The Schubert calculus for G/B can be completely determined by a certain matrix related to the Kostant polynomials introduced in section 5 of Bernstein, Gelfand, and Gelfand [Bernstein, I., Gelfand, I. & Gelfand, S. (1973) Russ. Math. Surv. 28, 1–26]. The polynomials are defined by vanishing properties on the orbit of a regular point under the action of the Weyl group. For each element w in the Weyl group the polynomials also have nonzero values on the orbit points corresponding to elements which are larger in the Bruhat order than w. The main theorem given here is an explicit formula for these values. The matrix of orbit values can be used to determine the cup product for the cohomology ring for G/B, using only linear algebra or as described by Lascoux and Schützenberger [Lascoux, A. & Schützenberger, M.-P. (1982) C. R. Seances Acad. Sci. Ser. A 294, 447–450]. Complete proofs of all the theorems will appear in a forthcoming paper.
Section 1. Introduction
Let G be a semisimple Lie group, H be a Cartan subgroup, W be its corresponding Weyl group with generators σ1, σ2, … σn, and B be a Borel subgroup. Let R = ℂ[h*] be the algebra of polynomial functions on the Cartan subalgebra h. Fix a regular element o ∈ h such that αi(o) is a positive integer, for all simple roots αi. Any Weyl group element v acts on the right on o by the action on the Cartan subalgebra. We define the following interpolating polynomials by their values on the orbit of o.
Definition: The Kostant polynomial Kw is an element of R of degree l(w) (nonhomogeneous) such that
1.1 |
Kw is unique modulo the ideal of all elements of R which vanish on the orbit of o under the Weyl group action.
These polynomials were defined originally by Kostant and appear in theorem 5.9 of ref. 1 for the finite case; they were later generalized by Kostant and Kumar in ref. 2, denoted ξw−1 in their notation. In the case G is SLn, the Kostant polynomials are the double Schubert polynomials (multiplied by a scalar) introduced by Lascoux and Schützenberger (3); see also ref. 4.
The object of study for this announcement is not precisely the Kostant polynomials themselves but instead the values of the Kostant polynomials on the points in the orbit of o under the Weyl group action. From the definition of Kw, we know Kw (ov) is 0 if l(v) ≤ l(w) and v ≠ w. However, the orbit values Kw(ov) if l(v) ≥ l(w) are not specified (though completely determined). The main result of this paper, stated in Theorem 2, is an explicit formula for computing these orbit values, namely
1.2 |
where b = b1b2 ⋯ bp is any fixed reduced word for v, R(w) is the set of all reduced words for w, and the sum is over all sequences 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < … < ik ≤ p such that bi1bi2 ⋯ bik ∈ R(w). The scalar factor appears to normalize Kw(ow) = 1; see Section 4 for the definition. This formula is independent of the choice of reduced word for v, and it exhibits the strong connection between the Kostant polynomials, the Schubert calculus, and the Bruhat order. In Section 5, we show how the matrix of orbit values is related to the cup product in the cohomology ring for the flag manifold G/B, following ref. 2. In fact, the cup product can be determined simply by studying the vectors of orbit values.
We begin with a review of a few results from the renowned paper by Bernstein, Gelfand, and Gelfand (1). In Section 3, the nil-Coxeter algebra is introduced to prove that the orbit value formula is independent of the choice of reduced word. The explicit formula for the orbit values is stated as a theorem and proved in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5 our approach to computing the connection coefficients in the cohomology ring for G/B using vectors of the orbit values is outlined.
Complete proofs of all the statements in this announcement will appear in a forthcoming paper. Please contact the author for the expected publication date.
Section 2. Divided Difference Equations
The divided difference equations defined by Bernstein, Gelfand, and Gelfand are used to recursively compute the Schubert classes, starting from the unique Schubert class of codimension 0, and working up to higher codimension. In this section we show that these operators also act nicely on the Kostant polynomials. The divided difference equations for Kostant polynomials also lead to a recursive method for computing the vector of orbit values for these polynomials.
