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. 2010 Jun 16;5(6):e10996. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010996

Statistical Tests for Associations between Two Directed Acyclic Graphs

Robert Hoehndorf 1,2,3,4,*, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo 2, Michael Dannemann 3, Janet Kelso 3
Editor: Fabio Rapallo5
PMCID: PMC2886832  PMID: 20585388


Biological data, and particularly annotation data, are increasingly being represented in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). However, while relevant biological information is implicit in the links between multiple domains, annotations from these different domains are usually represented in distinct, unconnected DAGs, making links between the domains represented difficult to determine. We develop a novel family of general statistical tests for the discovery of strong associations between two directed acyclic graphs. Our method takes the topology of the input graphs and the specificity and relevance of associations between nodes into consideration. We apply our method to the extraction of associations between biomedical ontologies in an extensive use-case. Through a manual and an automatic evaluation, we show that our tests discover biologically relevant relations. The suite of statistical tests we develop for this purpose is implemented and freely available for download.


An increasing number of discoveries, particularly in biomedicine, are facilitated by statistical analyses of data annotated to biomedical ontologies [1]. Biomedical ontologies are generally represented as DAGs, and specific domains are usually represented in distinct, separate DAGs [2][4].

Statistical tests that utilize a single graph can only consider the given domain. However, entities from different domain are linked via biomedical relations [5]. These relations can be vital for the discovery of novel biomedical knowledge. We have designed a family of novel statistical tests to identify strong associations between nodes from two directed acyclic graphs. The tests combine measures of relevance and specificity.

We evaluated our statistical method through an extensive use-case in which we applied our tests to the detection of strong semantic associations between the Gene Ontology [3] and the Celltype Ontology [6] based on co-occurrence in scientific literature. In this use-case, we annotated the ontologies with occurrence and co-occurrence count data of the ontologies category labels in full text scientific articles. The strongest associations identified through our tests are biologically relevant relations.

An implementation of the six novel statistical tests to identify associations between directed acyclic graphs is available as free software from our project webpage at

State of the art

Our approach to the computation of the strength of the association between two graphs relies on approaches for capturing the semantic similarity between categories in ontologies and for propagating these similarities within DAGs. In the following, we give a brief overview of methods for computing the similarity of categories (a more complete overview can be found in [7]). Most of the existing semantic similarity approaches assume that ontologies contain categories Inline graphic that are annotated with terms Inline graphic. Based on this assumption, the computation of the semantic similarity of two categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic can be carried out by using the structure of the ontology to which Inline graphic and Inline graphic belong (edge-based approaches), the nodes and their properties (e.g., similarity between Inline graphic and Inline graphic) (node-based approaches) or by combining structural knowledge and annotations (hybrid approaches).

The most common edge-based approach consist of using a function of the number of edges between Inline graphic and Inline graphic as semantic similarity measure [8], [9]. Other approaches combine the previous approach with the lenght of the path from the most specific common ancestor of Inline graphic and Inline graphic and the root node [10], [11]. Edge-based approaches rely on the nodes being elements of the same graph. Thus, they cannot be utilized when trying to compute the similarity of two nodes from distinct DAGs.

The second category of approaches, the node-based approaches, use the properties of the nodes themselves to compute their similarity. One of the central concept for using annotations to compute similarity is that of information content, which is the negative log-likehood Inline graphic of a term Inline graphic where Inline graphic is the probability of occurrence of the terms in Inline graphic in a certain corpus. Based on this value, several similarity metrics have been developed including the information content of the most informative common ancestor used in [12], [13] or of the disjoint common ancestors [14].

In recent years, hybrid similarity measures that combine node- and edge-based approaches have been developed. Most of these approaches utilize the information content. For example [15] utilize a combination of edge weights based on node depth and node link density and of the difference of information content of the nodes linked by that edge. Other approaches such as that described in [16] compute edge weights by using a scheme that takes the type of the edge into consideration. The semantic similarity between two terms is set to a function of the maximum of the product of best path between the terms. Again, these approaches can only compute the similarity of terms from the same DAG.

