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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Struct Equ Modeling. 2013 Jan 29;20(1):148–156. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2013.742403


PMCID: PMC3570198  NIHMSID: NIHMS433632  PMID: 23418401


Recently a new mean scaled and skewness adjusted test statistic was developed for evaluating structural equation models in small samples and with potentially nonnormal data, but this statistic has received only limited evaluation. The performance of this statistic is compared to normal theory maximum likelihood and two well-known robust test statistics. A modification to the Satorra-Bentler scaled statistic is developed for the condition that sample size is smaller than degrees of freedom. The behavior of the four test statistics is evaluated with a Monte Carlo confirmatory factor analysis study that varies seven sample sizes and three distributional conditions obtained using Headrick’s fifth-order transformation to nonnormality. The new statistic performs badly in most conditions except under the normal distribution. The goodness-of-fit χ2 test based on maximum-likelihood estimation performed well under normal distributions as well as under a condition of asymptotic robustness. The Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistic performed best overall, while the mean scaled and variance adjusted test statistic outperformed the others at small and moderate sample sizes under certain distributional conditions.

1. Introduction

Classical goodness-of-fit testing in factor analysis is based on the assumption that the test statistics employed are asymptotically chi-square distributed, but this property may not hold when the factors and errors and hence the observed variables are nonnormally distributed. Even when the factors and errors are normally distributed in the population, the performance of test statistics in small sample sizes may be compromised (Hu, Bentler and Kano, 1992; Curran, West, & Finch, 1996). Robust methods such as Satorra-Bentler’s (1994) mean scaling and mean and variance adjusted statistics were developed to be robust to nonnormality. As is well known, the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic scales a normal theory statistic such as the maximum likelihood (ML) so that the mean of the test statistic asymptotically has the same mean as the reference chi-square distribution. Recently, Lin and Bentler (2012) proposed an extension to this statistic which not only scales the mean but also adjusts the degrees of freedom based on the skewness of the obtained test statistic. This statistic was proposed primarily in order to improve its robustness under small samples. A small simulation was consistent with this expectation, but the statistic was not evaluated for its performance under a wider range of conditions.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the new mean/skewness test in comparison to other well-known robust statistics. The performance of four goodness-of-fit chi-square test statistics is evaluated under small sample sizes as well as under violations of normality in order to evaluate the relative performance of these statistics under the correct structural model as well as under misspecification to evaluate power. The behavior of maximum likelihood goodness-of-fit chi-square test (TML) and its three robust extensions: Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic (TS B), mean scaled and variance adjusted statistic (TMV) and mean scaled and skewness adjusted statistic (TMS) are examined in this study. The study also provides a comparison of the standard TS B statistic to one that is corrected for small sample size. Headrick’s (2002; Headrick & Swailowsky, 1999) relatively unstudied methodology for generating nonnormal data is used due to its ability generate a wider range of skew and kurtosis as well as control higher order moments than the more standard Fleish-man (1978) and Vale and Maurelli (1983) procedures.

2. Test Statistics

The discrepancy between S (the unbiased estimator of population covariance matrix Σp×p based on a sample of size n) and Σ(θ) (the structured covariance matrix based on a specified model of q parameters) is typically evaluated by the normal-theory maximum-likelihood (ML) or quadratic form discrepancy functions:

FML=log(θ)+tr(S-1(θ))-logS-p (1)
FQD=(s-σ(θ))W(s-σ(θ)) (2)

where p is the number of observed variables, s and σ(θ) are p(p + 1)/2 dimensional vectors formed from the non-duplicated elements of S and Σ(θ). Assume n(s-σ(θ))N(0,Γ) in distribution as n → ∞, where Γ is the asymptotic covariance matrix of s. The typical elements of Γ are given by

γij,kl=σijkl-σijσkl (3)

where the multivariate product moment for four variables zi, z j, zk and zl is defined as

σijkl=E(zi-μi)(zj-μj)(zk-μk)(zl-μl) (4)

and σi j is the usual sample covariance. Under multivariate normality, a consistent estimator of W is given by

