The Public Health Service's Interagency Committee to Improve Access to Immunization Services (ICI) has responsibility for improving the immunization protection of the nation's children and other vulnerable populations. ICI's Action Plan to Improve Access to Immunization Services sets 14 goals with 120 action steps for improving immunization services nationwide by (a) increasing coordination among Federal health, income, housing, education, and nutrition programs; (b) reducing policy and management barriers that limit access to delivery systems, and (c) strengthening the delivery infrastructure. To accomplish the goals of the plan, there is a $72.0 million increase in funding appropriated in fiscal year 1992 specifically for this purpose. The President's Budget for fiscal year 1993 includes a $24.5 million increase for continued program implementation. The additional resources will be used to address delivery and access problems, which have been determined to be the primary factors limiting immunization for many children.