Addition of fucose (Fuc) to glycoprotein N-linked glycans or in O-linkage directly to Ser/Thr residues modulates specific cell–cell interactions and cell signaling events. Vertebrates and invertebrates add Fuc in α6-linkage to the reducing terminal N-acetylglucosamine residue of N-glycans. In Drosophila and other invertebrates, Fuc can also be added in α3-linkage to the same residue. These difucosylated N-glycans are recognized by anti-horseradish peroxidase (anti-HRP) antisera, providing a well-established marker for insect neural tissue. To understand the mechanisms and consequences of tissue-specific glycan expression, we identified a single α3-fucosyltransferase (FucTA) that produces the anti-HRP epitope in Drosophila embryos. FucTA transcripts are temporally and spatially restricted to cells that express the anti-HRP epitope and are missing in a mutant that lacks neural α3-fucosylation. Transgenic expression of FucTA, but not of any other candidate α3-fucosyltransferase, rescues the anti-HRP epitope in the embryonic nervous system of this mutant. Mass spectrometric characterization of the N-glycans of Drosophila embryos overexpressing FucTA confirms that this enzyme is indeed responsible for the biosynthesis of difucosylated glycans in vivo. Whereas ectopic expression of FucTA in the larval wing disc produces mild wing notching, the heterochronic, pan-neural expression of FucTA in early differentiating neurons generates neurogenic and cell migration phenotypes; this latter effect is associated with reduced GDP-Fuc levels in the embryo and indicates that the diversion of fucosylation resources towards fucosylation of N-glycans has an impact on developmental signaling associated with O-fucosylation.
Keywords: anti-HRP, Drosophila, fucosyltransferase, FucTA, N-glycans
Cells in developing tissues express glycans that are unique for their transient state of differentiation and, ultimately, for their fully differentiated identity. Linked to protein or lipid, many of these carbohydrate structures are essential for specific cellular and developmental functions, including cell–cell recognition, cell adhesion, signaling, and protein targeting. Mechanisms that control tissue- and cell-specific glycosylation are, nevertheless, largely unknown, but studying glycans with restricted expression patterns presents opportunities for uncovering relevant pathways through genetic analysis. Fucose (Fuc) is frequently one of the monosaccharide components of cellular glycans that participate in carbohydrate-mediated recognition and signaling events (Becker and Lowe 2003). For instance, Fuc-containing epitopes drive selectin-mediated lymphocyte homing in mammals, and a defect in the Golgi GDP-Fuc transporter results in human leukocyte adhesion deficiency (Lübke et al. 2001; Lühn et al. 2001; Noda et al. 2003; Moriwaki et al. 2007). Furthermore, the addition of core α6-linked Fuc to N-linked glycans of immunoglobulins inversely correlates with the efficiency of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (Shinkawa et al. 2003), and Notch-based signaling requires the direct modification of the Notch polypeptide with O-linked Fuc residues (Okajima and Irvine 2002; Stanley 2007).
Species-specific glycosylation in invertebrates often results in the production of glycan structures that are immunogenic in vertebrates. One example is the presence of core α3-Fuc, in the context of a GlcNAcβ4(Fucα3)GlcNAcβ1-Asn motif (Figure 1). This structure is a target for IgE from patients allergic to plant foods and pollens (Fötisch and Vieths 2001; Pöltl et al. 2007) as well as of antisera raised against plant and insect glycoproteins (Prenner et al. 1992; Wilson et al. 1998; Jin et al. 2006). A well-known example of the latter is anti-horseradish peroxidase (anti-HRP), an antiserum raised against the plant glycoprotein HRP. This antiserum not only recognizes plant glycoproteins modified with core α3-Fuc but also specific glycans of many invertebrate species and is used as a reagent to stain the neural tissue of insects, including Drosophila melanogaster (Jan and Jan 1982; Snow et al. 1987; Kurosaka et al. 1991), as well as of other Ecdysozoa (Haase et al. 2001), including the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Siddiqui and Culotti 2007). In the nematode, this cross-reaction is eliminated in a mutant lacking an α3-fucosyltransferase (Paschinger et al. 2004).