V^-1=2Kp(^^)Kp (5)

where Kp is a known transition matrix. Furthermore, we define

U=W-1-W-1σ.(σ.W-1σ.)-1σ.W-1 (6)

where σ̇ = ∂ σ(θ)/ ∂θ is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at θ̂. In practice, U can be estimated by plugging in W−1 = . Then the goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic is given as:

TML=(n-1)F^ML (7)

where ML is the minimum of (1) evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimate of parameters. Under assumptions of multivariate normality, TML has a χ2 distribution with degrees of freedom d = p(p + 1)/2 − q, and this holds asymptotically under specific nonnormal conditions (see e.g., Savalei, 2008). For example, in a confirmatory factor analysis, when all factors are independently distributed and the elements of the covariance matrices of common factors are free parameters, TML can be insensitive to violations of the normality assumption. The Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic:

TSB=TML/k (8)

where k = trace(UΓ)/d is a scaling constant that corrects TML so that the sampling distribution of TML will be closer to the expected mean d. The scaling constant k is an estimate of the average of the nonzero eigenvalues of UΓ. However, when the sample size is smaller than the degrees of freedom (N < d), (8) is not the correct formula since there will not be d nonzero eigenvalues. Hence, when N < d, we propose the use of k = trace(UΓ)/N instead. This new Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic is thus given by:

TSB(New)=TML/k (9)

where k = trace(UΓ)/min(d, N), and TS B(New) is referred to a χ2 distribution with min(d, N) degrees of freedom. The Satorra-Bentler mean scaled and variance adjusted statistic:

TMV=vTML/trace(UΓ) (10)

where v = [trace(UΓ)]2/trace[(UΓ)2]. TMV involves both scaling the mean and a Saitterwarthe second moment adjustment of the degrees of freedom (Saitterwarthe, 1941), and the new reference distribution is a central χ2 with degrees of freedom v. The mean scaled and skewness adjusted statistic TMS, newly proposed by Lin and Bentler, is defined as:

TMS=vTML/trace(UΓ) (11)

where v* = trace[(UΓ)2]3/trace[(UΓ)3]2 is a function of the skewness of TML. In addition to scaling the mean as in TS B and TMV, TMS adjusts the degrees of freedom such that asymptotically, the quadratic form of T has the same skewness with a new reference distribution χ2(v*). The goal of modifying the degrees of freedom in TMV and TMS, is to downwardly adjust the obtained statistic such that its distributions is as close to a central chi-square as possible. Note the above test statistics are described in their population form, but in estimation, (7) – (11) can be implemented by replacing ÛΓ̂ for UΓ.

3. Method

The confirmatory factor model is specified as y = Λη + ε, where y is a vector of observed indicators that depends on Λ, a common factor loading matrix, η is a vector of latent factor scores (common factors) and ε is a vector of unique errors (unique factors). Typically, we assume that η is normally distributed and uncorrelated with ε. Hence, the restricted covariance structure of y is Σ(θ) = ΛΦΛT + Ψ, where Φ is the covariance matrix of the latent factors and Ψ is a diagonal matrix of variances of errors. Since the observed indicators are a function of parameters in the factor analytic model, nonnormality in observed indicators is an implied consequences of nonnormality in the distributions of factors and errors.

In this study, a confirmatory factor model with 15 observed variables and 3 common factors is used to generate a model-based simulation. A simple structure of Λ is used where each set of five observed variables load onto a single factor with loadings of 0.7, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8 and 0.8 respectively, as shown in (12). Under each condition, the common and unique factors are generated using Headrick’s fifth-order transformation (Headrick, 2002), and then the 15 observed variables are generated by a linear combination of these factors.

ΛT=( (12)

After generation of the population covariance matrix Σ, random samples of a given size from the population are taken. In each sample, the parameters of the model are estimated and the above four test statistics are computed by calling EQS using the REQS function in R (Mair, Wu, & Bentler, 2010) and specifying METHOD = ML, ROBUST in EQS. In estimation, the factor loading of the last indicator of each factor is fixed for identification at 0.8, and all the remaining nonzero parameters are free to be estimated. The behavior of TML, TS B, TMV and TMS are observed at sample sizes of 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,500 and 5,000. Particularly, when N = 50 < d = 87, the behavior of TS B(New) is also observed. At each sample size, 500 replications are drawn from the population. A statistical summary of the mean value and standard error of T under the confirmatory factor analysis model across the 500 replications, and the empirical rejection rate (Type I Error) at significance levels of α = 0.05 on the basis of the assumed χ2 distribution, are reported in Tables 24. An ideal type I error rate should approach 5% rejection of the null hypothesis, with a deviation of less than 2[(.05)(.95)/500]0.5 = .0195.

