Face individuation is one of the most impressive achievements of our visual system, and yet uncovering the neural mechanisms subserving this feat appears to elude traditional approaches to functional brain data analysis. The present study investigates the neural code of facial identity perception with the aim of ascertaining its distributed nature and informational basis. To this end, we use a sequence of multivariate pattern analyses applied to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. First, we combine information-based brain mapping and dynamic discrimination analysis to locate spatiotemporal patterns that support face classification at the individual level. This analysis reveals a network of fusiform and anterior temporal areas that carry information about facial identity and provides evidence that the fusiform face area responds with distinct patterns of activation to different face identities. Second, we assess the information structure of the network using recursive feature elimination. We find that diagnostic information is distributed evenly among anterior regions of the mapped network and that a right anterior region of the fusiform gyrus plays a central role within the information network mediating face individuation. These findings serve to map out and characterize a cortical system responsible for individuation. More generally, in the context of functionally defined networks, they provide an account of distributed processing grounded in information-based architectures.
The neural basis of face perception is the focus of extensive research as it provides key insights both into the computational architecture of visual recognition (1, 2) and into the functional organization of the brain (3). A central theme of this research emphasizes the distribution of face processing across a network of spatially segregated areas (4–10). However, there remains considerable disagreement about how information is represented and processed within this network to support tasks such as individuation, expression analysis, or high-level semantic processing.
One influential view proposes an architecture that maps different tasks to distinct, unique cortical regions (6) and, as such, draws attention to the specificity of this mapping (11–20). As a case in point, face individuation (e.g., differentiating Steve Jobs from Bill Gates across changes in expression) is commonly mapped onto the fusiform face area (FFA) (6, 21). Although recent studies have questioned this role of the FFA (14, 15), overall they agree with this task-based architecture as they single out other areas supporting individuation.
However, various distributed accounts have also been considered. One such account ascribes facial identity processing to multiple, independent regions. Along these lines, the FFA's sensitivity to individuation has been variedly extended to areas of the inferior occipital gyrus (5), the superior temporal sulcus (12), and the temporal pole (22). An alternative scenario is that identity is encoded by a network of regions rather than by any of its separate components—such a system was recently described for subordinate-level face discrimination (23). Still another distributed account attributes individuation to an extensive ventral cortical area rather than to a network of smaller separate regions (24). Clearly, the degree of distribution of the information supporting face individuation remains to be determined.
Furthermore, insofar as face individuation is mediated by a network, it is important to determine how information is distributed across the system. Some interesting clues come from the fact that right fusiform areas are sensitive to both low-level properties of faces (16, 25) and high-level factors (26, 27), suggesting that these areas may mediate between image-based and conceptual representations. If true, such an organization should be reflected in the pattern of information sharing among different regions.
The current work investigates the nature and the extent of identity-specific neural patterns in the human ventral cortex. We examined functional MRI (fMRI) data acquired during face individuation and assessed the discriminability of activation patterns evoked by different facial identities across variation in expression. To uncover the neural correlate of identity recognition, we performed dynamic multivariate mapping by combining information-based mapping (28) and dynamic discrimination analysis (29). The results revealed a network of fusiform and anterior temporal regions that respond with distinct spatiotemporal patterns to different identities. To elucidate the distribution of information, we examined the distribution of diagnostic information across these regions using recursive feature elimination (RFE) (30) and related the information content of different regions to each other. We found that information is evenly distributed among anterior regions and that a right fusiform region plays a central role within this network.
Participants performed an individuation task with faces (Fig. 1) and orthographic forms (OFs) (Fig. S1). Specifically, they recognized stimuli at the individual level across image changes introduced by expression (for faces) or font (for OFs). Response accuracy was at ceiling (>95%) as expected given the familiarization with the stimuli before scanning and the slow rate of stimulus presentation. Thus, behavior exhibits the expected invariance to image changes, and the current investigation focuses on the neural codes subserving this invariance.
Dynamic Multivariate Mapping.
The analysis used a searchlight (SL) with a 5-voxel radius and a 3-TR (Time to Repeat) temporal envelope to constrain spatiotemporal patterns locally. These patterns were submitted to multivariate classification on the basis of facial identity (Methods and SI Text). The outcome of the analysis is a group information-based map (28) revealing the strength of discrimination (Fig. 2). Each voxel in this map represents an entire region of neighboring voxels defined by the SL mask.
Our mapping revealed four areas sensitive to individuation: two located bilaterally in the anterior fusiform gyrus (aFG), one in the right anterior medial temporal gyrus (aMTG), and one in the left posterior fusiform gyrus (pFG). The largest of these areas corresponded to the right (r)aFG whereas the smallest corresponded to its left homolog (Table 1).
