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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Stat Probab Lett. 2011 Jul 1;81(7):821–828. doi: 10.1016/j.spl.2011.02.030

Higher Order Inference On A Treatment Effect Under Low Regularity Conditions

Lingling Li a, Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen b, Aad van der Vaart c, James M Robins b
PMCID: PMC3088168  NIHMSID: NIHMS281677  PMID: 21552339


We describe a novel approach to nonparametric point and interval estimation of a treatment effect in the presence of many continuous confounders. We show the problem can be reduced to that of point and interval estimation of the expected conditional covariance between treatment and response given the confounders. Our estimators are higher order U-statistics. The approach applies equally to the regular case where the expected conditional covariance is root-n estimable and to the irregular case where slower non-parametric rates prevail.

Keywords: Minimax, U-statistics, Influence functions, Nonparametric, Semi-parametric, Robust Inference

1. Introduction

We consider perhaps the central problem in biostatistics, epidemiology, and econometrics: the estimation of a treatment effect in the presence of a high dimensional vector X of confounding covariates. To this end, for a binary treatment A and a response Y, let τ be the variance weighted average treatment effect


where a simple calculation establishes the equality in the first line, and γ(x) is the average treatment effect among subjects with X = x under the assumption of no unmeasured confounding (ignorable treatment assignment given X).

Our motivation for τ as our functional of interest is as follows. The most common model for estimation of a causal effect assumes γ (X) = β does not depend on X wp 1, which is unlikely to hold exactly. Most semiparametric estimators of β, including those of Robinson (1988) and Donald and Newey (1994), converge in probability to τ even if the assumption γ (X) = β is false. An alternative motivation is considered by Crump et al. (2006).

We now show that point and interval estimators for τ can be constructed from point and interval estimators for the numerator E [cov(Y, A|X)] of τ. As a consequence, until Section 6, the paper is devoted to constructing point and interval estimators for E [cov(Y, A|X)]. In Section 6, we translate these estimators into estimators for τ.

For any fixed τ*R, define Y (τ*) = Yτ* A and the corresponding functional


τ is the unique solution to ψ(τ*) = 0. Suppose that we can construct point estimators ψ̂(τ*) and (1 − α) interval estimators for ψ(τ*). Then τ̂ satisfying ψ̂ (τ̂) = 0 is an estimator of τ. Further, a (1 − α) confidence set for τ is the set of τ* for which a (1 − α) interval estimator for ψ (τ*) contains zero. Until Section 6, we take τ* = 0, and consider inference for the expected conditional covariance ψE [cov {Y, A|X}].

Henceforth, we assume we observe N iid copies of O = (Y, A, X) such that the marginal distribution FO of X has a Lebesgue density f in Rd that has a compact support. We assume FO is contained in a nonparametric model M (Θ) = {F(·; θ); θ ∈ Θ}, indexed by the (infinite dimensional) parameter θ ∈ Θ. In this notation, our parameter of interest is the unique solution τ (θ) to ψ (τ*, θ) = 0 with ψ(τ*, θ) ≡ Eθ [covθ(Y (τ*), A|X)] and, until Section 6, we consider inference on


We let b: xb(x) = E [Y|X = x], p: xp(x) = E [A|X = x], and f: xf(x) denote the components of θ corresponding to the conditional expectations of Y and A given X = x and the density of the marginal distribution FX of X. Our model M (Θ) places no restrictions on FO, other than (i) bounds on the Lp norms of these functions to insure all integrals are bounded and (ii) explicit smoothness bounds that specify that b(x), p(x), and f(x) are in known Hölder classes βb, βp, and βf. Informally, a function h(x) is in a Hölder class βh if all partial derivatives of h(·) up to order ⌊βh⌋ exist and are bounded by a constant Ch and the partial derivatives of order ⌊βh⌋ are Hölder with exponent βh − ⌊βh⌋ and bound Ch. Recall that a function q(x) is Hölder with exponent a and bound c if |q(x) − q(x*)| < c|xx*|a with a < 1 for all x, x*. A formal definition of our model and of a Hölder class are given in the web-supplement.

Robins et al. (2009b) proved that in model M (Θ)

(βb+βp)/d1/2 (1)

is a necessary condition for the existence of a N–consistent estimator of ψ(θ).