We have previously demonstrated the presence of core α3-fucosylated N-glycans in Drosophila (Fabini et al. 2001; Aoki et al. 2007) as well as of a relevant α3-fucosyltransferase, designated FucTA, which can synthesize the epitope recognized by anti-HRP (hereafter referred to as the “HRP epitope”) in vitro (Fabini et al. 2001). Furthermore, knock-down of FucTA by RNA interference in a Drosophila neural cell line reduced HRP epitope expression (Rendić et al. 2006). Based on these and other studies of glycan processing in insects (Paschinger et al. 2005; Léonard et al. 2006; Sarkar et al. 2006; Shah et al. 2008), the biosynthetic pathway required for HRP epitope expression can be proposed (Figure 1). However, there are four α3-fucosyltransferase homologues in Drosophila (FucTA, B, C, D), and evidence has been lacking as to which of these is responsible in vivo for the tissue-specific expression of the HRP epitope. In the course of determining which of the aforementioned four candidate α3-fucosyltransferase homologues might synthesize the HRP epitope in vivo, we observed that FucTA is the only homologue responsible for neural-specific production of this N-linked epitope. Furthermore, unexpected neurogenesis, glial migration, and wing formation phenotypes were observed when FucTA expression was manipulated, generally consistent with previously described effects of reduced Notch O-glycosylation (Okajima and Irvine 2002; Edenfeld et al. 2007). The developmental phenotypes engendered by imbalanced consumption of GDP-Fuc highlight the importance of regulated glycan expression.
FucTA expression coincides with the presence of the HRP epitope
Previous studies have shown that anti-HRP staining first appears in differentiating neurons of Drosophila embryos during stage 11 (Jan and Jan 1982). As neurogenesis gives way to differentiation and progeny acquire terminal identities, HRP epitope expression increases across the nervous system. In addition to the ventral nerve cord, anti-HRP reactivity is also observed in the peripheral nervous system as well as in the garland gland (gg) and hindgut (hg) by stage 14 (Figure 2A–D). To determine which of the four candidate α3-fucosyltransferases (FucTA, B, C, or D) share a similar temporal and spatial expression patterns as the HRP epitope, single-stranded RNA probes for each enzyme were synthesized and applied to wild-type embryos. Only the FucTA probe hybridized to neural tissue, to the garland gland, and to hindgut, spatially and temporally coincident with anti-HRP staining in the wild-type embryo (Figure 2E–L). FucTA transcripts are weakly detected in the neurectoderm as early as stage 11 and increase throughout embryonic development. In contrast, FucTC transcripts were present in the developing anterior and posterior midgut until fusion of the anlage after which expression was decreased (Figure 2M–P). Consistent with the inability of reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect FucTB and FucTD transcripts in embryos (Rendić et al. 2006), specific hybridization patterns were not observed with the FucTB and FucTD probes (Figure S1). These results clearly show that the spatial and temporal expression patterns of FucTA, but of no other α3-fucosyltransferase homologue, in wild-type embryos mimic the expression pattern of the HRP epitope.
Neural expression of FucTA rescues α3-fucosylation in TM3 embryos
Tissue-specific regulation of fucosyltransferase activity is revealed in embryos bearing chromosomal aberrations that affect HRP epitope expression. Embryos homozygous for the TM3 balancer chromosome fail to express the HRP epitope in the nerve cord but retain expression in the garland gland and hindgut (Snow et al. 1987; Seppo et al. 2003). Consistent with the loss of neural HRP epitopes (Figure 3A), FucTA transcripts in TM3/TM3 embryos are detected only in the garland gland and hindgut (Figure 3B). Thus, this aberration provides a useful background for validating the assignment of FucTA as the only fucosyltransferase capable of synthesizing the epitope in neural tissue. Multiple UAS-FucT transgenic lines were generated for each of the α3-fucosyltransferase homologues, and transgenic chromosomes were crossed into the TM3-lacZ background and mated to a neural-specific GAL4 driver line (elav-GAL4). Expression of the HRP epitope was only restored in progeny embryos carrying the UAS-FucTA chromosome (Figure 3C–H). The amounts of transcript per cell, detected by in situ hybridization signals, were comparable for each of the elav-GAL4; UAS-FucT lines tested for rescue (Figure S2).
