Using time-resolved IR spectroscopy, we monitored the kinetics of folding and unfolding processes of a photoswitchable 16-residue alanine-based α-helical peptide on a timescale from few picoseconds to almost 40 μs and over a large temperature range (279–318 K). The folding and unfolding processes were triggered by an ultrafast laser pulse that isomerized the cross linker within a few picoseconds. The main folding and unfolding times (700 ns and 150 ns, respectively, at room temperature) are in line with previous T-jump experiments obtained from similar peptides. However, both processes show complex, strongly temperature-dependent spectral kinetics that deviate clearly from a single-exponential behavior. Whereas in the unfolding experiment the ensemble starts from a well defined folded state, the starting ensemble in the folding experiment is more heterogeneous, which leads to distinctly different kinetics of the experiments, because they are sensitive to different regions of the energy surface. A qualitative agreement with the experimental data-set can be obtained by a model where the unfolded states act as a hub connected to several separated “misfolded” states with a distribution of rates. We conclude that a rather large spread of rates (k1 : kn ≈ 9) is needed to explain the experimentally observed stretched exponential response with stretching factor β = 0.8 at 279 K.
Protein relaxation and protein folding kinetics are in many cases extremely complex processes, mainly because of the large distribution of the time scales of processes (1). This complexity often results in nonexponential kinetics and leads to the kinetics depending on the monitored observable (2–5). Because of their relatively fast folding times and plainness, a large amount of work has been concentrated on α-helix formation of Ala-rich model peptides with strong helix-propensity (6–8). Because the α-helix is one of the predominant secondary structures in many proteins and peptides, detailed understanding of its conformational dynamics can give important insight into the conformational dynamics of naturally occurring proteins.
Helix dynamics have been studied for the most part by using laser induced T-jump methods to perturb the equilibrium, and the subsequent conformational dynamics are detected either by time-resolved IR spectroscopy (9–13), by fluorescence (14, 15), or by Raman scattering techniques (16). It has been established for some time that helix folding is not a two-state process (17). The overall relaxation of an α-helical peptide after an unfolding perturbation has been found to occur between 120 ns and 420 ns, at room temperature (9–12, 14, 15). The folding of an α-helix has been found to occur with a time constant of ≈1.2 μs (13, 18). However, molecular dynamics simulations suggest that polypeptides can undergo considerable structural changes within 1 ns or less (19–21). By means of a triplet-triplet-quenching technique, intramolecular contact formation between side chains and intramolecular chain diffusion of a polypeptide have been observed experimentally to take place in the order of 20 ns (22, 23). Thus, an ≈10-ns time resolution (the typical time-resolution of T-jump experiments) is not necessarily sufficient to resolve these fast processes taking place during the early phases of a folding or an unfolding process (7).
To study both folding and unfolding for one and the same molecule, Woolley and coworkers (24, 25) have designed photoswitchable peptides where a crosslinked photoisomerizable azobenzene determines the helix propensity of the peptide. When the crosslinker is attached to two cysteines spaced 11 residues apart, the α-helical conformation is stabilized by the linker in its trans conformation, while in the cis conformation, the linker considerably diminishes the helicity of the peptide, and as such, the free energy surfaces of these conformations are considerable different (See Fig. 1A) (24, 25). Moreover, because the isomerization of the linker is ultrafast (26), folding and unfolding can be triggered with high time-resolution (18, 27–29). The sequence of the peptide, Ac-AACARAAAARAAACRA-NH2 (hereafter noted as the AARA peptide), is the same as that used in many T-jump studies (10, 14, 16) but is slightly different from the one studied in our previous report (18), where additional salt bridges stabilized the helical form.
Fig. 1.
Photoswitchable peptide and its steady-state CO absorption spectrum. (A) Schematic models of the cis (Upper) and trans (Bottom) peptides, illustrating the conformational transition induced by the photoswitchable linker. Hydrogens and side chains are omitted for clarity. (B) FTIR absorbance spectrum of the peptide in the trans (solid line) and cis (dashed line) states. The cis spectrum was constructed by using the trans spectrum and the cis–trans difference spectrum assuming 65% conversion to the cis form [estimation from the UV-visible absorbance difference (data not shown)]. (C) FTIR difference spectrum of the peptide under 436-nm (trans − cis, solid line) or 365-nm irradiation (cis − trans, dashed line) at room temperature. The FTIR difference spectra of the crosslinker under the same irradiation conditions are shown as a dotted line (trans − cis) and a dash-dotted line (cis − trans).