We introduce a novel class of point and interval estimators for ψ (θ) that can be applied in both the “regular” case where condition (1) holds and in the “irregular” case where condition (1) does not hold. Our novel estimators are U-statistics. In previous work we derived these estimators using an abstract theory of higher order influence functions (Robins (2004), Robins et al. (2008) and Robins et al. (2009a)). In this paper we derive these estimators using a much more accessible bias correction procedure.

In section 2 we assume that condition (1) holds. However Robins and Ritov (1997) argue that, in epidemiologic studies in which the dimension d of X is not small, the large sample behavior of estimators derived under asymptotics that assumes condition (1) often fails to provide an accurate guide to their actual finite sample behavior; therefore we study the irregular case in Section 3.

For two sequences of random variables XN and YN, the notation XNYN means XNCYN for a constant C that is fixed in the context. The notations XNYN mean XNYN and YNXN. The notations XN ~ YN and XNYN mean that XNYNP1 and XNYNP0. For convenience, we will drop the N subscript and write X and Y for XN and YN.

2. Failure of First Order Inference in The Regular Case

By definition, an estimator ψ̂ is a regular asymptotically linear (RAL) estimator of ψ(θ) if and only if

N1/2(ψ^ψ(θ))=N1/2i=1NU1,i(θ)+oP(1), (2)
U1(θ)={Yb(X)}{Ap(X)}ψ(θ) (3)

Here U1 (θ) is the so called first order influence function of ψ (θ). By Slutsky’s theorem N1/2(ψ̂ψ (θ)) is asymptotically normal with mean zero and variance var {U1 (θ)}. Thus a RAL estimator converges to ψ (θ) at rate N12. Consider the plug-in estimator ψ (θ̂) and the one step estimator ψ(θ^)+1Ni=1NU1,i(θ^)=1Ni=1N{Yib^(Xi)}{Aip^(Xi), where θ̂ is a rate-optimal nonparametric estimator of θ (i.e of FO, Härdle et al. (1998)). If ψ (θ̂) is RAL then so is the one step estimator but not vice-versa, as the onestep estimator may have smaller asymptotic bias with the same asymptotic variance (Bickel et al. (1998)).

In this paper, we require a modified version of the one step estimator in which , , , and thus θ̂ are estimated from a separate, randomly-chosen training sample of size Nn, and the modified one-step estimator is ψ^1ψ1(θ^)=1ni=1N{Yib^(Xi)}{Aip^(Xi)}, where the sum is over the n subjects in the estimation sample. The original one step estimator and ψ̂1 will generally have the same rate of convergence and order of asymptotic bias if (Nn) ≍ n (which we assume to be true unless stated otherwise). This modification is made because Hölder classes with β < d/2 are not Donsker (Van der Vaart and Wellner (1996)). Henceforth, all expectations and variances are to be interpreted as conditional on the training sample and thus are random, although for convenience, we sometimes suppress this fact in the notation, especially for variances.

Conditional on the training sample, the estimator ψ̂1 is the sum of n independent random variables. Hence, it is conditionally asymptotically normal with mean Eθ[(b(X) − (X))(p(X) − (X))] + ψ(θ) and variance of order 1n (Bickel et al. (1998)). Thus, the interval Inline graphic = ψ̂1 ± zα/2s.e.(ψ̂1) is a honest asymptotic confidence interval if and only if the maximal bias BI(ψ^1)supθΘBI(ψ^1,θ) is oP(n−1/2), where the subscript p reflects the randomness in BI(ψ̂1) due to the training sample. Thus, BI(ψ̂1) is of smaller order than s.e.(ψ̂1) ≍ n−1/2. Here BI(ψ̂1, θ) = Eθ[(b(X) − (X))(p(X) − (X))] is the bias under θ. A formal definition of a honest asymptotic confidence interval is given in the web-supplement. In addition, ψ̂1 has a uniform convergence rate of n12 (i.e. is n-consistent) if and only if BI(ψ^1)=Op(n12).