The aim of our approach is to provide a means for the computation of the association between nodes from 2 DAGs, which are, in general, distinct. We do not make similar assumptions about the annotation of edges and nodes as other approaches to semantic similarity. Instead, we go beyong current semantic similarity measures by providing a measure of statistical significance in a distribution of arbitrary node and edge annotations. When applying out method to semantic similarity between ontologies, we can compute initial semantic similarity values for categories which do not belong to the same ontologies.


Statistics on graphs

Preliminaries of directed acyclic graphs

Our tests take as input two directed acyclic graphs, Inline graphic and Inline graphic that are disjoint (Inline graphic). From these two graphs, a graph Inline graphic with Inline graphic is constructed. We denote an edge as an ordered pair of vertices. If an edge connects Inline graphic and Inline graphic, Inline graphic, we call Inline graphic the child of Inline graphic and Inline graphic the parent of Inline graphic. If there is a path from Inline graphic to Inline graphic, we call Inline graphic a predecessor of Inline graphic and Inline graphic a successor of Inline graphic.

In addition to the two graphs, two functions Inline graphic and Inline graphic are given as input such that Inline graphic and Inline graphic. From these two functions, a graph decoration for Inline graphic is constructed based on the assumption that the two input functions are transitive over the DAG: the decoration Inline graphic of a vertex Inline graphic is the union of Inline graphic and the values of Inline graphic for all successors Inline graphic of Inline graphic. Similarly, the decoration Inline graphic of an edge Inline graphic for Inline graphic is the union of Inline graphic and the values of Inline graphic for all edges Inline graphic between the successors of Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

The third component of the input is a score function Inline graphic. We assume that the value of the score function between the vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic depends only on the graph decorations Inline graphic of Inline graphic and Inline graphic of Inline graphic as well as the decoration Inline graphic of the edge Inline graphic.

The score function is not symmetric, i.e., it is not necessary that Inline graphic. It is intended to measure the association strength between two vertices from the input graphs. Our method identifies whether the score between two vertices is significantly high. A graphical overview of our test method is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of our method.

Figure 1

Determining the Random Distribution

The score between two vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic is influenced by the topology of the input DAGs: a vertex Inline graphic that is more general has a larger decoration set Inline graphic due to our basic assumption about transitivity of input graph decorations. Similarily, the cardinality of the decoration set of the edges between nodes from the two input DAGs is larger when the edges connect more general vertices. Therefore, it is insufficient to test for a high score between vertices to consider the score between two vertices as significantly high. A random distribution of the scores of each pair of vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic provides a means for determining the significance of the score between Inline graphic and Inline graphic. This random distribution depends on the functions Inline graphic and Inline graphic, the score function and the topology of the input graphs. Hence, we cannot assume any statistical distribution of scores ab initio. Instead, we simulate the random distribution of the scores between each vertex pair through multiple random permutations: the Inline graphic-values that are given as input for our method are randomly swapped with the Inline graphic-values of vertices in the input DAG from which they originate. There are two options for permutating the Inline graphic-values for edges: either they are, mutatis mutandis, permutated similarily to the Inline graphic-values of the vertices, or they are permutated depending on the permutation of Inline graphic-values; in the latter case, when the Inline graphic-values of Inline graphic and Inline graphic are swapped, so are the values of Inline graphic and Inline graphic for any vertex Inline graphic.

Because our test is intended to identify associations between vertices, we do not assume that the values of Inline graphic and Inline graphic are independent. We therefore prefer to use the second option, i.e., that the permutation of the Inline graphic values depends on the permutation of the Inline graphic-values.

Based on these permutations, we first rebuild the graph decorations Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Then, we calculate and record the values of the score function Inline graphic for all pairs of vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic. In addition, for each vertex Inline graphic, such that Inline graphic is a direct successor of Inline graphic, we calculate and record the score difference Inline graphic. Further, for each vertex Inline graphic with the direct predecessor Inline graphic, we calculate and record the difference Inline graphic.