Table 1.
Coordinates (peak) |
Region | x | y | z | SL centers (voxels) | Peak t value |
raFG | 33 | −39 | −9 | 16 | 11.31 |
raMTG | 19 | 6 | −26 | 8 | 9.90 |
lpFG | −26 | −69 | −14 | 2 | 7.11 |
laFG | −29 | −39 | −14 | 1 | 7.24 |
To test the robustness of our mapping, the same cortical volume (Fig. S2A) was examined with SL masks of different sizes. These alternative explorations produced qualitatively similar results (Fig. S3 A–C). In contrast, a univariate version of the mapping (SI Text) failed to uncover any significant regions, even at a liberal threshold (q < 0.10), attesting to the strength of multivariate; mapping.
To further evaluate these results, we projected the four areas from the group map back into the native space of each subject and expanded each voxel to the entire SL region centered on it. The resulting SL clusters (Fig. S3D) mark entire regions able to support above-chance classification. Examination of subject-specific maps revealed that the bilateral aFG clusters were consistently located anterior to the FFA [rFFA peak coordinates, 39, −46, and −16; left (l)FFA, −36, −47, and −18]. However, we also found they consistently overlapped with the FFA (mean ± SD: 24 ± 14% of raFG volume and 35 ± 20% of laFG).
Finally, multivariate mapping was applied to other types of discrimination: expression classification (across identities) and category-level classification (faces versus OFs). Whereas the former analysis did not produce any significant results, the latter found reliable effects extensively throughout the cortical volume analyzed (Fig. S2B). In contrast, a univariate version of the latter analysis revealed considerably less sensitivity than its multivariate counterpart (Fig. S2C).
The results above suggest that identity coding relies on a distributed cortical system. Clarifying the specificity of this system to face individuation is addressed by our region-of-interest (ROI) analyses.
ROI Analyses.
First, we examined whether the FFA supports reliable face individuation as tested with pattern classification. Bilateral FFAs were identified in each subject using a standard face localizer, and discrimination was computed across all features in a region—given the use of spatiotemporal patterns, our features are voxel X time-point pairings rather than voxels alone. The analysis revealed above-chance performance for rFFA (Fig. 3).
To reduce overfitting, we repeated the analysis above using subsets of diagnostic features identified by multivariate feature selection, specifically RFE. The method works by systematically removing features, one at a time, on the basis of their impact on classification (SI Text). Following this procedure, we found above-chance performance bilaterally in the FFA (Fig. 3). In contrast, early visual cortex (EVC) did not exhibit significant sensitivity either before or after feature selection.
Second, we reversed our approach by using multivariate mapping to localize clusters and univariate analysis to assess face selectivity. Concretely, we examined the face selectivity of the SL clusters using the data from our functional localizers. No reliable face selectivity was detected for any cluster.
Third, SL clusters along with the FFA were tested for their ability to discriminate expressions across changes in identity. Above-chance discrimination was found in rFFA and raMTG (P < 0.05).
Finally, we tested our clusters for OF individuation across variation in font. The analysis found sensitivity in two regions: rFFA and lpFG.
These findings are important in several respects. They suggest conventionally defined face selectivity, although informative, may not be enough to localize areas involved in fine-level face representation. Also, they show that the identified network is not exclusively dedicated to individuation or even to face processing per se. One hypothesis, examined below, may explain this involvement in multiple types of perceptual discrimination simply by appeal to low-level image properties.
Impact of Low-Level Image Similarity on Individuation.
To determine the engagement of the network in low-level perceptual processing, image similarity was computed across images of different individuals using an L2 metric (Table S1). For each pair of face identities, the average distance was correlated with the corresponding discrimination score produced by every ROI (including the FFA). The only ROI susceptible to low-level image sensitivity was laFG (P < 0.05 uncorrected) (Fig. S4).
These results, along with the inability of the EVC to support individuation, suggest that low-level similarity is unlikely to be the main source of the individuation effects observed here.
Feature Ranking and Mapping.
Having located a network of regions sensitive to face identity, we set out to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the features diagnostic of face individuation. Specifically, we performed RFE analysis jointly across all SL clusters and recorded the ranking of the features within each subject. To eliminate any spatial bias within the initial feature set, we started with an equally large number of features for each cluster: the 1,000 top-ranked ones based on single-cluster RFE computation.
