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. 2012 Nov 26;7(11):e48686. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048686

Epidemic Spreading on Preferred Degree Adaptive Networks

Shivakumar Jolad 1,2,*, Wenjia Liu 1,3, B Schmittmann 1,3, R K P Zia 1,3
Editor: Sergio Gómez4
PMCID: PMC3506630  PMID: 23189133


We study the standard SIS model of epidemic spreading on networks where individuals have a fluctuating number of connections around a preferred degree Inline graphic. Using very simple rules for forming such preferred degree networks, we find some unusual statistical properties not found in familiar Erdös-Rényi or scale free networks. By letting Inline graphic depend on the fraction of infected individuals, we model the behavioral changes in response to how the extent of the epidemic is perceived. In our models, the behavioral adaptations can be either ‘blind’ or ‘selective’ – depending on whether a node adapts by cutting or adding links to randomly chosen partners or selectively, based on the state of the partner. For a frozen preferred network, we find that the infection threshold follows the heterogeneous mean field result Inline graphic and the phase diagram matches the predictions of the annealed adjacency matrix (AAM) approach. With ‘blind’ adaptations, although the epidemic threshold remains unchanged, the infection level is substantially affected, depending on the details of the adaptation. The ‘selective’ adaptive SIS models are most interesting. Both the threshold and the level of infection changes, controlled not only by how the adaptations are implemented but also how often the nodes cut/add links (compared to the time scales of the epidemic spreading). A simple mean field theory is presented for the selective adaptations which capture the qualitative and some of the quantitative features of the infection phase diagram.


Concepts and tools from network science provide a powerful framework for the description of many physical, biological, and social systems, from the world wide web to neural architectures and from Facebook to power grids [1], [2]. In the initial years of the growth of network science, researchers focused on characterizing the network topology [1], [3], and then studying the time-dependent processes on complex static networks [4], [5]. Often the “dynamics on networks” was treated distinctly from the “dynamics of networks.” However many recent studies have focused on more realistic situations where dynamics of the network and dynamics on the network are coupled together, with a non-trivial feedback loop connecting them [6], [7]. In this work, we study the spreading of infectious diseases on a network of interpersonal connections where the adaptive behaviors of the affected population influence both the disease dynamics and the network topology.

The behavior of classic epidemic models such as susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model and the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model [8], [9] has been widely studied on regular lattices and on specific networks such as random, small world or scale-free networks [4], [10], [11] (see [12] for review). These studies assume that the disease spreads on a static network with characteristics which are independent of the nodes. However, in a dynamic social setting, people are likely to respond by social distancing or quarantine – changes in behavior that are perceived to reduce the likelihood of infection. Such behavioral adaptations will change the network topology and feed back into the dynamics of epidemic spreading. Recently, there has been growing interest to include such adaptive behavior in epidemic models. Given the wide range of human responses and their impact on the spread of the disease, modeling all these possibilities seems difficult and daunting. Thus, it is natural to consider simplified models with a few effective parameters. While such models cannot predict the epidemiological or social details quantitatively, they may be able to provide insight into qualitative and universal features of how adaptive behavior impacts the dynamics of epidemics. In this spirit, we introduce our models and study their properties.

Funk et al [13] classify the current literature on adaptive epidemic models based on the source of information (local or global) and the type of information (belief or prevalence) about the epidemic. Belief-based models emphasize individuals' awareness of a disease, and how they evaluate the associated dangers [14][17]. For example, some authors have modeled risk perception by decreasing the infection rate with the fraction of infected individuals in the local network of the node [18] and by introducing voluntary vaccinations [19], [20]. Prevalence-based models emphasize the objective assessment of the extent of epidemic spread and personal risk. Most of these studies have concentrated on coupling disease dynamics with network adaptations through rewiring of links [6], [7], [21][26] and studying the dynamics of S-I, S-S and I-I links. One might argue, however, that such rewiring models make a somewhat unrealistic assumption, namely, that individuals necessarily create a link with a healthy person after cutting a link with an infected one.

We address some of the limitations of prevalence-based epidemic studies by proposing a new type of network which contains a natural parameter, Inline graphic, the ‘preferred degree.’ An individual (a node) with more/fewer contacts than Inline graphic will tend to cut/add links. This parameter allows us to easily model adaptive behavior depending on the (perceived) level of threat from an epidemic. Let us point out several other advantages of this approach. Our network does not have unrealistically large degrees responsible for epidemics with vanishing thresholds [27]. Our model can easily be generalized to endow different nodes with different Inline graphic's, e.g., to account for the presence of extroverts and introverts [28], [29] in our society. Recent work has attempted to synthesize more realistic network such as those based on survey and census data [30], [31], and trajectories of mobile phone users [32]. Models based on realistic features of social network such as assortativity (homophily) [33] in social networks and range of interactions (like close and casual) have received considerable attention [34]. Our network model can be used to simulate features of these ‘realistic’ networks by making preferred degree distribution match the ‘true’ distribution and tuning the clustering coefficient by methods such as the one developed by Volz [35].

We highlight few major differences between our approach and the literature on prevalence and global information based adaptive networks. In the rewiring approach [6], [7], the total number of links in the population is fixed for all time, regardless of the level of the epidemic. By having a preferred-degree (which adapts to the state of the epidemic), the total number of contacts in the population is reduced when the disease spreads dramatically and returns to “normal” levels when the epidemic recedes. In this sense, our adaptive preferred degree plays a role analogous to the rewiring rate, in delaying the onset of an epidemic. Zanette and Risau-Gusmán [22] consider case where susceptible agents can decide to break links with their infected peers and links are permanently broken. In our approach, no link is permanently broken as the dynamics is kept active by infected nodes who can reconnect with any susceptible.