Increased α3-fucosylation induces neurogenic and cell migration phenotypes
Anti-HRP staining of elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA embryos reveals clusters of peripheral sensory neurons larger than expected for the developmental stage of the embryo. The development of enlarged peripheral sensory complexes is first apparent in stage 13 embryos (Figure 4A–B) and, in part, reflects the fact that the elav promoter drives transcription at stages that precede the normal appearance of the HRP epitope. Early heterochronic induction of the enzyme produces premature accumulation of the glycan. However, peripheral cluster augmentation is also apparent by in situ hybridization for FucTA transcript, but not for other FucT transcripts in elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTB, C, or D embryos (Figure S2). Therefore, enlarged peripheral neural clusters result specifically from the expression of the FucTA enzyme. In older embryos, the Notch-like neurogenic impact of increased HRP epitope expression continues to be evident in the expanded dimensions of the ventral nerve cord (Figure 4C–D).
Increased N-linked core fucosylation also induces aberrant glial cell migration. Glial cell number was reduced in the ventral nerve cord but increased along peripheral migratory routes in elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA embryos. The wild-type distribution of repo-positive glial nuclei at the lateral edge of the ventral nerve cord was significantly attenuated in elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA embryos (Figure 5A–D, arrowheads in C, D), and extremely fine, thread-like, repo-positive nuclear profiles were observed extending towards nerve exit sites (arrows in Figure 5D), indicating that α3-fucosylation enhances active glial migration along efferent neural pathways. The decrease in ventral nerve cord glia was associated with an increase in the number of repo-positive glial nuclei in peripheral tissue (Figure 5E–F). These extranumerary peripheral glia were detected along migratory routes previously described to be Notch dependent (Edenfeld et al. 2007; Silies et al. 2007).
The expression of FucTA is limiting for α3-fucosylation in many different cell types
Non-neural ectodermal cells do not express the HRP epitope during normal embryonic development. However, when FucTA expression is driven with en-GAL4, HRP epitope expression in the early embryo is detected in a segmental pattern consistent with engrailed (En) expression (Figure 6A). The en-GAL4 driver also induces ectopic expression of the HRP epitope in the posterior compartment of the wing imaginal disc in UAS-FucTA larvae (Figure 6B–C). In embryonic and larval imaginal tissues that are normally devoid of the HRP epitope, FucTA expression is sufficient to drive the production of glycans bearing α3-linked Fuc. Therefore, availability of nucleotide sugar precursor (GDP-Fuc), nucleotide sugar transporter activity, and appropriately processed core glycan acceptor substrates on glycoprotein targets all exist within a broad range of cell types at levels that can support α3-fucosylation.
One of the six UAS-FucTA lines generated by P-element insertion produced ectopic expression of the HRP epitope without introducing a GAL4 driver. In this constitutively expressing line, designated UFA5, the epitope is detected throughout the entire ectoderm and amnioserosa (Figure 6D). By probing equal amounts of protein extracts of UFA5 and wild type with anti-HRP in a western blotting experiment, an overall more intensive and a slightly different anti-HRP binding pattern is noticeable (Figure 6E). Expression of the epitope is broadly increased such that the core difucosylated M3N2F2 glycan, an HRP epitope (see Figure 1 for structures), is easily detected by nanospray ionization mass spectrometry (NSI-MS) in the total glycan profile of UFA5 embryos (Figure 6F). Direct comparison of differentially permethylated glycans prepared from control embryos (w1118) emphasizes the magnitude of the increased synthesis of this glycan. Additionally, decreased prevalence of glycans with only one Fuc residue (M3N2F and M2N2F) is consistent with the diversion of precursors (NM3N2 and NM3N2F) towards synthesis of difucosylated structures. The N-linked glycan profile of UFA5 embryos indicates that FucTA expression pulls oligosaccharide synthesis towards the production of difucosylated glycans at the expense of the major monofucosylated, paucimannose structures.
