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. 2009 Apr;4(4):277–282. doi: 10.4161/psb.4.4.8103

Cyclic nucleotide gated channels and related signaling components in plant innate immunity

Wei Ma 1, Andries Smigel 1, Rajeev Verma 1, Gerald A Berkowitz 1,
PMCID: PMC2664486  PMID: 19794842


Although plants lack the mobile sentry cells present in animal innate immune systems, plants have developed complex innate immune reactions triggering basal resistance and the hypersensitive response (HR). Cytosolic Ca2+ elevation is considered to be an important early event in this pathogen response signal transduction cascade. Plasma membrane (PM)-localized cyclic nucleotide gated channels (CNGCs) contribute to the cytosolic Ca2+ rise upon pathogen perception. Recent work suggests that some PM-localized leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) may be involved in the perception of pathogen associated molecular pattern molecules and triggering some pathogen responses in plants, some of these LRR-RLKs might have cyclic nucleotide cyclase activity. The recognition of pathogens may be connected to cyclic nucleotide generation and the activation of CNGCs, followed by cytosolic Ca2+ increase and downstream signaling events (possibly involving nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species (ROS), calmodulin (CaM), CaM-like protein (CML) and protein kinases). Notably, CaM or CML could be the crucial sensor downstream from the early Ca2+ signal leading to nitric oxide (NO) production during plant innate immune responses.

Key words: calcium, CNGC, hypersensitive response, nitric oxide, plant innate immunity, plant ion channel, reactive oxygen species


Of the 57 genes encoding cation-conducting channels in the Arabidopsis genome, 20 are members of the cyclic nucleotide gated channel (CNGC) family.1,2 Plant CNGCs have been proposed to be involved in multiple plant physiological processes including root growth and gravitropism,3 pollen tube growth,4 heavy metal toxicity tolerance,5,6 sodium stress tolerance,7 leaf senescence,8 plant disease resistance and innate immunity.914 Importantly, CNGCs are considered as candidates for conducting Ca2+ through the plant cell plasma membrane (PM). An increase in cytosolic Ca2+ is an essential early step in plant innate immune responses to pathogens.15 Current models suggest that plants have two innate immune pathogen response systems. One of the systems is basal resistance, which can be activated by the perception of conserved molecules essential to the fitness or integrity of the microbe. The microbial molecules that trigger plant basal pathogen resistance responses are referred to as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The other system is the gene-to-gene interaction between the translation product of a pathogen avirulence (avr) gene and (if present in the plant), a corresponding plant R (resistance) gene product. The perception of a pathogen at one or both of these levels may cause the rapid and programmed death of cells in the immediate vicinity of the infection; this rapid cell death is known as the hypersensitive response (HR). Nitric oxide (NO)16 and reactive oxygen species (ROS, including H2O2)17 will be generated during this process which can limit pathogen growth from the infection site. The Arabidopsis cngc2 mutant (‘defense, no death’, or dnd1) displays an impaired HR phenotype11 and lacks a functional CNGC2 cation channel, and does not show a cAMP activated inward Ca2+ current.9 The impaired HR phenotype to an avirulent pathogen in dnd1 mutant plants can be complemented by the addition of an NO donor.9 In the dnd1 mutant, PAMP-induced NO generation in guard cells is impaired as well.9 Ali et al.9 and Ma et al.18 also provide evidence showing calmodulin (CaM) or a CaM-like protein (CML), downstream targets of the Ca2+ signal, may be involved in PAMP-induced NO synthesis.

Recent bioinformatic analyses resulted in the identification of several leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs), which are postulated to possess a guanylate cyclase (GC) catalytic motif.19 LRR-RLKs are proposed to be responsible for PAMP perception and initiation of basal defense responses in an infected plant cell.20 In addition, a recently characterized receptor (PEPR1) for a plant (Arabidopsis)-derived ‘elicitor’ (AtPep1, a plant endogenous peptide elicitor) that activates innate immune responses in a fashion similar to pathogen-derived elicitor/PAMPs is a LRR-RLK as well.2123 Intriguingly, this PEPR1 receptor is also proposed to have putative GC activity.19 Thus, pathogen perception signaling could involve translation of pathogen recognition into downstream signaling through cyclic nucleotide synthesis, which in turn will activate CNGCs, causing a rise in cytosolic Ca2+ that will trigger downstream signaling events (such as NO and H2O2 etc.,) and lead to HR.24

