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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Patient Educ Couns. 2012 Jul 11;89(1):69–75. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2012.06.018

The Cancer Message Literacy Tests: Psychometric Analyses and Validity Studies

Kathleen M Mazor a, H Jane Rogers b, Andrew E Williams c, Douglas W Roblin d, Bridget Gaglio e, Terry S Field a, Sarah M Greene f, Paul K J Han g, Mary E Costanza h
PMCID: PMC3519427  NIHMSID: NIHMS394108  PMID: 22789147



To examine the psychometric properties of two new health literacy tests, and to evaluate score validity.


Adults aged 40 to 71 completed the Cancer Message Literacy Test-Listening (CMLT- Listening), the Cancer Message Literacy Test-Reading (CMLT-Reading), the REALM, the Lipkus numeracy test, a brief knowledge test (developed for this study) and five brief cognitive tests. Participants also self-reported educational achievement, current health, reading ability, ability to understand spoken information, and language spoken at home.


Score reliabilities were good (CMLT-Listening: alpha = .84) to adequate (CMLT-Reading: alpha =.75). Scores on both CMLT tests were positively and significantly correlated with scores on the REALM, numeracy, cancer knowledge and the cognitive tests. Mean CMLT scores varied as predicted according to educational level, language spoken at home, self-rated health, self-reported reading, and self-rated ability to comprehend spoken information.


The psychometric findings for both tests are promising. Scores appear to be valid indicators of comprehension of spoken and written health messages about cancer prevention and screening.

Practice Implications

The CMLT-Listening will facilitate research into comprehension of spoken health messages, and together with the CMLT-Reading will allow researchers to examine the unique contributions of listening and reading comprehension to health-related decisions and behaviors.

Keywords: Health literacy, Cancer prevention, Psychometrics

1. Introduction

Health literacy is increasingly recognized as important,(13) and numerous studies have shown links between health literacy, health-related behaviors and health outcomes.(414) With few exceptions,(1520) most research on health literacy has utilized measures that assess print literacy or even more narrowly, word recognition.(2122) Health literacy is a broader construct, and includes facility with spoken health information.(4, 2325) This is important because so much health information is transmitted orally.(26) However, without instruments to assess spoken health literacy, there has been very little research on this facet of health literacy.(13) To fill this critical gap, we developed a test to assess comprehension of spoken health messages about cancer prevention and screening, the Cancer Message Literacy Test-Listening (CMLT-Listening). To facilitate future research involving both spoken and written health messages, we developed a companion test assessing comprehension of written messages, the Cancer Message Literacy Test–Reading (CMLT-Reading). Our test development process is summarized in Table 1 and reported in detail in a separate manuscript.(27)

Table 1.

Overview of the Test Development Process

Test Development Step Result
Specify Purpose of Measurement To assess two critical components of health literacy: comprehension of spoken and written health messages.
Specify Content Parameters Cancer prevention and screening; common cancers and cancers for which screening was available, or for which behavior may influence risk.
Realistic and typical of the cancer prevention and screening messages that might be encountered in day-to-day life, either in the media or in clinical settings.
Identify Candidate Messages Publicly available messages identified via the internet, including posted television and radio clips, health websites, magazines, and newspapers.
Clinical materials identified (print) or created (simulated clinician-patient encounters).
Select Messages Candidate messages reviewed; inaccurate or potentially misleading messages excluded.
If multiple messages available, selections made to provide variety of content and type.
Write / Edit Items Items written by professional writers using the Sentence Verification Technique (45); reviewed and edited by team.
Select Items Initial item selection sought to include potentially difficult concepts (e.g., risk); and to achieve balance and variety of content.
Pre-test Pre-testing completed with 7 adults to identify programming errors and to pre-test test administration processes.
Pilot test Pilot testing conducted with 89 adults from three sites; team examined corrected item-total correlations, coefficient alphas, and differences in the proportion of correct responses across quartiles.
Revise Items and Finalize Item Selection Poorly performing items edited or replaced; item selection finalized.

The purpose of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of the two tests, and to investigate score reliability and validity. We reviewed prior research on health literacy in order to predict associations between CMLT scores and a variety of other measures. Prior research has found lower scores on health literacy measures to be associated with less formal education;(2831) lower scores on cognitive measures;(3236) speaking a language other than English at home;(3738) older age;(28, 33, 3741) and worse self-rated health.(4244) We therefore predicted that scores on the two new health literacy measures would show similar associations. We also predicted that the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading scores would be positively correlated, that each would be correlated with cancer knowledge and numeracy scores, that CMLT-Reading scores would be positively correlated with REALM scores and self-reported reading ability, and that CMLT-Listening scores would be related to self-reported understanding of spoken information.