In an “energy landscape picture,” the aim is to reduce the overwhelmingly large coordination space, which obviously exist in protein dynamics, to a few (typically one) representative reaction coordinates. Along that reaction coordinate, a free energy surface can be established to account for the thermodynamics, and at the same time one is hoping that kinetics can also be modeled by using some diffusion process on that surface (30–33). Conceptually, the first step is always possible whether a “good” or “bad” reaction coordinate has been chosen, but the second step is problematic and depends on the choice of the reaction coordinate (34, 35).
T-jump experiments have often been modeled by “initiation–propagation models” (or the kinetic zipper model) (5, 14, 36). Each residue of the polypeptide chain is considered to exist in one of two possible configurations [coil-like (c) or helical-like (h)] the latter having lower entropy because of the smaller number of possible conformations. Although this type of analysis successfully describes a large number of helix relaxation data, the initiation-propagation model has a tendency to predict compressed rather than stretched exponential kinetics in the folding direction (14, 33), which contradicts the results of our experiments (this study and ref. 18). Moreover, molecular dynamic simulations of small peptides (37–41), consistently demonstrate the existence of low free energy traps in the unfolded state that are mostly due to nonnative hydrogen bonds. This idea has recently been supported by UV resonance Raman experiments, which suggested that, e.g., 310 helices might act as traps as well, in particular for low temperatures (42). Such misfolded traps are completely ignored in initiation–propagation models. However, if these misfolded traps turn out to be rate limiting, and neither initiation nor propagation of the helix itself, then the number of native contacts will no longer be a good reaction coordinate that can be used to describe the kinetics of folding.
We demonstrate in this study that detecting both folding and unfolding processes of an α-helix over a large range of temperatures and a wide span of time (from ≈30 ps up to 36 μs) permits a more detailed discussion of the energy landscapes of both the folded and unfolded states.
Steady-State IR Spectroscopy.
Throughout this article, conformational changes of the peptide are followed by detecting changes of the amide I′ band (CO stretch), because this band is very sensitive to transition dipole coupling effects and to the H-bonding of the C
O-group (43). The absorption spectra of the crosslinked AARA peptide in its trans state and in its cis state are shown in Fig. 1B. The FTIR difference spectra between the folded conformation (trans state) and unfolded conformation (cis state), measured under illumination either at 435 nm or 365 nm, respectively, are shown in Fig. 1C. As observed in many other spectroscopic studies (9–13, 18, 44), the amide I′ mode shifts to lower frequency in the folded conformation, and therefore the absorption difference spectrum shows a positive signal ≈1,633 cm−1 and negative signals ≈1,655 cm−1 and 1,680 cm−1 (solid line). Indeed, the crosslinker increases considerably the helix propensity in its trans state (24, 25), as is demonstrated by CD measurements (Table 1). The perfect mirror symmetry of the folding and unfolding FTIR difference spectra demonstrates the reversibility of the processes.
Table 1.
Helicities, folding times, and unfolding times of the photoswitchable peptide
Helicity, % |
Folding |
Unfolding |
Temp., °C | Trans | Cis | τ1f, ps | τ2f, ns | τ3f, ns | β3f | Temp., °C | τ1u, ps | τ22u, ns | τ33u, ns |
6 | 66 | 20 | 80 | 18 | 1,370 | 0.80 | ||||
12 | 64 | 18 | 120 | 17 | 1,040 | 0.82 | 8 | 50 | 9 | 370 |
19 | 60 | 13 | 100 | 15 | 770 | 0.91 | 19 | 40 | 5 | 160 |
32 | 55 | 10 | 140 | 15 | 430 | 1.0 | 29 | 30 | 3 | 90 |
45 | 46 | 11 | 140 | 6 | 270 | 0.98 | 41 | 20 | 1 | 50 |
Helicities in the trans and cis states of the linker are estimated from the CD signal at [θ]222 without irradiation (for the trans state) and <365-nm irradiation (for the cis state). A 65% conversion to the cis form under 365-nm light is used [based on the UV-visible absorbance difference (data not shown)]. The folding and unfolding times at various temperatures are fitted with three time constants, and in the case of folding, one free stretching factor was used (β3). The wavelength-dependent amplitudes of the components at room temperature are shown as decay-associated difference spectra [εl(ν )] in Fig. 3. The estimated error of the analysis is 10% for the CD experiment, 30% for the two first-lifetime components, 10% for τ3, and 5% for β.