In animal cells, NO synthase (NOS) activation is Ca2+/CaM dependent.25,26 Ca2+ or CaM dependent NOS activity has also been reported in tissue of various plant species.16,27,28 The PAMP lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is a ubiquitous component of Gram-negative bacteria, has been found to be an elicitor of plant (and animal) innate immune responses.29 Recent work has shown that plant NOS activity is activated by LPS.30 LPS induced NO production is suggested to be dependent on NOS enzyme activity9,30 and CaM is also proposed to be involved in this regulation process.9

CNGCs Facilitate Ca2+ Influx into Plant Cells

The expression of CNGCs in heterologous systems and their analysis using electrophysiological techniques have contributed to the characterization of their function in terms of cation uptake.2 Previous studies have shown that some CNGCs could be the candidates responsible for the conductance of K+ and Na+ into the cytosol.7,10,13,3134 In addition to acting as a monovalent cation uptake pathway, increasing evidence indicates that CNGCs participate in Ca2+ uptake during essential plant physiological processes. A yeast mutant lacking the CCH1 and MID1 Ca2+ transporters shows impaired growth in the presence of α mating factor.35 The expression of CNGC1 in the cch1, mid1 yeast mutant can rescue this phenotype, elucidating the role of CNGC1 in Ca2+ permeability.3,36 The Arabidopsis mutant ‘constitutive expresser of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes22′ (cpr22) was characterized as having a 3 kb fragment deletion in several CNGC genes, which causes the generation of a chimeric gene (CNGC11/12) derived from CNGC11 and CNGC12.13 The expression of CNGC11,12, or chimeric CNGC11/12 can complement the phenotype of the yeast cch1, mid1 mutant as well, implying that they have Ca2+ transport capability.14 In addition, the expression of CNGC18 in Escherichia coli (E. coli) leads to increased Ca2+ accumulation in E. coli cells, suggesting CNGC18 functions as Ca2+ permeable channel.4 Electrophysiological results demonstrate that the application of membrane permeable cAMP can elicit an inward Ca2+ current into the cytosol of mesophyll and guard cell protoplasts, supporting the existence of functional CNGCs as Ca2+ conducting channels in plants.37 Recent electrophysiological studies have indicated that the cngc2 mutant (dnd1) lacks a cAMP-activated inward Ca2+ current, further corroborating that CNGCs can act as crucial Ca2+ entry pathways into the plant cell.9

In animal cells, six genes encode CNGCs, which mediate Ca2+ (and/or Na+) influx in signal transduction cascades responding to the perception of external cues.38 Plant CNGCs show a broad range of expression profiles in leaves and shoots.39 The evidence provided above indicates that CNGCs act as pathways for Ca2+ uptake into the plant cell. In addition to CNGCs, there are other proteins that potentially mediate Ca2+ influx into the cytosol, including 20 members of the glutamate receptor (GLR) family of cation channels in plants. In neurons, it is known that members of this family can be activated by extracellular glutamate, functioning as non-selective cation (including Ca2+) channels. Plant GLRs are orthologues of animal GLRs and could contribute to Ca2+ uptake into plant cells.40 Recent work provides evidence indicating that a GLR (i.e., GLR3.3) mediates Ca2+ entry into the cytosol.41 Genetic evidence further demonstrates that the glr3.3 mutant shows impaired glutamate-mediated Ca2+ rise in the cytosol. Peiter et al.42 reported the characterization of TPC1, a tonoplast-localized non-selective cation channel, and suggested that its major function is to conduct Ca2+ current across the tonoplast out of the vacuole, resulting in cytosolic Ca2+ rise.

Interestingly, the elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ above homeostatic levels can activate the TPC1 channel and enhance the Ca2+ influx current due to the EF hands (Ca2+ binding) of the TPC1 channel; it is a Ca2+-activated Ca2+-conducting channel.42 TPC1-dependent Ca2+ flux into the cytosol is involved in plant hormone mediated Ca2+ signaling cascades. However, a recent study found that TPC1 does not play an important role in mediating the Ca2+ signal induced by different types of stresses, including PAMP-dependent cytosolic Ca2+ elevation and other aspects of innate immune signaling.43 Ranf et al.43 suggest TPC1 is not the main vacuolar cation channel influencing Ca2+ homeostasis under physiological conditions. Thus the role of the pool of vacuolar Ca2+ (a major component of total intracellular Ca2+ and a potential source of Ca2+ for cytosolic Ca2+ signals), as well as the molecular identity of the channel (possibly) mediating vacuolar Ca2+ efflux during plant innate immune signaling need to be explored in the future.