Hence, the results of this step are threefold. First, we approximate the random score distribution for each pair of vertices through multiple random permutations. Second, each triple of vertices Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic gives rise to a random distribution of score differences between Inline graphic and Inline graphic. Third, each triple Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic yields a random distribution of score differences between Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Ontologies as graphs

While the tests we develop can be applied to any DAG that satisfies the conditions specified above, their primary application is to test the significance of an association between categories from two ontologies. An ontology is the specification of a conceptualization of a domain [17], [18]. Many biological ontologies are represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and are available in the OBO flatfile format [2]. In these DAGs, nodes represent categories and edges represent relations between these categories. A category, also called kind, class or universal, is an entity that is general in reality. Examples are dog, apoptosis or red. Categories may have instances, of which some may not be further instantiated. These are called individuals. We call the set of all categories in an ontology Inline graphic Inline graphic.

Categories may be related to other categories. The most important relation between two categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic is the Inline graphic relation, Inline graphic. The relation Inline graphic can be defined by using the instantiation relation: when Inline graphic, then all instances Inline graphic of Inline graphic are instances of Inline graphic [18]. This definition implies that the Inline graphic relation is reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric.

A set of categories with the Inline graphic relation among them form a taxonomy. These taxonomies are often the backbone of the OBO ontologies' DAG structure. We call the set of all successors of a category Inline graphic the sub-categories Inline graphic and its predecessors the super-categories Inline graphic. The direct successors of Inline graphic in the taxonomy are called children (Inline graphic), while the direct predecessors are called parents.

In the OBO flatfile format, ontologies are assigned a namespace. Category identifiers are prefixed with the namespace of the ontology to which they belong. Identifiers are therefore unique within the OBO ontologies. In addition to a unique identifier, categories are assigned a name and a set of synonyms. Neither the name nor the set of synonyms must be unique.


Statistics on graphs

To identify strong associations, we designed a family of tests for the score of each edge between the two input DAGs that considers a fragment of the path in the DAG. The tests are designed to measure the significance of the score between vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic based on three criteria: (1) the score Inline graphic for the association should be higher than expected; (2) for each child Inline graphic of Inline graphic, Inline graphic should be higher than expected; and (3) for each parent Inline graphic of Inline graphic, Inline graphic should be lower than expected.

The first criterion of our tests identifies hypothetical associations between nodes from two graphs. The second and third criteria are used to verify whether the pair is the best selection, or whether a more specific or more general association is preferable. For this purpose, the second and third criteria test for novelty of the association (compared to the child and parent nodes).

Within this section, let Inline graphic and Inline graphic be fixed vertices from the DAGs Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively. Furthermore, let Inline graphic be the number of permutations that were used to determine the random distributions. The first test we designed, Inline graphic, depends on the vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic, the DAG structure and the number of permutations Inline graphic. It tests for the following properties:

  • the score between Inline graphic and Inline graphic is high,

  • the difference between Inline graphic and Inline graphic for every child Inline graphic of Inline graphic is high,

  • the difference between Inline graphic and Inline graphic for every parent Inline graphic of Inline graphic is low.

“Being high” and “being low” are captured using the values of the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) obtained by the Inline graphic permutations performed in the previous step: one function for each pair of categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic, one function for each triple of categories Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic where Inline graphic is a child of Inline graphic, and one for each triple Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic where Inline graphic is a parent of Inline graphic. We combine the Inline graphic-values of the score differences to children in a single value using their geometric mean. A similar combination of the score differences' Inline graphic-values to the parent categories of Inline graphic is carried out: here, the combined value is the geometric mean of Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the Inline graphic-value in the corresponding CDF.

Formally, let Inline graphic and Inline graphic be fixed vertices from the directed acyclic graphs Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively, and let

  • Inline graphic be the number of permutations,

  • Inline graphic be the score between Inline graphic and Inline graphic in the Inline graphic permutation,

  • Inline graphic, Inline graphic, be the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of Inline graphic.