Table 2.

Summary of Simulation Results for Condition 1. (Factors and errors are independently distributed normal variates.)

Sample Size
Test Statistics 50 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 5,000
Mean 102.099 92.891 89.353 89.289 87.414 86.092 86.746
SD 14.888 14.706 13.271 13.331 14.214 12.631 12.504
Type I Error 0.29 0.118 0.074 0.066 0.066 0.046 0.04
Empirical Power 0.474 0.512 0.886 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

SB scaled / new
Mean 108.518 / 62.367 95.755 90.415 89.778 87.709 86.203 86.801
SD 15.85 / 9.109 15.028 13.278 13.395 14.262 12.654 12.505
Type I Error 0.48 / 0.274 0.162 0.084 0.072 0.068 0.048 0.038
Empirical Power 0.618 / 0.436 0.59 0.902 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Mean 30.535 41.937 59.432 71.121 77.581 81.923 84.59
SD 4.795 6.344 8.317 10.533 12.429 11.954 12.143
Type I Error 0.078 0.048 0.04 0.05 0.062 0.036 0.036
Empirical Power 0.162 0.29 0.83 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Mean 16.639 22.969 36.836 50.894 63.256 74.562 80.501
SD 3.631 4.059 5.276 7.246 9.933 10.767 11.479
Type I Error 0.01 0.008 0.012 0.028 0.042 0.034 0.038
Empirical Power 0.028 0.1 0.716 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Table 4.

Summary of Simulation Results for Condition 3. (Factors and errors are nonnormally distributed, and they are dependent.)

Sample Size
Test Statistics 50 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 5,000
Mean 149.251 159.211 176.434 197.834 202.859 217.761 224.404
SD 33.036 38.562 56.070 76.511 72.881 91.106 67.324
Type I Error 0.936 0.94 0.98 0.988 1.00 0.994 0.998
Empirical Power 0.972 0.995 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

SB scaled
Mean 109.717 / 63.056 97.687 91.077 87.562 87.218 86.712 86.489
SD 15.509 / 8.913 13.739 12.793 11.828 11.189 13.817 12.688
Type I Error 0.446 / 0.286 0.17 0.06 0.028 0.026 0.032 0.036
Empirical Power 0.648 / 0.476 0.52 0.582 0.856 0.992 0.998 0.998

Mean 13.321 14.403 17.527 19.030 24.708 30.199 34.724
SD 4.757 6.298 8.824 10.302 11.936 15.927 17.941
Type I Error 0.016 0.002 0.004 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.006
Empirical Power 0.028 0.035 0.098 0.396 0.758 0.956 0.984

Mean 5.476 5.148 5.501 5.356 6.985 8.636 10.279
SD 2.724 3.698 3.698 3.904 5.536 7.604 9.304
Type I Error 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.002 0.00
Empirical Power 0.006 0.005 0.002 0.072 0.306 0.832 0.962

To measure the empirical power of these test statistics, a misspecified model with an additional path from η1 to y6 is used for hypothesis testing. The loading of this path is fixed at 0.8 in estimation. The observed variables are still generated under the correct model, but are then analyzed under the incorrectly specified model. The empirical power, reported in the fourth row for each cell in Tables 2–4, is defined as the proportion of rejections of the null hypothesis for 500 simulated trials. A high rejection rate typically implies ideal performance of the test statistic, but this is not the case when simultaneously a high type I error rate exists (e.g., larger than 0.0695).

