough analysis of learning and validation curves can inform model selection and parameter tuning. Goriya et al. focused on applying fine-tuned ResNet and DenseNet models for classifying choroidal neovascularization (CNV) from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, demonstrating promising results with high accuracy and validation scores [77]. In our study, the DenseNet model achieved a validation accuracy of approximately 0.95, with both training and validation curves exhibiting similar trends. Specifically, our training accuracy reached 99%, while the validation accuracy gradually increased to 95% (Table 2). These values indicate a well-trained model that generalizes effectively to validation data without significant overfitting. This observation suggests that our model, similar to DenseNet, effectively captures the underlying patterns of cone snail shell images through accurate classification. The gradual improvement of the validation score curve is crucial for ensuring model reliability and minimizing the risk of overfitting [77]. The training accuracy of our proposed model resembles the learning curve reported for the RF model by Afuwape et al., which exhibited similar performance metrics [78]. Such similarities in learning curves reinforce the robustness of the RF algorithm in handling classification tasks.

Table 2. The statistical report for RF model evaluation.

Precision Recall F1-Score Support TPR FPR FNR TNR
mean 0.9583 0.9560 0.9560 79.6386 0.9560 0.0439 0.00011 0.9998
std 0.0572 0.0411 0.0405 8.5645 0.0410 0.0411 0.00015 0.00015
min 0.6346 0.8228 0.7674 37 0.8227 0 0 0.9991
25% 0.9426 0.9289 0.9341 74 0.9289 0.0117 0 0.9998
50% 0.9762 0.9714 0.9664 80 0.9714 0.0285 0.00007 0.9999
75% 1 0.9882 0.9864 84.5 0.9882 0.0710 0.00017 1
max 1 1 1 98 1 0.1772 0.00088 1


Overall, machine learning approaches, particularly the Random Forest model, are instrumental in the categorization of cone snail species and in distinguishing them from other marine invertebrates. The proposed RF model, tested on diverse datasets encompassing both cone snail and other mollusk shells, demonstrates its capability in effective pattern matching and decision-based ranking. This model could also be adapted to detect and classify various other mollusk species, showcasing its versatility and potential for broader applications in marine biology.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Species distribution on the basis of RGB intensities.

Average predicted values were 70.23 for R, 88.12 for average G, and 107.98 for B. A) First 59 species (X-axis) with their respective RGB values (Y-axis). B) Last 60 species (X-axis) with their respective RGB values (Y-axis).


pone.0313329.s001.tif (491.5KB, tif)
S1 Table. Specie prediction results.

Highlighted five rows indicate wrong predictions.


pone.0313329.s002.docx (22.7KB, docx)


The authors would like to thank members of the Functional Informatics Lab, National Center for Bioinformatics, QAU, Islamabad for their valuable support.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work has been supported by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan via grant No. 20-15051/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2021. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

11 Sep 2024

PONE-D-24-36557Conus specie recognition through combinatory action of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extractionPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Rashid,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

the article discuses nice work but I have some comments:

the article need some English editing

also you need to discuss the literature in a depth and compare it to your work and show the novelty of your work

finally, please make sure that the text is following PLOSONE criteria

Good luck 

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Additional Editor Comments:

the article discuses nice work but I have some comments:

the article need some English editing

also you need to discuss the literature in a depth and compare it to your work and show the novelty of your work

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors proposed "Conus specie recognition through combinatory action of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extraction". The structure of the article is well structured. But authors will consider following comments.

1.Proofread the entire manuscript.

2.Draw a Graphical abstract of the proposed approach.

3.Compare your approach with previously available existing approaches.

4.Explain the novelty of the proposed approach.

5.Explain why you choose the deep learning based feature extraction.

6. Gold standard dataset is available freely to Conus specie recognition?

7. What type of features played an important role to recognize Conus specie ? your approach with previous traditional feature extraction approaches.

Reviewer #2: The manuscript can be accepted. I just would like to suggest you include the conclusion heading and try to provide the figures in as higher quality as you can because of the nature of this work. Also, I recommend authors to include some more models rather just being on very simplest model.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


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PLoS One. 2024 Dec 9;19(12):e0313329. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0313329.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

2 Oct 2024

On behalf of all coauthors, I would like to thank you and both reviewers for the valuable feedback to enhance the quality of our manuscript entitled “Conus specie recognition through combinatory action of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extraction”.

Reviewer #1

The authors proposed "Conus specie recognition through combinatory action of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extraction". The article is well structured. But authors will consider the following comments.

1. Proofread the entire manuscript.

We have thoroughly reviewed the manuscript for any grammatical errors and sentence structure anomalies. All sections have been carefully proofread and issues have been resolved. We believe that the manuscript now meets the standards expected for publication in terms of readability. Some changes according to requirements for PLOS ONE:

• Removed the heading numbers, and changed heading 1 to 18, heading 2 to 16, heading 3 to 14.

• Changed in-text citation style from [1][2] to [1,2]. Same for all in-text citations.

• More literature review information related to random forest and imaging was added to the introduction.

• Changed Figure 1 to Fig 1 in both paragraph and caption (did this for all figures).

• Unbold the table reference in paragraph.

• Changed Figure S1 to S1 Fig (same for supplementary table).

• Changed the Fig 6 caption placement right below the paragraph.

• Added the reason for choosing the deep-learning model and the novelty of our approach in the discussion section.

• Add funding as separately according to the requirement.

2. Draw a Graphical abstract of the proposed approach.

We have included a graphical abstract to describe the details of a work plan.

