In genetic hybrids, the silencing of nucleolar rRNA genes inherited from one progenitor is the epigenetic phenomenon known as nucleolar dominance. An RNAi knockdown screen identified the Arabidopsis de novo cytosine methyltransferase, DRM2 and the methylcytosine binding domain proteins, MBD6 and MBD10 as activities required for nucleolar dominance. MBD10 localizes throughout the nucleus, but MBD6 preferentially associates with silenced rRNA genes, and does so in a DRM2-dependent manner. DRM2 methylation is thought to be guided by siRNAs whose biogenesis requires RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) and DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3). Consistent with this hypothesis, knockdown of DCL3 or RDR2 disrupts nucleolar dominance. In genetic hybrids, the silencing of nucleolar rRNA genes inherited from one progenitor is the epigenetic phenomenon known as nucleolar dominance. An RNAi knockdown screen identified the Arabidopsis de novo cytosine methyltransferase, DRM2 and the methylcytosine binding domain proteins, MBD6 and MBD10 as activities required for nucleolar dominance. MBD10 localizes throughout the nucleus, but MBD6 preferentially associates with silenced rRNA genes, and does so in a DRM2-dependent manner. DRM2 methylation is thought to be guided by siRNAs whose biogenesis requires RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) and DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3). Consistent with this hypothesis, knockdown of DCL3 or RDR2 disrupts nucleolar dominance. Collectively, these results indicate that in addition to directing the silencing of retrotransposons and noncoding repeats, siRNAs specify de novo cytosine methylation patterns that are recognized by MBD6 and MBD10 in the large-scale silencing of rRNA gene loci.
In interspecific hybrids of plants, insects, mammals or invertebrates, it is often the case that the RNA Polymerase I-transcribed rRNA genes of only one progenitor are expressed, independent of maternal or paternal effects. This epigenetic phenomenon, known as nucleolar dominance (McStay, 2006; Preuss and Pikaard, 2007; Reeder, 1985), results from the preferential silencing of one parental set of rRNA genes (Chen and Pikaard, 1997a). The silenced rRNA genes are clustered at nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in tandem arrays spanning millions of basepairs, making nucleolar dominance one of the most extensive gene silencing phenomena known, second in scope only to X chromosome inactivation in female eutherian mammals (Heard and Disteche, 2006; Huynh and Lee, 2005).
The mechanisms by which one parental set of rRNA genes in a hybrid is chosen for silencing is unclear. However, it is clear that a partnership between DNA methylation and repressive histone modifications carries out rRNA gene silencing. In Arabidopsis or Brassica allotetraploids (hybrids that possess diploid genomes of two progenitors), silenced rRNA genes can be derepressed by treatment with 5-aza-2’ deoxycytosine (aza-dC), a cytosine methyltransferase inhibitor, or by treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors such as trichostatin A (TSA) (Chen and Pikaard, 1997a). Treatment with both aza-dC and TSA is no more effective than treatment with either chemical alone, indicating that DNA methylation and histone deacetylation act in the same repression pathway (Chen and Pikaard, 1997a). Moreover, loss of histone deacetylation causes decreased cytosine methylation at rRNA gene promoters; likewise, inhibiting cytosine methylation causes the loss of repressive histone modifications (Earley et al., 2006; Lawrence et al., 2004). Collectively, these observations support a model whereby cytosine methylation and repressive histone modifications specify one another in a self-reinforcing cycle that maintains rRNA gene silencing (Lawrence et al., 2004).