Three different conditions of distributions of factors and errors are simulated to examine the robustness of the above test statistics. In Condition 1, both common and unique factors are identically independently distributed as N(0, 1), resulting in a multivariate normal distribution of the observed variables. Condition 2 is designed to be consistent with asymptotic robustness theory, where the common and unique factors are independently generated nonnormal distributions. The common factors are correlated with specified first six moments and intercorrelations as in Table 1, while the unique factors are independent with arbitrarily chosen first six moments. In Condition 3, based on the distributions in Condition 2, the factors and error variates are divided by a random variable Z=[χ2(5)]1/2/3 that is distributed independently of the original factors and errors. This division results in the dependence of factors and errors, even though they remain uncorrelated. Because of the dependence, asymptotic robustness of normal-theory statistics is not to be expected under Condition 3.

Table 1.

Specified Distributions of Factors (μ = 0, σ2 = 1)

Skew Kurtosis Fifth Sixth Correlations
η1 0 −1 0 28 1.0 0.3 0.4
η2 1 2 4 24 1.0 0.5
η3 2 6 24 120 1.0

Under the model Σ(θ), the degrees of freedom is 87. According to asymptotic robustness theory, we expect the normal-theory based test statistics to be valid for nonnormal data in Condition 2, in addition to the standard normal data in Condition 1. The expected mean of TML is 87 under Condition 1 and 2, while TML might break down in Condition 3. The anticipated mean of TS B is 87, regardless of the three types of distributions and conditions considered. Particularly, when N < d, the expected mean of TS B(New) is corrected to N. The predicted means of TMV and TMS depend on the variables and are to be estimated during implementation.

4. Results

The simulation results for Conditions 1–3 are reported in Tables 24, one table per condition. The columns of each table give the sample size used for a particular set of 500 replications from the population. At each sample size, a sample was drawn, and each of the four test statistics shown in the rows of the table (ML, SB, MV, MS) was computed; this process was repeated 500 times. Then the resulting T statistics were used to compute (a) the mean of the 500 T statistics, (b) the standard deviation of the 500 T statistics, (c) the frequency of rejecting the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level under the correct model, i.e., the type I error, and (d) the frequency of rejecting the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level under the incorrect model, i.e, the empirical power. These are the four entries in each cell of each table.

Condition 1 in Table 2 is the baseline condition in which the factors and errors, and hence the observed variables, are multivariate normally distributed. Asymptotically, TML and TS B yield a mean test statistic T of about 87, and the standard deviations are around 13.19. The means and standard deviations of TMV and TMS increase as the sample size gets larger, which turns out not to be a constant as we anticipate. All test statistics yields ideal type I error (within ±0.0195 deviation from the 0.05 level) when the sample size reaches 1,000. Under small and moderate sample sizes, TMV performs the best, followed by TML and TS B, while TMS tends to accept the null hypothesis too readily. It is clear that the adjustment on the Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistic, TS B(New), demonstrates improvement to some extent. The empirical power of all the test statistics reaches 100% when sample size is as large as 500. At smaller sample sizes, TS B and TML perform on par in rejecting the misspecified model, while TMV loses its advantage. Again, TMS accepts the wrong model too frequently and yields very low rejection rates.

Condition 2 is designed to be consistent with asymptotic robustness theory. As we can see from Table 3, the behavior of the four test statistics is very similar to that in Condition 1. Asymptotically, TML and TS B perform almost exactly as we expected, whose type I error lie within 0.008 deviation from 0.05. TMV begins to approach TML and TS B when sample size exceeds 500, while TMS requires a sample size of 5,000 to demonstrate an ideal rejection rate. At smaller sample sizes, TMV still outperforms the other test statistics while TMS accepts the null hypothesis even more frequently than in Condition 1. The empirical power repeats the pattern we have observed in Condition 1, with TS B and TML performing the best, followed by TMV, and TMS still performing the worst.

Table 3.

Summary of Simulation Results for Condition 2. (Factors and errors are nonnormally distributed, and are independent.)

