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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Jun 22.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Aug;195(2):373–388. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2006.07.001

Analysis of microarray experiments of gene expression profiling

Adi L Tarca a,b, Roberto Romero a,c, Sorin Draghici b,d
PMCID: PMC2435252  NIHMSID: NIHMS48908  PMID: 16890548


The study of gene expression profiling of cells and tissue has become a major tool for discovery in medicine. Microarray experiments allow description of genome-wide expression changes in health and disease. The results of such experiments are expected to change the methods employed in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease in obstetrics and gynecology. Moreover, an unbiased and systematic study of gene expression profiling should allow the establishment of a new taxonomy of disease for obstetric and gynecologic syndromes. Thus, a new era is emerging in which reproductive processes and disorders could be characterized using molecular tools and fingerprinting. The design, analysis, and interpretation of microarray experiments require specialized knowledge that is not part of the standard curriculum of our discipline. This article describes the types of studies that can be conducted with microarray experiments (class comparison, class prediction, class discovery). We discuss key issues pertaining to experimental design, data preprocessing, and gene selection methods. Common types of data representation are illustrated. Potential pitfalls in the interpretation of microarray experiments, as well as the strengths and limitations of this technology, are highlighted. This article is intended to assist clinicians in appraising the quality of the scientific evidence now reported in the obstetric and gynecologic literature.

Keywords: Expression profiling, Data preprocessing, Differential expression, Prediction, Clustering, Reliability, Functional profiling

DNA microarrays can simultaneously measure the expression level of thousands of genes within a particular mRNA sample.1,2 Such high-throughput expression profiling can be used to compare the level of gene transcription in clinical conditions in order to: 1) identify diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers; 2) classify diseases (eg, tumors with different prognosis that are indistinguishable by microscopic examination); 3) monitor the response to therapy; and 4) understand the mechanisms involved in the genesis of disease processes.3-26 For these reasons, DNA microarrays are considered important tools for discovery in clinical medicine.

The key physicochemical process involved in microarrays is DNA hybridization.27-29 Two DNA strands hybridize if they are complementary to each other, according to the Watson-Crick rules (adenine binds to thymine, cytosine binds to guanine). DNA hybridization has been central to the development of modern molecular biology and is the basis for Northern and Southern blot analysis. In Southern blot analysis, a small string of DNA hybridizes to a complementary fragment of DNA that has been previously separated according to molecular weight (size) by gel electrophoresis. In Northern blot analysis, oligonucleotides are used to hybridize to messenger RNA (mRNA). These methods (Southern and Northern blot analysis) use radioactive probes. In Northern blot analysis, the amount of radioactivity is a function of the amount of probe hybridized, which reflects the amount of mRNA in the sample. Southern and Northern blot analyses are run in a gel one gene at a time.

A DNA array can be considered as a large parallel Southern or Northern blot analysis (instead of a gel, the probes are attached to an inert surface, which will become the microarray).27 mRNA is extracted from tissues or cells, reversed-transcribed and labeled with a dye (usually fluorescent), and hybridized on the array, as shown in Figure 1. Hybridization and washes are performed under high stringency conditions to minimize the likelihood of cross-hybridization between similar genes.28 The next step is to generate an image using laser-induced fluorescent imaging.28 The principle behind the quantification of expression levels is that the amount of fluorescence measured at each sequence-specific location is directly proportional to the amount of mRNA with complementary sequence present in the sample analyzed. These experiments do not provide data on the absolute level of expression of a particular gene (true concentrations of mRNA), but are useful to compare the expression level among conditions and genes (eg, health vs disease).28

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Schematic representation of the steps involved in microarrays. A, The upper panel illustrates the two channel technology while the B, lower panel illustrates the single channel technology. The experiment is designed to compare the mRNA expression profile of placentas from women with normal pregnancy with that of placentas from patients with pre-eclampsia (disease). mRNA from the placenta is extracted. In panel A, the normal and disease mRNA are labeled with two different dyes, mixed and then hybridized on the same array. After washing, the array is scanned at two different wavelengths to yield two images: one for the placenta of a normal patient and one for the placenta of a patient with pre-eclampsia. In panel B (single channel), each sample is labeled with the same fluorescent dye, but independently hybridized on different arrays.

Types of microarrays

Microarrays can be broadly classified according to at least three criteria: 1) length of the probes; 2) manufacturing method; and 3) number of samples that can be simultaneously profiled on one array.

According to the length of the probes, arrays can be classified into “complementary DNA (cDNA) arrays,” which use long probes of hundreds or thousands of base pairs (bps), and “oligonucleotide arrays,” which use short probes (usually 50 bps or less). Manufacturing methods include: “deposition” of previously synthesized sequences and “in-situ synthesis.” Usually, cDNA arrays are manufactured using deposition, while oligonucleotide arrays are manufactured using in-situ technologies. In-situ technologies include: “photolithography” (eg, Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA), “ink-jet printing” (eg, Agilent, Palo Alto, CA), and “electrochemical synthesis” (eg, Combimatrix, Mukilteo, WA). The third criterion for the classification of microarrays refers to the number of samples that can be profiled on one array. “Single-channel arrays” analyze a single sample at a time, whereas “multiple-channel arrays” can analyze two or more samples simultaneously. An example of an oligonucleotide, single-channel array is the Affymetrix GeneChip.

In general, the term “probe” is used to describe the nucleotide sequence that is attached to the microarray surface. The word “target” in microarray experiments refers to what is hybridized to the probes.

Types of studies that can be conducted with DNA microarrays

There are three major types of applications of DNA microarrays in medicine. The first involves finding differences in expression levels between predefined groups of samples. This is called a “class comparison” experiment (eg, identification of genes differentially expressed in the placentas from normal pregnant women and women with pre-eclampsia).

A second application, “class prediction,” involves identifying the class membership of a sample based on its gene expression profile. An example would be to predict whether or not a patient has (or will develop) pre-eclampsia based on her blood expression profile. This requires the construction of a classifier (a mathematical model) able to analyze the gene expression profile of a sample and predict its class membership. The classifier is constructed based on a representative set of samples with known class membership (eg, women with normal pregnancy and those who subsequently develop pre-eclampsia). This classifier will then be used to assess the likelihood of developing pre-eclampsia in patients not included in construction of the classifier.

The third type of application involves analyzing a given set of gene expression profiles with the goal of discovering subgroups that share common features. This application is known as “class discovery.” For example, the expression profiles of a large number of women with pre-eclampsia will be measured with the goal of identifying subgroups of patients who have a similar gene expression profile. This effort is conducted to generate a molecular taxonomy of disease. In other words, how many molecular types of pre-eclampsia (subgroups) are in a sample of women affected by the disease?

In class comparison and class discovery studies, the expression characterization of the groups (eg, health vs disease) is often followed by “functional profiling.”30 The purpose of this task is to gain insight into the biological processes that are altered in the disease under study (see page 382).

Data preprocessing

Once the microarrays have been hybridized, the resulting images are used to generate a dataset. This dataset needs to be “preprocessed” prior to the analysis and interpretation of the results. Preprocessing is a step that extracts or enhances meaningful data characteristics and prepares the dataset for the application of data analysis methods. A typical example of preprocessing is taking the logarithm of the raw intensity values. “Normalization” is a particular type of preprocessing performed in order to account for systematic differences across datasets. An example of normalization is modifying the raw intensity values in order to compensate for the different dye efficiency in two channel microarray experiments using Cy3 (green) and Cy5 (red).

Background correction

The background correction is designed to adjust for non-specific hybridization, ie, hybridization of sample transcripts (targets) whose sequences do not perfectly match those of the probes on the array. On spotted arrays, the non-specific hybridization included in the raw intensity values can be estimated from the fluorescence level in the immediate vicinity of the probe.31 An alternative approach involves using exogenous negative control spots (eg, Arabidopsis DNA probes, a plant, for a human array). On Affymetrix arrays, on which the probes cover the entire surface of the array, the background level may be estimated from “mismatch probes.”32 Mismatch probes are identical to the “perfect match probes,” except for a single base pair placed in the middle of the probe sequence. Thus, the intensity levels measured on the mismatch probes provide information about the level of non-specific hybridization.

There are other alternatives to background correction on high density arrays.33,34 For example, artificial background values can be derived using computational techniques that model the distribution of the observed intensity values.

Other data transformations

After background correction, the data is generally log-transformed.35,36 The log transformation improves the characteristics of the data distribution and allows the use of classical parametric statistics for analysis. With two-channel arrays, the intensity values of the two competing samples are expressed as ratios and then log-transformed. In contrast, with single-channel technology (eg, Affymetrix), the “absolute” expression level of the genes is log-transformed. Logarithmic-transformation also converts multiplicative error into additive error.37

Two channel cDNA data are often displayed in scatter plots showing the log-intensity of the genes in one sample plotted against the log-intensities in the other sample. An alternative method to display the data38 is to plot the difference of the log-intensity of the two channels (M=logRlogG=logRG), also called log-ratio, against the average log-intensities (A=logR+logG2), as illustrated in Figure 2. Similar plots can be obtained with data from two single-channel arrays.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Examples of graphic display of expression profiling data obtained from one cDNA array (two channel technology). A shows a scatter plot of log-intensity values of the sample labeled with red dye (log(R)) versus the log-intensity values of the sample labeled with green dye (log[G]). The green channel may contain data derived from a normal placenta, while the data on the red channel may be derived from a patient with pre-eclampsia. Note that some genes are up-regulated in the red channel (pre-eclampsia). B is a different representation of the same data. The vertical axis is the log-ratio M = log(R/G) (log fold change), while the horizontal axis represents the average log-intensity A=logR+logG2. This representation is also known as a M vs. A plot. These two types of displays are frequently found in papers reporting microarray experiment results.


Normalization is a preprocessing step that aims to correct for systematic differences between genes or arrays. For example, in a two-color cDNA array, the raw intensities of the sample labeled with the green dye (Cy3) may appear consistently higher than those of the sample labeled with the red dye (Cy5). Because of this, merely considering the ratios between the red and green intensities would not accurately reflect the ratios between the amounts of mRNA in the sample. This imbalance between the two channels is known as “dye bias.”39

On Affymetrix arrays, the intensities of the probes on a given array can be consistently higher or lower than those on other arrays. Such differences are collectively referred to as “array bias.” Therefore, comparing the intensities of the same probe(s) on the different arrays can introduce serious errors if a normalization step is not performed first. Several methods have been proposed to address this issue.34,40

Another example of systematic bias is a “spatial bias,” which is manifested by a strong dependence of the intensity level of the probes on their spatial location (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Two heat maps illustrating the spatial bias problem in 4 sub-arrays of a cDNA array. Each colored element corresponds to one gene. Positive log-ratios (log fold change) are shown in red, while negative log-ratios are shown in green. The top panel shows that most probes in the lower halves of the sub-arrays are positive (higher expression in the red channel). The bottom panel shows the same data after a spatial normalization algorithm50 has been applied to remove this bias (artifact).

The specific normalization techniques depend on the array technology used. Abundant literature is available on the subject.34,38,40-56

Freely available software tools for microarray data preprocessing have been developed under the Bioconductor project.57 Bioconductor includes the best known algorithms for preprocessing microarray data, such as MAS 5.0,32 Robust Microarray Average (RMA)34 and GC-RMA33 for single channel arrays, and LOESS normalization52,58 for two-channel arrays.

Class comparison studies

Class comparison studies are undertaken in order to compare the gene expression profiles of two or more groups of patients. For example, it is possible to compare the transcriptome of healthy vs diseased individuals,59 treated vs untreated patients,60 or those of long- vs short-term survival patients,61 etc. Careful design of the experiment, explicit hypothesis formulation, and an adequate sample size are required to obtain valid conclusions.

Design of the experiment

The simplest experimental design when using cDNA arrays is called a “reference design.” The mRNA extracted and reverse-transcribed from each patient is labeled with the same color dye and hybridized against a reference mRNA. Therefore, there will be one array for each sample (patient). A criticism of this experimental design is that the least interesting sample, the reference, is measured several times, while each interesting sample is only measured once.62,63 Advantages of this design include its simplicity as well as flexibility. If more samples are added in the future, a new analysis can include both new and old arrays.

An alternative experimental design when using cDNA arrays is the “loop design.” This design uses a loop of experiments in which each sample is hybridized twice, once with each color dye, against other varieties.64 Advantages of this design include an improved statistical power which sometimes can be crucial. Disadvantages include the complexity of analysis, the sensitivity to loss of data, and the difficulty in adding new samples not previously studied. Classical statistical designs, such as “complete” and “incomplete block,” can and have been used very successfully in this area.65

In single channel microarray experiments (eg, Affymetrix), each biological sample is hybridized on a different array and yields an independent measurement for each transcript. Such independent measurements are convenient because they can be easily analyzed.

Irrespective of the technology used, replication is key for the success of microarray experiments. There are two types of replications. One is the “technical replication,” in which the same biological sample is assayed several times. This effort allows a quality assessment. However, the more important type of replication is the “biological replication,” which refers to measuring multiple independent biological samples for each category of interest.

Statistical hypothesis testing

In a class comparison experiment, the goal is to identify the genes that are differentially expressed between two groups. The “null hypothesis” is that a given gene on the array is not differentially expressed between the two conditions under study (normal pregnancy vs preeclampsia). The “alternative hypothesis” (or “research hypothesis”) is that the expression level of that gene is different between the two conditions. The hypothesis testing is performed by calculating a “statistic” (eg, the t-statistic) on the expression values of the gene of interest measured in the two groups. The computed value of the statistic is then compared with a threshold tα, calculated from a model (eg, the t-distribution) and a desired “significance level” (eg, 1%).

There are two types of errors considered in hypothesis testing: “Type I” and “Type II.” A Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is incorrectly rejected. In medicine, if the null hypothesis is associated with “health” and the research hypothesis is associated with “disease,” a Type I error corresponds to a “false positive,” ie, to an incorrect diagnosis of a healthy patient. A Type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when, in fact, it is false. In the previous example, a Type II error would correspond to a “false negative” result, ie, a subject having the disease is labeled as healthy. However, the exact meaning of a false positive and a false negative result depends on the definition of the null hypothesis. In microarray experiments, if the null hypothesis is defined as stated in the previous paragraph, a false positive result occurs if the given gene is identified as differentially expressed, while in reality it is not so. A false negative result is failing to identify the gene as differentially expressed when the gene is actually so.

The significance level (alpha) should be chosen at the beginning of the experiment before the data becomes available, and represents the percentage of Type I error that the investigator is prepared to accept. A chosen significance level of 1% means that, on average, there will be one false positive gene for every 100 genes identified as differentially expressed. The “statistical power” of a technique is a measure of its ability to identify true positives.

Gene selection methods

Historically, the first method used to identify differentially expressed genes was the “fold change.” A change of at least two-fold (up or down) was considered meaningful.66-68 However, the two-fold threshold was arbitrarily chosen. The arbitrary selection of this threshold may give rise to both false negative and false positive results. Some genes, such as transcription factors, could have important biological effects even though their change in expression is less than two-fold.

The fold change of a given gene measured in two samples is calculated by dividing the two measured intensities and is, therefore, referred to as a ratio. These raw ratios are generally log-transformed (usually log2). This is expected to give a mean log-ratio of zero and improve the symmetry of the data distribution. This means that a two-fold up- or down-regulation in gene expression is equivalent to log-ratios of +1 or −1 respectively (see Figure 4 for the graphical representation of these concepts).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

A comparison of two gene selection methods illustrated in a, A, M vs. A plot and, B, in a volcano plot. Each circle corresponds to one gene. M represents the average log-ratio (log fold-change) in a two group comparison. The 2-fold change method selects as differentially expressed all genes above the line M = 1 and below the line M =−1 (red lines in both figures). In contrast, a moderated t-test will only select the genes represented by solid red circles. Note that not all genes with a fold change of two or more have significant P values (the P values are shown on the vertical axis of the volcano plot, in B). Conversely, not all the genes with significant P values have a fold change of two or more (note the solid dots between the two red lines).

The popularity of the fold change as a method to select differentially expressed genes is due to its simplicity. In addition, in biology, it is generally believed that the greater the magnitude of change, the higher the likelihood of physiologic or pathologic significance. However, this is not always the case (see above). The fold change method does not take into account the variance of the expression values measured. Therefore, it is no longer the recommended method for gene selection unless used in combination with other sound statistical methods.

Hypothesis testing is required for a proper selection of differentially expressed genes.42,69-72 This involves the formulation of a null and research hypothesis for every gene. A widely used statistical model is the t-distribution and its variants. A t-test compares the difference in the mean expression levels between the two groups, taking into account the variability of the data (difference in means between groups divided by the standard deviation). However, the standard deviation can be very small (approaching zero) simply by chance. When the denominator approaches zero, the value of the t-statistic becomes large and, therefore, the gene appears to be highly significant when, in reality, it may not be so. For this reason, a family of improved t-tests has been developed. Examples include the “moderated t-statistic”73-75 and the “S statistic” (used in the SAM software).76 The key difference between a standard t-statistic and these newer statistics is that the latter estimate variability by taking into account information not only from the gene tested, but also from other genes displaying a similar magnitude of change. This is equivalent to the “shrinkage” of the estimated sample variances toward a pooled estimate, resulting in a more stable inference when the number of measurements (arrays) is small.74 Figure 4 illustrates two methods for gene selection using a public dataset: fold change and a moderated t-test.57

Other gene selection methods include the “unusual ratio method,”77 the “noise sampling method,”78,79 and analysis of variance (ANOVA).42,70 The latter can also be used when comparing more than two groups. Studies comparing these methods are available.69,70

A major problem in the analysis of microarray data is that many hypotheses are tested simultaneously. More precisely, testing the differential expression of each gene in the array involves one hypothesis. The number of genes represented in a commercially available array is on the order of tens of thousands. Since any hypothesis testing involves accepting the existence of false positives, when so many hypotheses are tested in parallel, a correction becomes necessary. This is easily understood if we recall that the statistical hypothesis testing method introduces a percentage of false positives equal to the chosen significance threshold. A significance threshold of 1% used to test the differential expression of 20,000 genes on an array on which there are no truly differentially expressed genes will nevertheless yield 200 false positives.42 Although methods to correct for multiple comparisons have been available for a long time80-86 (eg, Bonferroni87 correction), many of these methods are ill-suited for the analysis of microarray data. This is because: 1) most techniques assume variable independence; and 2) many are considered too stringent.

The requirement of variable independence is clearly not met in microarray experiments because genes are involved in complicated regulatory mechanisms and pathways.88 In fact, the complex interaction between the expression of genes on specific pathways is required for homeostasis and is also part of disease processes. For example, the injection of endotoxin in peripheral blood to human volunteers results in differential expression of families of genes involved in the immune response.89 The expression levels of these genes are, therefore, dependent on each other.

The second drawback of the classical multiple comparison correction methods is that they are too stringent, or “conservative.” For example, the Bonferoni correction required to adjust for simultaneously testing 20,000 genes demands that every individual gene have a P value lower than .0000005 (.01/20,000) in order to be significant. Such P values would require very small variances, which are almost never achieved with the level of noise intrinsic to the current microarray technologies. Because of this, it is generally thought that more recent techniques, such as Holm's82 or the False Discovery Rate (FDR),86 are better suited for microarray analysis.

Any correction for multiple comparisons allows the investigator to specify the number of false positive results at the level of the entire experiment or the “family-wide error rate” (FWER). Most investigators accept a FWER of 5%.90

Sample size calculation

Sample size is a statistical term that refers to the number of measurements in a given experiment. The sample size affects the validity of a class comparison study. The computation of the sample size requires information about the: 1) minimum fold change that the investigator wishes to reliably detect; 2) gene expression variance within each experimental group; and 3) desired statistical power. It is intuitive that larger changes are easier to detect. For instance, if everything else remains the same, more measurements (samples) are needed to reliably detect a 1.5-fold change rather than a 100-fold change. In other words, a smaller minimum detectable change will require a larger sample size. Similarly, if a gene shows a high degree of expression variability in the normal population (has a large variance), more measurements will be needed to prove that a real change exists between the control and the study groups (eg, normal pregnancy vs pre-eclampsia). This means that larger variances will require larger sample sizes. Finally, it may be possible to detect 2 to 3 differentially expressed genes with only a few clinical samples. However, if the goal is to detect most of the differentially expressed genes, a large number of samples will be required. In other words, the greater the desired power, the larger the sample size. For instance, a few patients with preeclampsia will allow the physician to observe 2−3 typical complications associated with it. However, in order to observe the entire range of complications that are associated with this disease, a larger number of patients is needed.

In practice, the cost of the experiment and the number of clinical samples available are major determinants of the experimental design. Researchers often use as a guideline a commonly accepted90 minimum number of replicates, such as 5 samples per group. However, this may not always provide enough power to detect changes and may be completely inadequate for those genes that exhibit large within-group gene expression variability.

The above discussion focused on the sample size calculation for class comparison studies. The reader should note that for other types of applications, such as class prediction (to be discussed in the next section), other requirements apply. The interested reader is referred to more detailed resources about sample size calculations for microarray experiments.91,92

Class prediction studies

Class prediction experiments are approached using classical statistical methods (eg, discriminant analysis) or “machine learning techniques” (eg, neural networks).93-96 In class prediction applications, the classes are predefined (eg, women with and without pre-eclampsia) and the goal is to build a “classifier” able to distinguish between these classes based on the gene expression profiles of the samples.

In order to achieve this goal, the existing complex relationship between the class membership (pre-eclampsia or normal pregnancy) and the expression values of the genes needs to be “learned” first.

A classifier is a mathematical model such as pe=a·g1+b·g2, where g1 and g2 are the expression values of two potential pre-eclampsia marker genes, a and b are two yet unknown parameters, and pe is a variable that indicates whether or not the patient has preeclampsia. The high-throughput nature of microarray experiments generates a situation in which the number of variables (number of genes tested) exceeds the number of samples in the experiment. This creates a number of difficulties that have been collectively described as the “curse of dimensionality.”97 Hence, the first step in class prediction is a “dimensionality reduction,” which usually involves a “variable selection.” In our example, this step would involve identifying the two marker genes, g1 and g2. This step involves a class comparison and, hence, some of the statistical methods described in the previous section of this article can be useful.

The model is then “trained” to correctly classify the existing expression profiles. The training is the process in which the internal parameters of a classifier are estimated. In our example, this step involves finding the specific values of a and b. Then, the classifier is tested in a separate group of patients. The purpose of this testing is to “validate” the resulting classifier (model) and calculate its diagnostic indices (specificity and sensitivity) and predicted values (positive and negative). This step is crucial in order to obtain an unbiased estimate of the performance of the classifier.

The simplest way to assess the performance of a classifier is the “hold-out validation” procedure in which the data is split into two sub-sets: a “training” set and a “testing” set. The training, or learning, set is used to build the classifier, while the testing set is used to assess its performance. By keeping one subset of the data aside for testing purposes, the hold-out validation procedure deprives the learning process of potentially useful examples that could have been used to improve the training or learning step. Alternatives to the hold-out validation procedure are “cross-validation” and “boot-strapping.”98 These methods use data more efficiently while still providing reliable estimates of the performance of the classifier.

Classifiers vary in complexity from simple linear discriminant models and k-Nearest-Neighbor classifiers, to more complex methods, such as neural networks. Special types of neural networks include multilayer perceptrons, radial basis functions, support vector machines, etc.99-103 Figure 5 illustrates the k-Nearest Neighbor approach in a class prediction experiment.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classification rule. This method is used in class prediction studies. The figure illustrates the 10-Nearest Neighbor (10-NN) rule in a two-class prediction problem using the expression levels of two genes (gene 1 on the horizontal axis, gene 2 on the vertical axis). The members of the two classes are designated by circles and squares, and their membership is known in advance. The triangle represents the expression values for these two genes for a new sample that needs to be classified. The large dotted circle contains the 10 nearest neighbors of the new sample. A neighbor corresponds to a sample that has similar expression values. Among the closest 10 neighbors of the red triangle, 6 are squares and 4 are circles. Therefore, the 10-NN rule predicts that the new sample belongs in the square class. Note that if we used only one neighbor (1-Nearest Neighbor rule), the same sample would be classified as belonging to the other class (circles), because the closest neighbor of the new sample (red triangle) is a circle and not a square.

Class discovery studies

Class discovery involves analyzing a given set of gene expression profiles with the goal of discovering subgroups that share common features. The example described earlier in this article involved measuring the expression profiles of a large number of patients with pre-eclampsia with the goal of classifying them into subgroups of patients having similar expression profiles. The medical and biological interest of this effort is aimed at understanding the mechanisms of disease underlying the syndrome of pre-eclampsia. We have proposed that pre-eclampsia, just as premature labor, preterm PROM, SGA, and LGA are obstetrical syndromes, is caused by multiple etiologies or mechanisms of disease.104,105 One approach to discover the mechanisms of disease involved is to ask, “how many sub-groups exist among patients with pre-eclampsia?” The definition of the subgroups will be based on the expression profiles of the genes monitored. Class discovery can also be useful to identify different stages of severity of disease. Although this has been traditionally done using clinical and standard laboratory parameters, it is possible that gene expression profiling will contain information not measurable by standard clinical and routine laboratory methods. Another application of class discovery experiments is to identify gene groups that may behave similarly in a disease state. For example, interleukin (IL)-1 is upregulated in the chorioamniotic membranes of patients with histologic chorioamnionitis.14 With a genome-wide survey, it may be possible to determine other genes that have an expression profile similar to IL-1 in patients with chorioamnionitis.

An analysis method often used for class discovery is “cluster analysis” or clustering. Clustering aims at dividing the data points (genes or samples) into groups (clusters) using measures of similarity, such as correlation or Euclidean distance.106-123

Some of the most frequently used clustering techniques include “hierarchical” clustering and “k-means” clustering. Hierarchical clustering creates a hierarchical, tree-like structure of the data. This is sometimes referred to as a “dendrogram” (Figure 6). The results of clustering may also be displayed using a “heat map.” This term refers to any display in which intensities are mapped on a color scale (for details on the interpretation of heat maps, see the legend of Figure 6). The reader should be aware that a heat map does not necessarily mean that clustering has been performed (for example, Figures 3 and 6 are both heat maps, but clustering had been performed only in Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Hierarchical clustering using one-channel microarrays data. This figure combines a “heat map,” which is the part of the figure containing colors (red, green, and black), with two dendrograms. Dendrograms are the tree-like structures displayed above and to the left of the heat map. The rows represent genes identified by the numbers on the right of the figure. The individual patient samples are shown as columns (1 column per sample). The color represents the expression level of the gene. Red represents high expression, while green represents low expression. The expression levels are continuously mapped on the color scale provided at the top of the figure. The dendrograms provide some qualitative means of assessing the similarity between genes and between patient samples. Note that the columns contain samples from two types of patients, A and B. Type A may represent samples from normal women and type B from women with pre-eclampsia. All women with the same diagnosis are grouped (clustered) together. This analysis was performed with the TM4 software suite (

A hierarchical clustering can be constructed using either a “bottom-up” or a “top-down” approach. In a “bottom-up” approach, each gene/sample is initially considered a cluster per se. Subsequently, the clusters are iteratively grouped based on their similarity. In contrast, the “top-down” approach starts with a unique cluster containing all data points. This initial cluster is iteratively split into smaller clusters until each cluster contains a single gene.