Reverse genetic approaches have begun to identify proteins involved in rRNA gene silencing in nucleolar dominance. A role for the histone deacetylase, HDA6 was revealed in a screen in which transgene-induced RNA interference (RNAi) was used to systematically knock down the activities of the sixteen predicted Arabidopsis histone deacetylases (Earley et al., 2006). Biochemical studies then showed that HDA6 is a broad-specificity, TSA-sensitive histone deacetylase capable of removing acetyl groups from multiple lysines of core histones (Earley et al., 2006). Therefore, it is likely that TSA derepresses silenced rRNA genes by inhibiting HDA6 activity. By contrast, the cytosine methylation machinery that can account for aza-dC’s ability to derepress silenced rRNA genes is unknown. Candidate activities include 11 predicted cytosine methyltransferases, 7 of which are expressed in A. thaliana, and 13 predicted methylcytosine binding domain (MBD) proteins (Scebba et al., 2003; Springer and Kaeppler, 2005; Zemach and Grafi, 2003; Zemach et al., 2005), ten of which are expressed. Of the eleven predicted cytosine methyltransferases, only three are known to function in DNA methylation: MET1, CMT3, and DRM2 (Bender, 2004; Chan et al., 2005). MET1 maintains CG methylation and also affects CHG methylation to some extent (where H is a nucleotide other than C). CMT3 is primarily responsible for CHG maintenance methylation. DRM2 is responsible for de novo methylation and can modify cytosines in any sequence context, including CG, CHG and CHH (Cao et al., 2003; Cao and Jacobsen, 2002).
Gene regulatory functions for the 13 predicted Arabidopsis methylcytosine binding domain (MBD) proteins have not yet been defined. However, mammalian MBD proteins interact with protein complexes that covalently modify chromatin. For example, mammalian MeCP2 interacts with histone deacetylase HDAC1 (Jones et al., 1998; Nan et al., 1998), DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 (Kimura and Shiota, 2003) and at least one histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase (Fuks et al., 2003), thereby mediating transcriptional repression. Plant MBD proteins are similar to MeCP2, but only within the MBD domain; no homology is apparent between the plant and animal proteins in other parts of the proteins (Springer and Kaeppler, 2005).
In the current study, we show that components of the siRNA-directed DNA methylation pathway are required for nucleolar dominance, including RDR2, DCL3 and the de novo cytosine methyltransferase, DRM2. Moreover, we show that the methylcytosine binding domain protein, MBD6 binds to rRNA gene loci in a DRM2-dependent manner. Collectively, our results suggest that siRNAs guide de novo cytosine methylation of rRNA genes by DRM2. We propose that MBD6 and MBD10 then recognize the DRM2-mediated methylation patterns, thereby helping establish a heterochromatic state that inactivates rRNA gene loci on a multi-megabase scale.
The de novo cytosine methyltransferase DRM2 is required for nucleolar dominance
In Arabidopsis suecica, the allotetraploid hybrid of A. thaliana and A. arenosa, the A. thaliana-derived 45S rRNA genes that are transcribed by RNA polymerase I are inactivated during early post-embryonic development; as a result, only A. arenosa-derived rRNA genes are abundantly expressed in leaves of mature plants (Pontes et al., 2007). To identify cytosine methylation machinery required for nucleolar dominance, we transformed A. suecica with transgenes encoding transcripts capable of forming double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) hairpins (Fig. 1A) in order to bring about the RNAi-mediated knockdown of corresponding mRNAs. RNAi-inducing transgenes engineered using A. thaliana sequences knock down homologous mRNAs encoded by both A. suecica progenitors due to the ~90-95% nucleic acid sequence identity between A. thaliana and A. arenosa genes (Earley et al., 2006; Lawrence and Pikaard, 2003).
There are eleven predicted DNA methyltransferases in A. thaliana, seven of which are expressed and were targeted for RNAi-mediated knockdown in A. suecica (Table S1). Methylation analyses confirmed that the three DNA methyltransferase genes of known function, MET1, CMT3 and DRM2 were knocked down (Fig. 1B, C). Centromeric 180 bp repeats are heavily methylated, making them resistant to the methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases MspI and HpaII in wild-type plants (Fig. 1B, lanes labeled WT). Loss of CHG methylation in CMT3-RNAi and MET1-RNAi lines and loss of CG methylation in MET1-RNAi lines results in increased digestion by MspI and HpaII, respectively (Fig. 1B). The results indicate that CMT3 is required for CHG, but not CG methylation in A. suecica, as is also the case in A. thaliana. MET1 knockdown causes decreased CG and CHG methylation in A. suecica (Fig. 1B), as in A. thaliana (Bartee and Bender, 2001).