Increased α3-fucosylation in neural tissue affects nucleotide sugar levels but not global O-fucosylation
Since elav-GAL4-driven expression of FucTA generates Notch-like phenotypes in the embryonic nervous system, we hypothesized that increased α3-fucosylation of N-linked glycans might affect levels of GDP-Fuc, placing stress on the pathway for O-fucosylation of the Notch protein. Therefore, we measured nucleotide sugar levels in control (w1118) and elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA embryos. Significant decreases were detected for both GDP-Fuc and for its precursor GDP-Man, while UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-Gal were not affected (Figure 7A). The impact of increased α3-fucosylation on nucleotide sugar levels was only evident in embryos overexpressing FucTA in the nervous system; changes in GDP-Fuc or GDP-Man were not detected in UFA5 embryos nor were Notch-like phenotypes detected in this background (data not shown); this divergence can be explained by the strong driving by elav in a subset of cells, whereas ectopic expression in UFA5 is due to a leakiness in a range of cells. Interestingly, direct characterization of the O-linked glycans expressed in elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA and UFA5 embryos revealed that the prevalence of the only O-Fuc glycan detectable in Drosophila embryos (GlcNAcβ3(GlcAβ4)Fuc) was unchanged by expanded expression of N-linked α3-fucosylation, although the abundance of the core 1 disaccharide was significantly elevated (Figure 7B–D).
Increased α3-fucosylation in the posterior half of the wing disc alters compartment boundaries
Since HRP epitope expression is induced in the posterior compartment of wing discs harvested from en-GAL4; UAS-FucTA larvae (see Figure 6C), we assessed the impact of ectopic FucTA expression on the formation of compartment boundaries in the developing wing. The distribution of the wingless protein (wg) is a downstream reporter of Notch activation, which establishes the dorsoventral boundary of the wing disc. If the appearance of en-driven, ectopic HRP epitope negatively influences Notch signaling, reduced wg expression should be detected along the dorsoventral boundary in the posterior compartment. In en-GAL4; UAS-FucTA discs, the wg pattern is not completely eliminated but is disrupted in a graded manner (Figure 8A–H). Rather than extending across the entire dorsoventral boundary, wg expression is attenuated more severely at the posterior extreme of the boundary in the half disc where FucTA is expressed. Consistent with the partial loss of wg expression, mature wings from en-GAL4; UAS-FucTA adults exhibit notched phenotypes along their posterodistal margin, albeit with relatively low penetrance (Figure 8I–K and Table I). A more robust disruption is seen in the partial to complete loss of the anterior cross vein (Figure 8L–N and Table I). Previous fate mapping studies indicate that the progenitors of the anterior cross vein straddle the anterior/posterior compartment boundary, where they express En (Blair and Ralston 1997; Blair 2007). Significant cross vein defects and wing notching were not observed in wings of adults expressing another FucT (en-GAL4; UAS-FucTB, Table I) nor in the UFA5 line, which also lacked notch-like neural phenotypes and had unaltered nucleotide sugar levels.
Table I.