We begin by modeling the simplest case, where all nodes are characterized by a single Inline graphic, i.e., a homogeneous population. The network is dynamic, so that nodes can add or delete links, in an attempt to reach or maintain Inline graphic. When a disease spreads on this network, the detailed dynamics of adding/cutting links changes in response to the epidemic. In the following, we propose a model reflecting global prevalence-based information, by letting Inline graphic depend only on Inline graphic, the fraction of infected individuals in the entire population. We model two typical human response: (a) If individuals are not aware who is infected and who is healthy (an ‘invisible’ disease, e.g., AIDS), they may cut (or add) links blindly in response to news of a raging epidemic. We will refer to this adaptive behavior as ‘blind response.’ (b) If the disease is ‘visible’ (e.g., the flu), an individual is more likely to be more discriminating when cutting or adding a contact – a response we naturally label as ‘selective.’ Here, the dynamics of network will depend on the state of the recipient node: Susceptible individuals will preferentially cut links with the infected and add links with other susceptibles. For the blind adaptations, we investigate three types of behavior: the reckless (where Inline graphic remains constant, then drops abruptly only when Inline graphic reaches some large value), the typical (where Inline graphic decreases linearly with increasing Inline graphic, leveling off at some constant Inline graphic), and the nosophobic (who cut ties precipitously as soon as Inline graphic deviates from zero). We find that the epidemic threshold does not change, but the level of epidemic depends on the ‘degree of fear’ in the population. For the selective adaptations, we focus only on the reckless and typical types. Here, both the threshold and the level of infection change. We develop a mean field theory for local adaptations by writing equations for node and link dynamics. The predictions of this theory predict all the qualitative features of the simulations.

Our paper is organized as follows: In section I, we set the scene: presenting the formation of preferred degree networks and introducing an SIS dynamics on this network (initially with no adaptive features). We will summarize two theoretical approaches: a simple mean field theory (MF) and more sophisticated annealed adjacency matrix (AAM) method [36]. We also compare our results for the critical Inline graphic with predictions of heterogeneous mean field theory [37], [38]. In section II, we turn to study populations with adaptive response to a raging epidemic. In section III, we describe our main results for adaptive epidemic propagation. Section III.a deals with blind adaptations where a given nodes cannot “see” the disease states of the connected nodes.. The SIS phase diagram and degree distribution for these adaptive cases are much richer than those in non-adaptive networks. Much of the phase diagram is captured quite well by a simple mean field theory. In section III.b, we discuss the cases with selective adaptations. Simulation results are compared with a mean field theory, the details of which can be found in Appendix S1 (see supplementary information). We conclude, in the last section, with a discussion of our results and their implications for future research.


I SIS on preferred degree networks

I.a Network formation

To explore the behavior of epidemics on dynamic networks, let us first present the foundation, i.e., a network with preferred degree(s). Following the lines introduced in [28], we briefly review how such a network is formed and evolves. Details of the statistical properties of such networks are also of interest, but will be presented in another publication [29]. For simplicity, we first consider a homogeneous population, i.e., a system with Inline graphic nodes (individuals) of identical behavior, evolving stochastically. In each time step, a random node Inline graphic (Inline graphic) is selected and its degree, Inline graphic, is noted. Then, an attempt to add (cut) a link is made, with probability Inline graphic Inline graphic . Although an infinite variety of Inline graphic's is possible, we impose some general properties which mimic typical human behavior, e.g., Inline graphic and Inline graphic, as well as the logical constraint Inline graphic. A simple choice, used in all our simulations, is Inline graphic, with

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e029.jpg (1)

recognizable as a Fermi-Dirac function. Here, Inline graphic plays the role of ‘inflexibility’ (or ‘rigidity’) of the personality, so that a node (individual) with Inline graphic will always cut/add a link when it finds itself with more/fewer links than Inline graphic. Indeed, apart from a brief digression in the next paragraph, the step function is used in all the simulations presented here. In the code, we choose Inline graphic to be slightly larger than an integer, so that a node with Inline graphic will attempt to add a link. Note also that, with Inline graphic, the network will always change, by the addition or deletion of a link. The partner node for this action is randomly chosen out of the eligible pool. Thus, the ‘recipient’ has no control over a link to it, whether created or destroyed. In a Monte Carlo step (MCS), Inline graphic such attempts are made, so that there is one chance, on the average, for each node to add or cut a link.

With a preferred degree, our network is clearly not scale-free. Also, unlike the case of a Erdös-Rényi network, the degree distribution in the steady state here, Inline graphic, is not Gaussian. Though Inline graphic depends on the details of Inline graphic, we discover a universal feature: exponential tails when Inline graphic is far from Inline graphic. In Figure 1, we show typical simulation results for Inline graphic (with Inline graphic). Indeed, for a group of completely rigid individuals (Inline graphic), Inline graphic is a Laplace distribution (Inline graphic). With a more flexible group (Inline graphic), the maximum around Inline graphic is rounded off, up to a width of Inline graphic, before crossing over to the same kind of exponential tails. This behavior is heuristically understood in the context of an approximate master equation, details of which can be found elsewhere [29], [39]. Our main focus in the remainder of this article will be the SIS dynamics associated with the nodes, evolving along with this changing network.

