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. 2009 Jul 6;29(17):4679–4690. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00297-09

The Drosophila Metastasis Suppressor Gene Nm23 Homolog, awd, Regulates Epithelial Integrity during Oogenesis

Julie A Woolworth 1,, Gouthami Nallamothu 1,, Tien Hsu 1,*
PMCID: PMC2725718  PMID: 19581292


The expression levels of the metastasis suppressor gene Nm23 have been shown to correlate positively or inversely with prognosis in different cancer cohorts. This indicates that Nm23 may be needed at different expression levels and may function differently in various tissues. Here we report a novel epithelial function of the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of human Nm23, abnormal wing discs (awd). We show a dynamic expression pattern of the Awd protein during morphogenesis of the Drosophila follicle cells during oogenesis. Loss-of-function awd mutant cells result in the accumulation and spreading of adherens junction components, such as Drosophila E-cadherin, β-catenin/Armadillo, and α-spectrin, and the disruption of epithelial integrity, including breaking up of the epithelial sheet and piling up of follicle cells. In contrast, overexpression of awd diminishes adherens junction components and induces a mesenchymal-cell-like cell shape change. The gain-of-function phenotype is consistent with a potential oncogenic function of this metastasis suppressor gene. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the epithelial function of awd is mediated by Rab5 and show that the Rab5 expression level is downregulated in awd mutant cells. Therefore, awd modulates the level and localization of adherens junction components via endocytosis. This is the first demonstration of an in vivo function of Nm23 family genes in regulating epithelial morphogenesis.

Nm23 was first identified as a transcript that was downregulated in highly metastatic derivatives of a murine melanoma cell line, K-1735 (43). Later studies revealed that Nm23 consists of a family of eight related genes in mammals (24). The 1 and 2 isoforms (human H1 and H2) are the most closely related and are the ones most often implicated in tumor progression. They are also evolutionarily highly conserved. The Drosophila melanogaster Nm23 gene, abnormal wing discs (awd), shares 78% amino acid identity with either human H1 or H2 (5). The awd lethal phenotype can be rescued by exogenously expressed Nm23-H2 (51). Early studies of awd also led to the finding that Nm23 genes encode nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity, which converts nucleoside diphosphates to nucleoside triphosphates using ATP as the phosphate source (5, 50).

In xenograft and allograft models, Nm23 has been shown to inhibit metastasis, but not primary tumor growth, of cells from human breast cancer, murine melanoma, rat colon cancer, and human oral squamous cancer (reviewed in reference 38). However, in clinical cancer samples, the function of Nm23 is somewhat murkier. While in earlier breast cancer studies there were statistically significant correlations between reduced Nm23 expression levels and some criteria of metastasis (reviewed in reference 20), in later studies no clear correlations could be discerned (1, 2, 16, 39, 42). Furthermore, in other cancer cohorts, particularly those of ovarian cancers, upregulated Nm23 levels have been correlated with poor prognosis (19, 29), suggesting an oncogenic function for Nm23. While many of the discrepancies can be attributed to the method used (Northern analysis versus immunohistochemistry, for example) or the quality of the reagents (antibody specificity, for example), these observations also suggest that the physiological and developmental functions of the Nm23 family of genes operate in a defined range of expression levels. Thus, either overexpression or reduced expression of Nm23 can result in abnormal cellular phenotypes. Homozygous Nm23-M1 knockout mice exhibited delayed mammary gland development but were otherwise healthy (3). These mice also conferred an elevated metastasis potential when induced for hepatocellular-carcinoma formation (7). However, these results did not shed light on the physiological functions of the Nm23 family of proteins. More recently, the Xenopus laevis Nm23-X4 isoform has been shown to negatively regulate retinal gliogenesis by inhibiting p27Xic1, a Xenopus cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (33). Continuing studies of this system should determine whether this function is conserved in other family members and in other tissue systems.

To date, the most physiologically relevant function of Nm23 was revealed by genetic studies of Drosophila (reviewed in reference 35). awd was identified in a genetic screen for genes involved in imaginal-disc development (9, 10). It was also shown that primordial ovaries from awd mutants failed to develop when transplanted into wild-type larvae, although mutant germ cells from early embryos were capable of producing normal eggs in wild-type surrogates (9). Since in the latter case, the wild-type surrogate embryos provided the somatic cells to form the functional ovaries, the observation suggested that awd may play a specific role in the development of somatic follicle cells in the egg chamber (35). This interesting finding may now be explained by our current study. More recently, in a genetic screen for second-site mutations that exacerbate the neurological phenotype of a temperature-sensitive dynamin mutant (paralysis at 29°C due to defects in endocytosis-mediated neurotransmitter uptake), Krishnan et al. (23) isolated three lines of such dynamin enhancers. All three are alleles of awd. This suggests that the functional relationship between awd and endocytosis is exceedingly specific and almost exclusive. Our own subsequent studies (8, 36) demonstrated that the endocytic activity of Awd is not restricted to the neuronal function; that is, Awd can downregulate epithelial-cell motility by promoting internalization of chemotactic signaling receptors. In the tracheal tubules, awd mutants exhibit surface overaccumulation of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor (encoded by the breathless gene) and ectopic tubule cell migration (8). In the ovary, Awd is normally downregulated in a group of epithelial cells (the border cell complex) that delaminates from the epithelium and migrates through the germ cell complex to reach the developing oocyte. Forced expression of Awd in border cells reduced the level of the chemotactic platelet-derived growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (PDGF/VEGF) receptor (Pvr) and inhibited cell movement (36). These functions provide a plausible role of Nm23 in downregulating metastasis.