Genotype | Penetrance |
Incomplete anterior crossvein (%) | Incomplete posterior crossvein (%) | Wing notch (%) | |
w1118 (n = 59) | 14 | 0 | 0 |
en-GAL4; UAS-FucTA (n = 60) | 48 | 3 | 8 |
en-GAL4; UAS-FucTB (n = 60) | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Fucosyltransferase A catalyzes α3-fucosylation in the Drosophila embryo
The use of anti-HRP antibody to stain Drosophila neural tissue was first reported nearly 30 years ago (Jan and Jan 1982; Paschinger et al. 2009). Since then, the Drosophila epitope has been convincingly demonstrated to consist of Fuc in α3-linkage to the reducing terminal GlcNAc residue of the N-linked core (Snow et al. 1987; Katz et al. 1988; Kurosaka et al. 1991). Drosophila glycans bearing α3-linked Fuc are greatly enriched in neural tissue but still account for only 1% of the total N-glycans in the whole organism (Fabini et al. 2001; North et al. 2006; Aoki et al. 2007). Many of the proteins that bear the HRP epitope are expressed in neural tissue, including a subset of the fasciclins (Snow et al. 1987), the Nervana ATPase (Sun and Salvaterra 1995), and a receptor tyrosine phosphatase (Desai et al. 1994). In some cases, these proteins are also expressed outside the nervous system where they are alternatively glycosylated.
Four candidate α3-fucosyltransferase genes (FucTA, B, C, and D) were previously identified in Drosophila. Of these four, only FucTA was capable of generating the HRP epitope when expressed in S2 cells, and only knock-down of FucTA decreased anti-HRP staining in a Drosophila neuronal cell line (Rendić et al. 2006). We now demonstrate that FucTA also meets all of the criteria for being the enzyme responsible for producing the epitope in the Drosophila embryo. FucTA is expressed coincident with the appearance of the epitope in the wild-type embryo and in a restricted distribution that correlates with residual, non-neural epitope production in a mutant that lacks the glycan in neural tissue. Re-expression of the enzyme in neural tissue rescues synthesis of the epitope in this mutant background. Furthermore, direct structural analysis of N-linked glycans by mass spectrometry verifies that the expected difucosylated glycan (M3N2F2, MMF3F6) is increased by ectopic expression of the FucTA enzyme. Finally, expression of the enzyme is sufficient to produce the epitope in a broad range of cell types, many of which do not normally generate α3-fucosylated glycans. Therefore, multiple lines of evidence support the assignment of FucTA as the physiologically relevant and limiting enzyme responsible for α3-fucosylation.
Neural phenotypes associated with altered α3-fucosylation
Mutations in three genes have been previously described that decrease α3-fucosylation. Loss of GlcNAcT-1 (Mgat1), the enzyme necessary for production of all hybrid, complex, and fucosylated N-glycans in Drosophila, eliminates α3-fucosylation and produces deficits in adult locomotion, life span, and larval brain development (Sarkar et al. 2006; Sarkar et al. 2010). The other two previously described mutations affect the expression of a more restricted set of N-linked glycans. One of these is neurally altered carbohydrate (nac), which is associated with a maternal-effect lethality, and aberrant wing, eye, and neural development at 18°C, as well as sensory axon misrouting at 25°C (Phillis et al. 1993; Whitlock 1993); the molecular basis for the nac phenotype, though, has not yet been proven. The third mutation that affects α3-fucosylation is carried on the TM3 balancer chromosome and eliminates neural expression of the HRP epitope in embryos, but does not affect non-neural, larval, or adult anti-HRP staining (Snow et al. 1987; Katz et al. 1988). The relevant defect on the TM3 chromosome was molecularly mapped to the tollo/toll-8 gene, and adults that carry a non-complementing deletion in combination with the TM3 chromosome exhibit a moderate, although unquantified, locomotion defect (Seppo et al. 2003). Glycan analysis indicates that the mutation carried on TM3 also affects the expression of other minor glycans, but the relative prevalence of the major monofucosylated structure (M3N2F) is unchanged (Aoki et al. 2007). For all three of these mutations, no direct mechanism has yet been proposed that links observed developmental and behavioral phenotypes with loss of specific glycans.