Fig. 4A shows the average ranking of the 400 most informative features across subjects and Fig. 4B summarizes their distribution across clusters and time points. We found a significant effect of cluster (two-way analysis of variance, P < 0.05) but no effect of time point and no interaction. Further comparisons revealed that lpFG contains fewer features than other clusters (P < 0.05), which did not differ among each other. The time course of feature elimination revealed that lpFG features were consistently eliminated at a higher rate than features from other clusters (Fig. 4C). A similar analysis across time points showed no substantial differences across time (Fig. S5).
Feature mapping provides a bird's eye view of information distribution across regions. In our case, it reveals a relatively even division of diagnostic information among anterior regions. Further pairwise comparisons of SL clusters were deployed to examine how areas share information with each other.
Information-Based Pairwise Cluster Analysis.
Whereas activation patterns in different areas are not directly comparable with each other (e.g., because they have different dimensionalities, there is no obvious mapping between them, etc.), the classification results they produce serve as convenient proxies (Methods). Here, we compared classification patterns for pairs of regions while controlling for the pattern of correct labels. Thus, the analysis focuses on common biases in misclassification.
First, we computed the partial correlation between classification patterns corresponding to different clusters. Group results are displayed as a graph in Fig. 5. Similarity scores for all pairs of regions tested above chance (one-sample t test, P < 0.01). Similarity scores within the network were not homogeneous (one-way analysis of variance, P < 0.05) mainly because raFG evinced higher similarity estimates than the rest (P < 0.01). In addition, we computed similarity scores between the four clusters and the EVC. Average similarity scores within the network were significantly higher than scores with the EVC (paired-sample t test, P < 0.01). Second, to verify our findings using an information-theoretic measure, we computed the conditional mutual information between classification patterns produced by different clusters (Fig. 5). Examination of information estimates revealed a relational structure qualitatively similar to that obtained using correlation.
We interpret the results above as evidence for the central role of the right FG in face individuation. More generally, they support the idea of redundant information encoding within the network.
The present study investigates the encoding of facial identity in the human ventral cortex. Our investigation follows a multivariate approach that exploits multivoxel information at multiple stages from mapping to feature selection and network analysis. We favor this approach because multivariate methods are more successful at category discrimination than univariate tests (31) and possibly more sensitive to “subvoxel” information than adaptation techniques (32). In addition, we extend our investigation to take advantage of spatiotemporal information (29) and, thus, optimize the discovery of small fine-grained pattern differences underlying the perception of same-category exemplars.
Multiple Cortical Areas Support Face Individuation.
Multivariate mapping located four clusters in the bilateral FG and the right aMTG encoding facial identity information. These results indicate that individuation relies on a network of ventral regions that exhibit sensitivity to individuation independently of each other. This account should be distinguished both from local ones (6, 21) and from other versions of distributed processing (23, 24).
With regard to the specific clusters identified, previous work uncovered face-selective areas in the vicinity of the FFA, both posterior (9) and anterior (33) to it. Our clusters did not exhibit face selectivity when assessed with a univariate test. However, this lack of selectivity may reflect the variability of these areas (9, 33) and/or the limitations of univariate analysis (34). Alternatively, it is possible that face processing does not necessarily entail face selectivity (35). More relevantly here, face individuation, rather than face selectivity, was previously mapped to an area in the anterior vicinity of the FFA (14). Overall, our present results confirm the involvement of these areas in face processing and establish their role in individuation.
On a related note, the proximity of these fusiform clusters to the FFA may raise questions as to whether they are independent clusters or rather extensions of the FFA (7, 9). On the basis of differences in peak location and the lack of face selectivity, we treat them here as distinct from the FFA although further investigation is needed to fully understand their relationship with this area.
Unlike the FG areas discussed above, an anterior region of the right middle temporal cortex (36, 37) or temporal pole (22) was consistently associated with identity coding. Due to its sensitivity to higher-level factors, such as familiarity (22), and its involvement in conceptual processing (38, 39), the anterior temporal cortex is thought to encode biographical information (6). Whereas our ability to localize this region validates our mapping methodology, the fact that our stimuli were not explicitly associated with any biographical information suggests that the computations hosted by this area also involve a perceptual component. Consistent with this, another mapping attempt, based on perceptual discrimination (15), traced face individuation to a right anterior temporal area. Also, primate research revealed encoding of face–space dimensions in the macaque anterior temporal cortex (40) as well as different sensitivity to perceptual and semantic processing of facial identity (41). In light of these findings, we argue that this area is part of the network for perceptual face individuation although the representations it hosts are likely to also comprise a conceptual component.