Signaling Molecule Involvement in Plant Innate Immunity

During their life cycle, plants are under constant challenge from different types of microorganisms. The successful invasion by a plant pathogen can cause many fatal problems to their host. Thus, plants must respond to the threat of invasion from numerous types of pathogenic microorganisms. The HR is a mechanism used by plants to prevent the spread of infection by microbial pathogens; it is characterized by the rapid death of cells in the local region surrounding an infection.44

Recently, many excellent reviews have described various aspects of plant innate immunity.15,20,4550 At present, the current model (see cited reviews above) supports the aforementioned two protective systems (basal response and R gene mediated resistance). It is well illustrated that PAMPs, essential components of the pathogen, can activate plant basal defenses. Perception of PAMPs requires the presence of pattern recognition receptor (PRR) proteins within the PM, which trigger the internal responses to the pathogen/PAMPs. Basal response follows, leading to PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI), including metabolic and transcriptional changes during this process.45,48

Cytosolic Ca2+ elevation is considered a critical step in the signal transduction pathways in plant innate immunity.15 Animal and plant cells have some similarity in terms of the use of Ca2+ as a key molecule (secondary messenger) involved in numerous signaling responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. If the invaded plant has an R gene which encodes a protein that directly or indirectly interacts with the microbial effector, activating the gene-for-gene interaction, the plant immune system can induce another reaction called effector-triggered immunity (ETI). Current models distinguish the PTI and ETI as two overlapping but mechanistically distinct systems in that HR has been classically considered to be pathogen avr gene product related.20 In addition, other recent work suggests a close relationship between ETI and PTI in plants in terms of sharing similar downstream targets and signal transduction components.51 It has been reported that PAMPs, such as bacterial flagellin, can elicit basal defense responses and R gene-mediated signal transduction pathways, illustrating the intimate linkage between the ETI and PTI.52

As discussed above, candidates for facilitating Ca2+ influx into the cytosol are CNGCs, GLRs and TPC1. In addition, plant HR also includes the generation of NO16 and ROS.17 Furthermore, PAMPs can induce NO generation in the plant cell; NO is another signaling molecule crucial to plant innate immunity as well.9,30,53 Disrupting the CNGC2 cation channel causes a lack of HR in the dnd1 mutant.11 Recent work indicates that CNGC2 participates in plant innate immunity, acting as a PM Ca2+ channel.9 In this study, the bacterial PAMP LPS could elicit NO generation in leaf guard cells and facilitate Ca2+ influx into the cytosol. The addition of the Ca2+ channel blocker Gd3+ or the Ca2+ chelator EGTA abolished LPS induced NO synthesis, indicating that cytosolic Ca2+ elevation acts upstream from LPS-induced NO generation. Importantly, this LPS mediated NO induction is impaired in dnd1 guard cells. In addition, calmodulin (CaM), an important target that can bind to Ca2+, is involved in the plant innate immune response. CaM antagonists block LPS-induced NO generation in leaf guard cells and avirulent pathogen mediated HR.9,18 These results underlie the hypothesis that the application of a CaM antagonist can disrupt the CaM-mediated innate immunity signal transduction pathway since CaM can regulate NO generation and NO is a pivotal molecule in this plant innate immunity system. However, it should be noted that Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) might be inhibited as well by the application of CaM antagonists. Two CDPKs were recently reported to play an important role in H2O2 generation in response to a pathogen.54 Thus, block of HR by a CaM antagonist could be due to effects on several different proteins downstream from cytosolic Ca2+ elevation. However, recent work from this lab suggests that effects of the CaM antagonist on occur downstream from the rise in cytosolic Ca2+ during pathogen response signaling.18

At present a wealth of evidence supports the essential role of NO in the plant HR response to avirulent pathogens.29,5559 NO generation contributing to HR formation is due to (arginine-dependent) NOS activity.16,60,61 Maximal activity of all three NOS isoforms in animal cells requires Ca2+/CaM as a cofactor.25,26,6264 Importantly, animal NOS contains a CaM binding domain.64 Although indirect evidence suggests that plant NOS activity depends on Ca2+/CaM,16,18,27,28 plant NOS has not been identified.6668 Thus, this conclusion remains speculative.