In the course of testing the four FucT candidates for rescue of α3-fucosylation, we observed phenotypes that evoked comparisons to previously described roles of Fuc in the modulation of Notch signaling. Mutations affecting OFUT1 (O-Fucosyltransferase 1), the enzyme which adds Fuc in O-linkage to the Notch protein, Gmd (GDP-Man dehydratase), necessary for the production of the GDP-Fuc donor substrate, Gfr (GDP-Fuc transporter of Golgi), or Efr (GDP-Fuc transporter of the ER) have been shown to enhance or phenocopy Notch signaling phenotypes in various contexts (Okajima and Irvine 2002; Sasamura et al. 2003; Ishikawa et al. 2005; Okajima et al. 2005; Ishikawa et al. 2010). These results, as well as those from studies of Notch signaling in vertebrates, have led to the well-tested hypothesis that appropriate O-linked fucosylation of Notch is essential for its normal signaling activity (Okajima et al. 2003; Stanley 2007; Vodovar and Schweisguth 2008), although other data suggest that inactive OFUT1 can act as a Notch-specific chaperone (Okajima et al. 2008; Stahl et al. 2008). In this study, manipulation of N-linked fucosylation produced enlarged peripheral sensory clusters, expansion of the ventral nerve cord, aberrant glial cell migration, and compartment-specific wing notching, each of which is consistent with altered Notch signaling.
Unexpected effects of N-linked fucosylation on Notch signaling
Notch is modified by O-Fuc, O-Glc, and O-GlcNAc but also carries N-glycans (Johansen et al. 1989; Luo and Haltiwanger 2005; Acar et al. 2008; Matsuura et al. 2008). Therefore, FucTA-dependent Notch signaling defects could result directly from altered N-linked glycosylation of Notch or of Notch’s glycoprotein ligands (Delta or Serrate). Consistent with this possibility, an existing Drosophila Notch mutation (Nts1) (Xu et al. 1992) is associated with a change from an N-linked glycosylation sequon with a highly favored amino acid composition (NGS) to a less favored one (NDS) (Koles et al. 2007). Alternatively, FucTA overexpression may indirectly affect Notch O-fucosylation through utilization of a disproportionate share of the intracellular GDP-Fuc pool. The amount of GDP-Fuc in insect cells (Tomiya et al. 2001) and in Drosophila embryos (Figure 7) is low, especially in comparison with other nucleotide sugars; in our measurements, GDP-Fuc levels are some 300-fold less than those of GDP-Man. Diversion of the donor substrate towards α3-fucosylation could cause reduced availability severe enough to impact O-fucosylation. However, despite our determination that GDP-Fuc and GDP-Man levels are reduced when FucTA is overexpressed in neural tissue, a coordinated decrease in global O-fucosylation is not detectable in whole embryos (Figure 7). Indeed, considering the complexity of the glycosylation pathway, it is remarkable, but difficult to explain, that both GDP-Man levels and mucin-type core 1 glycosylation are affected in the elav-GAL4; UAS-FucTA line. The only detectable O-Fuc glycan in Drosophila embryos accounts for 11% of the total O-linked glycan content; the high abundance of this single glycan implies that it is carried on proteins other than just Notch (Aoki et al. 2008). Therefore, characterization of global O-fucosylation is not likely to report critical alterations on low abundance proteins, such as Notch, nor in subsets of cells (e.g. neuronal) in embryos. Determining whether glycosylation of endogenous Notch is affected by FucTA overexpression presents a major analytical challenge but will ultimately be essential for assigning phenotypes to specific post-translational modifications.