In the course of studying the function of Awd during oogenesis, we also noted a dynamic subcellular-localization pattern of the Awd protein in the somatic follicle cells that surround the germ cells in the ovary, indicating a role in epithelial morphogenesis. In this report, we show that awd regulates the distribution of adherens junction components and, therefore, the epithelial integrity. These findings also provide the explanation for the original observation suggesting a somatic-cell-specific oogenic function for awd more than 20 years ago (9, 35).


Drosophila strains.

y w; UAS-awd and y w; hsp-awd strains, carrying the awd open reading frame under the control of a UAS (upstream activation sequence) enhancer and a heat shock promoter, respectively, have been described previously (8, 36). To generate awd RNA interference constructs, tail-to-tail tandem copies of 5′ portions of the awd open reading frame were cloned in the pCaSpe-hs or the pUAS vector under the heat shock promoter or the GAL4/UAS binary control, respectively. These expression vectors were used to transform the y w flies. Transgenic flies carrying wild-type, constitutively active (CA), and dominant negative (DN) variants of the UAS-YFP-Rab5 and UAS-YFP-Rab11 fusion genes (where YFP is yellow fluorescent protein) were obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center and have been described previously (53). Briefly, cDNAs for wild-type Rab5 and Rab11 were generated using reverse transcription-PCR from total embryonic RNA preparations. CA and DN variants were generated by in vitro mutagenesis. The coding sequences were fused to the 3′ end of the YFP open reading frame and cloned into the pUAS transgenic vector. Localizations of the wild-type and CA proteins to the proper endocytic compartments in the photoreceptors and in cultured cells were verified. On the other hand, DN mutant proteins were shown to be mislocalized, consistent with their mutant nature. Hemagglutinin-Arf6 fusion genes were generous gifts of C. D'Souza-Schorey of the University of Notre Dame (40). The GAL455B transgenic line expresses GAL4 in the anterior population of the main-body follicle cells starting at stage 8 (30, 31). The protein-null awd allele awdj2A4 is a P-element insertion, as described previously (8, 23). awdKRS6 is a deletion allele that removes a 788-bp region encompassing the entire protein-coding domain (46). The mutant awdj2A4 allele, located at the tip of the chromosome arm 3R, was crossed onto chromosome 3R carrying the Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombination site FRT82B at the base of the chromosome arm. The mitotic mutant clone was induced by crossing the awdj2A4, FRT82B fly with a transgenic strain carrying the wild-type FRT82B chromosome and the UAS-FLP recombinase transgene under the control of the e22c-GAL4 driver. e22c-GAL4 directs expression specifically in follicle cells and not in germ line cells. FLP recombinase induces recombination at the FRT sites between awd and wild-type chromatids during mitosis, resulting in homozygous awd mutant and sister wild-type cells. awdK-pn is a neomorphic nonlethal allele that encodes a P97S mutation. The complete genotypes of the awd mutant stocks are y w; P{w+}awdj2A4/TM3, Sb1, y w; awdKRS6 es/TM3, Sb1 Ser1, y+ and ca1 awdK-pn. They were obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center. The hsp-awdwt transgene (where wt is the wild type) was used to rescue the lethality of awdKRS6 when grown at 29°C. The homozygous hsp-awd; awdKRS6 female adult survivors were then examined for egg chamber phenotypes after incubation at the restrictive temperature of 18°C. The hsp-awdH119A mutant transgene was generated by in vitro mutagenesis and used to transform y w flies.

Transgene and RNA duplex induction.

For the GAL4/UAS expression system, the flies were conditioned in the presence of live baker's yeast at 25°C for 2 days and then incubated at 29°C for 3 days before dissection. For heat shock-induced expression, flies were conditioned in the presence of live baker's yeast at 25°C for 2 days and then heat treated twice daily at 37°C for 30 min for a total of 3 days. Ovary dissection was carried out ∼2 h after the final heat treatment.


Ovaries were dissected into 1× Ringers solution (182 mM KCl-46 mM NaCl-3 mM CaCl2-10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.2) containing 1% bovine serum albumin and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) overlaid with heptane. Subsequent washes and incubations were performed with PBS-NP-40 (1× PBS containing 0.5% NP-40). Primary-antibody incubation was performed at 4°C overnight. Protein A-purified polyclonal rabbit anti-Awd (3 mg/ml) was used at a 1:1,000 dilution and has been described previously (8). Mouse monoclonal anti-Arm (N27A1), rat monoclonal anti-Drosophila E-cadherin (DE-cadherin) (DCAD2), mouse monoclonal anti-α-spectrin (3A9), mouse monoclonal anti-Crumbs (Crb) (Cq4), mouse monoclonal anti-integrin PSβ (CF.6G11), and mouse monoclonal anti-Discs large (Dlg) (4F3) were obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank. Rabbit polyclonal anti-Lethal(2) giant larvae (Lgl) and rabbit anti-dystroglycan (Dg) antibodies are generous gifts of D. Grifoni of the University of Bologna (18) and W. M. Deng of Florida State University (11), respectively. Other commercially available primary antibodies used were mouse monoclonal anti-Rab5 (610281; BD Biosciences) and mouse monoclonal anti-β-galactosidase (G4644; Sigma). Alexa Fluor 546-phalloidin and To-Pro-3 are from Invitrogen/Molecular Probes (A22283 and T3605, respectively). Alexa Fluor 488-, 546-, and 647-conjugated secondary antibodies (Invitrogen/Molecular Probes) were used at a 1:200 dilution, and incubation was performed for 2 h at room temperature. For Lgl and Dg double staining with Awd (all using rabbit polyclonal antibodies), the anti-Awd antibody was preconjugated with Alexa Fluor dye using a Zenon rabbit immunoglobulin G labeling kit (Invitrogen/Molecular Probes) and used directly without secondary antibody. Samples were analyzed using an Olympus IX70 microscope equipped with Fluoview 300 confocal capability. Digital images were processed using Photoshop software without biased manipulations.


Awd expression in epithelial cells is dynamic.

Drosophila follicle cells provide an excellent model for studying epithelial establishment and maintenance. Each Drosophila egg chamber contains a germ cell complex—one oocyte and 15 nurse cells—that originates from a germ line stem cell (12). A single layer of epithelial follicle cells envelops the germ cell complex (Fig. 1A). The follicular epithelium mechanically supports the integrity of the egg chamber and communicates with the germ cells to provide positional cues for the developing oocyte. These functions rely on a dramatic morphogenic event at stage 9, in which ∼95% of the 1,000 or so follicle cells move posteriorly as a sheet until they precisely envelop the oocyte. These are called columnar or main-body follicle cells. The remaining ∼5% of the anterior follicle cells become stretched and squamous. The follicular epithelium exhibits the typical epithelial polarity exemplified by markers such as the adherens junction component DE-cadherin, located at the apicolateral membrane domain, and Lgl, located at the basolateral domain (Fig. 1B).

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Egg chamber developmental stages and epithelial structure. (A) Illustration of representative stages of Drosophila egg chambers. Major cell types are marked. The curved arrows at stage 9 indicate the posterior movement of the epithelial sheet until the columnar follicle cell sheet exactly covers the oocyte at stage 10. (B) The left and middle panels show stage 3 to 8 and stage 9 egg chambers, respectively, stained for DE-cadherin (green), Lgl (red), and nuclei (To-Pro, blue). A close-up view (right panel) of stage 8 follicle cells shows the typical polarized distribution of DE-cadherin in a “two-dot” pattern, marking the apicolateral junctions of each cell, and Lgl in the basolateral membrane domains. Bar, 20 μm.

We observed that Awd is expressed in the follicular epithelium in a dynamic pattern. In early egg chambers (pre-stage 5), Awd is expressed throughout the follicle cell body (Fig. 2A). After stage 5, Awd gradually accumulates to the basal side of the cell (Fig. 2A). Basal localization becomes prominent at stage 6 and is firmly established after stage 8. At stage 10, Awd is associated exclusively with the basal domain of the cells (Fig. 2B). The basal localization of Awd can be seen clearly as Awd overlaps with β-integrin in these cells (Fig. 2C). Stage 6 is a critical time in epithelial morphogenesis, as these follicle cells cease to proliferate and begin to adopt a columnar shape. The dynamic expression pattern of Awd in the epithelial follicle cells (Fig. 2D) raised the possibility that Awd may regulate epithelial morphogenesis. We set out to test this hypothesis.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Dynamic expression of Awd in follicle cells. (A and B) Ovaries were stained for Awd (green) and Rac (red), the latter to mark the outline of follicle cells. (A) An expanded view is shown in the top panel, with three zoomed-in views of different stages shown in the bottom panels. The numbers indicate the stages of the egg chambers. Ap and Ba indicate the apical and basal sides of the cells, respectively. Awd gradually moves away from the apical domain after stage 5. Bars, 20 μm. (B) Stage (Stg) 10 egg chamber. CMFC, centripitally migrating follicle cells. Bar, 20 μm. (C) Basal localization of Awd (green) is demonstrated by double staining with β-integrin (Intβ) (red). A portion of the stage 10 follicular epithelium is shown. (D) Diagram depicting the subcellular relocalization of Awd (green). Adherens junctions are shown in red.

awd mutant cells show accumulation of adherens junction components.

Homozygous Drosophila awd mutants are lethal. In order to study the loss-of-function phenotype in the adult follicular epithelium, we generated homozygous mutant follicle cell clones in the heterozygous animals by using the FLP/FRT system. The mutant allele j2A4 is a P-element insertion that results in a loss of protein expression (8, 23). Figure 3A shows a wild-type stage 9 egg chamber stained for Drosophila β-catenin (Armadillo, or Arm) and Awd. Awd is localized to the basal side, while Arm shows a typical accumulation at the apicolateral loci of the awd+ cells. In an awd mutant clone (identified as cells lacking Awd staining) (compare Fig. 3A, B, and C), Arm spreads to the apical membrane domain, and the overall lateral membrane level also increases. A similar accumulation is observed for DE-cadherin (Fig. 3D). Closer examination of the mutant clones revealed an abundance of Arm-containing vesicles in the awd mutant cells compared to the level in the normal cells, which show typical Arm localization to the apicolateral surface, with enrichment in the three-cell junctions and little cytoplasmic aggregation (Fig. 3C′, insets). The adherens junction-linked cytoskeletal component α-spectrin is also overaccumulated on the lateral domain (Fig. 3E). We then examined the organization of the DE-cadherin-Arm complex in the awd mutant cells. Wild-type or awd mutant clones were doubly stained for DE-cadherin and Arm (Fig. 3F). In wild-type cells, there is an expected colocalization of DE-cadherin and Arm in the apicolateral membrane domain. There are also scattered DE-cadherin and Arm in separate basolateral cortical loci (Fig. 3F). A recent report has indicated that β-catenin uncomplexed with E-cadherin can remain at the cell periphery by tethering to the microtubule minus ends (32). In awd mutant cells, DE-cadherin and Arm overaccumulate together in the apical domain. However, in the basolateral domain and in the cytoplasm, vesicles containing DE-cadherin or Arm alone and vesicles containing both components are observed (Fig. 3F). This indicates that DE-cadherin and Arm spread to the apical domain as a complex. Separate DE-cadherin and Arm in the cytoplasm may result from an internalization of isolated proteins from the cell cortex, from sorting after the complex is internalized, or both. It is not yet clear how the non-membrane-bound β-catenin becomes associated with transport vesicles, although evidence has suggested that caveolin may recruit β-catenin to the lipid rafts prior to internalization (17).