RNAi-mediated knockdown of DRM2 activity was verified by examining CHH methylation at AtSN1 family retrotransposons (Fig. 1C) that are methylated by DRM2 in a siRNA-directed fashion (Zilberman et al., 2003). Methylation of the internal C of GGCC motifs prevents digestion by the restriction endonuclease HaeIII, thereby allowing the uncut DNA template to be amplified by PCR using primers flanking the HaeIII sites (see diagram in Fig. 1C). Loss of methylation facilitates HaeIII digestion, resulting in a diminished PCR signal. In A. suecica DRM2- RNAi lines, HaeIII methylation is reduced to a degree comparable to the A. thaliana drm1drm2 double mutant (Fig. 1E, compare right-most two lanes). These data indicate that DRM2, and not DRM1, mediates AtSN1 HaeIII methylation, consistent with DRM2’s higher level of mRNA expression compared to DRM1 in A. thaliana (Chan et al., 2005).
To screen for the loss of nucleolar dominance in RNAi lines, multiple independent primary transformants (T1 generation) were tested using two assays capable of discriminating transcripts of A. thaliana or A. arenosa-derived rRNA genes: S1 nuclease protection (Fig. 1D) and RT-PCR-CAPS (Fig. 1E). The S1 nuclease protection assay makes use of A. thaliana or A. arenosa-specific probes to detect transcripts that are accurately initiated from the respective rRNA gene promoters. The RT-PCR-CAPS (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence) assay discriminates pre-rRNA transcripts of the two progenitors based on a single nucleotide polymorphism that creates an extra HhaI restriction site within internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) of A. arenosa rRNA genes (Lewis and Pikaard, 2001). RNAi-mediated knockdown of the maintenance cytosine methyltransferases, MET1 and CMT3 had no appreciable effect on nucleolar dominance in the S1 nuclease protection assay (Fig. 1D) or in the RT-PCR-CAPS assay (data not shown). Likewise, nucleolar dominance was unaffected in RNAi lines targeting MET2, MET3, CMT1 or CMT2 (data not shown). Nucleolar dominance was also not disrupted by knocking down the SWI2/SNF2-related chromatin remodeller DDM1 (Fig. S1) which is known to affect rRNA gene methylation and approximately 70% of all cytosine methylation genome-wide (Vongs et al., 1993). However, in DRM2-RNAi lines, the S1 nuclease protection (Fig. 1D) and RT-PCR-CAPS assays (Fig. 1E) both revealed the co-expression of the A. thaliana and A. arenosa-derived rRNA genes, indicating a loss of nucleolar dominance, whereas in wild-type plants A. arenosa transcripts outnumber A. thaliana transcripts by more than ten-fold.
Derepression of the A. thaliana-derived rRNA genes in DRM2-RNAi lines is reflected by altered post-translational modifications of histones in the vicinity of their promoters (Fig. 1F). In wild-type A. suecica, the dominant A. arenosa rRNA genes are approximately equally associated with histone H3 that is trimethylated on lysine 4 (H3K4me3) or dimethylated on lysine 9 (H3K9me2), reflecting the fact that a subset of the genes is active (H3K4me3-associated) and the remainder are inactive (H3K9me2-associated) (Earley et al., 2006; Lawrence et al., 2004). The A. thaliana-derived rRNA genes in wild-type A. suecica are almost entirely associated with H3K9me2, reflecting their repressed state (Earley et al., 2006; Lawrence et al., 2004). However, in DRM2-RNAi plants, the A. thaliana-derived rRNA genes are nearly equally associated with H3K4me3 and H3K9me2, suggesting that approximately half of the genes becomes active when DRM2 is knocked down (Fig. 1F). In agreement with previous studies, the A. thaliana rRNA gene promoters that associate with H3K4me3 are cytosine-hypomethylated relative to promoters associated with H3K9me2 (Fig. S2).
The DCL3-dependent siRNA pathway regulates nucleolar dominance
Because DRM2 is responsible for siRNA-directed DNA methylation (Cao et al., 2003), we investigated the potential role of siRNAs in rRNA gene silencing. Oligonucleotides spanning 50 nt intervals of the rRNA gene promoter region were used to probe RNA blots, revealing abundant 24 nt siRNAs matching both strands of the rRNA gene promoter in A. thaliana (Fig. 2A). The siRNAs are most abundant between -50 and +1, which corresponds closely to the core promoter region (-55 to +6) defined by deletion analyses (Doelling and Pikaard, 1995; Saez-Vasquez and Pikaard, 1997). Analysis of A. thaliana mutants deficient for the four dicer endonucleases showed that promoter siRNAs are generated almost exclusively by DCL3 (Fig. 2B).