2. Methods

2.1 Sites

This study was conducted within the Cancer Research Network (CRN), a consortium of research organizations affiliated with non-profit integrated healthcare delivery systems and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Four CRN sites participated: Kaiser Permanente Georgia (KPGA), Kaiser Permanente Hawaii (KPHI), Kaiser Permanente Colorado (KPCO) and Fallon Community Health Plan (FCHP) in Massachusetts. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each site.

2.2 Participants

Potential participants were identified from health system records by randomly sampling members aged 40–70 who had been enrolled for at least five years, and lived or received care in reasonable proximity to the study session locations. Some participants were aged 71 by the time the study sessions occurred. We targeted this age range because these adults are most likely to face cancer screening decisions, and to be at elevated risk for most cancers compared to younger adults. To optimize sampling across educational levels, at FCHP, KPGA and KPHI sampling was stratified by United States Census-based estimates of educational level defined by the percentage of residents with a high school education or less in the census tract in which participants lived. At KPGA, sampling was further stratified according to the percent of African-American residents, to ensure that African-American and white members were invited in equal numbers within each educational strata. At KPCO, which only recruited Hispanic health plan members, health care system data on race/ethnicity and language preference was used to identify individuals who met the above criteria, self-identified as Latino and had English as their preferred language. A variety of recruitment techniques were used, including mailings, telephone follow-up, and offering sessions at multiple locations. Interested participants were screened to confirm ability to communicate in English, adequate corrected hearing and vision, and the absence of physical or psychological limitations that would preclude participation.

2.3 Data collection procedures

Study sessions lasted approximately 2 hours, and were conducted in-person by a trained research assistant. All items (except reading items), were administered orally. Participants provided written informed consent and received $50 for participation.

2.4 Measurements

The CMLT-Listening assesses comprehension of spoken messages related to cancer prevention and screening, and is self-administered via computer. It begins with a brief, computer-narrated introduction, instructions and sample items. The test includes 15 spoken messages presented in video, each with 2 to 4 associated items (48 items total). Items were developed using the sentence verification technique (SVT)(45) and are paraphrases of video message content; participants indicate whether the item meaning is the same as the original message. Details of the test development process are described in an earlier paper.(27) A sample item is provided in Figure 1. Videos cannot be replayed; items can be. Test administration takes approximately 1 hour. No reading is required.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

CMLT-Listening Test Sample Item

The CMLT-Reading assesses comprehension of written messages on cancer prevention and screening. It is self-administered on paper. It contains 6 messages, each with 3–4 associated items (23 items total). For each item, the participant must indicate whether a statement has the same meaning as the original message. CMLT-Reading items were also developed using the SVT (45) and details of test development are described in a prior paper.(27) A sample item is provided in Figure 2. Administration time is approximately 10 minutes.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

CMLT-Reading Sample Item

Participants also completed the REALM,(21) the Lipkus numeracy test (risk items),(46) a four item test of cancer knowledge developed for this study (appendix), five brief cognitive tests (backward counting, category fluency, word list recall, short delay word list recall and digits backwards),(47) and the five item Perceived Efficacy in Patient Provider Interaction measure (PEPPI).(48) Participants self-reported age, educational attainment, current health,(49) and language spoken at home. Difficulty understanding spoken information was assessed using an item developed specifically for this study (“I have a hard time understanding when people speak quickly”; response options were: strongly disagree, disagree, agree and strongly agree). An item was also developed to assess participants’ perceptions of their reading ability; this item read “I am a good reader”; response options were: strongly disagree, disagree, agree and strongly agree). Participants also indicated whether they had ever been diagnosed with cancer, and whether they were aware of any family member having been diagnosed with cancer.

2.5 Analyses

We began by performing dimensionality analyses to determine whether each test was measuring a single construct, as hypothesized. We then computed item, test, and person statistics, and assessed score reliability using coefficient alpha. Dimensionality and reliability are both aspects of score validity,(5051) but we sought additional validity evidence as well. Specifically, we examined the relationships between scores on the CMLTs and a variety of measures which have been found to be related to scores on other measures of health literacy, and assessed whether those relationships were in the predicted directions.

Both CMLTs included a “Not Sure” response option. Because preliminary psychometric analyses revealed no advantage to including “Not Sure” responses in scoring, all analyses reported here are based only on correct/incorrect scoring.