3. Compare your approach with previously available existing approaches.

Prior to initiate this work, we have thoroughly overviewed previous approaches. Generally, these methods for Conus specie recognition rely on the traditional image processing techniques or features, which have limitations such as sensitivity to image noise and variability in specie appearance. In this study, we utilized hybrid approach that combines deep learning with traditional feature extraction methods followed by supervised learning, feature extraction automation, improved handling of interspecies variability, and noise resilience. These steps resulted in a more reliable and scalable model as compared to conventional methods.

4. Explain the novelty of the proposed approach.

The novelty of our approach lies in the integration of deep learning-based feature extraction with supervised learning. Deep learning captures nuanced details from images, while supervised learning optimizes classification accuracy. This combination allows a more robust and automated system which is capable of efficiently handling specie recognition task adaptable to other biological datasets.

5. Explain why you choose the deep learning based feature extraction.

Deep learning, particularly VGG16, is known to automatically extract hierarchical features through images. For Conus specie shells, which exhibit subtle morphological differences, deep learning-based feature extraction captures fine details such as shell patterns and color gradients. This method is more reliable and scalable than manual feature extraction, especially for large datasets.

6. Gold standard dataset is available freely to Conus specie recognition?

The dataset was mainly extracted from ConoServer database, which is freely available.

7. What type of features played an important role to recognize Conus species?

Critical features for accurate Conus specie classification included shell patterning, color variations, texture, surface details, and overall shell shape and size.

8. Compare approach with previous traditional feature extraction approaches.

Feature extraction refers to the process of transforming raw data into numerical features that can be processed while preserving the information in the original data set.

In discussion section, we addressed the rational for using deep learning-based feature extraction method and “Haralick” method. Haralick features are derived from the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix. This matrix records how many times two gray-level pixels adjacent to each other appear in an image. Then based on this matrix, Haralick proposes 13 values that can be extracted from the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix to quantify texture.

The traditional feature extraction approaches including Principal Component Analysis, Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based techniques are not well defined as image-derived text data is an important source for NLP-based systems. The objects recognized in images (nouns) can be linked to actions (verbs) and attributes (adjectives) described in text, creating a more comprehensive understanding of a scene. The problems are associated with poor alignment of visual and textual data due to differences in data structure and representation. More sophisticated algorithms are required to cope with these issues. Similarly, we cannot use LBP for cone shell detection as it is sensitive to image noise which hinders its ability to accurately capture texture information. The LBP operator compares neighboring pixel intensities, and if there is noise in the image, it can result in incorrect binary values that can affect the resulting LBP histogram.

Reviewer #2

The manuscript can be accepted. I just would like to suggest you include the conclusion heading and try to provide the figures in as higher quality as you can because of the nature of this work. Also, I recommend authors to include some more models rather just being on very simplest model.

We are thankful to worthy reviewer for appreciation. As per your suggestion, we have added a "Conclusion" heading to the manuscript to clearly delineate our findings and their implications. Additionally, we have enhanced the quality of the figures to ensure they meet the standards.

For image recognition, there are numerous methods which have been proposed recently; however, not all models fit specific tasks due to nature of dataset. There is an issue of overfitting upon dealing with small dataset. The model performs well on the training data but then fails on test data, and lacks performance. The application of advanced neural network structures poses a limitation of their implementation upon architecture variation. Deep learning-based pre-trained models including VGG, ResNet, and Inception are considered as more accurate and efficient in computer vision; however, these models are relatively new and there are certain challenges associated to monitor their benefits.

We have carefully addressed the comments raised by worthy reviewers. We appreciate the opportunity to revise the manuscript and resubmit it for reconsideration.

Thank you for your valuable time.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

pone.0313329.s003.docx (21.5KB, docx)

Decision Letter 1

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

8 Oct 2024

PONE-D-24-36557R1Conus specie recognition through combinatory action of supervised learning and deep learning-based feature extractionPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Rashid,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

Academic Editor


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Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

Additional Editor Comments:

the article need some English editing

can you discuses the literature more ... and compare your finding with other finding

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PLoS One. 2024 Dec 9;19(12):e0313329. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0313329.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

16 Oct 2024



Dear Editor,

On behalf of all coauthors, I would like to thank you and both reviewers for the valuable feedback to enhance the quality of our manuscript entitled “Recognition of Conus Species Using a Combined Approach of Supervised Learning and Deep Learning-Based Feature Extraction”.

1. Proofread the entire manuscript.

We have thoroughly reviewed the manuscript for any grammatical errors and sentence structure anomalies. All sections have been carefully proofread and issues have been resolved. We believe that the manuscript now meets the standards expected for publication in terms of readability.

2. Compare current approach with previous approaches.

We have carefully addressed the comments raised by worthy reviewers. We appreciate the opportunity to revise the manuscript and resubmit it for reconsideration.

Thank you for your valuable time.


Sajid Rashid


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

pone.0313329.s004.docx (16.6KB, docx)

Decision Letter 2

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

23 Oct 2024

Recognition of Conus Species Using a Combined Approach of Supervised Learning and Deep Learning-Based Feature Extraction


Dear Dr. Rashid,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Patrick Goymer

Staff Editor


on behalf of

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Ramada Rateb Khasawneh

29 Oct 2024



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Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Species distribution on the basis of RGB intensities.

    Average predicted values were 70.23 for R, 88.12 for average G, and 107.98 for B. A) First 59 species (X-axis) with their respective RGB values (Y-axis). B) Last 60 species (X-axis) with their respective RGB values (Y-axis).


    pone.0313329.s001.tif (491.5KB, tif)
    S1 Table. Specie prediction results.

    Highlighted five rows indicate wrong predictions.


    pone.0313329.s002.docx (22.7KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    pone.0313329.s003.docx (21.5KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    pone.0313329.s004.docx (16.6KB, docx)

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS