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Bulletin of the World Health Organization logoLink to Bulletin of the World Health Organization
. 1954;11(6):1007–1022.

The health problem of arachnidism

Z Maretić, M Stanić
PMCID: PMC2542216  PMID: 14364184


The authors give data on arachnidism (the systemic poisoning caused by the bite of the spider Latrodectus) in general, on its distribution in the world and in Yugoslavia in particular, on the Latrodectus spider, and on the characteristic clinical syndrome of arachnidism. The bite of the Latrodectus causes great pain, disables the bitten person for a certain time, and may even cause death in a few instances. The results of the authors' own observations in the clinic and on experimental animals are given. Of all forms of therapy tried by them, the simultaneous application of calcium, antivenom, and sometimes procaine infiltration for the relief of local pains gave the best results. In view of the apparently increasing importance of arachnidism, the authors recommend the international exchange of experience on the problem.

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Selected References

These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article.

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