Analysis of small RNA libraries subjected to deep sequencing (Mosher et al., 2008) (Kasschau et al., 2007) confirmed that the rRNA gene promoter is a hotspot for siRNAs that are predominantly 23 and 24 nt in size (Fig. 2C). However, siRNAs are not restricted to the promoter region but correspond to both DNA strands throughout the ~3 kb intergenic spacer. Downstream of the gene promoter, within the coding sequences (only a small part of the 18S coding region is shown), small RNAs that are heterogeneous in size derive almost exclusively from the rRNA strand. Their coding strand-specificity and size heterogeneity suggests that they are mostly rRNA degradation products rather than siRNAs (Fig. 2C; see Fig. S3 for additional details). By contrast, intergenic spacer small RNAs are primarily 23 and 24 nt in size and are depleted upon mutation of DCL3 (Fig. 2D; Fig. S3), consistent with the RNA blot analyses of promoter siRNAs (Fig. 2B).
To test the role of DCL3 in nucleolar dominance, we targeted DCL3 mRNAs for RNAi-mediated knockdown in A. suecica (Fig. 3). DCL3 mRNA levels were substantially reduced relative to non-transformed wild-type plants in multiple independent transgenic DCL3-RNAi lines (Fig. 3A), with line #1 showing the greatest degree of knockdown and line #4 showing the least knockdown (~ 25% of wild-type). In DCL3-RNAi plants, nucleolar dominance was disrupted, as shown using both the S1 nuclease protection and RT-PCR-CAPS assays (Figs. 3B, C). The extent of A. thaliana rRNA gene derepression correlates with the degree of DCL3 mRNA knockdown (compare panels A, B and C). Nucleolar dominance remained disrupted in T2 generation siblings (Fig. 3D) in which 24 nt siRNAs corresponding to both the A. thaliana and A. arenosa-derived rRNA gene promoters were substantially reduced, as were siRNAs corresponding to 5S RNA genes (Fig. 3E).
In the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway, the double-stranded RNA precursors that are cleaved into 24 nt siRNAs by DCL3 are thought to be generated by RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2). Consistent with this expectation, RNAi-mediated knockdown of RDR2 (Fig. 3F) disrupted nucleolar dominance in A. suecica (Fig. 3G, H). In T2 sibling progeny of RDR2-RNAi line 2, in which nucleolar dominance remained disrupted, siRNA levels were several fold lower than in wild-type plants (Fig. 3I, J), but not diminished to the same extent as in DCL3- RNAi lines. A fortuitous observation was that in RDR2-RNAi line 3, in which nucleolar dominance was disrupted in the T1 generation, nucleolar dominance became reestablished (Fig. 3I) and siRNAs returned to wild-type levels (Fig. 3J) in T2 progeny. Reestablishment of nucleolar dominance in line 3 T2 progeny correlated with the loss of siRNAs derived from the RNAi-inducing transgene (Fig. 3J, 2nd row from the bottom), providing additional evidence for RDR2 involvement in nucleolar dominance.
Evidence for DRM2, DCL3 and RDR2-dependent methylation of rRNA genes
Collectively, the data of Figures 1-3 indicate that DRM2, DCL3 and RDR2 are involved in the silencing of Pol I-transcribed 45S rRNA genes subjected to nucleolar dominance, thereby implicating the siRNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. Although this pathway is known to silence retrotransposons and foreign transgenes and to methylate the Pol III-transcribed 5S RNA genes (Chan et al., 2005; Huettel et al., 2007; Matzke et al., 2006), siRNA-directed de novo methylation of 45S rRNA genes has not been demonstrated. To search for sites of DRM2-dependent methylation within potential regulatory sequences of 45S rRNA genes, we examined publicly accessible methylation profiling datasets for wild-type and drm1 drm2 double mutant A. thaliana plants. Zhang et al. performed ChIP using an anti-methylcytosine antibody followed by DNA microarray analyses on a whole-genome tiling array (Zhang et al., 2006). Our analysis of their raw data did not reveal significant changes in methylation in drm1 drm2 mutants relative to wild-type A. thaliana in the vicinity of the rRNA gene promoter. However, drm-dependent methylation was detected near the duplicated spacer promoters that share >80% identity with the gene promoter and program weak Pol I transcription (Doelling et al., 1993). Bisulfite-mediated DNA sequencing (Frommer et al., 1992) in this region revealed an ~50% loss of cytosine methylation on both DNA strands in DRM2-RNAi lines (Fig. 4), in both CG and non-CG sequence contexts. Methylation is also reduced in RDR2-RNAi and DCL3-RNAi lines, thereby implicating the 24 nt siRNA-directed DNA methylation pathway (Fig. 4).
