We use Voiculescu’s free probability theory to prove the existence of prime factors, hence answering a longstanding problem in the theory of von Neumann algebras.
In a series of papers, Murray and von Neumann (1–5) introduced and studied certain algebras of Hilbert space operators, also known as rings of operators. They are now known as “von Neumann algebras.”
A von Neumann algebra is a strong-operator closed self-adjoint subalgebra of the algebra of all bounded linear transformations on a Hilbert space. Factors are von Neumann algebras whose centers consist of scalar multiples of the identity. They are the building blocks from which all the von Neumann algebras are built. The most elementary factors, type In factors, are isomorphic to the algebra Mn of all n × n complex matrices. One of the basic constructions with factors (producing other factors) is that of forming the tensor product. For factors of type In, Mp ⊗ Mq is isomorphic to Mpq. Of course, no such tensor decomposition of Mp is possible precisely when p is a prime. The theory of tensor decompositions of factors of type In is little more than the theory of factoring integers into their prime components.
Murray and von Neumann (1) classified factors by means of a relative dimension function. Finite factors are those for which this dimension function has a finite range. For finite factors, this dimension function gives rise to a (unique, when normalized) tracial state. In general, a von Neumann algebra admitting a faithful normal trace is said to be finite. Infinite-dimensional finite factors are called factors of type II1. They are “continuous” matrix algebras. Murray and von Neumann (2) spoke of “continuous dimensionality” in their factors of type II1. In a parallel manner, when we study tensor products of factors of type II1 and their tensor-product decompositions, we may speak of decomposition into “continuous primes.” Factors of type II1 tensored with one another (as von Neumann algebras) produce, again, factors of type II1. Each factor of type II1 may be decomposed as the tensor product of Mn and a factor of type II1 for each n in ℕ. In a sense, the “discrete primes” (that is, 2, 3, 5, …) are not significant in the theory of decomposition into “continuous primes.” The first question of the theory of such decompositions has to be that of the existence of a continuous prime: Is there a factor of type II1 that is not (isomorphic to) the tensor product of two factors of type II1? This problem and some related problems, concerning the basic structure of factors, have been asked and studied by many people (see, e.g., refs. 6 and 7, pp. 4.4.12 and 4.4.45). Popa (6) proves that there are prime factors of type II1 with a nonseparable predual. The separable case remained open. In this paper, we shall answer this question affirmatively.
We describe below, briefly, a basic construction of factors of type II1 by using regular representations of discrete groups. Our main result states that certain factors arising from free groups are prime. An outline of the proof follows the statement. We end with some open questions.
Main Result
There are two main classes of examples of von Neumann algebras introduced by Murray and von Neumann (1, 3). One is obtained from the “group-measure space construction”; the other is based on regular representations of a (discrete) group G (with unit e). The second class is the one needed in this paper. A brief description of that class follows.
The Hilbert space ℋ is l2(G) (with its usual inner product). We assume that G is countable so that ℋ is separable. For each g in G, let Lg denote the left translation of functions in l2(G) by g−1. Then g → Lg is a faithful unitary representation of G on ℋ. Let ℒG be the von Neumann algebra generated by {Lg:g ∈ G}. Similarly, let Rg be the right translation by g on l2(G) and ℛG be the von Neumann algebra generated by {Rg:g ∈ G}. Then the commutant ℒ′G of ℒG is equal to ℛG and ℛ′G = ℒG. The function ug that is 1 at the group element g and 0 elsewhere is a cyclic trace vector for ℒG (and ℛG). In general, ℒG and ℛG are finite von Neumann algebras. They are factors (of type II1) precisely when each conjugacy class in G (other than that of e) is infinite. In this case, we say that G is an infinite conjugacy class (i.c.c.) group.
Specific examples of such II1 factors result from choosing for G any of the free groups Fn on n generators (n ≥ 2), or the permutation group Π of integers ℤ (consisting of those permutations that leave fixed all but a finite subset of ℤ). Murray and von Neumann (3) prove that ℒFn and ℒΠ are not ∗ isomorphic to each other (a deep result). A factor is hyperfinite if it is the ultraweak closure of the ascending union of a family of finite-dimensional self-adjoint subalgebras. In fact, ℒΠ is the unique hyperfinite factor of type II1; it is contained in any factor of type II1; and the tensor product of the hyperfinite II1 factor with itself is ∗ isomorphic to itself. Now we state our main theorem.
Main Theorem.
The free group factor ℒFn associated with the free group on n (≥2) generators is prime, i.e., it is not isomorphic to the tensor product of any two factors of type II1.
We prove this result with the aid of Voiculescu’s free probability theory (8–10) (especially, his recently introduced concept of free entropy) and some geometrical methods for estimating free entropies. We refer to ref. 10 for the basics of free probability theory.
Let ℳ be a von Neumann algebra with a normal faithful trace τ, X1, … , Xn be self-adjoint elements in ℳ. As analogues of classical entropy and of Fisher’s information measure, Voiculescu (8) introduced free entropy χ(X1, … , Xn). Roughly speaking, χ(X1, … , Xn) is the limit of certain normalized measurement of all self-adjoint matrices that approximate X1, … , Xn in joint distributions as the dimension of the matrices tends to infinity. We list some properties of free entropy in the following lemma.
Lemma 1.