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

awd mutant clones show a depolarized accumulation of adherens junction components and epithelial abnormalities. (A) Stage 9 wild-type (wt) egg chamber doubly stained for Awd (green) and Armadillo (Arm; red). (A′) The apicolateral membrane localization of Arm is highlighted (*). (B) awd mutant clones (arrow in B′) in a stage 8 egg, revealed by a lack of Awd staining (green). These mutant cells show an overaccumulation of Arm (red; arrow), while neighboring awd+ cells show a typical apicolateral localization (*). (C) Surface optical cross-section of a stage 8 egg, showing double staining for Awd (green) and Arm (red). (C′) Staining of Arm alone. Arm overaccumulates on the awd mutant cell cortex. Close-up views show normal (left) and mutant (right) cells. Mutant cells contain an abundance of peripheral Arm and Arm-containing intracellular vesicles. (D) Enlarged views of a wild-type stage 8 egg chamber (top) with DE-cadherin (DE-cad) (red) at the apicolateral cell junctions (*). In the mutant clone (bottom), DE-cadherin spreads to the apical and lateral sides (arrows). Awd, green; To-Pro, blue. (E) Stage 10 egg chamber showing overaccumulation of α-spectrin (α-Spect) and a mild piling-up phenotype (brace). (F) Close-up views of awd+ and awd stage 9 follicle cells, labeled for DE-cadherin (blue) and Arm (red). In the awd+ cell, besides colocalization at the apicolateral adherens junctions (*), separate DE-cadherin and Arm are observed on the lateral cortex (blue and red arrows, respectively). In the awd cell, DE-cadherin and Arm colocalize to the apical membrane. In addition, cytoplasmic vesicles containing DE-cadherin (blue arrows), Arm (red arrows), or both (pink arrow) are identified. (G) A stage 7 egg chamber containing awd clones is stained for Crb, Awd, and DNA. Crb shows mild upregulation. (H) A stage 8 egg chamber containing awd clones is stained for Dg (blue), Awd (green), and Arm (red). Dg staining reveals a disrupted basal membrane (arrows), but the basal localization is not altered. (I) Stage 8 egg chamber stained for Dlg (red), Awd (green), and DNA (blue). (J) Stage 8 egg chamber stained for Lgl (red), Awd (green), and DE-cadherin (blue). Both basolateral markers show little change. (K) Stage 8 egg chamber showing stretched follicle cells (arrow in K′) and break-up of the epithelial sheet (bracket in K″). (L) Degenerating stage 9 egg chamber showing break-up of the epithelial sheet (bracket in inset) and severe piling up of follicle cells (arrow in inset). DE-cadherin, red; Awd, green; To-Pro, blue. (M and N) Stage 9 egg chambers containing awd clones are stained for F-actin (F-act) (phalloidin, red), Awd (green), and DNA (blue). (M) Adenoma-like epithelial expansion is observed. (N) In the most severe phenotype, large regions of the epithelium become multicell layered and invade deep into the germ cell complex (arrowheads). Bar, 20 μm.

Western blot analysis of the ovary extracts isolated from wild-type, hsp-awd overexpression, and hsp-awdsb (knockdown) flies did not show grossly altered protein levels for DE-cadherin, Arm, or α-spectrin (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). This indicates that Awd regulates mainly the cytoplasm-membrane translocalization of these proteins and not their expression levels. Elevated staining of these proteins in awd mutant cells probably occurs because indirect immunofluorescence favors aggregated antigens, such as those concentrated at the membrane domains or in vesicles. Wild-type cells may contain an abundant cytoplasmic pool of the adherens junction components undetected by our immunofluorescence settings.

We also determined that the expression of the apical marker Crumbs (Crb) is moderately increased but not overtly altered (Fig. 3G). The basal marker Dg revealed that the basal adhesion of awd mutant cells is defective (seen as wavy basal membranes [Fig. 3H]) but that the basal localization of Dg itself is not altered. The basolateral markers Dlg and Lgl are not altered (Fig. 3I and J). Therefore, Awd appears to be a specific regulator of localization of adherens junction components.

awd mutant follicle cell clones show disruption of epithelial characteristics.

The mutant cells shown in Fig. 3B become flattened but remain adhered to their neighbors. In clones containing a large number of mutant cells, a more prominent disruption of epithelial integrity is observed (Fig. 3E and K to N). Figure 3E shows a piling-up phenotype. Figure 3K′ shows a stretched epithelium, and in more severe cases (Fig. 3K″ and L), the epithelial continuity is broken. This indicates a weakening of the adherens junctions. The defect is likely exacerbated during the epithelial-sheet movement after stage 8, in which the posteriorly moving epithelial sheet stretches the anterior follicle cells into a squamous shape. Weakened adherens junctions in cells overaccumulating DE-cadherin and Arm indicate that these overaccumulated adherens junction components are not engaged in effective cell adhesion and may disrupt the normal cell-cell adhesion.

In addition to epithelial breakup, adenoma-like epithelial piling is frequently observed (Fig. 3L and M). In the most severe phenotype, the follicle cell sheet invades the germ cell proper (Fig. 3N). The occurrences of these phenotypes are summarized in Fig. 4. The severity of the phenotypes correlates with the size of the mutant clone. This is consistent with the notion that epithelial integrity is maintained by the junctions between the epithelial cell and its multiple neighbors.

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

Quantification of awd mutant phenotypes. The categories of phenotypes are described in the legend for Fig. 3. Phenotype distributions are tabulated separately according to the sizes of the clones. The cell number in each clone is counted from an optical cross-section through the center of the egg chamber. It is therefore not an actual total number of cells within a clone but a relative measurement of the clone size. n is the total number of clones examined within each group. Significant differences are indicated based on a two-sample t test for percentages (*, P ≤ 0.05; †, P ≤ 0.1).

Loss-of-function awd phenotypes in additional alleles.