  • Inline graphic, Inline graphic, be the CDF of the difference between the vertex Inline graphic and its Inline graphic child vertex,

  • Inline graphic,

  • Inline graphic, Inline graphic, be the CDF of the score difference between the vertex Inline graphic and its Inline graphic parent vertex,

  • Inline graphic,

  • Inline graphic, for all Inline graphic and Inline graphic, be the CDF of the variances Inline graphic of the distribution Inline graphic, and Inline graphic and Inline graphic for the distributions Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively.

For each child Inline graphic of Inline graphic, we calculate the difference in scores Inline graphic. Then, we compute the geometric mean Inline graphic of all values Inline graphic. Similarly, we calculate Inline graphic for each parent Inline graphic of Inline graphic, and the geometric mean Inline graphic of all values Inline graphic. Then we define as our first test

graphic file with name pone.0010996.e217.jpg (1)

All other tests are extensions of the first test. The second test, Inline graphic, uses the minimum function instead of the geometric mean to combine the Inline graphic-values in the CDFs of the score differences to parents and children.

The first two tests Inline graphic and Inline graphic do not consider the variances of the distributions of scores, differences in scores to children and differences in scores to parents. Therefore, we extend these tests by weighting all three components of the tests with the variances of their corresponding distributions. In these tests, high variance lowers the impact of the result, while lower variance strengthens it.

We define three new distributions for the variances and choose the Inline graphic-value in the respective CDF as a weight in our tests. We compute the scores for each pair of category Inline graphic times, resulting in one distribution of scores for each pair of categories. Each of these distributions has a variance. The score variance distribution is the finite distribution (containing Inline graphic elements) of the variances of each of these distributions. We define the variance distribution for score difference to parent and child analogously.

The tests Inline graphic and Inline graphic use only the variance distribution of scores, while Inline graphic and Inline graphic use all three variance distributions. These tests are one-sided, i.e., they are not symmetric. We define two-sided, symmetric tests Inline graphic for all vertices Inline graphic and Inline graphic as

graphic file with name pone.0010996.e232.jpg (2)

Table 1 lists the combination of properties for all tests. The precise formulation of all six tests can be found in the supplement S1.

Table 1. Elements of the test score of Inline graphic.

combining p-values in the CDF's of score differences from parents to children variance distribution of scores variance distributions to children and parents
Inline graphic geometric mean
Inline graphic minimum
Inline graphic geometric mean X
Inline graphic minimum X
Inline graphic geometric mean X X
Inline graphic minimum X X

Application to biomedical ontologies

Occurrence and co-occurrence count data as graph decoration

To verify whether the tests we designed yield reasonable results, we applied our method to the detection of significant co-occurrences between ontological categories in natural language texts, as a precursor to the detection of relations between ontological categories. For this purpose, we make the following assumptions:

  1. A term occurs in a portion of text if it is an exact substring of this portion of text.

  2. Terms can designate ontological categories; the terms that designate the same category are henceforth called the category's synset. Every occurrence of an element of the category Inline graphic's synset is called an occurrence of Inline graphic. Every co-occurrence of an element of the category Inline graphic's synset with an element of the category Inline graphic's synset is called a co-occurrence of Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

  3. If Inline graphic is a sub-category of Inline graphic, then every co-occurrence of Inline graphic with Inline graphic is a co-occurrence of Inline graphic with Inline graphic. Additionally, every occurrence of Inline graphic counts as an occurrence of Inline graphic.

To test our method, we used the Gene Ontology (GO) [3] and the Celltype Ontology (CL) [6] as input DAGs. The GO is an ontology specifically designed to describe gene products. It contains three separate ontologies: the biological process, molecular function and cellular component ontologies. Gene products can be tagged with ontology categories to describe and classify them. The CL is an ontology for types of cells. It classifies cells based on criteria such as structure or function.