Time Evolution of the IR Spectra.
Overall, the spectral dynamics of the folding process triggered by 425 nm excitation of the molecules in the cis state closely resemble the results reported in ref. 18 (Fig. 2A). The early signals up to 30 ps are omitted, because they are dominated by the response of the linker, which is heated by absorption of the UV photon and subsequent ultrafast electronic relaxation of the azobenzene moiety (18, 45). The first signal that can be unambiguously assigned to the dynamics of the peptide is seen as a broad bleach at the position of the amide I′ band ≈30 ps after the laser flash (Fig. 2A, cyan line). This indicates a perturbation of the peptide backbone by the stretching of the photoswitch in the early times after the excitation pulse. The broad bleach undergoes a blue shift and disappears within 45 ns (red and green lines). Then, a spectrum with a shape similar to the steady-state difference spectrum (Fig. 1C) appears at ≈140 ns after the laser flash (Fig. 2A, blue line) consistent with the formation of the α-helix structure. The final spectrum is obtained after 3.6 μs (black line).
Fig. 2.
Time-resolved IR-spectra of the folding and unfolding processes at room temperature. (A) Transient absorption signal after 425-nm excitation, which corresponds to the spectral dynamics of the folding process of the α-helix. (B) Transient absorption signal after 380-nm excitation, which corresponds to the spectral dynamics of the unfolding process of the α-helix. The D2O heat signal is subtracted from the spectra. The FTIR difference spectrum (dashed lines; compare Fig. 1C) are scaled for better comparison. The arrows indicate the direction of the spectral evolution.
Fig. 2B shows the spectral evolution of the unfolding process triggered by 380 nm excitation of the molecules in the trans state. The signals due to peptide dynamics are smaller overall in the unfolding experiment, because the quantum yield of the azo linked peptide for the trans → cis isomerization (0.08) is much smaller than that of the cis → trans isomerization (0.62) (46). The spectrum at 30 ps after the laser flash is again dominated by relaxation of the linker, which is seen as negative signals at 1,600 cm−1 and 1,670 cm−1 and a positive signal at 1,645 cm−1 (Fig. 2B, cyan line). A narrow bleach at ≈1630 cm−1, which reports perturbations in the peptide, can be observed 70 ps after the laser flash (red line). The unfolding signal develops further over 2 ns (green line), and after 50 ns, the signal is more than half-way complete (blue line), although the spectral shapes between 1,660 cm−1 and 1,680 cm−1 are still underdeveloped. The final spectrum, which closely resembles the steady-state cis–trans difference spectrum (Fig. 1C), is obtained ≈700 ns after excitation (Fig. 2B, black line). Thus, at room temperature, the unfolding process is about five times faster than the folding process.
Temperature Dependent Amide I′ Dynamics.
Fig. 3 shows time traces at various wavelengths of the amide I′ band during the folding and unfolding processes at various temperatures. Immediate observations for the folding (Fig. 3 A–H Upper) and unfolding (Fig. 3 A–H Lower) processes are as follows: (i) a strong temperature dependence of both processes, (ii) strong nonexponentiality at low temperatures in the folding experiment and at all temperatures in the unfolding experiment where a clear biphasic behavior can be observed, and (iii) the spectroscopic responses are different at different wavelengths, in agreement with earlier observations made by using T-jump experiments (9, 10).
Fig. 3.
Kinetic traces of folding and unfolding processes. (A–F) Dynamic helix folding (A–C) and unfolding (D–F) signals at various temperatures (black, lowest temperature; blue, highest temperature) observed at 1,630 cm−1, 1,657 cm−1, and at 1,677 cm−1. The traces are normalized to their maxima for better comparison. The data are shown as circles, and the fits are shown as solid lines. (G and H) Room temperature decay-associated difference spectra of the folding and the unfolding processes. The infinitely long component is shown as a blue line.