To confirm that the awd mutant clone phenotype is not due to unrelated genetic lesions present in the allele used, we examined another independent null (deletion) awd mutant allele, KRS6 (46). The lethality of this allele is rescued by the hsp-awd transgene grown at 29°C. The surviving homozygous females were then shifted to 18°C for 3 days before egg chambers were dissected. Very few intact egg chambers were recovered. The few surviving egg chambers showed reduced and uneven Awd expression in the follicle cells (Fig. 5A and B). These egg chambers also display disrupted epithelial organization (Fig. 5A) and discontinuity of the epithelium (Fig. 5B). We should note that since Awd is needed for neuromuscular synaptic communication (23), residual Awd is required for keeping the adult females alive for ovary extraction; therefore, some Awd expression in ovaries is expected. But compared to the wild-type expression levels, the majority of mutant follicle cells indeed showed reduced expression (Fig. 5A and B, insets). Interestingly, we also observed increased staining for Awd in the germ cells (Fig. 5A and B), which are normally devoid of Awd expression in wild-type egg chambers. The ectopic expression is likely from the hsp-awd transgene expressed throughout ovary development, since awdKRS6 is a protein-null allele. Accumulation of exogenous Awd indicates that the germ cells cannot efficiently turn over ectopically expressed Awd. Also, as shown in Fig. 5B, there is one follicle cell that retained overexpressed Awd, while most of the other follicle cells surrounding the stretched epithelial locus showed reduced Awd expression.

FIG. 5.

FIG. 5.

Verification of awd loss-of-function mutant phenotypes. (A and B) awdKRS6 heterozygous flies carrying the hsp-awd rescue transgene were incubated at 29°C. Homozygous awdKRS6 female progenies were isolated and then conditioned at 18°C before dissection. Egg chambers show reduced Awd expression in the follicle cells (empty arrowheads) and a disrupted epithelium. Asterisks mark the ectopic expression of Awd in the germ cells. The arrow in panel B points to the stretched epithelium. One follicle cell shows ectopic expression of residual Awd among neighboring cells that show reduced Awd expression. (C to G) Female flies carrying hsp-awdsb (awd knockdown) (C), GAL455B/UAS-lacZ (D), or GAL455B/UAS-awdsb (E to G) were dissected. The egg chambers were stained with the indicated antibodies and To-Pro. (C) In the stage 10 egg shown, the group of awd knockdown cells (bracket) can be identified clearly. These cells accumulate Arm (β-catenin; red) and show epithelial piling up (arrows in inset). (D) LacZ reporter expression pattern driven by GAL455B. Stage (stg) 9 and stage 10 eggs are stained for LacZ (red), Awd (green), and DNA (To-Pro, blue). LacZ is expressed in an anterior band of follicle cells. Note that in these cells the endogenous Awd expression is not affected and the follicle cells are normal. In GAL455B/UAS-awdsb egg chambers, overexpression of DE-cadherin (E-cad) (E), α-spectrin (α-spect) (F), and Arm (G) is observed. These awd knockdown cells also exhibit flattening (E), disorganized cell-cell contacts (F), and piling up (G). Bar, 20 μm.

To further confirm the awd loss-of-function phenotypes, we constructed a transgenic vector expressing an awd-specific RNA duplex (snap-back construct, awdsb). A tail-to-tail duplex construct containing the first 150 nucleotides of the awd open reading frame was cloned into the expression vector under the heat shock (hsp70) promoter or UAS enhancer control. A sequence homology search confirmed that there is no nucleotide identity larger than 10 consecutive residues within this segment compared with the entire known Drosophila transcriptome. When the awd RNA duplex was induced by heat shock, clusters of awd knockdown cells could be identified (Fig. 5C). These cells showed an expected upregulation of Arm/β-catenin (Fig. 5C), DE-cadherin (data not shown), and α-spectrin (data not shown) and epithelial defects, such as multilayering of the epithelium. The awdsb-induced knockdown effect was further confirmed using the GAL4/UAS binary system. When a GAL4 line specifically expressed in the anterior of the columnar epithelium (GAL455B) (Fig. 5D) was used (30), clusters of awd knockdown cells could be detected (Fig. 5E to G). These awd knockdown cells exhibited overaccumulation of DE-cadherin (Fig. 5E), α-spectrin (Fig. 5F), and Arm (Fig. 5G) and a disorganized epithelial morphology. These analyses demonstrate that the epithelial phenotypes described are the specific result of awd loss of function.

Overexpression of Awd protein results in loss of epithelial characteristics.

We next examined whether overexpression of Awd in follicle cells can result in reciprocal phenotypes. Two strategies were employed. First, the wild-type awd transgene was overexpressed from the hsp70 promoter. The adult flies carrying the hsp-awd trangene were heat shocked at 37°C for 30 min twice a day for 3 days. This regimen generated Awd overexpression throughout the follicle cell body. These cells exhibit a profound cell shape change that is not seen in awd loss-of-function clones (Fig. 6A, compare to Fig. 3 and 5). The cells are swollen, rounded, or spindle shaped and become detached from their neighbors. They also cause disruption of neighboring cells. This morphological change is correlated with reduced membrane accumulation of Arm, as opposed to the increased accumulation of Arm observed for awd mutant clones.

FIG. 6.

FIG. 6.

Gain-of-function awd phenotypes. Female flies carrying hsp-awd (A) or GAL455B/UAS-lacZ/UAS-awd (B) were dissected. The egg chambers were stained with the indicated antibodies and To-Pro. (A) Portions of stage 9 egg chambers. awd-overexpressing cells are identified as those showing strong Awd staining (green) throughout the cytoplasm. Heat shock-induced Awd overexpression resulted in a dramatic cell shape change into rounded or spindle cells and severe disruption of the epithelium. (B) Portions of stage 9 egg chambers. awd-overexpressing cells are identified by the coexpression of LacZ. These cells show abnormal cellular projections (thin arrows) and a swollen shape (filled arrow). Bar, 20 μm.