The k-means clustering algorithm starts with a predefined number of cluster centers (k) specified by the user. Data points (eg, expression profiles) are assigned to these centers based on their distance from (similarity to) each center. Subsequently, an iterative process involves re-calculating the position of the cluster centers based on the current membership of each cluster and reassigning the samples to the k-clusters. The algorithm continues until the clusters are stable, ie, there is no further change in the assignment of the data points.42

Besides the type of clustering (eg, hierarchical or k-means), investigators need to make other choices when employing this technique, including the: 1) “distance metric;” and 2) “type of linkage” (if appropriate). The distance used by the clustering defines the desired notion of similarity between the expression profiles of two individual samples. Measures of similarity that are often used include “Euclidean” distance and “correlation” distance, although other options are available. The linkage defines the desired notion of similarity between two groups of measurements. For instance, the “average linkage” uses the mean of the distances between all possible pairs of measurements between the two groups. An extensive discussion of these issues, including the properties of each distance/linkage/clustering algorithm, common pitfalls and recommendations, can be found in the literature.42

Unfortunately, the popularity of clustering techniques has reached such proportions that they are sometimes mistakenly taken as the ultimate analysis method of microarray data. Most authors feel the need to include a clustering diagram in their reports. However, clustering is not always appropriate or informative. In some cases, clustering is unnecessary, whereas in others, it can be misleading.

Let us consider, for instance, a class comparison problem in which the goal is to identify differentially expressed genes. Whichever method is used to infer differential expression, the result will be a set of genes with expression values that are different between the groups. In such circumstances, performing cluster analysis on the subset of differentially regulated genes is unnecessary. If performed, the cluster diagram will be aesthetically appealing, showing the usual color differences between the groups of interest. Yet, such clustering will be devoid of meaningful information. This is because the genes involved in the clustering have been chosen precisely because they were different between groups. Clustering brings no additional information. One could argue that the dendrogram itself (ie, the membership in various subclusters and the relationships between such clusters) will provide information regarding the similarity of various samples. However, these things will be drastically influenced by previous gene selection and can seldom be considered as representative of the samples themselves. A “pretty” clustering figure does not offer biological insight per se, nor does it prove the appropriateness of the statistical analysis already performed.42

Similarly, clustering is not useful in class prediction problems. Developing a classifier and then clustering the genes used as discriminatory variables in this model would do little to increase the degree of confidence in the quality or validity of the classifier.

Clustering is, however, a useful tool to address a “class discovery problem,” in which the patient samples have been profiled and the goal is to conduct an exploratory analysis to determine if there are groups (of genes or clinical samples) that share similarities.

Functional profiling

In addition to generating a large amount of data per experiment, microarray studies create a new challenge: to transform information into knowledge. The ultimate goal of biological sciences in general, and microarray experiments in particular, is to improve the understanding of the mechanisms of disease. This is not accomplished by obtaining a list of differentially expressed genes, which is often the output of a class comparison study. There is growing consensus about the need to go much further at the level of biological processes that happen on various pathways.

A computerized analysis approach using Gene Ontology (GO) was proposed to address this task.124,125 This approach takes a list of differentially expressed genes and uses a statistical analysis to identify the GO categories (eg, biological processes, etc) that are over-or under-represented in the condition under study. Given a set of differentially expressed genes, this approach compares the number of differentially expressed genes found in each GO category of interest with the number of genes expected to be found in the same category just by chance. If the observed number is substantially different from the one expected just by chance, the category is reported as significant. A statistical model (eg, hypergeometric distribution) can be used to calculate a P value (Figure 7).126,127 Currently, over 20 software packages are available to perform this task.30 Despite widespread utilization, this approach has limitations related to the type, quality, and structure of the annotations available.30 An alternative approach for analysis considers the distribution of the differentially expressed genes in the entire set of genes represented on the array and performs a functional class scoring, which also allows adjustments for gene correlations.128,129 Arguably, the state-of-the-art in this category, the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA),130-132 ranks all genes based on the correlation between their expression and the given phenotypes. GSEA has also been shown to have some deficiencies.133

Figure 7.

Figure 7

An example of functional profiling. The figure shows the significant biological processes represented in a set of genes differentially expressed between two clinical groups. This type of analysis adds another dimension to the interpretation of microarrays data. The biological processes are represented as bars on the right side of the graph. The length of the bar represents the number of genes involved in that specific biological process. This analytical tool provides a raw and a corrected p-value for each biological process. Note that the biological process “protein folding” is represented by 15 genes, while “signal transduction” is represented by 18 genes (the number of genes is shown under the “Total” column). However, the P value of “protein folding” is zero, indicating it is highly significant, while the P value of “signal transduction” is higher than the usual .05 significance threshold, showing it is not significant. This illustrates the fact that the number of genes in a given category cannot be used to assess its significance. This analysis was performed with Onto-Express (

Novel ideas have started to appear in this area addressing some of the issues above.30 A latent semantic indexing approach (LSI) has been proposed as a tool able to analyze the semantic content of annotation databases and find incomplete or incorrect annotations.134 GoToolBox offers a different tool (GO-Proxy) to identify clusters of related terms. MAPPFinder,135 Pathway-Express,136 Cytoscape,137 Pathway Tools,138 Pathway Processor139 and MetaCore140 are examples of tools available to expand the secondary analysis by including metabolic or regulatory pathway information. Other related tools can be found on the GO tools page (