Methylcytosine binding domain proteins recognize RNA-directed DNA methylation
The A. thaliana genome includes thirteen predicted MBD proteins (Springer and Kaeppler, 2005), ten of which are expressed (Table S2). RNAi-mediated knockdown of MBD1, MBD2, MBD4, MBD5, MBD7, MBD8, MBD9 and MBD11 had no significant effect on nucleolar dominance (data not shown). However, in multiple independent RNAi lines targeting MBD6 and MBD10, nucleolar dominance was disrupted (Figs. 5A, B). Coincident with their derepression, A. thaliana-derived rRNA gene promoters shifted from exclusive association with H3K9me2 to a partial association (~30%) with H3K4me3 (Fig. 5D), as in DRM2-RNAi lines (Figs. 5D and 1F).
In nuclei stained with the fluorescent DNA-binding dye DAPI (blue signal), the nucleolus, where rRNA gene transcription takes place, appears as a black hole due to the paucity of nucleolar DNA (Figs. 6A, S4). At the outer periphery of the nucleolus, the portions of the NORs that are composed of inactive, excess rRNA genes are condensed into heterochromatin and yield distinct DNA-FISH signals (red signals in Figs. 6A, S4). Detection of MBD6 using an antibody raised against the native protein (Fig. 6A), or detection of MBD6 fused to YFP (Yellow Fluorescent Protein; Fig. S4) revealed that the strongest sites of MBD6 localization correspond to the condensed portions of the NORs, in agreement with a prior study (Zemach et al., 2005). MBD6 also localizes to all chromocenters, the bright DAPI-positive foci where centromere repeats and other heterochromatic repeats coalesce. By contrast, MBD10-YFP is broadly distributed throughout the nucleus (data not shown).
Loss of DRM activity has consequences on NOR condensation and association of MBD6 with NORs (Fig. 6A). There are four NORs in diploid A. thaliana but they tend to coalesce such that one typically (69% frequency, n=93) observes three NOR FISH signals in wild-type nuclei; four signals are observed only 13% of the time. However, in the drm mutant, four NOR FISH signals were observed in 48% of the nuclei examined (n=113) and these FISH signals are decondensed relative to wild-type nuclei. Moreover, strong MBD6 signals are no longer detected at NORs in drm2 mutant nuclei, although MBD6 signal strength at others chromocenters is unaffected in drm2 mutants.
To test whether MBD6 physically interacts with A. thaliana-derived rRNA genes in A. suecica in a DRM2-dependent manner, we performed ChIP using anti-MBD6 antibodies. A. thaliana rRNA gene promoter sequences were readily detected in association with MBD6 in chromatin of wild-type plants (Fig. 6B, top row) but were not detected above background levels in DRM2-RNAi plants t (Fig. 6B, bottom row). Collectively, the immunolocalization and ChIP data suggest that MBD6 is recruited to rRNA genes in a DRM2-dependent manner.
DRM2, the de novo cytosine methyltransferase, is required for rRNA gene silencing in nucleolar dominance, unlike the maintenance methyltransferases MET1 and CMT3. These findings suggest that nucleolar dominance is regulated by dynamic changes in DNA methylation, consistent with its developmental regulation (Chen and Pikaard, 1997b; Neves et al., 1995; Pontes et al., 2007). The data also fit with evidence that nucleolar dominance is a manifestation of an rRNA gene dosage control system that operates in non-hybrids to regulate rRNA gene activity in response to physiological needs (Lawrence et al., 2004). We had hypothesized that switching rRNA genes from the “on” state to the “off” state when fewer ribosomes are needed might involve de novo cytosine methylation (Lawrence et al., 2004). DRM2’s involvement in nucleolar dominance fits this prediction.