Recall that we have defined R to be the ring of polynomials over the Cartan subalgebra, ℂ[h*]. Let α1, α2, … , αn be simple roots in the root system Δ, which is contained in the ambient vector space with a symmetric bilinear form (α, β) which is positive definite over the real span of the roots. Let Δ+ (Δ−) be the positive roots (negative roots) with respect to this choice of simple roots. The generators σ1, σ2, … , σn of W are the reflections over the hyperplane perpendicular to the corresponding simple roots. The reflections act on vectors v ∈ V by σi(v) = v − 〈v, αi〉αi where
2.1 |
For each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, the divided difference operator ∂i : R → R acts on f ∈ R by‡
2.2 |
Let I be the ideal generated by the Weyl group invariants of positive degree. The action of the divided difference operators preserves I. Hence, each ∂i acts on the quotient R/I as well. If α : H*(G/B, ℚ) → R/I is the Borel isomorphism, let 𝔖w, the Schubert class of w, be the image of the Schubert cycle in H*(G/B, ℚ) corresponding to w0w under this map, where w0 is the longest element in the Weyl group.
Proposition 2.1 (ref. 1, theorems 3.14 and 3.15). The Schubert classes 𝔖w ∈ R/I have the property
2.3 |
Furthermore, the Schubert class 𝔖 is given by
2.4 |
The Schubert classes and the highest homogeneous component of the Kostant polynomials are the same modulo I up to a constant. Below the correct statement is given in our notation.
Proposition 2.2 (ref. 1, theorem 5.9). Let K be the form of highest degree in Kw. Then, the image of Kw0 in R/I is equal to
2.5 |
The next theorem shows that the divided difference operators satisfy a modified recursive formula. This theorem has also been given by Kostant and Kumar in ref. 2 for the case of an arbitrary Kac–Moody Lie algebra.
Theorem 1. For w ∈ W the divided difference operator ∂i acts on Kw as follows
2.6 |
Proof: The proof follows from evaluating ∂iKw at the orbit points of length less than or equal to the length of wσi. □
Corollary 2.3. The orbit values Kw(ov) can be computed recursively from the top down. Namely, K(ov) is 1 if v = w0 and 0 otherwise. If w ≠ w0 there exists an i such that l(w) < l(wσi), let u be wσi. Then for any v ∈ W,
2.7 |
Corollary 2.3 gives an algorithm to compute the values Kw(ov). We will use this corollary in Section 4 to prove the formula for orbit values.
Section 3. The Nil-Coxeter Algebra
In this section, we allow W to be the Weyl group for an arbitrary Kac–Moody Lie algebra. Let 𝒜 = 𝒜W be the nil-Coxeter algebra for W. In other words, if W is generated by σ1, σ2, … , σn with relations given by (σiσj)mij = 1, then 𝒜 is generated as an algebra over R = ℂ[h*] by u1, u2, … , un with the relations
3.1 |
3.2 |
As a vector space over R, a basis for 𝒜 is given by {uw : w ∈ W}, where uw represents the equivalent products ua1ua2 ⋯ uap for any a1a2 ⋯ ap ∈ R(w). The Weyl group acts on 𝒜 by acting on the elements in R, and the generators ui are fixed by all elements in the Weyl group.
Following the notation of Fomin and Kirillov (section 1 of ref. 5), we define the Yang–Baxter operators hi: R → 𝒜 by
3.3 |
The relations among the Weyl group generators impose relations on the hi(x)’s as well. It is well known that a minimal set of relations among the generators of a Weyl group are of the form (σiσj) = 1. If W is the Weyl group of a semisimple Lie algebra, then the only possibilities for mij are 2, 3, 4, or 6.
Proposition 3.1 (sections 1, 4, and 6 of ref. 5). Given any Weyl group of a semisimple Lie algebra, the Yang–Baxter operators satisfy the following Yang–Baxter equations:
3.4 |
3.5 |
3.6 |
3.7 |
It is well known (ref. 6, p. 14) that the set of roots {σb1σb2 ⋯ σbk−1αbk : 1 ≤ k ≤ p} is equal to Δ+ ∩ vΔ−, hence independent of the choice of reduced word. Next we define a family of polynomials which are closely related to this set.