Epistemological foundation for the interpretation of microarray results

Epistemology is a discipline concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.141 In other words, epistemology is aimed at the fundamental questions: What is the validity of acquired knowledge in science? What are the limits of what is knowable? Much of the literature on microarray analysis has focused on the development, utilization and interpretation of statistical techniques. However, questions have been raised about the validity of many assumptions made by the statistical techniques. Mehta, Tanik and Allison have proposed an epistemological foundation of statistical methods for high-dimensional biology.142 The following section of this article will review key concepts used in the literature, such as the sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility of the data derived from microarray experiments. Together, these elements delineate the current epistemological limitations of this technology.


The detection limit (sensitivity) ranges between 1 and 10 copies of mRNA per cell, depending on the specific technology, cell type, etc.143 This sensitivity may be insufficient to detect biologically important changes for genes with low levels of expression, such as transcription factors.144


When microarray experiments are conducted within their optimal dynamic range, measurements reflect the magnitude and direction of expression changes of approximately 70−90% of genes. It is noteworthy that the magnitude of expression changes observed in microarrays experiments is often different from those measured with other technologies, such as real-time quantitative reverse transcriptome polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). In general, microarray data exhibit a compression of the fold changes when compared to the fold change derived from qRT-PCR.145

Microarrays (both single and dual channel) tend to measure ratios more accurately than absolute expression levels. For example, in the most comprehensive study, which measured the expression of 1400 genes by qRT-PCR, Czechowski et al146 found poor correlation between normalized data produced by qRT-PCR and normalized data produced by Affymetrix arrays in the same RNA sample. However, when the ratios of the expression levels between two different groups (RNA from shoots and roots of Arabidopsis) were compared, the correlation between RT-PCR and microarray results was as high as 0.73 for the most highly expressed set of 50 genes. Other studies have made similar observations.143 Collectively, these observations suggest that two different methodologies used to assess expression change tend to agree when the magnitude of change in gene expression is large.


Most microarray platforms produce highly reproducible within-platform measurements when operating within their range of sensitivity. From this perspective, oligonucleotide arrays (Affymetrix, Agilent and Code-link)147,148 seem to perform better than cDNA microar-rays, providing correlation coefficients of above 0.9 in technical replicates using the same array type. However, if the same sample is hybridized on different array types (eg, Affymetrix HG95Av2 vs. Affymetrix HG133), the correlation coefficients may be lower because the same genes may be represented by different sets of probes (probe sets) in the two arrays. For other platforms, such as cDNA microarrays or the Mergen platform, the technical reproducibility may also be substantially lower. For example, the reported Pearson correlation coefficient between technical replicates can range between the disappointing level of 0.5 and the more reassuring level of 0.95.148-150

Cross-platform reproducibility studies undertaken so far148,149,151 have identified two main problems. First, microarrays are not able to accurately measure genes expressed at low levels. Therefore, excluding these genes from the comparison will improve the correlation between different platforms.143 A second and very important problem is that not all probes expected to represent specific genes perfectly match the targeted genes as required by the basic principles of the technology.152,153 This is the equivalent of using the wrong antibody to measure a specific hormone in a radioimmunoassay or an ELISA. This issue can, in principle, be addressed by re-mapping the probe sequences and calculating expression values using only those probes that have the appropriate sequence for the genes they are supposed to represent.

Due to the reasons stated above, data from different platforms can not easily be compared or merged.154-157It is important to note that the degree of agreement among different platforms improves substantially when the results are examined from the perspective of the biological process or molecular functions involved (functional profiling), rather than from the expression levels of individual genes. The reader is encouraged to examine the issues described in this paragraph when assessing studies comparing different microarray platforms.


Microarrays are able to simultaneously monitor the expression levels of thousands of genes. Such gene expression information can be used in medicine for comparing clinically relevant groups (eg, healthy vs diseased), uncovering new subclasses of diseases, and predicting clinically important outcomes, such as the response to therapy and survival. However, the improved understanding that can be gained with this technology is critically dependent on the quality of the analytical tools employed. This article was written to provide the obstetrician and gynecologist with an introduction to the subject, as well as alert the readership about some of the potential pitfalls associated with the analysis of these large datasets. The literature cited provides additional sources to improve the understanding of this complex subject.


Funded by the Intramural Research of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. S.D. is partially supported by the following grants: NSF DBI-0234806, NIH 1R01HG003491, NSF CCF-0438970, MLSC MEDC-538, NIH 1R21CA10074001, IR21 EB00990-01 and 1R01 NS045207-01.


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