If and are rate optimal estimators of b and p, they have convergence rates nβb2βb+d and nβp2βp+d. Hence, BI(ψ^1)(Nn)(βb2βb+d+βp2βp+d) (i.e., n(βb2βb+d+βp2βp+d) when (Nn) ≍ n). Hence even when condition (1) holds, BI(ψ̂1) can exceed OP(n−1/2). For example, if βb = βp then for BI(ψ̂1) to be OP(n−1/2) requires that βb + βpd. In fact, if βp = 0 holds, then BI(ψ̂1) ≫ n−1/2 for any finite βb. Thus, to construct a uniform n-consistent estimator for ψ (θ) whenever condition (1) holds, we require an estimator with smaller bias than ψ̂1. To achieve this, we will subtract from ψ̂1 a bias correction term which estimates the bias BI(ψ̂1, θ).

3. Second Order U-statistics Estimators

3.1. The Estimator

To motivate our bias correction term, suppose that X were categorical with known probability mass function f. Define the residuals ε̂iYi(Xi), Δ̂jAj(Xj), and kernel function Kf(Xi,Xj)=I(Xi=Xj)f(Xi). Then 1n(n1)ijε^iKf(Xi,Xj)Δ^j is an unbiased estimator of BI(ψ̂1, θ). Since f is unknown, we use K (Xi, Xj) instead. By analogy, for X continuous, if we could find a “kernel” Kf,∞ (x, X) such that

r(x)=Ef[Kf,(x,X)r(X)]Kf,(x,x)r(x)f(x)dxforallr(·)L2(f), (4)

then the statistic 1n(n1)ijε^iKf,(Xi,Xj)Δ^j would be unbiased for BI(ψ̂1, θ).

A kernel satisfying eq. (4) is referred to as a Dirac delta function wrt to the measure FX and is known not to exist in L2 [FX] × L2 [FX]. However, the above motivates the construction of a class of estimators for BI(ψ̂1, θ) using “truncated Dirac kernels”.

Let {zl (·)} ≡ {zl (x); l = 1, 2, …} be dense in L2(μ) with μ the Lebesgue measure and let k (x)T = (z1 (x), …, zk (x)). Define, for a component of θ̂, φ̄k (X) = (E[k (X) k (X)T])−1/2 k (X) so E[φ̄k (X) φ̄k (X)T] = Ik×k. Here is a rate optimal estimator of f with convergence rate (Nn)βf2βf+d in Lq (μ) for q finite. Let K,k (Xi, Xj) = φ̄k (Xi)T φ̄k (Xj). Then, for any h(x), the projection Π[h(x)|z̄k (x)] ≡ Π[h(x)|lin{k(x)}] under of h(x) onto the subspace lin{k(x)} spanned by the elements of k (x) is E[K,k (x, X) h(X)]. Thus, by definition, K,k (x, X), is the associated projection kernel. Note that Π[h(x)|k(x)] = Π[h(x)|φ̄k (x)] since lin{k(x)} and lin{φ̄k (x)} are equal.

K,k (x, X) is a truncated at k approximation to K,∞ (x, X) in the sense that, with substituted for f, it satisfies eq. (4) for r(x) ∈ lin{k (x)}. Our bias corrected estimator is then


3.2. Bias and Variance Properties of ψ̂2,k

The bias of ψ̂2,k is given in the following theorem proved in the web-supplement. The bias can be decomposed into the sum of two terms-the truncation bias and the estimation bias. The truncation bias is due to the truncated at k approximation Kf,k (Xi, Xj) to Kf,∞ (Xi, Xj), whereas the estimation bias comes from using (Xi), (Xi), and (Xi) to estimate b(Xi), p(Xi) and f(Xi).

In the following, since fθ, we can and sometimes do write the projection operator Πf as Πθ. Let Πθ[h(X)φ¯k(X)]=h(X)Πθ[h(X)φ¯k(X)] be the projection under θ of h(X) onto the orthocomplement of lin{k (X)} = lin{φ̄k (X)}.