RNA-directed DNA methylation is carried out by DRM2 [for reviews see (Chan et al., 2005; Huettel et al., 2007; Matzke et al., 2006)], with histone deacetylase HDA6 also participating in the silencing of affected loci (Aufsatz et al., 2002; Aufsatz et al., 2007). Both DRM2 (this study) and HDA6 (Earley et al., 2006) are required for nucleolar dominance. Moreover, the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway involves the plant-specific RNA polymerases Pol IV and Pol V (previously known as Pol IVa and Pol IVb), which co-localize with NORs (Pontes et al., 2006). Pol IV is thought to work in partnership with RDR2, generating dsRNA substrates that are then diced into siRNA duplexes by DCL3. As we have shown, abundant DCL3-dependent siRNAs match virtually all of the rRNA gene intergenic spacer and knocking down DCL3 or RDR2 disrupts nucleolar dominance coincident with the loss of DRM2-dependent DNA methylation (see Fig. 4). The simplest explanation for these observations is that 45S rRNA gene silencing involves siRNA-directed DNA methylation, with DRM2-dependent DNA methylation patterns then recognized by MBD6 (Fig. 7). We speculate that MBD6 helps form the highly condensed heterochromatin typical of chromocenters, which includes the silenced portions of the NORs (Fig. 7). MBD10 is also involved in rRNA gene silencing but localizes throughout the nucleoplasm, and not specifically at NORs or chromocenters, suggesting that MBD10 may play a more general role in the nucleus. Interestingly, siRNA levels increase slightly in A. suecica MBD6 knockdown lines but are decreased in DRM2-RNAi lines (Fig. S5). Current hypotheses suggest that DRM-dependent cytosine methylation positively influences the production of aberrant RNAs or Pol IV transcripts that serve as siRNA precursors (e.g. see Pontes et al, 2006). If so, MBD6 may limit the levels of siRNA precursor transcripts originating from methylated DNA such that siRNA levels increase when MBD6 is knocked down.
rRNA gene silencing in plants and mammals has intriguing parallels as well as important differences. In mouse, a key activity for rRNA gene silencing is NoRC (Nucleolar Remodelling Complex), a complex of TIP5 (TTF-I-interaction protein #5) and SNF2h, an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller (Strohner et al., 2001). TIP5 over-expression inhibits transcription in an aza-dC and TSA-reversible manner (Santoro et al., 2002), implicating DNA methylation and histone deacetylation in rRNA gene silencing in mouse, as in plants. NoRC physically interacts with histone deacetylase HDAC1 (Zhou et al., 2002), which is in the same gene family as Arabidopsis HDA6 (Earley et al., 2006). NoRC also interacts with the DNA methyltransferases DNMT1 and DNMT3 (Santoro and Grummt, 2005; Santoro et al., 2002), the latter being a de novo DNA methyltransferase that is a homolog of Arabidopsis DRM2 (Cao and Jacobsen, 2002). Chromatin modifications marking active and silenced rRNA genes are also similar in mouse and plants. In both cases, active gene promoters associate with histone H3 that is trimethylated on lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and with hyperacetylated histones H3/H4. Likewise, silenced rRNA genes associate with methylated H3K9, deacetylated H3/H4, and have cytosine-hypermethylated promoters. Although there is no obvious ortholog of TIP5 in Arabidopsis, the overall similarities of rRNA gene regulation in plants and mammals is striking (Grummt and Pikaard, 2003; McStay, 2006).
Recently, highly structured RNAs of 200-300 nucleotides, initiating within the intergenic spacer and reading through the promoter, were reported to bind to TIP5 and control its nucleolar localization and the repressive activity of NoRC (Mayer et al., 2008; Mayer et al., 2006). These repressive RNAs are presumed to initiate from upstream spacer promoters, but this has not been demonstrated definitively. Unlike our study, siRNAs corresponding to the mouse rRNA gene promoter have not been reported, making it unclear whether RNA-mediated regulation of rRNA gene transcription is accomplished differently in plants and mammals.