In order to discern a subtler phenotype, the wild-type awd transgene was expressed from the GAL455B/UAS system (Fig. 6B). In this case, coexpressed LacZ was used to identify the overexpressing cells and show the overall cell shape (since Arm is expected to be diminished and Awd itself may not be overexpressed throughout the cell body). Identifiable LacZ-expressing cells exhibit abnormal cell shapes, with swelling and cellular projections. Therefore, downregulation or overexpression of Awd can cause different manifestations of epithelial defects. While the presence of Awd is required for the proper localization of adherens junction components, its overexpression also causes disruption of the same components. However, the phenotypic outcomes of loss of function and gain of function are quite different. awd loss of function produced a disorganized epithelium and piling up, but the epithelial cells remain adhered to the epithelium. Gain of function, on the other hand, generated detached epithelial cells that adopted mesenchymal-cell shapes. The latter is consistent with the loss of adherens junction components. However, neither loss of function nor gain of function of awd could generate epithelial-to-mesenchymal cell transition (EMT) or metastasis phenotypes; that is, no breakaway follicle cells were observed. It is also noteworthy that overexpression of a kinase-dead awd mutant (histidine 119 to alanine), which could not rescue the awd lethality (51), did not cause gain-of-function phenotypes (Fig. 7A and B), indicating that the phosphate transfer activity of Awd is critical for epithelial function.

FIG. 7.

FIG. 7.

Phosphate transfer activity is necessary for Awd function. (A and B) Females carrying the hsp-awdH119A mutant transgene were heat treated as described in Results for Fig. 6A and dissected. The mutant Awd (green) is overexpressed throughout the cell bodies, but no epithelial phenotypes are observed. (C and D) Homozygous awdK-pn females were dissected for ovaries. Some degenerate egg chambers were found at early stages (arrow), but no overt epithelial phenotypes in other egg chambers are observed. Bar, 20 μm.

We also examined the Killer-of-prune (K-pn) allele of awd, which carries a proline 97-to-serine mutation (P96S in the human protein). K-pn is a homozygous nonlethal, neomorphic allele that confers dominant lethality to the otherwise-nonlethal eye color mutant prune (6, 45). The cellular basis for this phenotype is unknown. However, it has been shown that both human and Drosophila K-pn mutant proteins retain nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity but that the human K-pn protein is defective in protein kinase activity (15, 25). Structural studies indicate that the mutant protein is more flexible and exhibits reduced stability in response to heat treatment or denaturing agents (25, 47). Interestingly, awdK-pn ovaries showed occasional degenerating egg chambers at early stages (5% of ovarioles, n = 46) but no significant epithelial defects (Fig. 7C and D). If the previous analysis of the enzymatic function of the human K-pn protein also holds true for the Drosophila counterpart, our observation suggests that the epithelial function of Awd is dependent on the nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity and not on the protein kinase activity. However, whether Awd possesses the protein kinase function needs to be tested vigorously in future studies.

awd functionally interacts with Rab5.

Figure 3C shows that awd mutant cells accumulate Arm-containing vesicles. Since endocytosis of the adherens junction components is critical for the homeostasis of the junctional complex (52), particularly during epithelial reorganization, we suspect that the accumulation of the DE-cadherin-Armadillo complex may be the result of defects in the endocytic pathway. Surface accumulation of Arm may be the result of defective early-endosome formation or enhanced recycling. Accumulation of Arm-containing cytoplasmic vesicles, as shown in Fig. 3C and F, indicates that the first step in the endocytic pathway catalyzed by dynamin—cleavage of endocytic-vesicle invagination—is functional. Overabundance of endocytic vesicles in the awd mutant cells is also inconsistent with an enhanced recycling pathway. Indeed, ectopic expression of CA or DN Rab11 (a central component in the recycling endosomes) did not induce any epithelial phenotypes (see Fig. S2B in the supplemental material). A previous report has shown that Nm23-H1 is recruited by Arf6 GTPase to the adherens junction and promotes internalization of E-cadherin in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (40). We therefore also tested whether Arf6 plays a role in follicle cell morphogenesis. As shown in Fig. S2C in the supplemental material, neither CA nor DN mutants of Arf6 could induce epithelial phenotypes when ectopically expressed in the follicle cell. These negative results prompted us to examine the role of Rab5, a key component in promoting endocytic-vesicle fusion with early endosomes. We tabulated the phenotypes resulting from overexpression of wild-type Rab5, DN Rab5 (the S43N mutant), or CA Rab5 (the Q88L mutant) and compared them with the phenotypes generated by overexpressing the awdsb (knockdown) construct. It has been shown that wild-type and CA YFP-Rab5 proteins are localized to the early endosomes, while the DN fusion protein is mislocalized (53). UAS-driven transgenes were activated by the anterior-follicle-cell-specific GAL55B line, as described for Fig. 5D and Fig. S2A in the supplemental material. awdsb was then combined with each of the Rab5 variants to elucidate the possible genetic interactions. A neutral UAS-lacZ transgene was used as a negative control and was coexpressed with the awdsb or Rab5 transgene to normalize the available dosage of GAL4. The distribution of phenotypes is summarized in Table 1.


awd and Rab5 genetic interactions

Transgene combination na % with phenotype
Normal Cell shape change
Epithelial gap Piling up/ loose cells Invasion
Flattening Spindle/ swelling
lacZ 52 96 4
awdsb plus lacZ 44 25 30 11 27 7
Rab5wt plus lacZ 19 84 11 5
Rab5Q88L plus lacZ 21 86 14
Rab5S43N plus lacZ 35 77 14 9
Rab5wt plus awdsb 54 61 4 9 4 22
Rab5Q88L plus awdsb 37 73 3 19 5
Rab5S43N plus awdsb 37 24 35 19 19 3

n, number of clusters of epithelial cells in a cross-section expressing the indicated transgene(s).