Based on the input requirements of our test, we constructed synsets from the synonyms attached to each category in the input ontologies, and counted the occurrences and co-occurrences of the categories based on two contexts: single sentences and sentences in documents. The second context refers to whole documents, but co-occurrence is based on single sentences. Therefore, when two terms co-occur in two or more sentences within one document, their co-occurrence is only counted once. The functions that assign the occurrence and co-occurrence count values to a synset of a category for each context are called Inline graphic and Inline graphic, respectively.

We used exact string matching to identify terms in text. Our evaluation was conducted using a 2.2 GB text corpus containing 60143 fulltext articles from Open Access journals listed in Pubmed Central. The aim of our method is to test for significant co-occurrences between categories.

Text Processing

First, we counted the number of occurrences and co-occurrences of the terms contained in synsets of categories from the input ontologies. Table 2 shows examples for the synsets of categories. We counted the total number of sentences and documents in which at least one element of a synset was found by using exact matching. For each pair of categories, we counted the total number of co-occurrences of elements of their respective synsets in sentences. Furthermore, we counted the number of documents in which they co-occured within at least one sentence. We used exact matching and abstained from using any more sophisticated methods for recognizing the ontologies' categories in text [19], [20] to evaluate our method. Exact matching provides a large dataset for the evaluation of our method. For practical applications such as relationship extraction, more advanced methods should be chosen.

Table 2. Example synsets taken from the GO and the CL.
ID Label Synonyms
GO:0001574 globoside biosynthetic process ganglioside biosynthesis; ganglioside formation; ganglioside synthesis
CL:0000114 surface ectodermal cell cell of surface ectoderm; surface ectoderm cell

The text processing yielded, for each category Inline graphic, both its frequency Inline graphic and the total number of documents in which Inline graphic occurred, Inline graphic. Furthermore, for each pair of categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we obtained both the total number of co-occurrences in sentences Inline graphic and the total number of documents containing these co-occurrences Inline graphic.

Count data over ontologies

The first component in our method implements the assumption that the input graph decorations are transitive over the DAG structure. In the case of ontologies, this implements the assumption that occurrence and co-occurrence between categories is transitive over the Inline graphic relation between categories.

We assumed that when two categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic stand in the Inline graphic relation, Inline graphic, then every occurrence of Inline graphic is also an occurrence of Inline graphic. This means that the synset-closure Inline graphic of a category Inline graphic can be constructed as follows:

graphic file with name pone.0010996.e273.jpg (3)
graphic file with name pone.0010996.e274.jpg (4)

For count data, the decoration value of a vertex Inline graphic in the DAG is equal to the sum of the input value pair Inline graphic and Inline graphic and the corresponding input values for Inline graphic's successors. Therefore, for all categories Inline graphic, we define Inline graphic and Inline graphic to represent the sum of the values Inline graphic and Inline graphic over all of Inline graphic's sub-categories Inline graphic. Furthermore, for all categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we compute the cumulated Inline graphic - and Inline graphic-values dubbed Inline graphic and Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pone.0010996.e292.jpg (5)
graphic file with name pone.0010996.e293.jpg (6)

Again, for count data, co-occurrence values between nodes Inline graphic and Inline graphic can be summed up over the successors of Inline graphic and Inline graphic to yield the decoration of the edge between Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

A score for occurrences and co-occurrences

For all categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we defined the following score function:

graphic file with name pone.0010996.e302.jpg (7)

The first component of the score function implements the natural logarithm of the Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) [21] score achieved by the categories with respect to their co-occurrence within sentences. PMI has been successfully used in several text mining tools (see, e.g., [22]). To avoid divisions by 0, the denominators of all members of the score function were incremented. The second component measures a similar value using documents as context. The aim of the score function is to ensure that categories that co-occur relatively often are assigned a high score. The range of the score function is between Inline graphic and Inline graphic.



We applied the tests to the biological process (BP) branch of the GO and the CL. To recognize the categories in text, we used the identifier of the category, the name and all exact synonyms of the category. On average, every category had 2.1 synonyms. Using exact matching, we identified 3,751 out of BP's 14,542 (26%) categories in our text corpus. We found 491 of 754 (65%) categories from the CL. Categories from the BP co-occurred 70,967 times with CL categories.