The time traces observed between 1,616 cm−1 and 1,717 cm−1 were globally fit to
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with a common set of time constants, where ψ(t,λ) is the time resolved spectrum which is a sum of εl(ν) spectra (or decay associated difference spectra) multiplied by exponential decays with time constants τl and stretching factors βl. This is a typical global analysis method (with stretched exponential kinetics) that takes into account both the spectral information and the temporal behavior of the process in ref. 47. The fitted traces are shown as solid lines passing through the measured data points (Fig. 3 A–F). One should note that spectral shifts, which obviously take place in the spectral dynamics of both processes studied, partially obstruct this type of analysis. The rather large error margins associated with the first two time constants (τ1f and τ2f) in the folding process are due to such spectral shifts but also due to the small amplitudes of the folding signal. However, by using a global analysis method, the time scales and the relative magnitudes of particular spectral “events” become clearly apparent. In the unfolding experiment, the time traces show multiphasic behavior. In the folding experiment, spectrally distinct kinetics dictate the use of several components (Fig. 3). Three time constants were found to be required for a satisfactory fit of the data for both the folding and unfolding processes. In principle, one should be able to fit a stretching factor for each component, but the stretching factor could reliably be fitted only for the main folding phase (β3f) as a free parameter, because of its clear spectral and temporal separation from the other components. The fitting parameters are collected in Table 1, and the wavelength-dependent amplitudes of the components εl(ν) at room temperature are plotted in Fig. 3 G and H. The spectra ε1(ν) to ε3(ν) (circles) correspond to the amplitudes of the change of the signal to the final spectrum εinf(ν), which has infinite lifetime (blue line).
It is obvious that the spectral dynamics are entirely different in the unfolding process (which is usually studied in T-jump experiments) from those of the folding process (Figs. 2 and 3). In the case of folding (Table 1 and Fig. 3G), the first component shows the blue shift of the broad bleach, observed in the time evolution of the IR-spectra (see Fig. 2). A further blue-shift and the disappearance of the broad bleach take place during τ2f. The third lifetime corresponds to the main folding phase. The amplitudes of the first two components are much smaller than that of the third component and only the third phase shows a distinct temperature dependence, both in terms of time constant and the stretching factor (τ3f, and β3f, respectively). In the unfolding process (Table 1 and Fig. 3H), the first time constant is dominated by the dynamics of the linker, because the signals from the peptide are much smaller. In contrast to the folding experiment, the transient signal during the subsequent 10 ns of the unfolding process shows clear absorption changes, a considerable decay amplitude [ε2(ν) in Fig. 3H], and a clear temperature dependence. The final part of the unfolding process takes place in the 100-ns range [ε3(ν) in Fig. 3H). All time components are strongly temperature-dependent (Table 1).
It has been argued that the trans state of the linker stabilizes the α-helix structure but does not force the molecule into this secondary structure (18). In the early phase of the folding process the spectral responses in the amide I′ difference signal are relatively minor compared with the overall signal. The broad bleach ≈1,630 cm−1, observed ≈30 ps after initiation of the folding process (Fig. 2A), suggests that a number of (native or nonnative) hydrogen bonds responsible for the small helicity in the cis conformation break because of the isomerization of the linker. However, the conformational space of the initial state in the unfolding experiment is much narrower (see Fig. 1A), especially at low temperatures, and therefore the isomerization of the linker can be expected to rapidly lead to large changes in the peptide. Although the signal from the linker itself is dominant in the unfolding experiment, the effects of the isomerization of the linker on the peptide are observable as a narrow bleach at 1,630 cm−1 as early as 70 ps after the laser flash, indicating an immediate breakage of almost one-third of the (native) H-bonds. The amplitude (Fig. 3D) of this phase indicates that a larger number of hydrogen bonds are broken at lower temperatures, consistent with the larger helicity of the peptide at lower temperatures (Table 1). However, although a considerable fraction of the response of the unfolded state occurs on a picosecond timescale (up to 2 ns), further unfolding processes take place up to a few hundreds ns. The unfolding behavior of the peptide observed during this time is similar to that observed in T-jump experiments on closely related peptides (9–13), suggesting that our molecule behaves in a way similar to unlinked α-helices. Although one should keep in mind that the photoswitch might reduce the accessible configuration space, the molecule still shows much of the complexity of protein folding.