The pleiotropy of aberrant N-linked fucosylation
The effects of altered α3-fucosylation are extremely well tolerated through development and maturity in Drosophila. The UFA5 UAS-FucTA line is viable and fertile despite the broad expansion of α3-fucosylation to embryonic ectoderm and amnioserosa. Other ectopic expressions of FucTA generate only non-lethal, moderately neurogenic effects and mild wing notching. Thus, a significant increase in the flux through an otherwise minor, tissue-restricted glycosylation pathway does not result in global pathology. Nevertheless, anti-HRP blots demonstrate that many glycoproteins carry α3-fucosylation in wild-type and in our UAS-FucTA lines (Figure 6E), consistent with the expectation that altered fucosylation might reveal Fuc-dependent, Notch-independent processes. Indeed, one phenotype that we observe in our en-GAL4-driven FucTA lines indicates that increased α3-fucosylation impacts development in a manner independent of Notch signaling. Specifically, in this case, ectopic expression of FucTA generates incomplete crossvein phenotypes predominantly in the anterior, rather than the posterior, crossvein of the wing. The differentiation of anterior crossvein cells from the developing wing epithelium is initiated by localized expression of the TGF-β homologues, decapentaplegic (dpp) and glass bottom boat (gbb), which activate bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in the presumptive crossvein cells. For the posterior crossvein, longitudinal veins serve as the nearby TGF-β/BMP source for establishing a local morphogen gradient that induces differentiation (Blair 2007). At the posterior crossvein, more so than at the anterior crossvein, Notch signaling spatially restricts BMP-induced differentiation of provein cells, thereby limiting the width of the crossvein (Huppert et al. 1997; Marcus 2001). Therefore, at least in this context, our data dissect aberrant fucosylation away from Notch signaling and suggest that altered glycosylation impacts a component of the TGF-β/BMP pathway that is required differentially in the morphogenesis of the anterior and posterior crossveins. Interestingly, both fucosylation of N-glycans and addition of O-linked GalNAc are essential for signaling through vertebrate TGF-β receptors, suggesting evolutionarily conserved contexts in which specific glycan processing has been selected (Schachter 2005; Wang et al. 2005; Herr et al. 2008).
Although core α3-fucosylation is not a feature of vertebrates, these organisms display a fucosylation repertoire which has been expanded to include a non-reducing terminal α3-Fuc on N-, O-, and lipid-linked glycans, structures that have not yet been described in Drosophila. In many cases, these vertebrate fucosylated glycans have important functions as recognition ligands and modulators of signaling receptors (Becker and Lowe 2003). Thus, over and above a significant quantity of α6-fucosylated N-linked glycans, vertebrates and invertebrates have superimposed other uses for Fuc, including modification of critical developmental signaling pathways. Regardless of the acceptor, the utilization of Fuc as a regulatory and recognition element in cell–cell interactions is a phenomenon that is shared across species.
Materials and methods
Fucosyltransferase constructs
The entire open reading frames of D. melanogaster α1,3-fucosyltransferase homologues were isolated by PCR using the pIZT/V5-His vectors encoding these enzymes (Rendić et al. 2006) or Canton S cDNA as templates; the following primer pairs were used: FucTA/5′/EcoRI (cggaattccatgcggcgtccgaag) with FucTA/3′/KpnI (ccggggtacctcagtcgtcgctggagtcg), FucTB/5′/XhoI (ccgctcgagataatcatgcgactggcac) with FucTB/3′/XbaI (gctctagattaagtatttgaactattactgc), FucTC/5′/EcoRI (cggaattcatgtatttagggagggttc) with FucTC/3′/KpnI (cggggtacctcacaaacgtattcggctttg), and FucTD/5′/EcoRI (cggattccaaaaggcaatgccgatagac) with FucTD/3′/KpnI (ccggggtacctcagaggaaggtggtggatc). The purified PCR fragments were cut with relevant restriction enzymes prior to ligation into the pUAST vector. Plasmid DNA was then used to inject w1118 embryos and create transformant lines by standard procedures (Brand et al. 1994). For each FucT construct, multiple insertion lines on all three chromosomes were generated. The FucT transformant results reported here were validated by repeating the rescue experiments with at least one other independent insertion line. The UFA5 line was the only line found to constitutively express FucTA in the absence of a GAL4 driver.
Drosophila lines
The TM3 balancer used in this study carries an embryonically expressed lacZ marker (D, ry/TM3-DZ, Pry + t7.2 = H22.7, Bloomington Stock Center, Bloomington, IN, USA), allowing the anti-HRP staining status of blue embryos to be correlated with rescue of the TM3 mutation (Seppo et al. 2003). Driver lines (en-GAL4, 2nd chromosome insertion; elav-GAL4, X-insertion) were obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center.