In sum, our mapping results argue for a distributed account of face individuation that accommodates a multitude of experimental findings. Previous imaging research may have failed to identify this network due to limits in the sensitivity of the methods used in relation with the size of the effect. Inability to find sensitivity in more than one region can easily lead to a local interpretation. At the same time, combining information from multiple regions may counter the limitations of one method but overestimate the extent of distributed processing. Our use of dynamic multivariate mapping builds upon these previous findings and is a direct attempt to increase the sensitivity of these mapping methods at the cost of computational complexity.
Importantly, the regions uncovered by our analysis may represent only a subset of the full network of regions involved in identity processing. We allow for this possibility given our limited coverage (intended to boost imaging resolution in the ventral cortex) as well as the lower sensitivity associated with the imaging of the inferior temporal cortex. In particular, regions of the superior temporal sulcus and prefrontal cortex (4, 10) are plausible additions to the network uncovered here.
Individuation Effects Are Not Reducible to Low-Level Image Processing.
To distinguish identity representations from low-level image differences, we appealed to a common source of intraindividual image variations: emotional expressions. Also, identity was not predictable in our case by prominent external features, such as hair, or by image properties associated with higher-level characteristics (e.g., sex or age). Furthermore, we assessed the contribution of interindividual low-level similarity to discrimination performance. Of all regions examined, only laFG showed potential reliance on low-level properties. Finally, an examination of an early visual area did not produce any evidence for identity encoding. Taken together, these results render unlikely an explanation of individuation effects based primarily on low-level image properties.
The Face Individuation System Does Not Support General-Purpose Individuation.
To address the domain specificity of the system identified, we examined whether “abstract” OFs (i.e., independent of font) can be individuated within the regions mapped for faces. Although highly dissimilar from faces, OFs share an important attribute with them, by requiring fine-grained perceptual discrimination at the individual level. In addition, they appear to compete with face representations (42) and to rely on similar visual processing mechanisms (43). Thus, they may represent a more suitable contrast category for faces than other familiar categories, such as houses. Our attempt to classify OF identities revealed that two regions, the lpFG and the rFFA, exhibited sensitivity to this kind of OF information.
Furthermore, to examine the task specificity of the network, we evaluated the ability of its regions to support expression discrimination and found that the rFFA, along with the aMTG, was able to perform this type of discrimination.
Thus, it appears that the mapped network does not support general object individuation, although it may share resources with the processing of other tasks as well as of other visual categories.
FFA Responds to Different Face Identities with Different Patterns.
The FFA (44, 45) is one of the most intensely studied functional areas of the ventral stream. However, surprisingly, its role in face processing is far from clear. At one extreme, its involvement in face individuation (6, 18, 21) has been called into question (14–16); at the other, it has been extended beyond the face domain to visual expertise (17) and even to general object individuation (13).
Previous studies of the FFA using multivariate analysis have not been successful in discovering identity information (15, 24) or even subordinate-level information (23) about faces. The study of patient populations is also not definitive. FG lesions associated with acquired prosopagnosia (46) adversely impact face individuation, confirming the critical role of the FFA. However, individuals with congenital prosopagnosia appear to exhibit normal FFA activation profiles (47) in the presence of compromised fiber tracts connecting the FG to anterior areas (48). Thus, the question is more pertinent than ever: Does the FFA encode identity information?
Our results provide evidence that the FFA responds consistently across different images of the same individual, but distinctly to different individuals. In addition, we show that the right FFA can individuate OFs and decode emotional expressions, consistent with its role in expression recognition (12).
Thus, we confirm the FFA's sensitivity to face identity using pattern analysis. Moreover, we show that it extends beyond both a specific task, i.e., individuation, and a specific domain, i.e., faces. Further research is needed to determine how far its individuation capabilities extend and how they relate with each other.
Informative Features Are Evenly Distributed Across Anterior Regions.
How uniformly is information distributed across multiple regions? At one extreme, the system may favor robustness as a strategy and assign information evenly across regions. At the other, its structure may be shaped by the feed-forward flow of information and display a clear hierarchy of regions from the least to the most diagnostic. The latter alternative is consistent, for instance, with a posterior-to-anterior accumulation of information culminating in the recruitment of the aMTG as the endpoint of identity processing.
Our results fall in between these two alternatives. Anterior regions appear to be at an advantage compared with the left pFG. At the same time, there was no clear differentiation among anterior regions in terms of the amount of information represented, suggesting that information is evenly distributed across them.
The Right aFG May Be a Hub in the Facial Identity Network.
As different regions are not directly comparable as activation patterns, we used their classification results as a proxy for their comparison. Using this approach, we found that different regions do share information with each other, consistent with redundancy in identity encoding. Furthermore, we found that pairwise similarities are more prominent in relation with the right aFG than among other network regions, suggesting that the raFG plays a central role within the face individuation network. Thus, the raFG mirrors the role played by the right FFA among face-selective regions as revealed by functional connectivity (4). One explanation of this role is that a right middle/anterior FG area serves as an interface between low- and high-level information.