In agreement with earlier studies (9, 10, 13, 14, 18), we find that the folding and unfolding of an α-helix are strongly thermally activated (Figs. 3 and 4). From the slopes of the logarithmic rate constant as a function of reciprocal temperature (Fig. 4), one would conclude that a large enthalpic barrier exists between folded and unfolded states (31 kJ/mol for folding and 37 kJ/mol for unfolding). In a two-state picture, such a high barrier would lead to single-exponential kinetics, in clear contradiction to the experimentally observed nonexponential response.
Fig. 4.
Logarithmic folding and unfolding rates as a mean decay rate at various temperatures estimated from the integrated area under the normalized signal at 1,630 cm−1 and at 1,677 cm−1 for folding and unfolding, respectively.
In our previous study we resolved the conflict between a high apparent folding barrier on the one hand and nonexponential kinectics on the other hand by introducing a diffusive process on a relatively shallow one-dimensional free energy surface (18). In this case, the temperature dependence would be governed by a super-Arrhenius law (48); that is, by many but much smaller barriers on a rugged energy surface. Initiation–propagation models, in contrast, would provide a reasonable fit for the unfolding experiment for any given temperature.
However, without adding a strongly temperature-dependent diffusion constant to the model (with a variation that exceeds that expected because of the change of solvent viscosity), initiation–propagation models cannot resolve the conflict between apparent high activation barrier and nonexponential kinetics (15). This is because the free energy surface consists of two wells, i.e., effectively a two-state systems, except when the barrier is in the range of kBT or smaller [which is the case when a double (31) or multiple (33) sequence approach is used]. Furthermore, as discussed in detail and on quite general grounds in ref. 33, initiation–propagation models (as well as downhill folding models) have the tendency to produce compressed rather than stretched exponential kinetics for the folding direction, where the ensemble is approaching the state the spectroscopic observable is most sensitive to. In fact, compressed kinetics has been predicted already quite some time ago for the folding direction (see figure 10 of ref. 14) but remained undiscussed.
All these models have in common that they try to reduce the kinetics onto a one-dimensional free energy surface. In this case, the total of all experimental observations (i.e., folding and unfolding kinetics of one and the same molecule including all relevant timescales from picoseconds to microseconds and in a large temperature range) render constraints on the nature of the free energy surface that are difficult to resolve. If, however, one gives up the assumption of diffusion on a one-dimentional surface, the constraints are significantly less. Indeed, in network analyses of the folding of similarly small peptides, it has been argued that the conformational ensemble of small peptides in solution is composed of relatively few clusters of states (40, 41, 39, 49), comprising the native (folded) state and misfolded states trapped by nonnative hydrogen bonds and potentially salt-bridges. The network analysis furthermore suggests that one misfolded state can transfer into another misfolded state only through a hub, whereas the direct transfer between misfolded states is significantly slower (40). Reducing these ideas to a simple kinetic scheme, one arrives at a model where an ensemble of unfolded states U is connected to a set of misfolded traps in a star-like manner (Fig. 5). Here, we discuss to what extent such a scenario can account for our experimental findings.
Fig. 5.
Kinetic model. Kinetic scheme connecting the folded state (F) with a few traps (T1-T5) through an ensemble of unfolded states (U) in a star-like manner. The thickness of the arrows connecting the states symbolize a distribution of rates. (A and B) Shown are the population flow in folding (A) and unfolding (B) experiments, respectively. (C and D) Energetics of the relevant states at low (C) and high (D) temperatures.