Figure 1. Degree distribution of preferred degree networks.

Figure 1

Networks with Inline graphic nodes and various inflexibility parameters Inline graphic (see Eq. 1). Panels (a) and (b) corresponds to Inline graphic and Inline graphic respectively. The Inline graphic corresponds to the totally inflexible individuals and results in a Laplace distribution.

I.b SIS on static and dynamic preferred degree networks

Having presented the dynamics of a network with static nodes, we now endow the nodes with their own degrees of freedom. Following the standard SIS model [8], we assign a binary state variable, Inline graphic, to node Inline graphic, corresponding to that individual being susceptible (Inline graphic) or infected (Inline graphic). The system evolves by discrete attempts to update a randomly chosen node. If it is infected, then it recovers with rate Inline graphic. If it is susceptible, then the disease is transmitted with rate Inline graphic from each of its infected contacts Inline graphic ( Here we set the time step equal to 1 making rates same as probabilities). We consider infection as a simultaneous event, so that an Inline graphic in contact with Inline graphic infected nodes will contract the disease with probability Inline graphic (Inline graphic if Inline graphic). Again, a MCS is defined as Inline graphic such attempts.

A good measure of the ‘level of the epidemic’ is the fraction of infected nodes: Inline graphic. Clearly, a population with Inline graphic will not evolve, a state known as ‘absorbing.’ If the initial state has Inline graphic, then the epidemic may die out (i.e., Inline graphic) quickly or only over very long times, since there is a non-vanishing probability (Inline graphic) for a fluctuation to drop Inline graphic to Inline graphic. In the latter, known as an ‘active state,’ Inline graphic is typically positive, meaning that the epidemic is typically “ alive and well.” Whether the system becomes active or not will depend on network topology and the ratio Inline graphic. For simplicity, we fix Inline graphic in all our simulations and use Inline graphic as a control variable. The goal is a phase diagram: Given Inline graphic and a particular network, will the epidemic die or stay active? and where is its threshold: Inline graphic?

While a well-defined set of such questions can be formulated for infinite systems running for indefinite times, the task is less simple when confronted with simulations with finite systems and finite run times. In particular, since our systems will reach absorbing states in finite time, it is difficult to pin point the threshold, near which the typical Inline graphic is vanishingly small. To overcome this difficulty, we introduced a trick into our simulations. To prevent our system from falling into the absorbing state, we do not allow the last Inline graphic to recover. We refer to such a node as an ‘immortal’. We stress that we do not fix a single node as immortal, but simply prevent the last infected node from recovering. The advantage of this approach is clear: Our system never ceases to evolve, so that time averages in a steady state can be used to study ensemble averages (both denoted by Inline graphic). Of course, we should keep in mind that, in the ‘inactive state,’ Inline graphic but Inline graphic. Further measurements can be implemented to characterize this state in more detail. For example, distributions of Inline graphic are expected to be exponential (Inline graphic) and how Inline graphic varies with Inline graphic should be revealing.

We first studied static networks with a preferred degree, to provide a baseline for later investigations with co-evolving networks. For this study, we generated 50 network realizations using the scheme specified above (using 10K MCS for each run) and kept them quenched as we continued with the evolution of the nodes. After thermalization for 1000 MCS, we measure Inline graphic every 10MCS and then averaged over the 50 networks. The results for this (quenched) average Inline graphic, as a function of Inline graphic, display a clear signal of the expected transition from inactive to active regimes of the epidemic. Away from Inline graphic, the fluctuations over a run are about 1%. The averages from the 50 realizations also do not differ by more than this amount. Not surprisingly, close to the transition, fluctuations are more substantial (Inline graphic). Exploring the critical region quantitatively is a worthwhile pursuit, but beyond the scope of this study.

Next, we turn our attention to SIS on dynamic networks, where we must account for the fact that network and disease dynamics typically proceed at different time scales in society. Given that we are modeling the former as a response to a spreading epidemic, we will assume that network timescales are slower. In this spirit we choose the epidemic spreading to be Inline graphic (Inline graphic) times faster than the network adaptations. That is, for every one MC step of the network, we perform Inline graphic MCS of nodes. Mostly, we use Inline graphic. The SIS dynamics on a static network consists of letting Inline graphic. In practice, we performed runs with Inline graphic and found that Inline graphic is not very sensitive to Inline graphic and that the Inline graphic data are indistinguishable from those in static networks above. In Figure 2, we present results from runs with Inline graphic (open black squares) and Inline graphic (solid blue triangles), leading us to the conclusion that, within our statistical errors, the time scales of network dynamics have little effect on an epidemic in a homogeneous population. We point to the readers that we present the results for time averaged data. Detailed investigations into the fluctuating dynamics is beyond the scope of the present work. For a recent work on instantaneous time description of network dynamics we refer the reader to [40]. In the next subsection, we will present theoretical perspectives of this system and how such phenomena can be understood.

Figure 2. The SIS phase diagram for non-adaptive network.

Figure 2

Fraction of infected population versus relative infection rate is plotted the vicinity of the transition point Inline graphic and compared with mean-field theories, for Inline graphic, and two values of Inline graphic. The numerically integrated AAM equations ( Eq 1. in [36]) are shown as open circles (red online), and results from the simple mean-field theory of Eq. 4 are plotted as solid lines (magenta online).