Using our method, we identified a total number of 202,627 co-occurrences between categories. After applying our tests, 157,894 co-occurrences produced test values distinct from Inline graphic. The remainder obtained a test value of Inline graphic due to numerical restrictions. They were subsequently excluded, because they were indistinguishable from the absence of co-occurrence. We illustrate the quantiles obtained for different Inline graphic-values in our six tests, Inline graphic, in Table 3. The distribution of scores for Inline graphic and Inline graphic are shown in Figure 2. The remaining plots are included in the supplement S1.

Table 3. Inline graphic-quantiles for different Inline graphic-values for all tests.

Inline graphic-value Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
0.5 0.075 0.017 0.024 0.003 0.007 0.001
0.8 0.288 0.145 0.141 0.047 0.061 0.016
0.9 0.522 0.433 0.298 0.168 0.220 0.120
0.95 0.806 0.790 0.472 0.412 0.456 0.400
0.99 0.952 0.950 0.863 0.826 0.859 0.824

Given a Inline graphic-value (first column), the quantiles show the result of each test for which Inline graphic-values are below the quantile.

Figure 2. Distribution of test results.

Figure 2

The plot on the left shows the distribution of the test results for Inline graphic. On the right, the same is shown for Inline graphic. It can be seen that a test using the minimum function (Inline graphic) is more restrictive than a test using the geometric mean (Inline graphic). Furthermore, weighting the tests with the CDFs of the variances (Inline graphic) produces stronger results than the basic test (Inline graphic). The test results of the GO-CL dataset for each test are displayed below the distributions.

We found that the tests using the minimum instead of the geometric mean of Inline graphic-values of score differences to parent and child categories are generally more restrictive, i.e., they include fewer co-occurrences for a given cutoff. Similarly, tests including the variance for scores are generally more restrictive than tests that are not weighted by the variance of score distributions. In this sense, the tests Inline graphic and Inline graphic are the most restrictive.

Table 4 shows example associations, and Table 5 shows the kind of relationship between categories that our tests identified for the Inline graphic top-scoring results with respect to the test Inline graphic. The has-participant relation is defined in the OBO Relationship Ontology (RO) [5] as a relation that holds between two categories, where every instance of one category participate in some instance of the other. We define the Participates-in relation as a relation between two categories: Inline graphic Participates-in Inline graphic Inline graphic, where participates-in is the primitive participation relation between individuals as defined in the RO. We extend the definition of located-in in the RO to a relation Located-in between processes and objects, which holds when all participants of a process are located-in a structure during the entire duration of the process.

Table 4. Association examples.

Myoepithelial cell Milk ejection
Oocyte Meiotic anaphase I
Osteoclast Protein geranylgeranylation
Neuroblast Neuron recognition
Keratinocyte Keratinization
Sensory neuron Optic nerve formation
Motor neuron Spinal cord development
Protoplast Photosynthesis
Lymphocyte Chloroplast fission

The results in this table were above the quantile Inline graphic in all six tests. While the kind of relation between the categories is apparent for most results, some, like the relation between lymphocytes and chloroplast fission, remain dubious.

Table 5. Manually identified ontological relations in the Inline graphic top-scoring association results with respect to Inline graphic.

Relation Number of occurrences
has-participant 62
Participates-in 13
Located-in 2
unclassified 38

In our sample, Inline graphic associations do not fall under one of the three relations that we investigated. We discovered several kinds of unclassified relations. First, mismatches in granularity lead to strong associations for unrelated categories. For example, xanthine transport and erythrocyte are closely related according to Inline graphic. Erythrocytes are involved in the transport of xanthine. However, the GO category xanthine transport refers to the inter- and intracellular level of granularity, while erythrocytes transport nutrients between organs. Second, some categories are indirectly related via another category. For example, osteoclasts and lymph node development are related via the protein RANK. Third, when cells have closely related functions, we sometimes identify too specific or too generic cell types as in the case of the association between basophil degranulation and mast cell. Finally, Inline graphic out of Inline graphic associations in our sample seem erroneous.