Rab5S43N (DN) produced modest awd loss-of-function phenotypes (14% cell flattening and 9% piling up), while Rab5wt (wild type) and Rab5Q88L (CA) generated appreciable phenotypes of cell swelling (11% and 14%, respectively) that are reminiscent of the awd-overexpressing phenotype. awdsb by itself generated significant loss-of-function phenotypes (30% flattened cell shape, 11% epithelial gap, and 34% combined piling up and invasion). When these Rab5 transgenes were combined with awdsb, it was observed that awdsb (loss-of-function) phenotypes were rescued by Rab5wt and Rab5Q88L. The value of 25% normal egg chambers produced by awdsb was increased to 61% and 73% in the presence of Rab5wt and Rab5Q88L, respectively (P = 0.0006 and P < 0.0001). The combined severe phenotypes (piling up and invasion) were reduced from 34% to 22% and 0% for Rab5wt and Rab5Q88L, respectively (P = 0.188 and P = 0.002). Therefore, wild-type Rab5 could rescue the mild phenotypes, such as cell shape change and epithelial gaps, but was less effective than CA Rab5 in rescuing severe phenotypes, such as piling up and invasion (22% compared with 0%, respectively; P = 0.029). We conclude that Awd and Rab5 are agonists in promoting endocytosis of the adherens junction components. Interestingly, DN Rab5 (Rab5S43N) did not exacerbate the awd knockdown phenotype. The combined Rab5S43N and awdsb phenotype remained at the same level of severity as that for awdsb alone. This suggests that Awd is critical for Rab5 function. Without Awd activity, DN Rab5 cannot further inhibit the endocytic function. The modest phenotypes generated by overexpressing wild-type and CA Rab5 indicate the presence of auxiliary endocytic components that can modulate the Rab5 function. For example, the availability of other endosomal components, such as the Sec1/Munc18 family protein Vps45 and the syntaxin Avalanche, can limit the function of Rab5 (34). The severity of the Awd overexpression phenotypes compared to the mildness of the Rab5 and CA Rab5 overexpression phenotypes also indicates that Awd may regulate multiple endocytic-pathway components.

awd regulates the expression level of Rab5.

During examination of the YFP-Rab5 transgene- and awdsb-induced phenotypes, we noted interesting expression patterns of the YFP-Rab5 fusion proteins (Fig. 8A). First, the wild type is expressed throughout the cytoplasm, while CA Rab5 is in large aggregates, presumably the enlarged endosomes due to overactive endosome fusion. In contrast, DN Rab5 is expressed at a lower level in small, dispersed puncta. Interestingly, when coexpressed with awdsb, wild-type and DN Rab5 were greatly reduced, while CA Rab5 remained in large aggregates. These results indicate that awd may be needed to stabilize the inactive, cytosolic pool of Rab5. To further test this notion, we examined the endogenous Rab5 expression pattern in awd mutant clones. Incredibly, endogenous Rab5 is downregulated in awd mutant cells (Fig. 8B).

FIG. 8.

FIG. 8.

Rab5 is downregulated in awd mutant cells. (A) Female flies carrying GAL55B and the indicated UAS transgenes were dissected and processed for staining with the indicated antibodies and To-Pro. In the examples shown, wild-type Rab5 and CA Rab5 generated mild cell swelling (dashed lines), while DN Rab5 generated piling up. awd knockdown resulted in reduced levels of wild-type and DN Rab5 but not of CA Rab5. YFP, green; Arm, red; DNA, blue. (B) awd mutant clones were generated as described in Materials and Methods. Ovaries were dissected and stained for Awd (green), Drosophila Rab5 (red), and DE-cadherin (E-cad) (blue). Top panels show the surface view of a stage 8 egg chamber. Bottom panels show a cross-section of another stage 8 egg chamber. Lines mark the boundaries between Awd-expressing and null cells. In awd null cells, DE-cadherin is upregulated, as expected, and Rab5 is significantly downregulated. Bar, 20 μm.


We report here, for the first time, a novel function for the Nm23 gene family in epithelial morphogenesis in vivo. Our data suggest that Awd promotes internalization of the adherens junction components, such as DE-cadherin and β-catenin (Armadillo), and that this activity is mediated via the function of Rab5.

Rab5 has been shown to promote internalization of DE-cadherin and the apical complex protein Crb in the imaginal discs (26). Interestingly, we observed only a mild increase of apical Crb levels in awd mutant cells, suggesting that Crb is less reliant on Rab5-Awd-mediated endocytosis in the follicle cells. Nm23-H1 has been shown to promote E-cadherin endocytosis in canine kidney tubule MDCK cells (40). This function appears to be consistent with the awd mutant phenotypes reported here. These authors identified Arf6 as a mediator of Nm23 function. However, we determined that Arf6 played no roles in our in vivo model. Whether this discrepancy is due to different cell contexts or evolutionary divergence remains to be determined.