2.6 Dimensionality and Local Independence

Full-information item factor analysis was conducted using TESTFACT.(52) A unidimensional model was initially specified. Then, for each test, two additional analyses were conducted. First, to investigate whether local dependence (and hence multidimensionality) was present due to the structure of the test (i.e., the fact that items were nested within messages) a bifactor model was fitted in TESTFACT, specifying a general factor and specific factors for each set of items based on the same message. Second, to investigate the presence of additional factors unrelated to the structure of the test, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. For each of these two additional analyses, we evaluated the improvement in fit associated with increasing the number of factors over the undimensional model. This was assessed by computing the difference in the chi-square fit statistics for the two models as reported by TESTFACT; this difference is a chi-square statistic itself, with degrees of freedom equal to the difference in degrees of freedom for the two models.

2.7 Relationships with Other Variables

We examined the relationship between scores on the CMLT tests and categorical variables using ANOVA or t-tests. We examined the relationship between scores on the CMLTs and continuous variables using correlations. Because we planned a large number of statistical tests to examine our predictions about relationships between CMLT scores and related measures, we used a conservative criterion to assess statistical significance (p<.001).

3. Results

3.1 Sample Characteristics

A total of 1074 adult health plan members participated. Sample characteristics are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2.

Sample Characteristics

Characteristic N %
Study Site Colorado
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic (No Other Race Identified)
Hispanic and Other
Multiple Races
Unknown/Not Reported
Language Spoken at Home English
English and Other
Education Less than High School
High School Graduate (includes technical training)
Some College or Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Graduate Degree
Age 40–49
Marital Status Married 697 65
Work Status Working for pay
Total Study Participants 1074 100

3.2 Dimensionality and Local Independence

For the CMLT-Listening, three items showed negative discrimination estimates, indicating they were not functioning in the same way as the rest of the items on the test; for the CMLT-Reading two items showed negative discrimination estimates. These items were omitted from all further analyses. For dimensionality analyses, only complete data were used (N = 999).

3.3 CMLT-Listening

For the CMLT-Listening, the bifactor model produced 16 factors (1 general and 1 specific for each of the 15 vignettes). The bifactor model yielded a marginal improvement in fit over the unidimensional model (χ2 change = 66.2, df = 45, p =.02). Under the bifactor model, the general factor accounted for 21% of the variance, and the 15 specific factors combined accounted for about 9% of the variance, with no specific factor accounting for more than 1% of the variance, suggesting the structure of the test did not create any substantial multidimensionality. Under the simple unidimensional model, the first factor also accounted for 21% of the variance.

To investigate the possibility of a second dimension unrelated to the testlet structure, a two-dimensional exploratory solution was fitted. For the CMLT-Listening, there was a statistically significant improvement in fit with the two-dimensional model (χ2 change = 415.9, df = 44, p=.00), with the first and second factors accounting for 22% and 5% of the variance, respectively. However, the second factor appeared to be an artifact related to the difficulty of the items; the correlation between the item loadings on the second factor and the proportion correct value was .73 for the CMLT-Listening. Items that loaded more heavily on the second factor tended to be the easier items, which generally had lower discrimination indices. Given this finding, the lack of any substantive explanation, and the small proportion of variance explained by the factor, a unidimensional model appeared to be a reasonable choice for the data. The relatively small percent of variance accounted for by the primary dimension may be due to the fact that many of the items were very easy with low discriminations; for 26 of the 45 CMLT-Listening items, more than 80% of respondents answered the item correctly, and for 13 of the items, the item-total correlation was less than .2. Thus these items provided little information for model-fitting purposes, with the apparent result that the variance in item scores could not be attributed to the primary dimension.

3.4 CMLT-Reading

For the CMLT-Reading, the bifactor model produced a significant improvement in fit (χ2 change = 48.5, df = 21, p =.001). The general factor accounted for 30% of the variance, and the 6 specific factors combined accounted for about 8% of the variance, indicating that the improvement in fit provided by the bifactor model was of small practical consequence. Again, the relative weakness of the primary dimension may be due to the lack of variability in the item responses: the CMLT-Reading was very easy for this sample, with over three-quarters of respondents scoring 80% or better.

A two-dimensional exploratory factor model produced a statistically significant improvement in fit over the undimensional model (χ2 change = 155.1, df = 20, p =.00), with the first and second factors accounting for 29% and 6% of the variance, respectively. The second factor was defined largely by four items that had no apparent connection, either psychometrically or substantively; unlike the CMLT-Listening, the second factor did not appear to be strongly related to item difficulty. However, the factor was uninterpretable from a substantive perspective and it explained only a small proportion of variance, so it seemed reasonable to proceed with a unidimensional model.