In Arabidopsis, the source of the spacer transcripts that serve as the precursors for RDR2 polymerase activity and siRNA biogenesis is unknown. Possibilities include Pol I transcripts initiated from the spacer promoters, however siRNAs are also produced upstream of the distal spacer promoter (see Fig. 7). Therefore, Pol I transcripts reading through the spacer from the preceding rRNA gene, or transcripts of other polymerases may be sources of siRNA precursors. It is conceivable that these spacer transcripts are the true regulatory molecules, with siRNA production being merely a by-product of their degradation. Although this seems unlikely, a simple relationship between promoter siRNA levels in mature plants and the degree of nucleolar dominance is not apparent in all RNAi knockdown lines. It may be that siRNAs produced at a specific time in early development are critical or that siRNAs matching regulatory elements other than the promoter are key. Potential regulatory sequences include repetitive elements located between the gene promoter and proximal spacer promoter and between the duplicated spacer promoters. In Xenopus and mouse, repetitive elements located in analogous positions act as enhancers of the gene promoter (Labhart and Reeder, 1984; Pikaard et al., 1990). However, full enhancer activity, including enhancer involvement in a nucleolar dominance-like competition between minigenes that are co-injected into Xenopus oocytes, requires one of more spacer promoters upstream of the enhancers (Caudy and Pikaard, 2002; DeWinter and Moss, 1987). Although enhancer activity has not been demonstrated for repetitive spacer elements in plants, Arabidopsis intergenic spacer repeats enhance Xenopus rRNA minigene transcription in injected Xenopus oocytes (Doelling et al., 1993). Because siRNAs and their presumptive precursor transcripts are generated throughout the intergenic spacer, including potential regulatory sequences that differ between the two parental types of rRNA genes in A. suecica hybrids, pinpointing sequences subjected to RNA-mediated control may reveal the basis for selectively silencing one parental set of rRNA genes in nucleolar dominance.
Experimental Procedures
Plant growth conditions
Arabidopsis suecica plants were grown and induced to flower as described (Lawrence, 2003). For chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), plants were grown on semi-solid, half-strength Murashige-Skoog medium, pH 5.2 (Sigma-Aldrich Company) in deep petri dishes for two weeks at 22°C under continuous light.
Generation of RNAi lines
Inverted repeat constructs targeting DNA methyltransferases and MBDs were cloned in the pFGC5941 plasmid vector and are available at http://chromdb.org. DCL3 and RDR2 RNAi constructs were generated using the pHELLSGATE8 vector and contain RDR2 sequences amplified using primers 5’-CACCCTCAATGCGCTTGTTCATGC-3’ and 5’-AAATCCGAGACATGCTCTGC-3’ or DCL3 sequences amplified using 5’-CACCGCCACCTTTCAGGCTTAT-3’ and 5’- CGGATGAGGTATTGCACTGA-3’. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of A. suecica was as described (Lawrence and Pikaard, 2003).
Nucleic acid isolation, S1 nuclease protection, and RNA blot assays
Purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from 30 day old plants and S1 nuclease protection were as described (Chen et al., 1998). S1 nuclease assay details are provided in the supplement. Small RNAs were extracted from inflorescence (A. thaliana) or leaves (A. suecica) using mirVana miRNA isolation kits (Ambion). Probes for RNA blot hybridization, as described in Onodera et al., 2005, were labeled using mirVana miRNA probe construction kits. Tables S3 and S4 provide probe sequences.