In the folding experiment (Fig. 5A), all traps are initially populated and feed into the folded states (F) through the unfolded ensemble U. The response, therefore, will be a relatively nonspecific sum of all contributions that results in stretched exponential relaxation provided the individual rates kt, are all different. Solving a system of rate equations according to Fig. 5A with equally distributed barrier heights (assuming that the folding rate kt is not rate limiting, see below) shows that a spread of rates ≈9 is required to obtain a stretching factor of β = 0.8 (a spread of ≈20 is needed for the larger stretching factor β = 0.7 in ref. 18). Thus, although a stretching factor of β = 0.8 appears to be a relatively small deviation from exponential behavior, it can be the result of dramatic effects on a microscopic level (50).
In the unfolding experiment (Fig. 5B), in contrast, the process starts from the better defined folded state F. Initially, it will feed only into kinetically favored states (Fig. 5B, T1). Only after longer times will thermodynamic equilibrium be achieved, which may even disfavor the kinetically favored states. In an unfolding experiment, the ensemble of trajectories will initially be much more focused than in the folding experiment, because it starts from a defined state F, rather than from a broad distribution of states. In other words, the ensemble of trajectories will initially follow a relatively specific pathway. This is in qualitative agreement with a number of experimental observations: the distinct biphasic kinetics (Fig. 3E), the large amplitude ε2(ν) observed in the early phase of the unfolding experiment (Fig. 3H), and the stronger wavelength dependence in the unfolding experiment (Fig. 3 E and F versus Fig. 3 B and C). In fact, solving a rate equation system according to the model in Fig. 5B leads to two distinct timescales for the unfolding experiment. Hence, the counterpart to the stretched exponential response in the folding experiment (component τ3f in Table 1) is the biphasic response in the unfolding experiment with two distinct timescales (components τ 2u and τ3u in Table 1). Component τ2f is negligibly small in the folding experiment (Fig. 3G). Solving the same system of rate equations furthermore suggests that the ratio of folding versus unfolding rates is a qualitative measure of the number of accessible traps (if one assumes that the photoswitch modifies the energetics of the folded state solely, and not that of any barrier relative to the traps). As we observe a value of ≈5 for that ratio experimentally, we conclude that indeed only relatively few such traps exist. In part, this might be due to the photoswitch that reduces the accessible configuration space of the molecule.
The average rate increases with temperature and at the same time the nonexponential response disappears (Table 1). In the framework of the model discussed here, this can be understood as follows: The unfolded ensemble U is the one with the highest entropy (because, as open structure it has the largest conformational space) and the highest enthalpy (because hydrogen-bonds are missing). As such, its free energy varies strongest with temperature, such that it might effectively act as a transition state at low temperatures (Fig. 5C). In this case, the inhomogeneous distribution of rates between U and the trapped states are relevant, rendering the overall kinetics nonexponential. At high temperatures, in contrast, the unfolded state U is lowered, shifting the equilibrium toward the unfolded state U, away from both the folded state F and the traps Ti (Fig. 5D). The molecules that fold directly out of the unfolded state U will lead to essentially exponential kinetics. Furthermore, the folding barrier has disappeared, and the individual rates from the traps will approach the more uniform “speed limit” of folding on an essentially flat free energy surface (22, 23). In fact, the fastest time constants we observe in our experiment (τ2 in Table 1) coincide with reported values of the folding speed limit. In agreement with experiment, the transition between nonexponential and exponential kinetics will occur in the same temperature regime as the shift of the equilibrium constant, because the temperature variation of the unfolded state U is responsible for both effects.
If one were to combine all misfolded traps Ti together with the unfolded ensemble U into one thermodynamic state, that state would be entropically lowered, and one could regain an initiation–propagation model. From the perspective of thermodynamics, this is, of course, possible. From the perspective of kinetics, however, such an unification is meaningful only if the folding-rate kt were the rate limiting step. In this case, however, a two-state model would effectively be recovered, leaving us again with the conflict between high apparent folding barrier and nonexponential kinetics. Similarly, if the traps were connected among each other directly by fast rates, and not through a hub, one could again unify them, still yielding the inconsistency of a one-dimensional reaction coordinate. Hence, within the framework of the star-like model Fig. 5, we can indeed provide experimental validation to the theoretical suggestion of the existence of a hub for folding (40). The hub would be the unfolded state U, but because that is coupled to the folded state F in a non-rate-limiting manner, the latter would effectively be a hub as well (40).