I.c Simple mean field theory and the annealed adjacency matrix approach

To attack a statistical system theoretically, the first and simplest tool is a mean field (MF) approach. Since our interest is the long time behavior of Inline graphic, this first step consists of writing a simple equation for the evolution of Inline graphic. Following standard MF analysis, we write

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e111.jpg (2)

where the first term models the Inline graphic's recovering. In the second term, Inline graphic is the probability that an Inline graphic is not infected by any of its infected contacts. By setting the derivative to zero in Eq. 2, we find stationary solutions (fixed points): Inline graphic. For small/large Inline graphic, the stable Inline graphic is zero/positive, corresponding to the inactive/active state. The transition is predicted to occur at

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e118.jpg (3)

which reduces, for Inline graphic, to an easily understandable result: Inline graphic. In the active state, Inline graphic is given by the solution to Inline graphic. In other words, it is the inverse of the explicit Inline graphic

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e124.jpg (4)

The result is presented as the solid line (magenta on line) in Figure 2 and shows that, while slightly higher than the simulation results, it indeed captures the essentials of the epidemics. In the vicinity of criticality, the exponent in Inline graphic takes the expected MF value Inline graphic.

In a dynamic or a quenched random network, this approach may seem too simplistic. In previous studies of SIS models on irregular, static networks, better approximations have been developed. Examples include the heterogeneous mean field (HMF) theory [37], [38] and the annealed adjacency matrix (AAM) approach [36]. The former takes into account a distribution of degrees, such as Inline graphic in our case, and provides the critical threshold at Inline graphic, i.e., Inline graphic. It has been widely applied, with considerable success, to study critical dynamics on various networks. For our study here, we present in Figure 1 the few cases of Inline graphic for the preferred degree networks used, showing that Inline graphic as expected and Inline graphic. Hence, the simple MF prediction (Inline graphic) is quite adequate. Further, as our interest lies in the dominant behavior of the epidemic over the entire phase diagram, rather than details of the transition, there is no compelling need for using this complex method. As our network is dynamic, the AAM method may provide better predictions. Let us briefly summarize this approach [36] here. While the full dynamics involves a fluctuating adjacency matrix, in the AAM, the elements Inline graphic of the full fluctuating adjacency matrix are approximated by the probability that nodes n and l are connected. The infection probability of nodes are evolved through a discrete Markov equation (Eq. 1 in ref. [36]). Steady state values of infection probabilities are used to calculate Inline graphic. Applying this technique to our problem, we find that Inline graphic (red circles in Figure 2) follows Inline graphic (magenta lines) quite closely at the transition region. As for Inline graphic in higher Inline graphic's, we show only the static network data and Inline graphic in the inset of Figure 2. As expected, the infected fraction simply saturates at Inline graphic. Clearly, the agreement between simulation results and all theoretical approaches is quite good. Thus, as a first step towards understanding epidemics on more complex, adaptive networks, we will rely on the simpler mean field theory.

II Adaptive response to a raging epidemic

In the networks presented above, whether static or dynamic, the degree of each node is effectively fixed in time (Inline graphic in our model). However, when an epidemic is present, individuals are likely to exhibit ‘social distancing’ behavior, by cutting ties or reducing the number of non-essential contacts (as documented in, e.g., [41], [42]). Apart from being an inherently natural response, cutting ties may also occur due to externally imposed public policies [41], [43]. When the state of the disease is not easily discernible (e.g., AIDS), one's response will be to sever links blindly. On the other hand, if the disease is ‘visible’ (e.g., the flu), one can be more selective, by cutting only contacts with the infected. Such adaptive behaviors can be easily accommodated in our model by letting Inline graphic change, in response to the level of the infection. In this work, we will study the effects on the epidemic due to both ‘blind’ and ‘selective’ adaptations. In particular, we investigate infection levels, Inline graphic, and degree distributions, Inline graphic, in the steady states.

II.a Models of response

To incorporate adaptive behavior, our first task is to specify how the population will lower the preferred degree, Inline graphic, in response to a rising infection level. When an individual becomes aware of an epidemic, the response is likely a combination of rational/prudent behavior and irrational perceptions of the dangers. Though a typical population is diverse and heterogeneous, we begin with the simplest system: a homogeneous population with a unique response based on just one piece of information of the epidemic, namely, the global infection level Inline graphic. In other words, we let every node update with the same Inline graphic. For convenience, Inline graphic is introduced via a ‘fear factor’ Inline graphic:

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e151.jpg (5)

Here, Inline graphic is just the preferred degree for an uninfected population, while Inline graphic is a monotonically decreasing function, which serves to reduce the preferred degree. Of the infinitely many behavioral patterns that can be modeled, we consider only three kinds here (Figure 3):

Figure 3. Adaptive fear factor.

Figure 3

The “fear factor” Inline graphic depending on the global infected fraction Inline graphic (see Eq. 5) associated with different behavioral patterns listed in section II.a.

  • Reckless individuals are oblivious to a low level of epidemic present in the population. They keep the same Inline graphic until the epidemic reaches a certain threshold: Inline graphic. (We assume Inline graphic to be some fraction of Inline graphic.) At this point, they abruptly change their preferred degree to Inline graphic. Keeping in mind that a typical person would maintain a minimal set of contacts (family, caretakers, etc.) even in the face of a raging epidemic, we simply choose Inline graphic to be independent of Inline graphic for all levels higher than Inline graphic. Explicitly, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the Heaviside step function. For simulations, we choose Inline graphic, and Inline graphic to be 60% of the maximum Inline graphic. Since we fix Inline graphic at Inline graphic, we use Inline graphic.

