1. Original version of introduction
[In general, palm oil supply chain can be divided into three main segments: the upstream and midstream segment involving plantations and palm oil mills respectively, and the downstream segment (fig. 1). Plantations serve as the fundamental component of the palm oil supply chain, producing the fresh fruit bunches (FFB). Based on the revised Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification in 2023, the plantations can be categorised based on the type of ownership as independent smallholders (plantation area smaller than 40 ha), organised smallholders (plantations ranging from 40 to 1000 ha), and plantation companies (plantations with more than couple of thousands of hectares) [4].
2. Original version of literature review
[Similarly, the Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) has also introduced its own MSPO GHG calculator, which is utilised to estimate emissions for GHG reporting by its certified plantations and palm oil mills.]
3. Original version of methodology
[Moreover, the revised MSPO 2.0 certification has set a no deforestation cut-off date as December 31, 2019. In fact, this certification forbids planting or expanding into forested or areas with high biodiversity. As of now, 93 % of the industry is MSPO certified [4]. Therefore, the newly certified plantations under MSPO 2.0 will not come from either conversion of natural forest or peatlands.]
4. Original version of recommendations
[Malaysia has formulated and rolled out several policies and regulations for reducing emissions. For instance, Malaysia recently implemented the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme.]
[These errors have been identified by the author and the changes suggested as mentioned below.]
5. New version of introduction
[In general, palm oil supply chain can be divided into three main segments: the upstream and midstream segment involving plantations and palm oil mills respectively, and the downstream segment (fig. 1). Plantations serve as the fundamental component of the palm oil supply chain, producing the fresh fruit bunches (FFB). Based on the revised Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification in 2022, the plantations can be categorised based on the type of ownership as independent smallholders (planted area less than 40.46 ha), organised smallholders (less than 40.46 ha), and small oil palm estates (40.46 ha to 500 ha) and large oil palm estates (more than 500 ha) [4 revised link: https://mspo.org.my/mspo-blogs/overview-of-revised-mspo-standards-ms25302022].
6. New version of literature review
[Similarly, the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) has also introduced its own MSPO GHG calculator, which is utilised to estimate emissions for GHG reporting by its certified plantations and palm oil mills.]
7. New version of methodology
[Moreover, the revised MSPO revised standards has set a no deforestation cut-off date as December 31, 2019. In fact, this certification forbids planting or expanding into forested or areas with high biodiversity. As of December 2023, 93 % of the industry is MSPO certified [4]. Therefore, the newly certified plantations under the MSPO revised standards will not come from either conversion of natural forest or peatlands.]
8. New version of recommendations
[Malaysia has formulated and rolled out several policies and regulations for reducing emissions. For instance, Malaysia recently revised the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme.]
The authors apologize for the errors. Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been updated to correct the errors.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.