In addition to the plant innate immune signaling transduction pathway steps mentioned above, we briefly add the point that ROS is another crucial signaling component during plant-pathogen interactions. ROS, including H2O2, superoxide and hydroxyl radicals are involved in signal cascades and the activation of HR during plant-pathogen interactions.17 ROS generation is also considered to be a crucial event downstream of cytosolic Ca2+ elevation.15 ROS and NO have the ability to act independently or synergistically to alter gene expression during HR17,20,29,56,6871 and the ratio of NO to H2O2 is an important factor influencing HR.72

Possible Signaling Molecules Upstream from Cytosolic Ca2+ Rise

In the previous sections of this review, we have briefly illustrated the significance of cytosolic Ca2+ elevation and Ca2+ regulated downstream steps in plant innate immunity. Not much is currently known about the signaling events that occur upstream from cytosolic Ca2+ influx in the plant innate immune response to pathogens. Cyclic nucleotides can activate CNGC channels and initiate Ca2+ entry into the cytosol.9,37 This activation is impaired in the dnd1 mutant.9 The evidence that LPS can activate Ca2+ influx9 raises some interesting questions: how does plant cell perception of the PAMP LPS (or a pathogen) lead to the activation of inward Ca2+ current? What regulator or intermediate plays a key role in this signal transduction pathway? One possibility is that PAMP/pathogen-PRR recognition elicits the synthesis of cyclic nucleotide (either cAMP or cGMP rise). Therefore, we can speculate that cyclic nucleotide level changes might occur during pathogen/PAMP interaction, upstream from activating CNGCs.73

At present, a gene encoding a plant (Arabidopsis) adenylate cyclase (AC) (cAMP synthesis) has not been identified74 (but see Moutinho et al.75), neither has a plant cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) (i.e., facilitating catalysis of cyclic nucleotide) been cloned.76 Thus, it is still unknown how pathogen perception is translated to cAMP (or cGMP) elevation in the plant cell, but much evidence indicates a cAMP rise could increase the cytosolic Ca2+ level. Pathogen elicitors have been reported to cause a transient cytosolic cAMP elevation in several plant species.7780 In French bean cells (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Bindschedler et al.81 reported that a cytosolic cAMP rise enhanced Ca2+ dependent ROS production induced by elicitor. Moreover, current studies in our lab (Ma W, Smigel A, Walker RK, Verma R and Berkowitz GA, unpublished data) indicate that the application of AC inhibitor can: (i) impair avirulent pathogen induced cytosolic cAMP elevation; (ii) inhibit avirulent pathogen induced cytosolic Ca2+ elevation; (iii) abolish synthesis of the downstream pathogen signaling molecules (NO and ROS); and (iv) block plant HR to an avirulent pathogen. Correspondingly, the application of PDE inhibitor can: (i) hasten HR and cAMP rise induced by an avirulent pathogen; (ii) increase avirulent pathogen induced cytosolic Ca2+ elevation; and (iii) lead to NO synthesis in the absence of plant PAMP in leaf guard cells. The information above supports the speculation that pathogen induced cAMP rise (through either activation of AC or inhibition of PDE) could open CNGCs and lead to Ca2+ influx through PM as the early signal in plant innate immune response.

Recently, Kwezi et al. reported the identification of 26 putative plant membrane-bound and soluble guanylate cyclases (GCs).19 In animals, soluble GCs can bind to and be activated by NO.82 Several studies have identified cGMP acting as a messenger molecule downstream from NO in plant pathogen response signal transduction cascades.71,83 In Arabidopsis, a soluble GC (AtGC1) had been identified in earlier work; it does not show a response to NO.84 Although it is still unknown whether the other putative GCs could be responsive to the NO signal and activate cGMP synthesis, this discovery sheds light on a new connection between plant innate immunity and CNGCs. Kwezi et al.19 show that AtBRI1 (a receptor for brassinosteriods) functions as a GC in vitro. Among the other 25 putative GCs that Kwezi et al.19 identified, some encode LRR-RLKs. It has been demonstrated that some of the 233 known Arabidopsis LRR-RLKs can recognize PAMPs and elicit basal defense responses in plant cells.20 Moreover, recent studies from Ryan and his colleagues identified a family of plant endogenous peptide elicitors, AtPep1-6, these peptides are thought to be involved in activating plant innate immune responses in a fashion similar to PAMPs.22 The AtPep receptor (PEPR1) is localized to the PM; PEPR1 is also a LRR-RLK.23 Importantly, this PEPR1 receptor is one of the LRR-RLKs identified by Kwezi et al.19 to have a cytoplasmically-localized putative GC domain similar to AtBRI1. Therefore, the possible GC activity of these receptors leads us to speculate that the perception of pathogen can increase cGMP synthesis and activate CNGCs, cytosolic Ca2+ rise and downstream signaling.24