  • Typical individuals are likely to cut their contacts in a more measured fashion. For them, we choose a linearly decreasing Inline graphic. If this decrease is rapid enough, then these individuals' comfort level would reach the lower limit (Inline graphic) before the infection rate reaches its maximum level Inline graphic. Again for simplicity, we let their Inline graphic remain at Inline graphic for all higher levels of infection. Explicitly, Inline graphic, where the slope and the threshold are related by Inline graphic. For this set of simulations, we chose the same parameters as above: Inline graphic.

  • Nosophobia is an irrational fear of contracting diseases. To model such a population, we let Inline graphic drop exponentially, as soon as the slightest infection is detected. These individuals would eventually avoid all personal contact. Explicitly, we have Inline graphic. With Inline graphic setting the severity of this phobia, we use Inline graphic in our simulations.

Of course, any real population will have a mix of these behaviors, with perhaps time dependent compositions. Our hope is that studying these homogeneous cases separately will help us untangle the effect of different adaptive behavior on the epidemics. To summarize our model so far, when a node is chosen for updating its links, we measure its degree Inline graphic and take note of the overall infection level (Inline graphic). Then we add/cut a link if Inline graphic is less/greater than Inline graphic. Choosing which link to add/cut and its affect on disease dynamics will be the focus of the next section.


III Epidemic propagation in adaptive networks

III.a Blind adaptation

With an invisible disease, an individual does not know which of his/her contacts (or potential contacts) is infected. As a result, adapting to the news of say, a rising level of the epidemic, he/she simply cuts links to randomly chosen partners (as described in Section I) until a smaller Inline graphic is reached. Similarly, if Inline graphic, the new contact will be also chosen blindly. Setting aside the interesting question of how Inline graphic changes with time as a result of a changing network topology (in response to the feedback from Inline graphic), we focus on the steady states after the system settles down.

In Figure 4, we show the simulation results for Inline graphic in these three cases (with mostly Inline graphic, flexible individuals, for simplicity), as well as the case above: a non-adaptive network. We first observe that the epidemic thresholds are essentially unchanged by any of the adaptive strategies. This fact is understandable, since the threshold is defined by Inline graphic rising from zero and our transition is continuous. Thus, fear in the population has yet to take hold, and Inline graphic remains close to Inline graphic. Beyond the threshold, the effects of the different fear factors are self-evident. The reckless follow the non-adaptive until Inline graphic reaches Inline graphic (chosen to be 0.4 here), and then abruptly adjust their response so that the infection remains more or less at this level. In the inset, we see that Inline graphic resumes its upward trend after Inline graphic, and reaches close to the maximal level Inline graphic by Inline graphic. By contrast, the infection level in the typical case increases at a slower pace immediately after Inline graphic. Around Inline graphic, Inline graphic coincides with the reckless, since both networks are controlled by the same Inline graphic. Finally, as expected, infections in a nosophobic population are strongly suppressed. Indeed, the critical properties near the transition may be altered. Since Inline graphic is effectively zero for Inline graphic (i.e., Inline graphic here), it is not surprising that the infection levels are far lower than the other two types.

Figure 4. Non-adaptive and adaptive preferred degree SIS phase diagram.

Figure 4

We have chosen Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic for all three adaptive models (See Figure 3). The solid lines represent the mean field solution to these models based on Eq. 6.

More quantitatively, simple MF theory should provide an acceptable explanation for these results. From the analysis above, a Inline graphic can be readily incorporated, so that Inline graphic remains unchanged: Inline graphic . Above this value, the only modification is the Inline graphic-Inline graphic relationship, and Eqn. (4) now reads

graphic file with name pone.0048686.e218.jpg (6)

Although the fear factor appears explicitly here, this expression is quite cumbersome. A simple way to regard the effects of adaptation is the following: To produce the same level of infection (Inline graphic), the infection rate (Inline graphic) must be enhanced over the non-adaptive population. Quantitatively, Inline graphic (Inline graphic, for small Inline graphic such as in our examples) must increase by a factor of Inline graphic. In this way, it is easy to see that the MF prediction of the critical exponent Inline graphic will remain unchanged, unless Inline graphic is appropriately non-analytic at Inline graphic (i.e., Inline graphic if Inline graphic with Inline graphic). At the other extreme, the saturation levels are given by setting the left side of Eqn. (6) to unity. Unless the fear factor is so intense that Inline graphic vanishes at a value of Inline graphic less than Inline graphic, then, strictly speaking, these do not depend on the details of the adaptive strategy Inline graphic. However, for the severely fearful such as the nosophobic, the infection essentially levels off at a Inline graphic considerably lower than Inline graphic.

Comparing with simulation data, we see that the MF predictions (Figure 4) tend to lie a little above simulation data, with the exception of few points near region associated with the abrupt drop in Inline graphic for the reckless population. We believe this effect may be the result of large fluctuations in the degree distribution. Individuals caught in this regime may cut ties drastically (at the news of Inline graphic rising above Inline graphic), causing the infection to decline. But this good news would lead to the population reversing course just as abruptly, so that large fluctuations should continue. To test this conjecture, we now present degree distributions as an indication of how serious these fluctuations can be.