Theorem 1

Suppose regularity conditions (A.1)– (A.2) of the web-supplement hold. Then the (conditional) bias BI (ψ̂2,k, θ) ≡ Eθ[ψ̂2,k] − ψ (θ) equals TBk (θ) + EB2,k (θ) where

TBk(θ)=E[(Πθ[(b(X)b^(X))φ¯k(X)])×(Πθ[(p(X)p^(X))φ¯k(X)])] (5)


EB2,k(θ)={Eθ[(b(X)b^(X))φ¯k(X)T]×[(Eθ[φ¯k(X)φ¯kT(X)])Ik×k]×Eθ[φ¯k(X)(p(X)p^(X))]} (6)

The next theorem, proved in the web-supplement, derives the orders of TBk (θ) and EB2,k (θ) for a choice of kk (X), that provides optimal uniform approximation error of order kβ/d for any function h(x) of a d-dimensional x in a Hölder class with exponent β. That is h(x)Πθ[(h(x))z¯k(x)]=Πθ[(h(x))z¯k(x)] is of order kβ/d in sup norm. Polynomial, spline and suitable wavelet bases all satisfy this assumption.

Theorem 2

Suppose that regularity conditions (A.1) – (A.3) of the web-supplement are satisfied. Then with BI (ψ̂2,k) = supθ∈Θ|BI(ψ̂2,k, θ)|, TBk = supθ∈Θ{TBk (θ)}, EB2 = supθ∈Θ|EB2,k (θ)|,

TBk=Op(kβb+βpd)EB2=Op((Nn)(βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+βf2βf+d)) (7)
BI(ψ^2,k)=max(TBk,EB2)=Op(max(kβb+βpd,(Nn)(βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+βf2βf+d))) (8)

Note the order of the maximal bias of EB2,k (θ) does not depend on k. The theorem is proved in the web-supplement. A heuristic argument is as follows. If, as is always possible, our optimal estimates of (x) and (x) are in lin{k (x)} = lin{φ̄k (x)}, then TBk (θ) depends on the product of Πθ[b(X)φ¯k(X)] and Πθ[(p(X))φ¯k(X)], which is O(kβb+βpd). Next, noting




we observe that EB2,k (θ) is a product of terms in (b(X) − (X)), (p(X) − (X)) and (f(X) − (X)).

The following theorem proved in the web-supplement gives the order of the (conditional) variance of ψ̂2,k.

Theorem 3

Assume (A.1) – (A.3) are satisfied, then conditional on the training sample,

varθ[ψ^2,k]max(1n,kn2) (9)

3.3. Convergence Rate of the Optimal Estimator in the Class ψ̂2,k: k ∈ Inline graphic}

3.3.1. The regular case - Eq. (1) holds

In this subsection, condition (1) holds so N−1/2 is a lower bound on the rate of convergence.

Lemma 4

Given (1) and (N − n) ≍ n, (i) ψ̂2,n ≡ ψ̂2,k=n converges at rate n−1/2 (and thus is rate minimax) if and only if

βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+βfd+2βf12. (10)

and (ii) no estimator ψ̂2,k converges at rate n−1/2 if ψ̂2,n does not.


varθ[ψ^2,k]max(1n,kn2) has variance of order O(n−1) only if k = O (n). Among all ψ̂2,k with k = O (n), TBk=Op(kβb+βpd) is minimized for kn, proving (ii). Further TBn = Op(n−1/2) by condition (1). Finally, when (10) holds, EB2 = Op(n−1/2). Hence ψ̂2,n converges at rate n−1/2.

Recall ψ̂1 has maximal bias BI(ψ̂1) ≲ n−1/2 (and thus converges at rate n−1/2) if and only if βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp1/2. As an example, with βb=βp=d3, the bias of ψ̂1 shrinks to zero at rate n25n12; in contrast, ψ̂2,n converges at rate n−1/2 as long as βf/d>18. Thus the second order U-statistic added to ψ̂1 to form ψ̂2,n has reduced the bias to Op(n−1/2) without any increase in the order of the variance since k/n2 ≍ 1/n when kn.

In Section 4, we shall construct an estimator that converges at the minimax rate of n−1/2 when eq. (1) holds, even though neither ψ̂1 nor ψ̂2,n converges at rate n−1/2 because (10) fails to hold and so EB2n−1/2.