Sample Size
Test Statistics 50 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 5,000
Mean 101.317 93.059 89.735 87.148 88.238 87.042 86.464
SD 15.589 14.601 13.939 13.438 12.830 14.012 13.547
Type I Error 0.296 0.116 0.065 0.054 0.052 0.054 0.054
Empirical Power 0.456 0.504 0.89 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

SB scaled / new
Mean 107.84 / 61.977 95.879 90.939 87.661 88.534 87.141 86.894
SD 16.111 / 9.259 15.116 14.005 13.280 12.874 13.977 13.547
Type I Error 0.45 / 0.272 0.156 0.082 0.058 0.052 0.058 0.05
Empirical Power 0.622 / 0.438 0.598 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Mean 26.048 35.284 52.248 63.321 74.048 80.744 83.581
SD 5.104 6.788 8.5772 9.657 10788 12.833 12.985
Type I Error 0.056 0.038 0.038 0.034 0.042 0.044 0.05
Empirical Power 0.126 0.208 0.81 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Mean 12.682 16.457 27.149 40.114 53.378 69.21 77.486
SD 3.964 5.0237 6.603 7.776 8.879 11.006 11.975
Type I Error 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.008 0.022 0.034 0.05
Empirical Power 0.014 0.032 0.532 0.994 1.00 1.00 1.00

Condition 3 simulates a situation when the asymptotic robustness of normal-theory based test statistics is no longer valid. The empirical robustness of all test statistics except TS B completely breaks down in this case: TML tends to always reject the correct model while TMV and TMS tend to always accept the null hypothesis. In either case, the empirical power of the test statistics can not be trusted. TS B performs the best across all sample sizes, though the type I error rates are not so close to 0.05 level as those under Condition 1 and 2. The expected mean, standard deviation and empirical power of TS B are retained asymptotically, indicating that TS B should be a reliable test statistic under nonnormal distributions. The advantage of TMV at small sample sizes disappears in this case, and TMS continues giving unsatisfying results.

In conclusion, TS B performs the best across three types of conditions. In particular, TS B shows superior performance when all the other test statistics break down under Condition 3, in which case the asymptotic robustness theory is invalid. TML performs at least as well as TS B under Conditions 1 and 2, and gives a slightly better type I error rate at small and moderate sample sizes. Under Conditions 1 and 2, TMV significantly outperforms the other test statistics at small and moderate sample sizes, in terms of the frequency of rejecting the null hypothesis under the correct model. The performance of TMS improves as sample size increases under Condition 1, while it tends to accept the null hypothesis too frequently under Condition 2 and 3. This indicates that TMS may downwardly overcorrect TML and thus cannot be trusted in testing when the data is nonnormally distributed.

5. Discussion

The behavior of the recently proposed mean scaled and skew-adjusted statistic was evaluated through a Monte Carlo study. To provide an appropriate comparison, two additional classical robust extensions of the standard maximum likelihood goodness-of-fit chi-square test statistic were utilized. As we can see from equations (8)-(11), the performance of these scaled and adjusted test statistics will mainly be affected by the eigenvalues of the product matrix UΓ. Yuan and Bentler (2010) evaluated the type I error and mean-square error of TMV and TS B under different coefficients of variation in the eigenvalues of UΓ, and found that TMV will perform better than TS B when the disparity of eigenvalues is large. This might lead to the situations we observed at small and moderate sample sizes under Condition 1 and 2. Lin and Bentler (2012) pointed out that when the eigenvalues of UΓ are constant, v* = d, and TMS will be equivalent to TML. This equivalence was not observed in the three conditions simulated in this study. It seems likely, as noted by Lin and Bentler, that the distribution of sample eigenvalues of UΓ may depart substantially from those of the population, especially in smaller samples. While it is clear TML and TS B have tail behavior consistent with the asymptotic chi-square distribution under Condition 1 and 2, TMS does not provide a better approximation of the chi-square variate and does not perform ideally. Also, the performance of TMS under normality assumptions improves with an increasing sample size instead of a decreasing size as Lin and Bentler hypothesized.

We also proposed a modification to the Satorra-Bentler scaled statistic for the case of sample size smaller than degrees of freedom. In each of the conditions studied, this modification performed better than the standard version of the scaled statistic. However, at the smallest sample size this modification is still inadequate as model overacceptance remains a problem. Nonetheless, our overall results imply that in practice it may be beneficial to always apply the Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistic when we have little information about the distributions of observed variables. However, when we have sufficient confidence in the assumptions of normality or asymptotic robustness with a small or moderate size of observations, TMV is recommended as an addition to TML and TS B. TMS could be taken into consideration when we want to be more conservative in confirming the fit of a model, but with limitation to normally distributed data.


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