Small RNA libraries
Construction and sequencing of small RNA libraries used to generate Figures 2C and 2D is described in Mosher et al., 2008 and Kasschau et al, 2007, respectively. Additional details are provided in the supplement.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays
ChIP was performed according to published protocols (Gendrel et al., 2002; Lawrence et al., 2004) with minor modifications. Briefly, two-week-old seedlings were vacuum-infiltrated with 1% formaldehyde. Following homogenization, isolated nuclei were sonicated four times using a Branson sonifier (output setting 2, 40% duty cycle). Chromatin was incubated with anti-Histone H3K4me3 (Abcam ab8580), anti-Histone H3K9me2 (Abcam ab7312) or anti-MBD6 antibodies raised in rabbits against peptide CTSRNPSKVSA and affinity purified. Antibody-chromatin complexes captured on protein-A agarose beads (Upstate 16-157) were washed four times. Protein-DNA crosslinks were reversed by boiling for 10 min in 100 μl of 10% (w/v) Chelex-100 chelating resin (Biorad 142-1253) slurry (in water) and 200 μg/ml proteinase K (Nelson et al., 2006). DNA was eluted in 100 μL TE (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA). 1% of the eluate was used in PCR reactions (Lawrence et al., 2004) using rRNA gene-specific primers and 26 cycles of amplification. A. thaliana-specific primers, numbered relative to the transcription start site (+1), with F for forward and R for reverse, were: -397F: ACCGGGTCCGAGGATT, -123F: CCTTATGATGCATGCCAAAAAGAATT, +5R: CCCCCTATATAGCTTAATAGCCCTTTT, +81R: ATCCCTCGATCGCTACCCA. A. arenosa-specific promoter sequences were PCR amplified using primer -454F: ATGCCTCAATGAAGAGTAACGTT with primer +81R.
Cytosine methylation analysis
ChIP-Chop PCR assays (Lawrence et al., 2004) were performed by treating 2% of the ChIP-isolated DNA with 10 units of McrBC (New England Biolabs) for 3 hours at 37°C. McrBC-digested DNA was then subjected to PCR amplification for 28 cycles. Bisulfite sequencing was performed using the EpiTect bisulfite conversion kit (Qiagen) and 2 μg of genomic DNA. Bisulfite-treated DNA was PCR-amplified using -397F and +81R primers (see above) and cloned into the pCR4-Topo vector (Invitrogen). Fifty-one clones from A. suecica wild-type plants and forty-seven clones from drm2- RNAi plants were sequenced. DNA methylation assays using methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases were as described (Onodera et al., 2005).
Immunolocalization and DNA-FISH
Nuclei of leaves of 28 day-old plants were isolated as described (Onodera et al., 2005). Following fixation in 4% paraformaldehyde/PBS (phosphate buffered saline), four washes in PBS, and blocking at 37°C, slides were exposed to primary antiserum in PBS and 0.5% blocking reagent (Roche) overnight, using 1:200 dilutions of anti-MBD6 antisera or 1:500 mouse anti-GFP/YFP (BD Biosciences, CA, USA). Following four washes in PBS, slides were incubated at 37°C with FITC-conjugated anti-mouse or anti-rabbit secondary antibodies (Sigma-Aldrich) diluted 1:100. Nuclei were counterstained with 1μg/mL DAPI (Sigma-Aldrich) in Vectashield (Vector Laboratories). DNA-FISH using biotin-dUTP labeled 45S rRNA gene probes was as described (Pontes et al., 2003). Biotin labeled probes were detected using goat anti-biotin conjugated with avidin (1:200, Vector Laboratories) followed by streptavidin-Alexa 543 (Molecular Probes). For dual protein/nucleic acid localization, immunolocalization was followed by post-fixation in 4% formaldehyde/PBS and DNA-FISH.
Supplementary Material
Pikaard lab research was supported by United States NIH grant GM60380. RNAi vector development was supported by United States National Science Foundation grant 9975930. P.C.N. was supported by fellowships SFRH/BD/6520/2001 and SFRH/BPD/30386/2006 from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. The content of this paper is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of our sponsors.
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S.P. conducted DNA methyltransferase and MBD knockdown screens and S1 nuclease protection, RT-PCR, DNA methylation and ChIP analyses of these RNAi lines. P.C.N. performed siRNA blots, DCL3 and RDR2 knockdown screens, and related S1 nuclease protection and RT-PCR assays of these lines. O.P. performed all microscopy. S.T. performed bioinformatic analyses identifying the hypermethylated intergenic spacer site and generated the figures showing siRNA positions and abundance. R.M, D. B., K. K. and J. C. provided siRNA deep sequencing data. W.V. and C.S.P. co-mentored P.C.N. C.S.P. wrote the manuscript.
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