Finally suppose that eqs. (1) and (10) hold with strict inequalities. Then TBn and EB2 are op(n−1/2). Hence, with (Nn) ≍ n, N1/2(ψ̂2,nψ (θ)) is asymptotically normal with mean zero and finite variance. However ψ̂2,n does not achieve the optimal constant as its asymptotic variance exceeds the semiparametric variance bound varθ[U1 (θ)]. This deficiency can be remedied by no longer choosing (Nn) ≍ n. Specifically, arguing as on page 379 in Robins et al. (2009b), if we make the ratio (Nn)/N to be of order 1/log (N) rather than of order 1 and take keffn/log(n), then N1/2(ψ^2,keffψ(θ))=N1/2i=1NU1,i(θ)+oP(1); hence ψ̂2,keff is asymptotically linear and normal with variance varθ [U1 (θ)] and thus semi-parametric efficient.

3.3.2. The irregular case - Eq. (1) does not hold

Suppose condition (1) does not hold. In that case Robins et al. (2009b) proved that a lower bound for the minimax rate is n2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/dn1/2. The following Lemma shows that, if

βfd×ξmin(βb,βp,d)12ξmin(βb,βp,d),whereξmin(βb,βp,d)=2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/dβb/d1+2βb/dβp/d1+2βp/d (11)

holds, ψ̂2,k* with kn21+2(βb+βp)/d is rate minimax.

Lemma 5

If (11) holds, i) ψ̂2,k* converges at rate n2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/d, which is thus minimax and (ii) no estimator ψ̂2,k converges at this rate if ψ̂2,k* does not.


Consider ψ̂2,k* with k=n21+2(βb+βp)/d. The standard error {max(1n,kn2)}1/2 and the truncation bias TBk* of ψ̂2,k* both are of order n2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/d, proving (ii). When (11) also holds, EB2n2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/d.

In Section 4, we construct an estimator that, often converges faster (and never slower) than ψ̂2,k*, when (11) does not hold, although the rate remains slower than n2(βb+βp)/d1+2(βb+βp)/d.

4. U-Statistic estimators

We next show that we can construct a new estimator ψ^3,k=ψ^2,kH3,3(k) that subtracts from ψ̂2,k a third order U-statistic, denoted by H3,3(k), which estimates the estimation bias EB2,k (θ) of ψ̂2,k. In fact we show that we can iterate this process to construct new estimators ψ^m,k=ψ^m1,kHm,m(k)=ψ^2,kj=3mHj,j(k),m=3, that subtract from ψ̂m−1,k a mth order U-statistic Hm,m(k), which estimates the estimation bias EBm−1,k (θ) of ψ̂m−1,k. In the web-supplement we prove the following theorem

Theorem 6

Under assumptions (A.1) – (A.3) and with each zl (x) the tensor product of elements of a univariate compact wavelet basis with optimal approximation properties, for m = 3, …, the estimator ψ^m,k=ψ^2,kj=3mHj,j(k) has (i) truncation bias TBk (θ) for all m, (ii) estimation bias EBm,k (θ) of smaller order than EBm−1,k (θ), total bias BI(ψ̂m,k, θ) ≡ Eθ[ψ̂m,k] − ψ(θ) = TBk (θ) + EBm,k (θ) and (iii) variance of the same order as ψ̂2,k when k = O (n) but of greater order than that of ψ̂m−1,k when k ≫ n. Here

Hm,m(k)1n(n1)(n2)×(n(m1))i1i2i3imHm,m,i¯m(k)withHm,m,i¯m(k)=(1)mε^i1φ¯k(Xi1)Tr=3m{(φ¯k(Xir)φ¯k(Xir)TIk×k)}φ¯k(Xi2)Δ^i2. (12)


EBm,k(θ)(1)m{Eθ[(b(X)b^(X))φ¯k(X)T]×{(Eθ[φ¯k(X)φ¯k(X)T])1Ik×k}×{Eθ[φ¯k(X)φ¯k(X)T]Ik×k}m2×Eθ[φ¯k(X)(p(X)p^(X))]} (13)
EBm=supθΘEBm,k(θ)n(βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+2βf2βf+d)EBm1×n(βf2βf+d) (14)
varθ[ψ^m,k]1nmax(1,(kn)m1)wp1. (15)

Remark 1

The assumption that each zl (x) is the tensor product of compact wavelets is only used in the proof of (iii) for technical reasons. We expect that (iii) holds for many other bases.

Remark 2

In this notation we could write ψ^2,k=ψ^1H2,2(k) with H2,2(k)=1n(n1)ijε^iKf^,k(Xi,Xj)Δ^j.