We were not able to compute precision or recall for our method due to the absence of a gold standard. However, we compared our method with the GO-CL crossproducts available from the OBO Foundry. The dataset contains manually verified relations between categories from the GO and the CL that have been extracted using pattern matching on category names [23]. As this method is based on the compositional nature of terms in the GO, it exclusively identifies relations in which one category name (usually a type of cell) is a substring of another category name (usually a GO category).

The GO-CL crossproduct contains 396 relations between GO and CL categories. From these 396, we identified 73 that co-occurred in our text corpus. Table 6 shows the percentage of significant co-occurrences within these 73 relations for different cutoffs in our six tests. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the 73 pairs with respect to Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Table 6. Evaluation of our approach with respect to the GO-CL dataset [23].

Recall Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
99% 0.004 0 0 0 0 0
95% 0.007 0.006 0.003 0 0.002 0
80% 0.102 0.054 0.028 0.003 0.016 0.002
70% 0.173 0.109 0.049 0.008 0.029 0.004
50% 0.502 0.350 0.173 0.063 0.154 0.060

The dataset we used for comparison consists of the Inline graphic relations from the GO-CL crossproduct [23] found in our text corpus. Columns two to seven show the cutoff values required to identify the percentage given in column one of associations as significant using tests one to six. For example, at a cutoff of Inline graphic, Inline graphic of the relations found in the dataset were significant according to test Inline graphic.

As our method relies exclusively on the distribution of terms and not on their syntactic structure, it permits the recognition of associations between categories that cannot be recognized using syntactic patterns. An example of such an association is myoepithelial cell (cells located in the mammary gland) and milk ejection.

Important potential applications for our tests arise from the fact that annotations of a large set of biomedical ontologies satisfy the conditions for our tests. Annotations satisfy the True Path Rule [3]: if two categories Inline graphic and Inline graphic stand in the is-a or part-of relation, then any annotation of Inline graphic is also an annotation of Inline graphic. Therefore, if gene annotations are used as graph decorations for the two input graphs of our method, the conditions for applying our tests are satisfied. For detecting associations between annotations, an appropriate score function must be chosen based on the hypothesis that is to be tested.

Another potential application of our tests lies in the field of relation extraction. The evaluation of our tests with the GO and CL reveals that we are able to detect biologically relevant associations between these ontologies. Inline graphic of the best Inline graphic associations retrieved by Inline graphic have biological meaning, as shown in Table 5. Although our approach is unable to detect the types of the biological relations, the associations provide a good starting point for an elaborate approach to the extraction of biological relations.

Our method is designed for the detection of associations between two DAGs. However, it can be generalized to test for associations between Inline graphic graphs. The result of the tests would then be significant Inline graphic-ary associations between Inline graphic nodes from Inline graphic graphs.


We developed a family of novel statistical tests for associations between two directed acyclic graphs. The tests account for the graphs' topologies and test for relevance and specificity of associations. The tests are suitable for the detection of associations between categories from two biomedical ontologies, in particular those which comply with the OBO criteria [24].

In an extensive use-case, we applied our tests to the discovery of associations between categories from the Gene Ontology and the Celltype Ontology that were decorated with the number of occurrences and co-occurrences of the categories' labels in a large corpus of full-text articles. Our results show that a large proportion of the associations discovered by our tests are biologically relevant relations.

The family of tests is implemented in a Java library, which is available as free software from our project webpage at

Supporting Information

Supplement S1

Statistical tests for associations between two directed acyclic graphs and their application to biomedical ontologies.

(0.14 MB PDF)


We would like to thank Leonardo Bubach, Hernán Burbano and Heinrich Herre for helpful discussions and valuable comments, and Christine Green for her help in preparing the manuscript.


Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Funding: The study was funded by the Max Planck Society and the University of Leipzig. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Supplementary Materials

Supplement S1

Statistical tests for associations between two directed acyclic graphs and their application to biomedical ontologies.

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