Let X1, … , Xn, n ≥ 1, be self-adjoint elements in ℳ (with trace τ), C be τ(X12 + ⋯ + Xn2)1/2 and R0 be max{∥Xj∥ : j = 1, … , n}. Then
(i) (ref. 8; p. 2.2) χ(X1, … , Xn) ≤ n/2 log(2πeC2n−1);
(ii) (ref. 8, p. 4.5) χ(X1) = ∫∫ log|s − t|dμ1(s)dμ1(t) + 3/4 + 1/2 log 2π, where μ1 is the (measure on the spectrum of X1 corresponding to the) distribution of X1;
(iii) (ref. 8; p. 5.4) χ(X1, … , Xn) = χ(X1) + ⋯ + χ(Xn) when X1, … , Xn are free random variables.
From the above lemma, we know that there are self-adjoint elements X1, … , Xn in ℒFn with finite free entropy such that X1, … , Xn generate ℒFn as a von Neumann algebra. In the following, we shall prove that if ℳ is not prime and X1, … , Xn, n ≥ 2, generate ℳ as a von Neumann algebra, then χ(X1, … , Xn) = −∞. Hence, ℒFn is prime. In fact, we prove a slightly stronger result in the following lemma.
Lemma 2.
Let ℳ be a factor of type II1, ℛ1 and ℛ2 be mutually commuting hyperfinite subfactors of ℳ. Let P1, P2, … and Q1, Q2, … be projections in ℳ with trace 1/2 that generate ℳ as a von Neumann algebra. Suppose that P1, P2, … commute with ℛ1, Q1, Q2, … commute with ℛ2. If X1, … , Xn are self-adjoint elements in ℳ that generate ℳ as a von Neumann algebra, then χ(X1, … , Xn) = −∞.
We give an outline of the proof here. The detailed argument will appear elsewhere.
From the assumptions in Lemma 2, we know that, for any positive ω, there are projections P1, … , Pp and Q1, … , Qq in ℳ, p, q ∈ ℕ, and self-adjoint polynomials ϕ1, … , ϕn in the noncommutative ∗ polynomial ring ℂ〈x1, … , xp+q〉 such that
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where ∥ ∥2 is the trace norm (∥X∥22 = τ(X*X), X ∈ ℳ).
From the definition of free entropy (8), we shall estimate certain measurement of all (finite-dimensional) self-adjoint matrices that approximate X1, … , Xn in joint distributions. For technical reasons, we use the notion of “modified” free entropy (9). More precisely, we estimate the free entropy of X1, … , Xn in the presence of P1, … , Pp and Q1, … , Qq. When self-adjoint elements A1, … , An in Mk approximate X1, … , Xn in joint distributions, there are projections E1, … , Ep and F1, … , Fq in Mk as well, corresponding to elements in certain Grassmann manifolds, that approximate projections P1, … , Pp and Q1, … , Qq (in ℳ) in joint distributions. At the same time, Aj are close (in trace-norm) to ϕj(E1, … , Ep, F1, … , Fq).
From this observation, we are able to reduce the estimate of the free entropy of X1, … , Xn to the volume estimate of the image of the cartesian product of the Grassmann manifolds under maps given by (noncommutative) polynomials ϕ1, … , ϕn. Let k be the degree of the matrices that approximate Xj’s, D be an upper bound of the first derivatives of ϕj’s in the domain of the cartesian product of the Grassmann manifolds and d be the dimension of the manifolds. By using Szarek’s results (11) on nets in unitary groups and Grassmann manifolds, we have that
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where C is a universal constant, a = max{∥Xj∥2 + 1 : 1 ≤ j ≤ n}, and Γ(·) is the classical Γ-function.
The assumptions that P1, P2, …
commute with ℛ1 and Q1,
Q2, … commute with ℛ2 give restrictions
on the dimensions of the Grassmann manifolds. Hence, we can choose the
dimension d so that d(p + q)/k2 ≤
ω and d(p + q)/k2log(CD
) ≤ log(2C). From Stirling’s formula
for the Γ-function, we have
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Choosing ω arbitrarily small, we have χ(X1, … , Xn) = −∞.
Using classical von Neumann algebra techniques, one can show that if ℳ is the tensor product of two factors of type II1 (i.e., not prime), then ℳ satisfies all the hypotheses of Lemma 2.
Open Problems
Some questions about decompositions into continuous primes, analogous to simple facts about (discrete-)prime-factor decomposition, and about continuous primes, themselves, come instantly to mind:
1. Are there infinitely many (nonisomorphic) prime factors of type II1?
2. Is ℒF2⊗̄ ℒF2 ∗ isomorphic to ℒF2⊗̄ ℒF2⊗̄ ℒF2 (“uniqueness” of prime decomposition)?
3. With ℳ a factor of type II1, let p(ℳ) be the set of integers n for which there are prime factors ℳ1, … , Mn, n ∈ ℕ, of type II1 such that ℳ ≅ ℳ1⊗̄ ⋯ ⊗̄ ℳn. If there is no such n, let p(ℳ) be {∞}. Does p(ℳ) contain only one number?
Finally, we propose the project of classifying all von Neumann subalgebras of free group factors as an analogue of Connes’s classification of von Neumann subalgebras of the hyperfinite II1 factor (12), and ask a question suggested by Lemma 2. Is the relative commutant of a nonatomic injective (or abelian) von Neumann subalgebra of ℒFn in ℒFn always injective?
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation.
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