4.1. Convergence Rate of the Optimal Estimator in the Class {ψ̂m,k: m = 2, …, k ∈ Inline graphic}

4.1.1. The regular case - Eq. (1) holds

In this subsection, condition (1) holds so N−1/2 is a lower bound on the rate of convergence.

Lemma 7

Given condition (1), βf > 0, and (N − n) ≍ n, ψ̂mopt,n ≡ ψ̂mopt,k=n converges at rate n−1/2 (and thus is rate minimax) where mopt is the smallest integer for which ρmβbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+(m1)βf2βf+d>1/2.


Since ρm increases without bound as m → ∞, mopt always exists when βf > 0 and EBmopt is op(n12). Further varθ[ψ^mopt,n]1nmax(1(nn)mopt1)1n and TBn=O(n12) by condition (1).

The key point is the same as in the case discussed in Section 3.3. The U-statistic terms of ψ̂mopt,n reduce the order of the estimation bias below n12, and yet do not increase the order of the variance or truncation bias. Thus by introducing the U-statistic estimators of arbitrarily large order m, we are able to construct n-consistent estimators for ψ (θ) for any value of βf > 0, as long as condition (1) holds.

Although ψ̂mopt,n fails to be semiparametric efficient this defficiency can be remedied as follows.

Lemma 8

Assume condition (1) holds with a strict inequality. Let (N − n)/N=1/log(N) so n = N (1 − 1/log(N))]. Let mopt* be the smallest integer for which [logN(N/log(N))]{βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+(m1)βf2βf+d}>1/2, and keff ≍ n/log (n). Then (i) ψ̂mopt*,keff has TBkeff = op(N−1/2), (ii) EBmopt* = op (N−1/2), and (iii) N1/2(ψ^mopt,keffψ(θ))=N1/2i=1NU1,i(θ)+oP(1); hence ψ̂mopt*,keff is semiparametric efficient.

4.1.2. The irregular case - Eq. (1) does not hold

Suppose condition (1) does not hold so estimation of ψ(θ) at rate N−1/2 is not possible. For any fixed m ≥ 2, let k(m)=nmm1+2(βb+βp)/d be the value of k equating the order km1nm of var[ψ̂m,k] to the order k−2(βb+βp)/d of TBk2. (Note k* of Sec 3.3 is k* (2)). Thus var[ψ^m,k(m)]=n2m(βb+βp)/dm1+2(βb+βp)/d. ψ̂m,k*(m) has the optimal rate in the class {ψ̂m,k: kInline graphic} since EBmn(βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+(m1)βfd+2βf) does not depend on k. This rate is


The optimal estimator in the class {ψ̂m,k: m = 2, …; kInline graphic} is thus ψ̂meff,,k*(meff) with meff the minimizer of r (m). As discussed in Section 3.3, if condition (11) holds, then meff = 2, and ψ̂meff,,k*(meff) attains the minimax convergence rate n2(βb+βp)d+2(βb+βp). If (11) fails to hold, ψ̂meff,,k*(meff) will not be minimax (Robins et al. (2008)).

5. Confidence Interval Construction

In the regular case where (1) holds with a strict inequality and βf > δ, it follows from Lemma 8 that an honest asymptotic 1 − α confidence interval for ψ (θ) whose width shrinks at rate n−1/2 is the Wald interval Cmopt,keff=ψ^mopt,keff±zαse^(ψ^mopt,keff). where


and zα is the upper α–quantile of a N (0, 1) distribution.

Consider now the irregular case. A necessary condition for an ψ̂ to center a honest Wald interval C=ψ±zαse^(ψ^) is that the order of its bias be less than that of the standard error. The estimator ψ̂meff,,k*(meff) fails to satisfy this condition as its maximal estimation bias EBmeff can dominate its standard error. However the condition is satisfied by the estimator ψ̂meff,(meff) with meff as above and (meff) equal to the k that equates the variance max(1n,k(meff1)n(meff))to{logn}×{max[{TBk}2,{EBmeff}2]}={logn}max(k2(βb+βp)/d,n2(βbd+2βb+βpd+2βp+(meff1)βfd+2βf)). The log n factor insures that the order of the standard error exceeds that of the bias. Furthermore ψ̂meff,(meff) converges at the same rate as the estimator ψ̂meff,,k*(meff) up to a log factor.