In the absence of infection, the degree distribution should be similar to those in Figure 1, around the preferred Inline graphic. Far from the transition, the epidemic has settled in and, for both the typical and the reckless, the distribution should also be similar, but settling around Inline graphic instead ( Figure 5 ). Not surprisingly, the picture is more complex for the nosophobic, especially for large Inline graphic, since the preferred degree is strongly dependent on the level of the infection and approach zero, which tends to isolating the nodes. Here, let us focus on the effects of the abrupt behavior of the reckless, the case that also displays the most interesting behavior (large fluctuations, Figure 5 a,b). For the other two types, we note the predictably mild changes in the degree distribution, as Inline graphic increases (Figure 5c,d). The overall shape of Inline graphic remaining essentially the same, but due to adaptations the center slowly shifts with Inline graphic and Inline graphic.

Figure 5. Steady state degree distribution of adaptive network.

Figure 5

Degree distribution of (a) reckless with Inline graphic (see Eq. 1) (b) reckless and inflexible individuals (Inline graphic), (c) Typical and (d) Nosophobic individuals (see Sec 3.A for details) with Inline graphic. We have chosen Inline graphic for all these cases. The infection rates Inline graphic are chosen to illustrate transition behavior in degree distributions.

For the reckless population, the conjectured behavior –dramatic swings when the infection level is near Inline graphic, is well captured in the broadening of Inline graphic. From the data shown in Figure 5a, we see that the distributions are, as expected, centered close to Inline graphic for Inline graphic (Inline graphic corresponding to the threshold Inline graphic). Thereafter, many individuals in the population begin to cut contacts. By Inline graphic, Inline graphic is quite distorted compared to the simple Laplace distribution. Specifically, we see that a sizable fraction of the population has cut their preferences down towards Inline graphic. To display a complete range of infection rates, we chose to simulate with rigid individuals (Inline graphic) for simplicity (Figure 5b). Here, we see the complete crossover as Inline graphic increases, from a distribution centered around Inline graphic to one around Inline graphic. If we plot a reflected and appropriately shifted version of the Inline graphic distribution (i.e., Inline graphic for an appropriate Inline graphic), the result is essentially identical to the raw Inline graphic for Inline graphic. A similar collapse is observed for the cases with Inline graphic and Inline graphic, Inline graphic. Thus, we may associate Inline graphic with a transition, from a population dominated by Inline graphic (i.e., non-adaptive behavior) to one controlled by Inline graphic (i.e., typical). Since Inline graphic displays always a single peak, which shifted rapidly between Inline graphic and Inline graphic, we would label this as a continuous transition.

III.c Selective adaptation

If the state of infected individuals is manifest (i.e., disease is ‘visible’), it is natural for individuals to be more selective in choosing their contacts. Such behavior might also be driven by policy interventions such as isolating the infected and/or closing public meeting grounds (e.g., schools) [41], [43]. In particular, how an individual adds/cuts links will now depend on the states of his/her contacts. We choose the following ‘think globally, act locally’ model which we believe is a reasonable representation of such adaptive behavior.

We initially set up a static preferred degree network with a preferred degree Inline graphic. Infection is started in some fraction Inline graphic of the nodes and spreads according to the standard SIS dynamic rules described before. As in the blind adaptation case, the preferred degree Inline graphic depends on the global infection level Inline graphic. Unlike the previous method, when a node is chosen to update its links, the rules will depend on whether the node is susceptible or infected. Let us assume that an Inline graphic does not care about the state of the contacts and randomly adds/cuts links as before. However, an Inline graphic will behave more selectively, having a bias in favor of other Inline graphic's after it decides to add or cut a link. To model this bias, we introduce a parameter, Inline graphic, with which the favored choice is selected over the undesirable one. Letting subscripts denote the initiator-receptor pairs, Inline graphic and Inline graphic denote, respectively, the probability with which an Inline graphic cuts a link to an Inline graphic or an Inline graphic. Obviously, we impose Inline graphic Inline graphic. Similarly, let Inline graphic and Inline graphic denote the probabilities it will create, respectively, a link to an Inline graphic and an Inline graphic (with Inline graphic). Explicitly, we choose the following.

  • An Inline graphic with degree Inline graphic will cut a link from a randomly chosen Inline graphic with probability
    graphic file with name pone.0048686.e302.jpg (7)
    or to a randomly chosen susceptible with probability Inline graphic. Here Inline graphic are the number of Inline graphic contacts it has. Now, it is clear that the larger Inline graphic is, the more our Inline graphic will choose to cut links to its infected contacts (Inline graphic corresponds to non-preferential adaptation).
  • Similarly, an Inline graphic with degree Inline graphic will create a link to a randomly chosen Inline graphic with probability
    graphic file with name pone.0048686.e312.jpg (8)
    or to a randomly chosen infected with probability Inline graphic. Again, we see a large Inline graphic biases more towards adding links to other Inline graphic's.
  • Since infected nodes do not have any incentive for selective adaptation, we make these nodes adapt blindly as follows:
    graphic file with name pone.0048686.e316.jpg (9)

To allow for individuals to react at a different rate compared to that of recovery or infection, as in blind adaptation case, we update the links at a rate Inline graphic (Inline graphic) compared to the update of the state of the nodes.

With the rules described, we studied selective adaptations for reckless and typical cases (see section. II.a ) for moderate system sizes Inline graphic. We found that system size satisfying Inline graphic is sufficient to produce the ‘thermodynamic’ limit. While we note that steady state configuration depend only on the ratio Inline graphic, we alert the readers that our parameters Inline graphic for selective adaptation are different from the blind adaptation case. We choose Inline graphic, and the cut off infection level for Inline graphic to be 60% of the maximum value Inline graphic.