Finally, local dependence among items based on a common message was assessed by computing the average Q3 statistic for pairs of items in each subset. All averages for both tests were close to zero, indicating no substantial local dependence among items on either test.(53)

3.5 Item and Test Statistics

For the CMLT-Listening, item difficulties (i.e., the proportion of respondents choosing the correct response) ranged from .51 to .97 (mean =.79); for the CMLT-Reading difficulties ranged from .55 to .94 (mean =.84). The mean percent correct total score for the CMLT-Listening (based on 45 items) was 79 (SD=13.6; range 33–100); coefficient alpha was .84; for the CMTL-Reading the total score (based on 21 items) was 84 (SD=14.1; range 24–100); and coefficient alpha was .75. The score distributions were strongly negatively skewed for both tests, indicating that the test was quite easy for most individuals.

3.6 Relationships with Other Variables

The correlation between the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading was .67 (p<.001). Other correlations are presented in Table 3. The correlation between the CMLT-Listening and age (in years) was −.07 (p=.017); the correlation between age and the CMLT-Reading was .02 (p=.45). Correlations between age and scores on the REALM and the numeracy test were not statistically significant. As predicted, less educated participants scored lower on both tests than more educated participants. Relationships with other characteristics were also in the predicted direction (Table 4). Participants who responded “yes” to the question “Have you ever been told by a doctor that you had cancer?” scored slightly but not significantly higher on the CMLT-Listening (p=.09) and the CMLT-Reading (p=.07). Comparisons of those who reported that a family member had had cancer to those who had not found no evidence of differences on either measure; both p values were greater than .10.

Table 3.

Correlations between CMLT Scores and Scores on Related Measures

CMLT-Listening CMLT-Reading
REALM .38 .46
Numeracy .54 .52
Cancer Knowledge .55 .43
Word List Recall .29 .30
Short Delay Word List Recall .29 .25
Digits Backwards .31 .32
Category Fluency .36 .34
Backwards Counting .37 .32

All correlations in this table are statistically significant; p <.001

Table 4.

Mean CMLT Scores by Level of Selected Characteristics

mean score
mean score
Educational Attainment
 Less than high school
 High school or trade school
 Some college or Associate Degree
 Four year college degree
 Post-graduate degree


Language spoken at home
 English only
 Some other language


Self-rated health
 Very good or Excellent
 Poor, Fair or Good


“I am a good reader”
  Agree or Strongly Agree
  Disagree or Strongly Disagree


“I have a hard time understanding when people speak quickly”
  Disagree or Strongly Disagree
  Agree or Strongly Agree



F statistics for both ANOVAs were statistically significant p <.001; all t statistics were statistically significant p < .001 except the t statistic for the CMLT-Reading and Language spoken at home which was p < .01

4. Discussion and Conclusion

4.1 Discussion

The CMLT-Listening assesses an important but understudied facet of health literacy; comprehension of spoken information related to cancer prevention and screening. The CMLT-Reading provides a companion test which assesses comprehension of print information. Both tests utilize realistic health messages that adults may encounter in their day-to-day lives.

Berkman and colleagues, in a recent systematic review of the literature relating health literacy to health outcomes included an explicit caution that none of the studies they identified examined the relationship between oral literacy and outcomes.(13) Other authors have also raised concerns about the limitations of existing instruments.(54,55) This is in spite of the fact that almost all definitions of health literacy, including the widely cited definition used in the landmark IOM report, encompass both oral and print literacy,(4) and recent discussions of health literacy highlight that effective oral communication is key component of health literate care.(56) The CMLT-Listening is intended to fill the critical gap between the widespread recognition of the importance of oral literacy, and meaningful research in this area.

The psychometric findings for these two new measures are promising. Each test is essentially unidimensional. The reliability of the CMLT-Listening scores was .85; the lower but acceptable reliability for the CMLT-Reading scores was not unexpected given the shorter test length.

Scores on the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading appear to be valid indicators of adults’ comprehension of spoken and written health messages about cancer prevention and screening. Validity is “the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests.”(50) Establishing validity is a process, not an endpoint. The process begins during test development, and includes careful definition of test content, selection of appropriate stimulus materials and items, and expert review, steps often considered under the label of content validity. We used a careful test development process to create the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading. The factor analyses results provide further evidence of validity, confirming a single underlying construct for each measure. In addition, the relationships between scores on the CMLTs and other measures suggest that the tests assess important aspects of health literacy. CMLT scores were positively correlated with scores on the REALM, a numeracy test, a brief cancer knowledge test, and five brief cognitive tests. CMLT scores varied as predicted as a function of educational achievement, self-rated health, self-reported reading ability, and self-reported difficulty with spoken communication. Overall, relationships between these two new measures and the variety of established measures and participant characteristics are highly consistent with prior studies of health literacy using other instruments. We found no evidence of a relationship between age and the CMLT-Reading score, the REALM score, or the numeracy score, perhaps due to the restricted age range of our sample (all participants were between the ages of 40 and 71). A recent study of older adults also reported no correlation between health literacy and age.(57)