In Theorem 10 of the web-supplement we show that, if an estimator ψ̂m,k in our class has bias of lower order than the standard deviation, then, for kn, {km1nm}1/2(ψ^m,kψ(θ)) is conditionally (given the training sample) and unconditionally uniformly asymptotically normal with mean zero and variance that can be consistently estimated. It follows that Cm,k=ψ^m,k±zαse^(ψ^m,k) is an honest asymptotic 1 − α confidence interval for ψ (θ) whose width shrinks at rate {km1nm}1/2, where the formula for se^(ψ^m,k) is given in Theorem 10 of the web-supplement. Thus, the interval


shrinks as fast as any interval Cm,k in our class.

6. Inference on τ(θ)

Recall from Section 1 that our ultimate functional of interest, τ (θ) = Eθ[covθ(Y, A|X)]/Eθ [varθ (A|X)], is the unique solution to the equation ψ(τ, θ) = 0 where ψ(τ, θ) = Eθ [{Y (τ) − b(X, τ)}{Ap(X)}] with b (τ): xb (x, τ) ≡ E[Y(τ) | X = x] and Y (τ) = YτA. We assume it is b (τ) for τ = τ (θ) that is known to lie in the Hölder class of smoothness βb rather than the function b.

Consider first the irregular case where condition 1 fails to hold. As discussed in Section 1, {τ: 0 ∈ Cmeff,(meff) (τ)} is an honest asymptotic 1− α confidence set for τ (θ), where Cm,k (τ) and ψ̂m,k (τ) are Cm,k and ψ̂m,k with Y replaced by Y (τ). Furthermore, it follows from Theorem 6.1 of Robins et al. (2009b) that the width of the confidence set {τ: 0 ∈ Cmeff,(meff) (τ)} or τ (θ) shrinks with increasing n at the same rate {1n(k(meff)n)meff1}1/2 as does the confidence interval Cmeff,(meff) (τ) for ψ (τ, θ). Finally, let τ̂meff,(meff) be the solution to ψ̂meff,(meff) (τ) = 0. Then, a Taylor expansion around τ (θ), shows that {1n(k(meff)n)meff1}1/2{τ^τ(θ)} is asymptotically normal with mean zero and a finite variance.

In the regular case where condition 1 holds and βf > δ, we conclude by a similar argument that τ̂mopt*,keff solving ψ̂mopt*,keff(τ) = 0 is a semiparametric efficient estimator of τ(θ) with influence function {ψ(τ,θ)/τ}τ=τ(θ)1U1(θ,τ(θ)), where U1 (θ, τ) = {Y (τ) − b(X, τ)}{Ap(X)} − ψ (τ, θ) is the efficient influence function of the functional ψ (τ, θ).

7. Discussion

Although this paper breaks important new ground, many difficult issues remain. First, we have assumed the maximal possible roughness (as encoded in Hölder exponents and constants) of the nuisance functions p, b, and f to be known apriori. In practice, different subject matter experts will clearly disagree as to the maximal roughness; in addition, the actual smoothnesses of the nuisance functions cannot be empirically estimated. Thus it would be important to have methods that adapt to the unknown smoothness of these functions. However, for honest confidence intervals, the degree of possible adaption to unknown smoothness is small. Therefore an analyst needs to report a mapping from apriori smoothness assumptions encoded in Hölder exponents and constants (or in other measures of smoothness) to the associated (1 − α) honest confidence intervals proposed in this paper. Such a mapping is finally only useful if substantive experts can approximately quantify their informal opinions concerning the smoothness of p, b, and f using a measure of smoothness offered by the analyst. It is an open question which, if any, smoothness measure is suitable for this purpose.

In the irregular case, our results are for rates of convergence. We currently have few results on the constants in front of those rates.

Finally, a general software program to calculate our estimators must first construct a non-parametric d-dimensional density estimator and then compute the k×k matrix {E[k (X) k (X)T]}−1 by numerical integration followed by matrix inversion. As, in practice, k can easily be 500,000, we have yet to solve these computational challenges.

Supplementary Material



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