Definition: For any v ∈ W and any reduced word a = a1a2 ⋯ ap for v, define a root polynomial for a in the nil-Coxeter algebra 𝒜 by
3.8 |
For example, if the root system is of type A2, the Weyl group is the symmetric group, S3. Let α1 and α2 be the simple roots. For i = 1 or 2, σiαi = −αi and σiαj = α1 + α2 for i different from j. The word 121 is a reduced word of the permutation [3, 2, 1] (written in one-line notation). Then R121 is given by
3.9 |
3.10 |
In fact, we show in the next theorem that ℜ for a ∈ R(v) depends only on the Weyl group element v and not on the choice of reduced word. Therefore, we can define the root polynomial for v, ℜv to be ℜ for any a ∈ R(v).
Theorem 2. For any v ∈ W, choose any reduced word a = a1a2 ⋯ ap ∈ R(v), then
3.11 |
is well defined.
Independently, J. Stembridge has shown that this theorem holds for all Coxeter groups (7). His proof does not depend on case-by-case computations.
Proof: One can easily verify that for any position i,
3.12 |
since (1 + σa1 ⋯ σi ⋯ σak−1αkuk) = σa1 ⋯ σai(1 + σi+1 ⋯ σk−1αkuk). Hence, the problem is reduced to showing that ℜs = ℜs′, where s = ij … and s′ = ji … with l(s) = l(s′) = 2, 3, 4, or 6. The proof follows from Proposition 3.1 applied to the different possibilities for s and s′. □
Section 4. Orbit Value Formula
Let v ∈ W and fix a reduced word b1b2 … bp ∈ R(v). Recall that the roots in the set Δ+ ∩ vΔ− are given by {σb1σb2 ⋯ σbi−1αbi : i ≤ i ≤ p}. In other words, for each initial sequence of the chosen reduced word, σb1σb2 ⋯ σbj−1αbj is a positive root in the set Δ+ ∩ vΔ−. Associate a scalar to the jth root by evaluating it at the fixed orbit point o,
4.1 |
Let πv be the scalar obtained as follows,
4.2 |
Note that πv is equal to the product rb(1)rb(2) ⋯ rb(p).
Theorem 3. Let v, w ∈ W and fix a reduced word b = b1b2 … bp for v. The orbit values of Kw are given by
4.3 |
where is defined by Eq. 4.1 and the sum is over all sequences 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < … < ik ≤ p such that bi1bi2 ⋯ bik ∈ R(w). Furthermore, the sum in Eq. 4.3 is independent of the choice of b ∈ R(v).
Proof: First, note that the sum in Eq. 4.3 is the coefficient of uw in the root polynomial ℜv from Section 3. It was shown in Theorem 2 that ℜv is well defined for any choice of reduced word. Therefore, the coefficient of uw in ℜv is also independent of our choice of reduced word for v.
Second, we show that Eq. 4.3 holds by decreasing induction on the length of w. For the longest element w0 ∈ W we know (ow0) = 1 and (ov) = 0 for all v ∈ W such that l(v) < l(w0). This agrees with Eq. 4.3, since for any b = b1b2 ⋯ bp ∈ R(w0), there is at most one term in the sum and πw = rb(1)rb(2) ⋯ rb(p). Therefore, we can assume by induction that Eq. 4.3 holds for all u ∈ W such that l(u) > l(w). The proof follows by Corollary 2.3 and the inductive hypothesis. □
Corollary 4.1. The value πwKw(ov) is a nonnegative integer provided αi(o) is a positive integer for each simple root αi.
The following corollaries are simple consequences of Theorem 3. They were also shown in ref. 2.
Corollary 4.2. The orbit values Kw(ov) and Kw(ovσi) are equal if and only if l(w) < l(wσi).
Corollary 4.3. The orbit value Kw(ov) is different from 0 if and only if w ≤ v in the Bruhat order.
Section 5. Determination of the Cup Product in the Cohomology Ring of G/B
In this section the main application of Theorem 3 is described. The highest homogeneous component of a Kostant polynomial represents a Schubert class. Therefore, the highest homogeneous component of the product of Kostant polynomials represents the product of Schubert classes. It will be shown that one can find the expansion of products of Kostant polynomials in the basis of Kostant polynomials by using the vectors of orbit values. This method for computing the cup product is much more efficient than previously known techniques, which involved multiplying polynomials and possibly reducing modulo the ideal of invariants. Also, since it extends to the exceptional root systems, it is more complete than the existing theory of Schubert polynomials defined by Lascoux and Schützenberger (8); see also refs. 4 and 9–11 and many more.