CaM or CML could be the Candidate Linking Ca2+ Signaling and Downstream NO Production

Cytosolic Ca2+ rise is linked to downstream NO production in the plant immune response.9,15 However, little is known about the molecules and/or mechanisms that link Ca2+ elevation in the cytosol to downstream NO synthesis. It is known that CaMs or CMLs are involved in plant signaling in response to pathogens. The overexpression of soybean CaM (SCaM-4 or SCaM-5) in tobacco can increase resistance to pathogens.85 The silencing of the tobacco CaM NtCaM13 enhances the susceptibility of the plant to virulent bacteria or fungi.86 Reducing the expression of CML APR134 in tomato diminishes HR while constitutive expression of AtCML43 (the Arabidopsis ortholog of CML APR134) in Arabidopsis accelerates HR development.87,88 Recently, Ali et al.9 found that the application of a CaM antagonist can abolish LPS-induced NO generation in plant cells. NO generation in response to application of PAMPs such as LPS to plant cells occurs through an arginine-dependent pathway; this suggests involvement of a NOS type enzyme in pathogen-induced NO production.9,30 Other work has shown that the NO production occurring during HR depends on NOS activity.16,60,61 Recent work from this lab suggested a Ca2+/CaM dependence of NOS activity and that CaM or a CML may act either directly or indirectly on NOS to transmit the early signal of cytosolic Ca2+ elevation to NO generation during pathogen response signaling cascades leading to HR.18

Complexity of Signaling Steps in Plant Innate Immunity

The model we develop in this review of early steps in plant innate immune signaling includes the speculation that perception of a pathogen elicits cyclic nucleotide generation, causing activation of CNGCs. This in turn will initiate a rise in cytosolic Ca2+; resulting Ca2+ binding to CaM (or a CML) transmits the pathogen perception signal further, leading to NO synthesis. NO is required for HR and it can also interact with H2O2 to potentiate HR during the plant innate immune response.16,72 However, it should be noted that some studies raise the possibility that these downstream components in the pathogen response signal transduction pathway could be upstream from cytosolic Ca2+ elevation as well. As mentioned above, NO generation could be upstream from cGMP synthesis.83 In animal cells, NO is a diffusible messenger molecule that can bind and activate soluble GC.58 It has also been reported that NO synthesis during plant pathogen signaling cascades can also cause cytosolic Ca2+ rise.8991

During plant innate immune signaling, Ca2+ conductance across the tonoplast as well as the PM could contribute to cytosolic Ca2+ elevation. As pointed out in recent reviews, cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR) is thought to activate tonoplast ryanodine receptors, which provide a pathway for Ca2+ release from the vacuole and/or other intracellular pools of Ca2+ in the plant cell.27,91 As suggested in these reviews, in this manner, some evidence83,92 indicates cADPR may act as a mediator between NO and cytosolic Ca2+ elevation, thus provides mechanism of Ca2+ release to cytosol downstream from NO generation. Furthermore, recent work suggests that S-nitrosylation and phosphorylation may be involved in NO-mediated signaling. These post-translational modifications have been suggested to mediate NO activation of proteins, including Ca2+ conducting channels involved in pathogen response signaling.27,91 In addition, previous work suggests that H2O2 induced by pathogen perception could activate PM Ca2+-conducting channels.93 Therefore, the whole pathway should be viewed as a complex interactive network. It could be possible that the initial Ca2+ influx through CNGCs induces downstream molecules (either NO or H2O2) that can diffuse to neighboring cells and activate new Ca2+ signals, propagating the HR. Furthermore, it could also be possible that downstream molecules induced by additional Ca2+ influx contribute to amplifying the pathogen perception signal.73 In order to understand this complicated plant innate immune signaling transduction cascade, the missing pieces of this puzzle need further study.


This work was supported by National Science Foundation award no. 0721679 to G.A.B.



adenylate cyclase




cyclic ADP ribose




Ca2+ -dependent protein kinases


CaM-like proteins


cyclic nucleotide gated channel

E. coli

Escherichia coli


effector-triggered immunity


guanylate cyclase


glutamate receptor


hypersensitive response




leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinase


nitric oxide


nitric oxide synthase


pathogen associated molecular pattern




plasma membrane


pattern recognition receptor


PAMP-triggered immunity


reactive oxygen species


Previously published online as a Plant Signaling & Behavior E-publication:


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