The correlation between the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading in this sample was .67, indicating that those who do well on one measure tend to do well on the other. The positive correlation between scores on the listening and reading literacy tests for the adults in this sample may cause some readers to question whether the information provided by the CMLT-Listening is worth the time required to administer it, or whether the CMLT-Reading could be used alone. However, some participants’ scores did not covary in this way, suggesting relative strengths or weaknesses in one mode or the other. Additional research is needed to investigate whether such profiles are predictive of communication preferences or health behaviors.

The content domain of both the CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading is cancer prevention and screening. The decision to limit the content was deliberate, based on the premise that people are more or less able to comprehend information in specific domains due to differential experience or interest in certain health conditions. This content focus is intended to facilitate study of cancer prevention and screening specifically. In future studies, we will examine the relationship between CMLT scores and actual cancer screening utilization.

One limitation of the present study is that all participants were adults aged 40 to 71. We chose to limit our sample to participants in this age range due to our focus on cancer prevention and screening, a topic which we anticipated would be most salient to adults in this age range, where cancer screening decisions are most likely to arise. However, one result of this decision is that we are not able to assess the extent to which our findings are generalizable to younger or older adults. A limitation of the CMLT-Listening is that it takes an hour to administer, in part because spoken messages take longer to communicate than print messages. This time requirement may preclude use of this instrument in clinical settings, but researchers studying spoken communication may find it worthwhile to use this test in spite of the time required. In the future, we hope to develop an adaptive and a short form, thereby reducing administration time. In the meantime, the CMLT-Listening provides a standard which shorter tests, screening measures, and subjective-ratings can be compared to. This will facilitate the study of the relationship between print and spoken literacy, and the relative importance of these in healthcare decision making and health behavior.

4.2. Conclusions

The CMLT-Listening and the CMLT-Reading are two new measures intended to assess comprehension of spoken and written cancer prevention messages. The CMLT-Listening is the first test that we are aware of to focus specifically and solely on health literacy with respect to spoken information. The psychometric properties of both tests are acceptable, and scores are related to various other measures in predicted directions. The availability of this pair of tests will help to extend our understanding of health literacy, enabling new research into the relative and unique contributions of spoken and print health literacy.

4.3 Practice Implications

We hope that the availability of the CMLT-Listening will accelerate research focused on comprehension of spoken health messages. The availability of these two complementary new measures should facilitate research into the unique contributions of listening and reading comprehension to health-related decisions and behaviors.


Funding/Support and Role of Sponsor: The study was conducted within the context of a core project of the HMORN Cancer Research Network, Health Literacy and Cancer Prevention: Do People Understand What They Hear? funded by the National Cancer Institute (U19 CA079689). Additional funding for participation of a fourth Cancer Research Network site was provided by a pilot grant through the Cancer Research Network Cancer Communication Research Center, also funded by the National Cancer Institute (P20 CA137219). The funding agency did not contribute to the study design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

Acknowledgement: The research team would like to extend a sincere thank you to Melissa Finucane, PhD, for her efforts at the start of the project. The authors would like to thank Joann Wagner, Erica Cove, and Laura Saccoccio for their help with project design and data collection. The authors wish to thank Mallory Thomas for her assistance in preparing and formatting the manuscript. The authors would also like to acknowledge JAMA® for the generous contribution of video content related to HPV infection for the CMLT-Listening.

Appendix. Cancer Knowledge Items

  1. If your doctor tells you that you are “at risk” for getting colon cancer, it means that you will probably get colon cancer.

  2. If your doctor tells you a cancer screening test has a high false positive rate, it means that the test often MISSES the early signs of cancer.

  3. If your doctor tells you that it’s important to find cancer at an early stage, it means that its best to find it while you are still relatively young, and in the early stages of your life.

  4. The reason that the doctor will remove any polyps that are found during a colonoscopy is so that they don’t break loose and run rampant throughout the body.

Response Options: True; False; Not Sure

The correct response for all items is “false”.


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Conflicts of Interest

Sarah Greene has co-developed free, public domain trainings and tools in the area of health literacy. These tools are freely available online at Her time for developing these tools was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. No additional conflicts of interest were reported by any of the authors.


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