ANTHROPOLOGY Correction for “Economics, cultural transmission, and the dynamics of the sex ratio at birth in China,” by Mikhail Lipatov, Shuzhuo Li, and Marcus W. Feldman, which appeared in issue 49, December 9, 2008, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (105:19171–19176; first published December 1, 2008; 10.1073/pnas.0806747105).
The authors note that on page 19172, right column, fifth full paragraph, the last sentence is incorrect in part. “She then transfers this modified σs to her own daughter—the grandmother of A,” should read “She then transfers this modified σs to her own daughter—the granddaughter of A.” On page 19173, in the legend for Fig. 2, the last sentence is incorrect in part. “In this mode, direction and rate of change in r is determined by the effect of parental and societal intuitive preferences (ρ) on the transmission of cultural belief (σs), i.e., parameters C01, C10, V01 and V10,” should instead read “In this mode, direction and rate of change in r is determined by the effect of parental and societal intuitive preferences (ρ) on the transmission of cultural belief (σs), i.e., parameters C01, C10, V01 and V10 in Table 2.” On page 19174, in Table 2, the last sentence of the legend, “Note that parameter subscripts refer to the direction of change in σs, not the state of parental ρ,” should read “Note that parameter subscripts refer to the direction of change in σs from the first subscript to the second, not the state of parental ρ.” On page 19175, right column, first full paragraph, seventh line, “Its greatest effect …” should read “Most likely, its greatest effect …”. These errors do not affect the conclusions of the article.