Two lines of evidence support this hypothesis. Recent results show, surprisingly, that the FFA exhibits sensitivity to low-level face properties (16, 25). Additionally, the right FG is subject to notable top–down effects (26, 27). Maintaining a robust interface between low-level image properties and high-level factors is likely a key requirement for fast, reliable face processing. Critical for our argument, this requirement would lead to the formation of an FG activation/information hub. Future combinations of information and activation-based connectivity analyses might be able to assess such hypotheses and provide full-fledged accounts of the flow of information in cortical networks.
A broad body of research suggests that face perception relies on an extensive network of cortical areas. Our results show that a single face-processing task, individuation, is supported by a network of cortical regions that share resources with the processing of other visual categories (OFs) as well as other face-related (expression discrimination) tasks. Detailed investigation of this network revealed an information structure dominated by anterior cortical regions, and the right FG in particular, confirming its central role in face processing. Finally, we suggest that a full understanding of the operation of this system requires a combination of conventional connectivity analyses and information-based explorations of network structure.
An extended version of this section is available in SI Text.
Eight subjects were scanned across multiple sessions using a slow event-related design (10-s trials). Subjects were presented with a single face or OF stimulus for 400 ms and were asked to identify the stimulus at the individual level using a pair of response gloves. We imaged 27 oblique slices covering the ventral cortex at 3T (2.5-mm isotropic voxels, 2-s TR).
Dynamic Information-Based Brain Mapping.
The SL was walked voxel-by-voxel across a subject-specific cortical mask. The mask covered the ventral cortex (Fig. S2) and was temporally centered on 6-s poststimulus onset. At each location within the mask, spatiotemporal patterns (29) were extracted for each stimulus presentation. To boost their signal, these patterns were averaged within runs on the basis of stimulus identity. Pattern classification was performed using linear support vector machines (SVM) with a trainable c term followed by leave-one-run-out cross-validation. Classification was separately applied to each pair of identities (six pairs based on four identities). Discrimination performance for each pair was encoded using d′ and an average information map (28) was computed across all pairs. For the purpose of group analysis, these maps were normalized into Talairach space and examined for above-chance sensitivity (d′ > 0), using voxelwise t tests across subjects [false discovery rate (FDR) corrected]. Expression discrimination followed a similar procedure.
Analyses were carried out in Matlab with the Parallel Processing Toolbox running on a ROCKS+ multiserver environment.
ROI Localization.
Three types of ROIs were localized as follows: (i) We identified locations of the group information map displaying above-chance discriminability and projected their coordinates in the native space of each subject. ROIs were constructed by placing spherical masks at each of these locations—a set of overlapping masks gave rise to a single ROI. (ii) Bilateral FFAs were identified for each subject by standard face–object contrasts. ROIs were constructed by applying a spherical mask centered on the FG face-selective peak. (iii) Anatomical masks were manually drawn around the calcarine sulcus of each subject and a mask was placed at the center of these areas. The results serve as a rough approximation of EVC. All masks used for ROI localization had a 5-voxel radius.
RFE-Based Analysis.
SVM-based RFE (30) was used for feature selection and ranking—the order of feature elimination provides an estimate of feature diagnosticity for a given type of discrimination. To obtain unbiased estimates of performance, we executed two types of cross-validation. We performed cross-validation, first, at each RFE iteration step to measure performance and, second, across iteration steps to find the best number of features. RFE analysis was applied to all types of ROIs described above.
Pairwise ROI Analysis.
We computed the similarity of classification patterns produced by each pair of ROIs, namely the patterns of classification labels obtained with test instances during cross-validation. However, patterns are likely correlated across regions by virtue of the ability of SVM models to approximate true labels. Therefore, we measured pattern similarity with partial correlation while controlling for the pattern of true labels. Correlations were computed for each pair of facial identities, transformed using Fisher's z, and averaged within subjects. Critically, to eliminate common biases based on spatial proximity between regions (because of spatially correlated noise) all activation patterns were z-scored before classification. To obtain estimates of the information shared between ROIs we also computed the conditional mutual information between ROI-specific classification patterns given the pattern of true labels.
Supplementary Material
This work was funded by National Science Foundation Grant SBE-0542013 to the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center and by National Science Foundation Grant BCS0923763. M.B. was partially supported by a Weston Visiting Professorship at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Data deposition: The fMRI dataset has been deposited with the XNAT Central database under the project name “STSL.”
This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1102433108/-/DCSupplemental.
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