Anti-HRP staining, lacZ activity, and in situ hybridization
Embryo collections were dechorionated, fixed, devitellinized, stained with antibodies, and staged according to standard methods (Campos-Ortega and Hartenstein 1985; Patel 1994). Primary antibody dilutions were 1:1000 for rabbit anti-HRP (Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA) and 1:5 for anti-ELAV (Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, University of Iowa). Alexafluor-conjugated (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) or peroxidase-conjugated (Jackson ImmunoResearch) secondary antibodies were used at 1:500 dilutions. LacZ activity was detected in embryos as previously described (Klämbt et al. 1991). The distribution of four fucosyltransferase mRNAs (FucTA, B, C, or D) in embryos was visualized using single-stranded RNA probes labeled with digoxigenin (Tautz and Pfeifle 1989). The four probes demonstrated transcript-specific hybridization to the nerve cord in embryos collected from matings of an elav-GAL4 driver to UAS-FucTA, B, C, or D lines.
Glycan preparation and mass spectrometry
N-glycans and O-glycans were prepared from wild-type and FucTA transgenic lines and analyzed by NSI-MSn as previously described (Aoki et al. 2007; Aoki et al. 2008).
Extraction and analysis of sugar nucleotides
Overnight embryo collections taken from wild-type or FucTA transgenic parents (approximately 50 μL of packed embryos) were homogenized and extracted with chloroform:methanol:water::4:8:3 (v:v:v) as previously described for the preparation of embryo proteins for glycan analysis (Aoki et al. 2007). Following precipitation of proteins by centrifugation, the supernatant was dried under a nitrogen stream. Protein content was measured by bicinchoninic acid assay of the pellet to normalize sugar nucleotide quantification. The dried supernatant was dissolved in 200 μL of 50% methanol and applied onto BAKERBOND SPE Octadecyl C18 cartridge columns (100 mg, JT Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ). The columns were then washed with 3 mL of Milli-Q water. The flow-through and wash fractions were pooled and lyophilized. Dried material was resuspended in 40 mM phosphate buffer, pH 9.2 (120 μL buffer per 0.5 mg of protein), and filtered by centrifugation through 10 K molecular weight cutoff membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA) before analysis by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography according to the method of Tomiya et al. (2001). Sugar nucleotides were detected by absorbance at 260 nm, identified by co-elution with standard, and quantified by comparison with known amounts of standard nucleotide sugars.
Western blotting
Gender separated, adult flies (OreR, w1118, UFA5; four flies per 150 μL lysis buffer) were mixed with RIPA buffer (50 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 0.5% deoxyglycolate, 1% NP40, 10% glycerol, 0.4 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) supplemented with 1:100 dilution of Sigma Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (for use in purification of histidine-tagged proteins) and lysed using a Branson Sonifier 250 (50% duty cycle, 30% output, 2 min). Extracts were spun down for 30 mins at 21,000g and 4°C and supernatants were then mixed with an equal volume of 2 × SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis buffer, followed by a 5-min incubation at 95°C. After transfer to the membrane, Ponceau S staining was performed to verify the transfer efficiency of all samples. For probing the blot, 1:10,000 dilution of rabbit anti-HRP (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) as primary antibody and 1:2000 dilution of the secondary, alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antibody (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) were used. The development was performed using SigmaFAST BCIP/NBT solution.
Supplementary Material
The authors are grateful for the excellent technical contributions of Denise Kerner, Mindy Porterfield, and Johan Koo, and to Dr. Katharina Paschinger for her comments on the manuscript.
bone morphogenetic protein
- Fuc
- gg
garland gland
- hg
horseradish peroxidase
nanospray ionization mass spectrometry
polymerase chain reaction
sodium dodecyl sulfate
- wg
wingless protein
Supplementary data
Supplementary data for this article is available online at http://glycob.oxfordjournals.org/.
This work was supported by grants from the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (P17681 and L314 to I.B.H.W) and from National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS) (GM072839 to M.T.).
Conflict of interest statement
None declared.
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