Women with vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), lichen sclerosus (LS) and Paget's disease are referred either to gynaecologists or to dermatologists. We have ascertained the caseloads, referral patterns and treatment modalities used in the two specialties. A postal questionnaire was sent to 540 consultant gynaecologists and 225 consultant and senior registrar members of the British Association of Dermatologists. 350 gynaecologists and 161 dermatologists returned completed questionnaires. The workload of LS and Paget's disease was evenly distributed, with 54% of dermatologists and 58% of gynaecologists seeing more than six cases of LS per annum and less than 1% seeing more than five cases of Paget's disease. 92% of responding gynaecologists saw at least one case of VIN per year whereas 43% of dermatologists saw no cases. Patients with VIN and Paget's were referred to gynaecologists for treatment by 66% of dermatologists. Both groups are equally prepared to treat LS. Indications for treatment of VIN and LS were suspicion of invasion and symptoms. Local excision of VIN is the treatment of choice by both gynaecologists and dermatologists. LS is predominantly treated with topical steroids but gynaecologists also use topical oestrogen and testosterone. The great majority of responders favoured establishing a national register to study the outcome of vulval lesions.
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