In Figure 6a, we show the degree distribution of susceptibles, infected and total populations below the epidemic threshold for a typical behavioral adaptation case. Except for one immortal, the whole population is composed of susceptibles. The total degree distribution essentially reflects the susceptibles. However, the immortal can have different degrees during the course of SIS dynamics which will be reflected in the quenched distribution of infected. Figure 6b shows the network structure with the lone infected connected to the big cluster of susceptibles. In Figure 6c, we show the degree distribution of susceptibles, infected and total populations above the epidemic threshold with parameters Inline graphic and Inline graphic. We see that all the degree distributions overlap. However the infected people are more strongly interconnected than with the susceptibles (see Figure 6d), which is indicated by non-zero modularity coefficient [44], [45] of Q = 0.2384.

Figure 6. Degree distribution and network structures with typical local adaptations.

Figure 6

Panels (a) and (b) show systems below the epidemic threshold, while (c) and (d) show systems above the threshold. The parameters chosen are Inline graphic Inline graphic, Inline graphic.

In Figure 7a and c, we show the SIS phase diagram for reckless and typical adaptations obtained by Monte-Carlo simulations. In the figure, black squares, blue circles and magenta triangles correspond to relative network adaptation rates Inline graphic respectively. We observe that unlike the blind adaptation case, the epidemic threshold varies both with the network adaptation rate and behavioral response to different fear levels. The threshold increases with increasing Inline graphic – an understandable feature, as faster responses by the Inline graphic's should suppress the infection rates. In both cases, the transition from a healthy state to an active infectious state is considerably more rapid than in the blind adaption case. Indeed, for the reckless population with faster network response (larger Inline graphic), we observe a discontinuous transition (or a very steeply rising continuous one). In both cases, there is a second crossover, near Inline graphic, to a gently rising Inline graphic curve. These can be traced to our choice of Inline graphic, which contains a singularity (discontinuity or kink) at Inline graphic.

Figure 7. SIS phase diagram for selective adaptations.

Figure 7

The fraction of infected population Inline graphic, versus Inline graphic for different network adaptation rates, with parameters Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic. Panels (a) and (c) show the Monte-Carlo simulation results for reckless and typical behaviors (see Sec. II.a) respectively. In panels (b) and (d), the simulation results are compared to local mean field theory (described in Appendix S1) predictions. The black squares, blue circles and magenta triangles represents the network adaptation rates Inline graphic and Inline graphic respectively. The corresponding mean fields results are plotted as lines with respective colors in (b) and (d). The dotted, dot-dash and dashed lines represent the bistable regions obtained from mean field solutions when initial infection fraction is varied from Inline graphic and initial links chosen from following the hysteresis curve.

Since the adaptation is in response to a ‘local’ environment of a susceptible individual, a more sophisticated mean field theory needs to be formulated. To distinguish this from the mean field approach above, we will refer to it as the ‘local mean field theory’ (LMFT). In particular, we introduce three more variables: Inline graphic, and Inline graphic, defined as the mean number of Inline graphic and Inline graphic links per node, respectively. While the evolution equation for Inline graphic is just modified to be Inline graphic, the equations for the Inline graphic's are much more involved. Deferring to the Appendix S1 (see supplementary information ) the details of how these are formulated and studied, let us focus here on the results of the stationary solutions, Eqns. (A4, A11) of Appendix S1, and how they compare with simulation data. Illustrated in Figure 7b and d, the general conclusion is that there is reasonable qualitative agreement between LMFT and Monte Carlo results.

For the case with reckless adaptations, the response to infections is quite rich while the agreement is better than expected. In particular, LMFT predicts three stable fixed points: one associated with the inactive Inline graphic, another associated with Inline graphic, and the third, with a ‘normal’ endemic state. The presence of the second fixed point is probably the result of the discontinuity in our Inline graphic. Moreover, for a moderate range of Inline graphic, the LMFT displays bistability. Of course, in a stochastic simulation, one of these will be metastable with a discontinuous transition in Inline graphic. Such differences are common, much like bistability in a Landau theory of ferromagnetism below criticality vs. metastability/stability in a statistical system. Overall, we see that simulation data generally support the existence of three branches, in good agreement with LMFT. In more detail, we find that the nature of the first transition (threshold of the epidemic, from the inactive state to Inline graphic) is well predicted by LMFT. Comparing the location of the discontinuous transition is, of course, very difficult. Nevertheless, simulations indicate these locations to lie within the LMFT limits of bistability. In any case, there is good reason to believe that the (bare) value of Inline graphic (from simulations) will be ‘renormalized’ by fluctuations, so that a better theory may converge towards the data. Turning to the second transition, at higher Inline graphic, we see that it is associated with Inline graphic exceeding Inline graphic, which in turn leads to a jump in Inline graphic (from Inline graphic to Inline graphic). Thus, the network will become homogeneous again: With degree Inline graphic, the theoretical Inline graphic follows Inline graphic. This prediction agrees with simulations, once Inline graphic far exceeds the transition values. More intriguingly, LMFT predicts the nature of this transition to depend on Inline graphic. While it is a typical bifurcation for the lower Inline graphic's, it a involves tri-stability region (Inline graphic), with all the three branches are stable for the Inline graphic case. In the latter case, the LMFT displays oscillating time dependence in all the variables in the Inline graphic branch, pointing to the possibility of limit cycles and Hopf bifurcations. Perhaps just an artifact of the discontinuity in Inline graphic, these fascinating aspects deserve further study. Comparisons with data are more ambiguous. For example, simulations favor gentle crossovers rather than discontinuities in Inline graphic or Inline graphic. Remarkably, the location of these crossover are not too far from the transition predicted by the LMFT.