Our results suggest that the expression of the Awd protein needs to be within a tightly controlled range both quantitatively and spatially to maintain epithelial homeostasis. We propose that the role of Awd in the follicle cells is to downregulate the mislocalized E-cadherin-β-catenin complex from the membrane. Mislocalized adherens junction components are present before the epithelial junctions are firmly established (before stage 6) and during epithelial-sheet movement at stage 9, which requires active turnover of the adherens junctions. In early egg chambers, before the epithelial polarity is completely established, Awd is needed in the apical and lateral domains to remove the unengaged E-cadherin and Arm. After stage 6, when membrane domains are established and the apical membrane is sealed from the lateral domain by the Crb-containing apical complex, Awd relocalizes to the basolateral region and continues to retrieve laterally localized, uncomplexed adherens junction components. Our results showed that ectopic overexpression of Awd, which resulted in the spread of Awd throughout the cytoplasm at later stages, could reduce adherens junctions and generated a spindle cell shape. This indicates that overexpression of Awd can also promote turnover of the engaged adherens junction components. The overexpression-induced phenotype can therefore be considered an oncogenic function of this metastasis suppressor. This model can explain the conflicting results in correlating Nm23 expression levels with cancer prognosis. It should be emphasized that loss of function and overexpression of awd generated different manifestations of epithelial defects. Loss of function of awd resulted in the overaccumulation of adherens junction components and adenoma-like piling up, but the mutant cells remained adhered to the neighbors. Overexpression, on the other hand, resulted in profound cell shape changes into shapes that resemble those of mesenchymal cells, but these cells did not escape from the epithelium. In fact, we never observed breakaway epithelial cells that mimic metastasis under either condition. Therefore, the EMT is not generated in either awd loss-of-function or awd gain-of-function mutants. The most prevailing EMT molecular marker is E-cadherin, which is shown to accumulate in awd mutant cells and to come off the membrane in awd-overexpressing cells. This confirms the notion that the loss of E-cadherin is necessary but not sufficient for the EMT. In support of this, other EMT markers examined here, such as Dlg and Lgl, did not show alterations. We believe that to generate the EMT phenotype the epithelial cells need to be induced to migrate or possess intrinsic migratory potential. Such conditions can be observed with border cell and tracheal-cell migration, as we have described previously (8, 36). With border cells, awd downregulation is needed for the invasive movement, but the migration requires delamination from the epithelium a priori, which is not regulated by awd. In Drosophila tracheal cells, which normally migrate in response to the chemotactic FGF signaling, awd loss-of-function mutations resulted in EMT-like, rounded cells delaminated from the tubule epithelium. Thus, awd mutation can indeed generate the EMT phenotype, albeit only in cells with intrinsic motility.

One confounding factor that hinders the elucidation of the Nm23 pathophysiological function is the multitude of enzymatic activities identified: (i) nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity, which transfers the terminal phosphate group from ATP to a nucleoside diphosphate (such as GDP) through the formation of an intermediate histidine-phosphate linkage at histidine 118 (residue 119 in Drosophila) (38); (ii) DNA binding and DNA nuclease activities, which are involved in transcriptional regulation (27, 41); (iii) DNase activity, which is activated by granzyme A in caspase-independent apoptosis (14); and (iv) histidine-dependent protein kinase activity (13, 21, 49). The protein kinase enzymatic activity is similar to that of nucleoside diphosphate kinase but toward protein substrates (4). Some tantalizing kinase targets, such as aldolase C and kinase suppressor of Ras (Ksr), have been identified, but the in vivo relevance of these targets requires further investigation (44). It has been suggested that it is the protein kinase activity that is important for the antimetastasis function of Nm23 (15, 28). However, these non-nucleoside diphosphate kinase activities have not been verified in vivo. Furthermore, we have never observed nucleus-localized Awd in wild-type follicle cells. This makes the transcription regulator or DNase activities for Awd less likely, at least in the follicle cell system.

Since Nm23 is a potential GTP supplier, it has been proposed as an agonist for various cellular GTPases. Among the best-studied interactors of Nm23 in mammalian cells, many are indeed related directly or indirectly to the GTPases, such as Arf6 (40), TIAM1 (GEF [guanine nucleotide exchange factor] for Rac) (37), Lbc (GEF for Rho) (22), and Rad (48). These interacting proteins can potentially provide a mechanism for the function of Nm23 in regulating cell motility and endocytosis. However, while Arf6 is an Nm23 functional partner, other GTPase functions mentioned above are inhibited by Nm23, thus excluding the GTPase agonist function. These various partners may function in different cell types or in different cellular processes. The Drosophila developmental systems relevant to Nm23 functions—neurotransmission, tracheal branching, border cell migration, and follicular epithelial morphogenesis—should provide an excellent model for testing these functional relationships in future studies.

Previously, the endocytic function of awd has been shown to interact with dynamin/shibire (8, 23, 36). This indicates that Awd functions in the dynamin-dependent endocytic pathway but does not necessitate a direct regulatory role of Awd on dynamin activity. Indeed, with the follicle cell system reported here, we observed defective endocytosis correlating with an abundance of endocytic vesicles in the cytoplasm of awd mutant cells. This suggests that Awd does not directly regulate dynamin function, the loss of which should result in a lack of endocytic-vesicle formation. Also, it is unlikely that Awd physically interacts with either DE-cadherin or Arm because Awd does not colocalize with these proteins in the vesicles. Instead, we demonstrated that the level of wild-type Rab5 protein, which promotes delivery of endocytic vesicles to the early endosome, is diminished in awd mutant cells. Interestingly, while wild-type and DN Rab5 proteins are unstable, CA Rab5 appears to be stable in awd knockdown cells. These results suggest that Awd may be a chaperone protein that protects inactive Rab5. This function may be mediated by a perceived GTP supplier role of the Nm23 proteins (via its nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity), although it has not been documented that the availability of GTP can influence the levels of Ras-like proteins. We determined that the substitution mutation that replaced the critical histidine residue could not induce follicle cell phenotypes when overexpressed. Since the histidine residue is important for both nucleoside diphosphate kinase and putative protein kinase activities, it is currently unresolved which enzymatic activity is responsible for the reported epithelial function. The Drosophila systems should provide a platform for future mutational studies that will elucidate the critical enzymatic function of the Nm23 family of proteins.

Supplementary Material

[Supplemental material]


We thank Crislyn D'Souza-Schorey for providing the Arf6 transgenes, Wu-Min Deng for providing the anti-Dg antibody, and Daniela Grifoni for providing the anti-Lgl antibody.

This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health to T.H. (RO1GM57843).


Published ahead of print on 6 July 2009.

Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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