Fix a total order on the Weyl group elements which respects the partial order determined by length. We define the orbit value vector Vw in ℤ to be the vector with entry Kw(ov) in the vth component indexed by the chosen total order. For example, the orbit value vector for the longest element will be (0, 0, … , 0, 1). Note the set {Vw : w ∈ W} is a basis for ℤ, since Kw(ow) ≠ 0 and Kw(ov) = 0 for all v < w in the chosen total order.
Lemma 5.1. Let Vu · Vv be the coordinate-wise product of vectors. If
5.1 |
then the product of Kostant polynomials KuKv (modulo the ideal J of all polynomials which vanish on the orbit of o) expands with the same coefficients,
5.2 |
Furthermore, if l(w) = l(u) + l(v), the coefficients are constants which are independent of the choice of orbit point provided αi(o) is positive for each i.
Corollary 5.2. For u, v, w ∈ W, the coefficient from Eqs. 5.1 and 5.2 can be computed recursively by
5.3 |
It is easy to compute the expansion of any vector in ℤ into the sum of the vectors Vw because of their upper triangular form. The expansion involves only linear algebra. Therefore, I propose one compute the coefficients cuvw in the expansion of 𝔖u𝔖v = ∑cuvw𝔖w by computing VuVv = ∑puvwVw.
Corollary 5.3. For w ∈ W such that l(w) = l(u) + l(v), the structure constant cuvw is equal to puvwπuπvπw−1.
Proof: This follows from Lemma 5.1 and Proposition 2.2. □
Kostant and Kumar (2) have shown that the coefficients puvw in Lemma 5.1 can also be completely determined as coefficients in a product of matrices that depend only on the matrix of orbit values. Let D = [duv] be the matrix with entries indexed by u, v ∈ W, and the entry duv is defined§ to be the orbit value πuKu(ov), computed by either Eq. 2.7 or Eq. 4.3.
Proposition 5.4 (ref. 2). Fix u ∈ W. Let Du be the diagonal matrix with duv along the diagonal. Let Pu be the matrix of coefficients [puvw] from Eq. 5.1. Then
5.4 |
This proposition beautifully demonstrates the relationship between the cup product of the cohomology ring of G/B and the D matrix.
Section 6. Concluding Remarks
While formula 4.3 is presented only for the finite case (i.e., G semisimple), the formula for the orbit values is in fact true for all Kac–Moody Lie algebras. We have shown that the formula is independent of the choice of reduced word for any element of the Weyl group of a Kac–Moody algebra. The given proof of Theorem 3 does not extend to the infinite case because it depends on the existence of a top element. However, S. Kumar has shown that there is an analog for Corollary 2.3 which computes the orbit values starting from the identity and going up in length. He then proves the orbit value formula in the Kac–Moody case, using this recurrence and theorems from ref. 2. The complete version of the paper will contain an abstract outlining the details of Kumar’s proof.
The Kostant polynomials and the double Schubert polynomials defined by Lascoux and Schützenberger (3) are closely related in the case of SLn. Let 𝔖w(X, Y) be the double Schubert polynomial indexed by w on the two alphabets, X and Y. Then Kw(x1, x2, … , xn) = (1/πw)𝔖w(X, o). This fact can be proven by using the combinatorial interpretation for the terms in a double Schubert polynomial defined by Fomin and Kirillov (12). Unfortunately, the Kostant polynomials for the other classical groups do not appear to be related to the double Schubert polynomials as defined by Fulton (11).
It is well known that the structure constants for the product of Schubert classes are nonnegative integers. In fact, the coefficients in the entire Pu matrix appear to be nonnegative integers, provided the orbit point is chosen so that each αi(o) is a positive integer. Can one give formulas analogous to 4.3 for these coefficients that would prove they are nonnegative integers? Note, the D and Du matrices are also composed of nonnegative integers. However, the matrix D−1 contains negative rational numbers.
I am very grateful to Bertram Kostant for inspiring this work. Also, I thank Sergey Fomin, Adriano Garsia, Mark Haiman, Shrawan Kumar, Mark Shimozono, Richard Stanley, David Vogan, and Nolan Wallach for many enlightening suggestions. This work was done with the support of a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.
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