For the ‘typical’ adaptive behavior, we find two stable fixed points corresponding to the inactive or endemic states. Moreover, for a moderate range of Inline graphic, the LMFT displays bistability, i.e., it predicts a discontinuous transition. The agreement between LMFT and simulation results is arguably good for Inline graphic, finding even the kink associated with Inline graphic at Inline graphic. For larger Inline graphic, the branch of the LMFT bistable region and the data follows Inline graphic for all Inline graphic's. For the larger Inline graphic's, the theory continues to predict a discontinuous transition at the threshold, while the data show a steadily decreasing discontinuity. It is quite possible that these end on a multicritical point, beyond which the behavior is more typical of a ‘second order’ transition. Such subtle issues can only be clarified with a larger systematic simulation study. The reasons for the discrepancy between LMFT and simulations are unclear. We speculate that some of the approximations used were too crude, e.g., replacing the local degrees with the global averages (see Appendix S1 in supplementary information for details) and assuming degree distributions to adopt instantaneously to the steady state adaptive preferred degree (with a time dependent Inline graphic). These are issues worthy of further investigation. Clearly, there is considerable room for improvement as many questions remain to be explored before we arrive at a satisfactory theory.


The study of dynamical processes on networks has been very active for several decades. Most investigations have focused on either a dynamic set of nodes on a static network (e.g., spins on a lattice or epidemics in a population with fixed connections) or a dynamic network with static nodes (e.g., small world networks, scale free networks). Only recently have researchers focused their attention on dynamics of co-evolving networks where both nodes and links are dynamic, with particular attention to opinion dynamics and epidemic spreading. Here we consider the classic SIS model of epidemic spreading, on a network that adapts to the level of the infection. Introducing a new class of networks in which individuals (nodes) favor a certain number of contacts (Inline graphic, the preferred degree), we model various types of adaptive behavior by letting Inline graphic depend on the level of the epidemic, through Inline graphic, the infected fraction of the population. For such networks, we typically find degree distributions that are neither Gaussian nor scale-free. Instead, the universal feature appears to be exponential tails when the degree is far from Inline graphic.

Using Monte-Carlo methods, we simulated populations in which healthy individuals may become ill by being in contact with a fluctuating set of infected nodes, while diseased persons recover spontaneously with some rate. We considered three types of adaptive behavior representing the degree of fear in the public, which were modeled by different adaptive preferred degree as a function of global infection level. Further, these network adaptations can be blind, i.e., a central node does not know the disease state of its contacts, or selective where the disease state of the neighbors is known and the central node responds by selectively cutting or creating links. For the blind adaptations we find that the epidemic threshold does not change with the degree of fear, however the level of epidemic in the active phase decreases with increasing fearful response. A good agreement with the simulation data can typically be found with a simple mean field theory. For the selective adaptations, much more interesting dynamics emerge. The epidemic threshold changes substantially with increasing rate of network adaptations (Inline graphic). The epidemic transition is discontinuous, unlike the blind adaptation case which shows a continuous transition. The level of epidemic in the active phase changes with both the network adaptation rate and the degree of fear in the public. We have presented a local mean field theory with equations for both node and link dynamics for selective adaptations. For reckless and typical cases, it predicts bistable regions in which both, a healthy and an active infectious phase persist - a standard indicator of discontinuous transitions. There is qualitatively good agreement between mean field predictions and simulation data. Sources for the (quantitative) differences abound, from the crude level of approximations used to the subtle effects of fluctuations.

Within the scope of our study, many issues remain to be investigated and better understood. Clearly, our mean field treatment relied on significant approximations; how can this approach be improved? Do the observed discontinuous transitions share typical aspects of ‘first-order’ transitions, e.g., hysteresis and metastability? If so, does our system fall into the universality class of the standard SIS problem? Are there new exponents, associated with the network fluctuations and its dynamics? At a more detailed level, insights into much of the properties of the network (e.g., degree distributions, clustering, modularity, etc.), especially in the case with selective adaptations, would be very desirable.

Apart from the two types of adaptation we have presented, many extensions can be pursued. In a typical society, the population is inhomogeneous, so that an individual's perception of the infection level may not be the same as the overall Inline graphic. Letting the adaptive behavior depend on this perceived level, we consider variations in strategies by simply adding a white noise to Inline graphic. Our preliminary studies with ‘blind’ adaptations, not reported above, indicate that the effect of this type of noise on the epidemic appears to be minimal. Beyond our simple model, the most immediate generalization is to include spatial structures, both homogeneous and heterogeneous. For example, extroverts and introverts have very different preferred degrees. How does an epidemic develop across these different communities? There is a general belief that extroverts are more prone to contagious diseases. A further generalization would be to study epidemics on realistic networks with known degree distributions and clustering. Such networks can be synthesized by heterogeneous preferred degree networks with appropriate built through ‘small world’ algorithms. We postpone such work to a future publication. Naturally, the long term interest in such studies is to develop a good understanding so that reasonable public policies can be formulated in response to a real epidemic.

Supporting Information

Appendix S1

Local mean field theory for selective adaptation.



We thank Stephen Eubank, Thierry Platini, Leah Shaw and Max Shkarayev for illuminating discussions.

Funding Statement

This research is supported in part by grants DMR-0705152 and DMR-1005417 from the US National Science Foundation and funds from Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science, Virginia Tech. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Supplementary Materials

Appendix S1

Local mean field theory for selective adaptation.


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