In a one-dimensional diffusion model, the total of all experimental observations renders constraints on the nature of the free energy surface that are difficult to solve and tend to produce contradictions in terms. These problems disappear when giving up the one-dimensional assumption. However, it should be stressed that the problem is highly underdetermined experimentally, and current experiments do not allow one to uniquely resolve it. Only all-atom molecular dynamics simulations can provide the information content sufficient to distill out physical pictures. The set of experimental data presented here is more complete than any experiment so far, and sets clear benchmarks for comparison with computational results. To summarize our key observations: (i) both folding and unfolding show complex spectral kinetics at all time ranges from picoseconds up to microseconds, (ii) the kinetics of both folding and unfolding processes show strong temperature dependence, (iii) different types of kinetics are obtained when one observes folding or unfolding process at different wavelengths within the amide I′ band, (iv) the spectral responses are different in the folding and unfolding experiments, and finally (v) the whole data set can be expressed with a rather simple star-like model. All this has been observed for one molecule. Molecular dynamics simulations of a photoswitchable helical peptide are helical peptide are currently underway to investigate the kinetics at a atomic level of detail and compare them with our experimental data.
Materials and Methods
Peptide Synthesis.
The 16-residue peptide was prepared by using Fmoc-based solid phase peptide synthesis methods (25) (JPT Peptide Technologies, Berlin, Germany). The two cysteine residues were crosslinked with the photoisomerizable linker according to refs. 24 and 25 to obtain the photoswitchable AARA peptide. For the spectroscopic experiments, TFA was removed by liquid chromatography (Bond Elut SAX; Varian, Palo Alto, CA) columns rinsed with H2O, 10 mM phosphate buffer, and 1 mM HCl.
Steady-State IR and CD Measurements.
The desired state of the photoswitch was obtained by properly filtered high-power Hg light before taking IR and CD spectra in FTS 175C (Bio-Rad, Cambridge, MA) or Jasco (Gross-Umstadt, Germany) Model J-710 spectrometers, respectively. The helix content of both conformations was estimated from the CD signal at 222 nm as described in ref. 24.
Time-Resolved IR Spectroscopy.
The dissolved sample was circulated in a closed cycle CaF2 flow cell with a 100-μm optical pathlength (51). The closed cycle was thermostated to ±1°C. The dark-adapted AARA peptide is in the trans-azo conformation (ccis < 1%) (25). To monitor unfolding, the transition from trans (folded) to cis (unfolded) was initiated by a short (700-fs) laser pulse at 380 nm. Between the experiments at different temperatures, the sample was heated to 318 K in darkness for 30 min to relax the small amount of molecules (ccis < 10%) accumulated in the cis conformation back to trans-azo conformation. To monitor folding, the initial cis state was prepared by using continuous UV irradiation with an Ar-Ion Laser (363 nm, 50 mW; Coherent Innova 100, Santa Clara, California). The transition from cis to trans was initiated by a 700-fs laser pulse at 425 nm.
The evolution of the peptide after photoswitching the linker was monitored by time resolved IR spectroscopy. A setup consisting of two synchronized 1-kHz Ti:sapphire-oscillator/regenerative amplifier femtosecond laser systems (Spectra Physics, Mountain View, CA) was used (52). The output of system 1 was frequency doubled to generate pulses at 380 nm or 425 nm. The output of system 2 was used to pump an optical parametric amplifier with a difference frequency-mixing stage to obtain IR probe pulses (100 fs, center frequency 1,620 cm−1, bandwidth 240 cm−1 FWHM) (53). The delay between the pulses of systems 1 and 2 was controlled electronically. The IR output of the optical parametric amplifier was split into a probe and a reference beam, which were focused into the sample with a spot size of 80 μm. The probe beam was centered in the UV pump spot (120 μm) and the reference beam passed the flow cell 1 mm upstream. Probe and reference beams were frequency-dispersed in a spectrometer (Triax Series, Jobin Yvon, France) and imaged onto a 2 × 32 pixel HgCdTe detector (Infrared Associates, Stuart, IL) array.
We thank Amedeo Caflisch for many instructive discussions and Ellen Backus for careful reading of the manuscript. The work was supported by Swiss Science Foundation Grant 200020-107492/1.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
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